diff --git a/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power.tapp b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power.tapp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4235d50eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power.tapp differ
diff --git a/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/autoexec.be b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/autoexec.be
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..231c7fd4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/autoexec.be
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+var wd = tasmota.wd
+ def (cmd, idx)
+ import sys
+ var path = sys.path()
+ path.push(wd)
+ import cheap_power
+ path.pop()
+ cheap_power.start(idx)
+ end
diff --git a/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/cheap_power.be b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/cheap_power.be
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf45f8bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasmota/berry/modules/cheap_power/cheap_power.be
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import webserver
+import json
+var cheap_power = module("cheap_power")
+cheap_power.init = def (m)
+class CheapPower
+ var prices # future prices for up to 48 hours
+ var times # start times of the prices
+ var timeout# timeout until retrying to update prices
+ var chosen # the chosen time slot
+ var channel# the channel to control
+ var tz # the current time zone offset from UTC
+ static var PAST = -3600 # minimum timer start age
+ static var MULT = .1255 # conversion to ¢/kWh including 25.5% VAT
+ static var PREV = 0, PAUSE = 1, UPDATE = 2, NEXT= 3
+ static var UI = "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ static var URL0 = 'http://sahkotin.fi/prices?start=', URL1 = '&end='
+ static var URLTIME = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00.000Z'
+ def init()
+ self.prices = []
+ self.times = []
+ end
+ def start(idx)
+ if idx == nil || idx < 1 || idx > tasmota.global.devices_present
+ tasmota.log(f"CheapPower{idx} is not a valid Power output")
+ tasmota.resp_cmnd_failed()
+ else
+ self.channel = idx - 1
+ tasmota.add_driver(self)
+ self.update()
+ tasmota.resp_cmnd_done()
+ end
+ end
+ def power(on) tasmota.set_power(self.channel, on) end
+ # fetch the prices for the next 24 to 48 hours
+ def update()
+ var wc = webclient()
+ var rtc = tasmota.rtc()
+ self.tz = rtc['timezone'] * 60
+ var now = rtc['utc']
+ var url = self.URL0 +
+ tasmota.strftime(self.URLTIME, now) + self.URL1 +
+ tasmota.strftime(self.URLTIME, now + 172800)
+ wc.begin(url)
+ var rc = wc.GET()
+ if rc == 200
+ var data = json.load(wc.get_string())
+ wc.close()
+ if data data = data.find('prices') end
+ var prices = [], times = []
+ if data
+ for i: data.keys()
+ var datum = data[i]
+ prices.push(self.MULT * datum['value'])
+ times.push(tasmota.strptime(datum['date'],
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z')['epoch'])
+ end
+ self.timeout = nil
+ self.prices = prices
+ self.times = times
+ self.schedule_chosen(self.find_cheapest(), now, self.PAST)
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ wc.close()
+ print(f'error {rc} for {url}')
+ end
+ # We failed to update the prices. Retry in 1, 2, 4, 8, …, 64 minutes.
+ if !self.timeout
+ self.timeout = 60000
+ elif self.timeout < 3840000
+ self.timeout = self.timeout * 2
+ end
+ tasmota.set_timer(self.timeout, /->self.update())
+ end
+ # determine the cheapest slot
+ def find_cheapest()
+ var cheapest, N = size(self.prices)
+ if N
+ cheapest = 0
+ for i: 1..N-1
+ if self.prices[i] < self.prices[cheapest] cheapest = i end
+ end
+ end
+ return cheapest
+ end
+ def date_from_now(chosen, now) return self.times[chosen] - now end
+ # trigger the timer at the chosen hour
+ def schedule_chosen(chosen, now, old)
+ tasmota.remove_timer('power_on')
+ var d = chosen == nil ? self.PAST : self.date_from_now(chosen, now)
+ if d != old self.power(d > self.PAST && d <= 0) end
+ if d > 0
+ tasmota.set_timer(d * 1000, def() self.power(true) end, 'power_on')
+ elif d <= self.PAST
+ chosen = nil
+ end
+ self.chosen = chosen
+ end
+ def web_add_main_button() webserver.content_send(self.UI) end
+ def web_sensor()
+ var ch, old = self.PAST, now = tasmota.rtc()['utc']
+ var N = size(self.prices)
+ if N
+ ch = self.chosen
+ if ch != nil && ch < N old = self.date_from_now(ch, now) end
+ while N
+ if self.date_from_now(0, now) > self.PAST break end
+ ch = ch ? ch - 1 : nil
+ self.prices.pop(0)
+ self.times.pop(0)
+ N -= 1
+ end
+ end
+ var op = webserver.has_arg('op') ? int(webserver.arg('op')) : nil
+ if op == self.UPDATE
+ self.update()
+ ch = self.chosen
+ end
+ if !N
+ elif op == self.PAUSE
+ ch = ch == nil ? self.find_cheapest() : nil
+ elif op == self.PREV
+ ch = (!ch ? N : ch) - 1
+ elif op == self.NEXT
+ ch = ch != nil && ch + 1 < N ? ch + 1 : 0
+ end
+ self.schedule_chosen(ch, now, old)
+ var status = ch == nil
+ ? '{s}⭘{m}{e}'
+ : format('{s}⭙ %s{m}%.3g ¢{e}',
+ tasmota.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', self.tz + self.times[ch]),
+ self.prices[ch])
+ tasmota.web_send_decimal(status)
+ end
+return CheapPower()
+return cheap_power