diff --git a/scripter.md b/scripter.md deleted file mode 100644 index fe1380194..000000000 --- a/scripter.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,755 +0,0 @@ -**Script Language for Tasmota** - -As an alternative to rules. (about 17k flash size, variable ram size) - -In submenu Configuration =\> edit script -1535 bytes max script size (uses rules buffer) - -to enable: -\#define USE_SCRIPT -\#undef USE_RULES - - -Up to 50 variables (45 numeric and 5 strings, maybe changed by #define) -Freely definable variable names (all names are intentionally case sensitive) -Nested if,then,else up to a level of 8 -Math operators **+,-,\*,/,%,&,|,^** -all operators may be used in the op= form e.g. **+=** -Left right evaluation with optional brackets -all numbers are float -e.g. temp=hum\*(100/37.5)+temp-(timer\*hum%10) -no spaces allowed between math operations -Comparison operators **==,!=,\>,\>=,<,<=** -**and** , **or** support -hexadecimal numbers are supported with prefix 0x - -strings support **+** and **+=** operators -string comparison **==,!=** -max string size = 19 chars (default, can be increased or decreased by optional >D parameter) - -**Comments** start with **;** - -**Sections** defined: - ->**\>D ssize** -ssize = optional max stringsize (default=19) -define and init variables here, must be the first section, no other code allowed -**p:**vname specifies permanent vars (the number of permanent vars is limited by tasmota rules space (50 bytes) -numeric var=4 bytes, string var=lenght of string+1) -**t:**vname specifies countdown timers, if >0 they are decremented in seconds until zero is reached. see example below -**i:**vname specifies auto increment counters if >=0 (in seconds) -**m:**vname specifies a median filter variable with 5 entries (for elimination of outliers) -**M:**vname specifies a moving average filter variable with 8 entries (for smoothing data) -(max 5 filters in total m+M) optional another filter lenght (1..127) can be given after the definition. -filter vars can be accessed also in indexed mode vname[x] (index = 1...N, index 0 returns current array index pointer) -by this filter vars can be used as arrays - ->all variable names length taken together may not exceed 256 characters, so keep variable names as short as possible. -memory is dynamically allocated as a result of the D section. -copying a string to a number or reverse is supported - ->**\>B** -executed on BOOT time and script save - ->**\>T** -executed on teleperiod time (**SENSOR** and **STATE**), get tele vars only in this section -remark: json variable names (like all others) may not contain math operators like - , you should set setoption64 1 to replace - with underscore - ->**\>F** -executed every 100 ms - ->**\>S** -executed every second - ->**\>E** -executed e.g. on power change and mqtt **RESULT** - ->**\>R** -executed on restart, p vars are saved automatically after this call - - -special variables (read only): - ->**upsecs** = seconds since start -**uptime** = minutes since start -**time** = minutes since midnight -**sunrise** = sunrise minutes since midnight -**sunset** = sunset minutes since midnight -**tper** = teleperiod (may be set also) -**tstamp** = timestamp (local date and time) -**topic** = mqtt topic -**gtopic** = mqtt group topic -**prefixn** = prefix n = 1-3 -**pwr[x]** = tasmota power state (x = 1-N) -**pc[x]** = tasmota pulse counter value (x = 1-4) -**tbut[x]** = touch screen button state (x = 1-N) -**sw[x]** = tasmota switch state (x = 1-N) ->**pin[x]** = gpio pin level (x = 0-16) -**pn[x]** = pin number for sensor code x, 99 if none -**pd[x]** = defined sensor for gpio pin nr x none=999 -**gtmp** = global temperature -**ghum** = global humidity -**gprs** = global pressure -**pow(x y)** = calculates the power of x^y -**med(n x)** = calculates a 5 value median