diff --git a/.history/tasmota/xdrv_20_hue_20210321092519.ino b/.history/tasmota/xdrv_20_hue_20210321092519.ino
deleted file mode 100644
index ac48628df..000000000
--- a/.history/tasmota/xdrv_20_hue_20210321092519.ino
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1097 +0,0 @@
- xdrv_20_hue.ino - Philips Hue support for Tasmota
- Copyright (C) 2021 Heiko Krupp and Theo Arends
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see .
-#if defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE) && (defined(USE_ZIGBEE) || defined(USE_LIGHT))
- * Philips Hue bridge emulation
- *
- * Hue Bridge UPNP support routines
- * Need to send 3 response packets with varying ST and USN
- *
- * Using Espressif Inc Mac Address of 5C:CF:7F:00:00:00
- * Philips Lighting is 00:17:88:00:00:00
-#define XDRV_20 20
-#include "UnishoxStrings.h"
-const char HUE_RESP_MSG_U[] PROGMEM =
- "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
- "HOST:\r\n"
- "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100\r\n"
- "EXT:\r\n"
- "LOCATION: http://%s:80/description.xml\r\n"
- "SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.24.0\r\n" // was 1.17
- "hue-bridgeid: %s\r\n"
- "\0"
- "ST: upnp:rootdevice\r\n"
- "USN: uuid:%s::upnp:rootdevice\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "\0"
- "ST: uuid:%s\r\n"
- "USN: uuid:%s\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "\0"
- "ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1\r\n"
- "USN: uuid:%s\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "\0";
-// Use the tool at https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util and choose "Compress Strings template with Unishox"
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT BELOW ++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv++++++++++++++++++++
-enum {
- HUE_RESP_ST1=185,
- HUE_RESP_ST2=240,
- HUE_RESP_ST3=270,
-// Compressed from 328 to 247, -24.7%
-const char HUE_RESP_MSG[] PROGMEM = "\x00\x15\x21\x45\x45\x44\x30\xEC\x39\x0E\x90\xEE\x53\x67\x70\x8B\x08\xD2\x70\xA4"
- "\x6E\x21\x45\x85\xE2\xA3\xCD\x1C\xAB\x47\x4A\xDD\x3A\x56\xE9\xD2\xB5\x9E\x71\x36"
- "\x53\x85\x23\x71\x06\x56\x41\x90\xA2\x67\x59\x10\x79\xD5\xFC\x08\x8F\x34\x36\xCD"
- "\x87\x5D\x8F\x33\xE1\xC8\xD9\x4E\x14\x8D\xC4\xC8\xD8\x54\x79\xCE\x14\x8D\xC4\x41"
- "\x60\x77\x5B\x9C\x47\x9A\x15\x54\x30\xF3\x3B\x0E\xC3\xEB\xC7\x99\xCF\xB3\xB0\x84"
- "\x7E\x0F\xFA\x32\xB7\x38\xE8\x6C\x1A\x14\xE1\x48\xDC\x45\xE7\xF3\x37\xF2\x3C\xD1"
- "\x05\xBC\x2C\xD8\x76\x1C\xB3\xA4\xC3\xA3\x3B\x84\x42\xC8\x67\x10\xC3\xB0\xE4\x3A"
- "\x33\xB8\x45\xA3\x08\x77\xF4\x41\xE6\x76\x1C\x87\x4A\xC3\xA3\x29\xC2\x91\xB8\x50"
- "\xB6\x75\x8E\xFE\x88\x3C\xF4\x43\xCD\x1F\x5E\x9C\x29\x1B\xA7\x0B\xE5\xE2\xA3\xCD"
- "\x0B\x19\xC3\x0F\x3F\xE6\x50\x8C\xCF\x43\x73\x85\x23\x71\x0B\x2F\x17\x1E\x68\x58"
- "\xBD\x10\xF3\x3E\xBC\x79\x9E\x60\x99\x6C\x10\xF1\x30\x41\xBA\x09\x38\x58\x22\xDA"
- "\xFF\x1E\x7E\x0C\x53\x1B\x7E\x3A\xC5\x8C\xE1\x87\x5E\x7C\x78\xF3\x04\x1C\x78\xF3"
- "\x1D\x7E\xD0\xCF\x33\x90\x81\x3B\x16";
