diff --git a/tasmota/xsns_83_neopool.ino b/tasmota/xsns_83_neopool.ino index 798584747..6a51901b5 100644 --- a/tasmota/xsns_83_neopool.ino +++ b/tasmota/xsns_83_neopool.ino @@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ enum NeoPoolRegister { MBF_CELL_RUNTIME_LOW = 0x0206, // 0x0206* undocumented - cell runtime (32 bit) - low word MBF_CELL_RUNTIME_HIGH = 0x0207, // 0x0207* undocumented - cell runtime (32 bit) - high word MBF_BOOST_CTRL = 0x020C, // 0x020C undocumented - 0x0000 = Boost Off, 0x05A0 = Boost with redox ctrl, 0x85A0 = Boost without redox ctrl + MBF_HIDRO_MODULE_VERSION = 0x0280, // 0x0280 undocumented - Hydrolysis module version + MBF_HIDRO_MODULE_CONNECTIVITY = 0x0281, // 0x0281 undocumented - Hydrolysis module connection quality (in myriad: 0..10000) MBF_SET_MANUAL_CTRL = 0x0289, // 0x0289 undocumented - write a 1 before manual control MBF_RELAY_STATE, after done write 0 and do MBF_EXEC MBF_ESCAPE = 0x0297, // 0x0297 undocumented - A write operation to this register is the same as using the ESC button on main screen - clears error MBF_SAVE_TO_EEPROM = 0x02F0, // 0x02F0 A write operation to this register starts a EEPROM storage operation immediately. During the EEPROM storage procedure, the system may be unresponsive to MODBUS requests. The operation will last always less than 1 second.