filter of x (2 filters possible n=0,1) -**int(x)** = gets the integer part of x (like floor) -**hn(x)** = converts x (0..255) to a hex nibble string -**st(svar c n)** = stringtoken gets the n th substring of svar separated by c -**sl(svar)** = gets the length of a string -**sb(svar p n)** = gets a substring from svar at position p (if p<0 counts from end) and length n -**s(x)** = explicit conversion from number x to string -**mqtts** = state of mqtt disconnected=0, connected>0 -**wifis** = state of wifi disconnected=0, connected>0 - ->**hours** = hours -**mins** = mins -**secs** = seconds -**day** = day of month -**wday** = day of week -**month** = month -**year** = year - -these variables are cleared after reading true ->**chg[var]** = true if a variables value was changed (numeric vars only) -**upd[var]** = true if a variable was updated -**boot** = true on BOOT -**tinit** = true on time init -**tset** = true on time set -**mqttc** = true on mqtt connect -**mqttd** = true on mqtt disconnect -**wific** = true on wifi connect -**wifid** = true on wifi disconnect - -system vars (for debugging) ->**stack** = stack size -**heap** = heap size -**ram** = used ram size -**slen** = script length -**micros** = running microseconds -**millis** = running milliseconds -**loglvl** = loglevel of script cmds, may be set also - -remarks: -if you define a variable with the same name as a special -variable that special variable is discarded - - -**Tasmota** cmds start with **=\>** -within cmds you can replace text with variables with **%varname%** -a single percent sign must be given as **%%** -**->** is equivalent but doesnt send mqtt or any weblog (silent execute, usefull to reduce traffic) - -**special** cmds: - ->**print** or **=\>print** prints to info log for debugging - -to save code space nearly no error messages are provided. However it is taken care of that at least it should not crash on syntax errors. -if a variable does not exist a **???** is given on commands -if a **SENSOR** or **STATUS** or **RESULT** message or a var does not exist the destination variable is NOT updated. - -2 possibilities for conditionals: ->**if** a==b -**and** x==y -**or** k==i -**then** => do this -**else** => do that -**endif** - -OR - ->**if** a==b -**and** x==y -**or** k==i **{** - => do this -**} else {** - => do that -**}** - -you may NOT mix both methods - -also possible e.g. - ->if var1-var2==var3*var4 -then - -remarks: -the last closing bracket must be on a single line -the condition may be enclosed in brackets -and on the same line conditions may be bracketed e.g. if ((a==b) and ((c==d) or (c==e)) and (s!="x")) - - ->**break** exits a section or terminates a for next loop -**dpx** sets decimal precision to x (0-9) -**svars** save permanent vars -**delay(x)** pauses x milliseconds (should be as short as possible) -**spin(x m)** set gpio pin x (0-16) to value m (0,1) only the last bit is used, so even values set the pin to zero and uneven values set the pin to 1 -**spinm(x m)** set pin mode gpio pin x (0-16) to mode m (input=0,output=1,input with pullup=2) -**ws2812(array)** copies an array (defined with m:name) to the WS2812 LED chain the array should be defined as long as the number of pixels. the color is coded as 24 bit RGB -**hsvrgb(h s v)** converts hue (0-360), saturation (0-100) and value (0-100) to RGB color - ->**#name** names a subroutine, subroutines are called with **=#name** -**#name(param)** names a subroutines with a parameter is called with **=#name(param)** -subroutines end with the next '#' or '>' line or break, may be nested -params can be numbers or strings and on mismatch are converted -**=(svar)** executes a script in a string variable (dynamic or self modifying code) - ->**for var from to inc** -**next** -specifies a for next loop, (loop count must not be less then 