-// ++++++++++++++++++++^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT ABOVE ++++++++++++++++++++
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-// const char HUE_RESPONSE[] PROGMEM =
-// "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
-// "HOST:\r\n"
-// "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100\r\n"
-// "EXT:\r\n"
-// "LOCATION: http://%s:80/description.xml\r\n"
-// "SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.24.0\r\n" // was 1.17
-// "hue-bridgeid: %s\r\n";
-// const char HUE_ST1[] PROGMEM =
-// "ST: upnp:rootdevice\r\n"
-// "USN: uuid:%s::upnp:rootdevice\r\n"
-// "\r\n";
-// const char HUE_ST2[] PROGMEM =
-// "ST: uuid:%s\r\n"
-// "USN: uuid:%s\r\n"
-// "\r\n";
-// const char HUE_ST3[] PROGMEM =
-// "ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1\r\n"
-// "USN: uuid:%s\r\n"
-// "\r\n";
-const char HUE_API_U[] PROGMEM =
- "/invalid/"
- "\0"
- "/"
- "\0"
- "/config"
- "\0"
- "/lights"
- "\0"
- "/groups"
- "\0"
- "/schedules"
- "\0"
- "/sensors"
- "\0"
- "/scenes"
- "\0"
- "/rules"
- "\0"
- "/resourcelinks"
- "\0"
- ;
-// Use the tool at https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util and choose "Compress Strings template with Unishox"
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT BELOW ++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv++++++++++++++++++++
-enum {
- HUE_ROOT=10,
-// Compressed from 86 to 74, -14.0%
-const char HUE_API[] PROGMEM = "\x00\x06\x3B\x37\x8C\xEC\x2D\x10\xEC\x9C\x2F\x9D\x93\x85\xF3\xB0\x3C\xE3\x1A\x3D"
- "\x38\x5F\x3B\x02\xD1\xE1\x55\xE9\xC2\xF9\xD8\x3D\xFC\x16\x33\xD3\x85\xF3\xB3\xC1"
- "\x8A\x62\x0B\x09\xFA\x70\xBE\x76\x79\xF7\xB3\xFE\x9C\x2F\x9D\x9E\x0D\xF3\xF4\xE1"
- "\x7C\xEC\xF8\x20\xD4\xFB\xF6\x0B\xF8\x6C\x2D\xE3\x4F\x4E\x17\xCD";
-// ++++++++++++++++++++^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT ABOVE ++++++++++++++++++++
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-String HueBridgeId(void)
- String temp = WiFi.macAddress();
- temp.replace(":", "");
- String bridgeid = temp.substring(0, 6);
- bridgeid += F("FFFE");
- bridgeid += temp.substring(6);
- return bridgeid; // 5CCF7FFFFE139F3D
-String HueSerialnumber(void)
- String serial = WiFi.macAddress();
- serial.replace(":", "");
- serial.toLowerCase();
- return serial; // 5ccf7f139f3d
-String HueUuid(void)
- String uuid = F("f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-");
- uuid += HueSerialnumber();
- return uuid; // f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-5ccf7f139f3d
-void HueRespondToMSearch(void)
- char message[TOPSZ];
- if (PortUdp.beginPacket(udp_remote_ip, udp_remote_port)) {
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_RESP_MSG);
- char response[320];
- snprintf_P(response, sizeof(response), msg[HUE_RESP_RESPONSE], WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), HueBridgeId().c_str());
- int len = strlen(response);
- String uuid = HueUuid();
- snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, msg[HUE_RESP_ST1], uuid.c_str());