1) - ->**switch x** -**case a** -**case b** -**ends** -specifies a switch case selector (numeric or string) - -**sd card support** -enable by CARD_CS = gpio pin of card chip select (+ 10k flash) -\#define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS CARD_CS -sd card uses standard hardware spi gpios: mosi,miso,sclk -max 4 files open at a time -allows for e.g. logging sensors to a tab delimited file and then download (see example below) -the download of files may be executed in a kind of "multitasking" when bit 7 of loglvl is set (128+loglevel) -without multitasking 150kb/s (all processes are stopped during download), with multitasking 50kb/s (other tasmota processes are running) -script itself is also stored on sdcard with a default size of 4096 chars - - -enable sd card directory support (+ 1,2k flash) -\#define SDCARD_DIR -shows a web sdcard directory (submeu of scripter) where you can -upload and download files to/from sd card - - ->**fr=fo("fname" m)** open file fname, mode 0=read, 1=write (returns file reference (0-3) or -1 for error) -**res=fw("text" fr)** writes text to (the end of) file fr, returns number of bytes written -**res=fr(svar fr)** reads a string into svar, returns bytes read (string is read until delimiter \t \n \r or eof) -**fc(fr)** close file -**ff(fr)** flush file, writes cached data and updates directory -**fd("fname")** delete file fname -**flx(fname)** create download link for file (x=1 or 2) fname = file name of file to download -**fsm** return 1 if filesystem is mounted, (valid sd card found) - -extended commands (+0,9k flash) -\#define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS_EXT ->**fmd("fname")** make directory fname ->**frd("fname")** remove directory fname ->**fx("fname")** check if file fname exists ->**fe("fname")** execute script fname (max 2048 bytes, script file must start with '>' char on the 1. line) - - -**konsole script cmds** ->**script 1 or 0** switch script on or off -**script >cmdline** executes the script cmdline -can be used e.g. to set variables e.g. **script >mintmp=15** -more then one line may be executed seperated by a semicolon e.g. **script >mintmp=15;maxtemp=40** -script itself cant be set because the size would not fit the mqtt buffers - -**subscribe,unsubscribe** ->if \#defined SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT command subscribe and unsubscribe are supported. in contrast to rules no event is generated but the event name specifies a variable defined in D section and this variable is automatically set on transmission of the subscribed item - -**summary of optional defines** ->\#define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS CS_PIN : enables SD card support (on spi bus) also enables 4k script buffer -\#define USE_SCRIPT_FATFS_EXT : enables additional FS commands -\#define SDCARD_DIR : enables support for WEBUI for SD card directory up and download -\#define USE_24C256 : enables use of 24C256 i2c eeprom to expand script buffer (defaults to 4k) -\#define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT : enables support for subscribe unsubscribe -\#define USE_TOUCH_BUTTONS : enable virtual touch button support with touch displays - - -***example script*** -meant to show some of the possibilities -(actually this code ist too large) - -**\>D** -; define all vars here -p:mintmp=10 (p:means permanent) -p:maxtmp=30 -t:timer1=30 (t:means countdown timer) -t:mt=0 -i:count=0 (i:means auto counter) -hello="hello world" -string="xxx" -url="[]" -hum=0 -temp=0 -timer=0 -dimmer=0 -sw=0 -rssi=0 -param=0 - -col="" -ocol="" -chan1=0 -chan2=0 -chan3=0 - -ahum=0 -atemp=0 -tcnt=0 -hour=0 -state=1 -m:med5=0 -M:movav=0 -; define array with 10 entries -m:array=0 10 - -**\>B** - -string=hello+"how are you?" -=\>print BOOT executed -=\>print %hello% -=\>mp3track 1 - -; list gpio pin definitions -for cnt 0 16 1 -tmp=pd[cnt] -=>print %cnt% = %tmp% -next - -; get gpio pin for relais 1 -tmp=pn[21] -=>print relais 1 is on pin %tmp% - -; pulse relais over raw gpio -spin(tmp 1) -delay(100) -spin(tmp 0) - -; raw pin level -=>print level of gpio1 %pin[1]% - -; pulse over tasmota cmd -=>power 1 -delay(100) -=>power 0 - -**\>T** -hum=BME280#Humidity -temp=BME280#Temperature -rssi=Wifi#RSSI -string=SleepMode - -; add to median filter -median=temp -; add to moving average filter -movav=hum - -; show filtered results -=>print %median% %movav% - -if chg[rssi]>0 -then =>print rssi changed to %rssi% -endif - -if temp\>30 -and hum\>70 -then =\>print damn hot! -endif - -**\>S** - -; every second but not completely reliable time here -; use upsecs and uptime or best t: for reliable timers - -; arrays -array[1]=4 -array[2]=5 -tmp=array[1]+array[2] - -; call subrountines with parameters -=#sub1("hallo") -=#sub2(999) - -; stop timer after expired -if timer1==0 -then timer1=-1 -=>print timer1 expired -endif - -; auto counter with restart -if count>=10 -then =>print 10 seconds over -count=0 -endif - -if upsecs%5==0 -then =\>print %upsecs% (every 5 seconds) -endif - -; not recommended for reliable timers -timer+=1 -if timer\>=5 -then =\>print 5 seconds over (may be) -timer=0 -endif - -dimmer+=1 -if dimmer\>100 -then dimmer=0 -endif - -=\>dimmer %dimmer% -=\>WebSend %url% dimmer %dimmer% - -; show on display -dp0 -=\>displaytext [c1l1f1s2p20] dimmer=%dimmer% - -=\>print %upsecs% %uptime% %time% %sunrise% %sunset% %tstamp% - -if time\>sunset -and time< sunrise -then -; night time -if pwr[1]==0 -then =\>power1 1 -endif -else -; day time -if pwr[1]\>0 -then =\>power1 0 -endif -endif - -; clr display on boot -if boot\>0 -then =\>displaytext [z] -endif - -; frost warning -if temp<0 -and mt<=0 -then =#sendmail("frost alert") -; alarm only every 5 minutes -mt=300 -=>mp3track 2 -endif - -; var has been updated -if upd[hello]>0 -then =>print %hello% -endif - -; send to Thingspeak every 60 seconds -; average data in between -if upsecs%60==0 -then -ahum/=tcnt -atemp/=tcnt -=>Websend []/update?key=PYUZMVWCICBW492&field1=%atemp%&field2=%ahum% -tcnt=0 -atemp=0 -ahum=0 -else -ahum+=hum -atemp+=temp -tcnt+=1 -endif - -hour=int(time/60) -if chg[hour]>0 -then -; exactly every hour -=>print full hour reached -endif - -if time>5 { -=>print more then 5 minutes after midnight -} else { -=>print less then 5 minutes after midnight -} - - -; publish abs hum every teleperiod time -if mqtts>0 -and upsecs%tper==0 -then -; calc abs humidity -tmp=pow(2.718281828 (17.67\*temp)/(temp+243.5)) -tmp=(6.112\*tmp\*hum\*18.01534)/((273.15+temp)\*8.31447215) -; publish median filtered value -=>Publish tele/%topic%/SENSOR {"Script":{"abshum":%med(0 tmp)%}} -endif - -;switch case state machine -switch state -case 1 -=>print state=%state% , start -state+=1 -case 2 -=>print state=%state% -state+=1 -case 3 -=>print state=%state% , reset -state=1 -ends - - -; subroutines -\#sub1(string) -=>print sub1: %string% -\#sub2(param) -=>print sub2: %param% - -\#sendmail(string) -=>sendmail [smtp.gmail.com:465:user:passwd:::alarm] %string% - -**\>E** -=\>print event executed! - -; get HSBColor 1. component -tmp=st(HSBColor , 1) - -; check if switch changed state -sw=sw[1] -if chg[sw]>0 -then =\>power1 %sw% -endif - -hello="event occured" - -; check for Color change (Color is a string) -col=Color -; color change needs 2 string vars -if col!=ocol -then ocol=col -=>print color changed %col% -endif - -; or check change of color channels -chan1=Channel[1] -chan2=Channel[2] -chan3=Channel[3] - -if chg[chan1]>0 -or chg[chan2]>0 -or chg[chan3]>0 -then => color has changed -endif - -; compose color string for red -col=hn(255)+hn(0)+hn(0) -=>color %col% - -**\>R** -=\>print restarting now - -**a log sensor example** -; define all vars here -; reserve large strings -**\>D** 48 -hum=0 -temp=0 -fr=0 -res=0 -; moving average for 60 seconds -M:mhum=0 60 -M:mtemp=0 60 -str="" - -**\>B** -; set sensor file download link -fl1("slog.txt") -; delete file in case we want to start fresh -;fd("slog.txt") - - -; list all files in root directory -fr=fo("/" 0) -for cnt 1 20 1 -res=fr(str fr) -if res>0 -then -=>print %cnt% : %str% -else -break -endif -next -fc(fr) - - -**\>T** -; get sensor values -temp=BME280#Temperature -hum=BME280#Humidity - -**\>S** -; average sensor values every second -mhum=hum -mtemp=temp - -; write average to sensor log every minute -if upsecs%60==0 -then -; open file for write -fr=fo("slog.txt" 1) -; compose string for tab delimited file entry -str=s(upsecs)+"\t"+s(mhum)+"\t"+s(mtemp)+"\n" -; write string to log file -res=fw(str fr) -; close file -fc(fr) -endif - -**\>R** - - - -**a real example** -epaper 29 with sgp30 and bme280 -some vars are set from iobroker -DisplayText substituted to save script space -**\>D** -hum=0 -temp=0 -press=0 -ahum=0 -tvoc=0 -eco2=0 -zwz=0 -wr1=0 -wr2=0 -wr3=0 -otmp=0 -pwl=0 -tmp=0 -DT="DisplayText" -; preset units in case they are not available -punit="hPa" -tunit="C" - -**\>B** -;reset auto draw -=>%DT% [zD0] -;clr display and draw a frame -=>%DT% [x0y20h296x0y40h296] - -**\>T** -; get tele vars -temp=BME280#Temperature -hum=BME280#Humidity -press=BME280#Pressure -tvoc=SGP30#TVOC -eco2=SGP30#eCO2 -ahum=SGP30#aHumidity -tunit=TempUnit -punit=PressureUnit - -**\>S** -// update display every teleperiod time -if upsecs%tper==0 -then -dp2 -=>%DT% [f1p7x0y5]%temp% %tunit% -=>%DT% [p5x70y5]%hum% %%[x250y5t] -=>%DT% [p11x140y5]%press% %punit% -=>%DT% [p10x30y25]TVOC: %tvoc% ppb -=>%DT% [p10x160y25]eCO2: %eco2% ppm -=>%DT% [p10c26l5]ahum: %ahum% g^m3 - -dp0 -=>%DT% [p25c1l5]WR 1 (Dach) : %wr1% W -=>%DT% [p25c1l6]WR 2 (Garage): %-wr3% W -=>%DT% [p25c1l7]WR 3 (Garten): %-wr2% W -=>%DT% [p25c1l8]Aussentemperatur: %otmp% C -=>%DT% [x170y95r120:30f2p6x185y100] %pwl% %% -; now update screen -=>%DT% [d] -endif - - -**\>E** - -**\>R** - -**another real example** -ILI 9488 color LCD Display shows various energy graphs -display switches on and off with proximity sensor -BMP280 and vl5310x -some vars are set from iobroker - -**>D** -temp=0 -press=0 -zwz=0 -wr1=0 -wr2=0 -wr3=0 -otmp=0 -pwl=0 -tmp=0 -dist=0 -DT="DisplayText" -punit="hPa" -tunit="C" -hour=0 - -**>B** -=>%DT% [z] - -// define 2 graphs, 2. has 3 tracks -=>%DT% [zCi1G2656:5:20:400:80:1440:-5000:5000:3Ci7f3x410y20]+5000 W[x410y95]-5000 W [Ci7f1x70y3] Zweirichtungsz~80hler - 24 Stunden -=>%DT% [Ci1G2657:5:120:400:80:1440:0:5000:3Ci7f3x410y120]+5000 W[x410y195]0 W [Ci7f1x70y103] Wechselrichter 1-3 - 24 Stunden -=>%DT% [Ci1G2658:5:120:400:80:1440:0:5000:16][Ci1G2659:5:120:400:80:1440:0:5000:5] -=>%DT% [f1s1b0:260:260:100:50:2:11:4:2:Rel 1:b1:370:260:100:50:2:11:4:2:Dsp off:] -=>mp3volume 100 -=>mp3track 4 - -**>T** -; get some tele vars -temp=BMP280#Temperature -press=BMP280#Pressure -tunit=TempUnit -punit=PressureUnit -dist=VL53L0X#Distance - -; check proximity sensor to switch display on/off -; to prevent burn in -if dist>300 -then -if pwr[2]>0 -then -=>power2 0 -endif -else -if pwr[2]==0 -then -=>power2 1 -endif -endif - - -**>S** -; update graph every teleperiod -if upsecs%tper==0 -then -dp2 -=>%DT% [f1Ci3x40y260w30Ci1] -=>%DT% [Ci7x120y220t] -=>%DT% [Ci7x180y220T] -=>%DT% [Ci7p8x120y240]%temp% %tunit% -=>%DT% [Ci7x120y260]%press% %punit% -=>%DT% [Ci7x120y280]%dist% mm -dp0 -=>%DT% [g0:%zwz%g1:%wr1%g2:%-wr2%g3:%-wr3%] -if zwz>0 -then -=>%DT% [p-8x410y55Ci2Bi0]%zwz% W -else -=>%DT% [p-8x410y55Ci3Bi0]%zwz% W -endif -=>%DT% [p-8x410y140Ci3Bi0]%wr1% W -=>%DT% [p-8x410y155Ci16Bi0]%-wr2% W -=>%DT% [p-8x410y170Ci5Bi0]%-wr3% W -endif - -; chime every full hour -hour=int(time/60) -if chg[hour]>0 -then =>mp3track 4 -endif - -**>E** - -**>R**