- PortUdp.write(response);
- PortUdp.endPacket();
- snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, msg[HUE_RESP_ST2], uuid.c_str(), uuid.c_str());
- PortUdp.write(response);
- PortUdp.endPacket();
- snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, msg[HUE_RESP_ST3], uuid.c_str());
- PortUdp.write(response);
- PortUdp.endPacket();
- snprintf_P(message, sizeof(message), PSTR(D_3_RESPONSE_PACKETS_SENT));
- } else {
- snprintf_P(message, sizeof(message), PSTR(D_FAILED_TO_SEND_RESPONSE));
- }
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_UPNP D_HUE " %s " D_TO " %s:%d"),
- message, udp_remote_ip.toString().c_str(), udp_remote_port);
- * Hue web server additions
-//10http://{x1:80/urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1Amazon-Echo-HA-Bridge ({x1)Royal Philips Electronicshttp://www.philips.comPhilips hue Personal Wireless LightingPhilips hue bridge 2012929000226503{x3uuid:{x2\r\n\r\n
-//Successfully compressed from 625 to 391 bytes (-37.4%)
-const size_t HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML_SIZE = 625;
-const char HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML_COMPRESSED[] PROGMEM = "\x3D\x0E\xD1\xB0\x68\x48\xCD\xFF\xDB\x9C\x7C\x3D\x87\x21\xD1\x9E\xC3\xB4\x7E\x1E"
- "\x85\xFC\xCA\x46\xC1\xA1\x77\x8F\x87\xB0\x5F\xF8\xF3\xF0\x62\x98\xDB\xF1\xD6\x2C"
- "\x67\x0C\x3A\xF3\xE3\xC7\x98\x8C\xCF\x43\x67\x59\xC8\x75\xB3\xD8\x7E\x1E\x85\xE1"
- "\x8C\x32\x33\x04\x1C\x78\xFC\x3D\x06\xD9\xAF\x3E\x7E\x1C\x87\xA1\xD8\x40\x83\x14"
- "\xF4\x1B\xBD\x9F\x3F\x0E\x33\xD0\xEC\x20\x41\x8A\x7A\x1D\x80\x91\x85\x10\xB2\xF9"
- "\x04\x43\xAF\xCC\xFC\x15\x54\x30\xF3\x3B\x0E\xC3\xDA\x6C\x39\x0F\x3F\xB3\xB0\xF4"
- "\x3B\x08\x10\xEA\x1E\x80\x83\xA2\x82\x1C\x42\xA3\x21\x8C\xFC\x05\x6D\xB4\xF3\x21"
- "\xD7\xED\x0C\xF3\x39\x0F\x43\xB0\x81\x1B\x0C\x3D\x0C\x7F\x5F\x08\x11\x91\x75\x8D"
- "\x67\xE1\x58\xDB\x36\xE7\x1D\x64\xC3\x15\x87\x59\x0A\x2B\x3A\xC8\x77\xF4\x41\xE6"
- "\x8E\xE9\xED\x36\x1C\x87\x78\xF4\x3B\x08\x12\x30\x63\xD0\x6D\xF0\xB3\x16\x1D\x0B"
- "\xFB\xF9\xF8\x5F\xC3\x2B\x09\x10\xC1\x5A\x16\x8C\xF2\x26\x13\x0E\xBF\x9D\xA1\xF8"
- "\xF4\x3B\x01\x23\x04\x04\x8C\x48\x85\x97\xC8\x20\x43\xE0\xDC\x7C\x7C\x7C\xE8\x30"
- "\x10\x71\xA3\xA0\x78\x34\x12\x71\x22\x16\x5F\x20\x8F\xC3\xD0\x6E\x08\xC2\x21\x1F"
- "\x83\xFE\x8C\xAD\xCE\x3F\x01\x0F\x49\x14\x2D\xA2\x18\xFF\xEC\xEB\x09\x10\xFE\xFD"
- "\x84\xFD\xE4\x41\x68\xF0\xAA\xDE\x1E\x3D\x0E\xC0\x4C\xC5\x41\x07\x27\x2E\xB1\xAC"
- "\x12\x32\x01\xC0\x83\xC2\x41\xCA\x72\x88\x10\xB1\x10\x42\xE1\x13\x04\x61\x17\x0B"
- "\x1A\x39\xFC\xFC\x38\xA9\x36\xEA\xBB\x5D\x90\x21\xE0\x20\x83\x58\xF4\xF3\xFE\xD8"
- "\x21\xCA\x3D\xA6\xC3\x96\x7A\x1D\x84\x09\x13\x8F\x42\x16\x42\x17\x1F\x82\xC5\xE8"
- "\x87\x99\xED\x36\x1C\xA3\xD0\xEC\x22\x16\x42\x17\x1F\x80\x87\xC7\x19\xF8\x7A\x1D"
- "\x9F\xCC\xA3\xF2\x70\xA4\x6E\x9C\x29\x1B\x8D";
-// ""
-// ""
-// ""
-// "1"
-// "0"
-// ""
-// "http://{x1:80/"
-// ""
-// "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1"
-// "Amazon-Echo-HA-Bridge ({x1)"
-// "Royal Philips Electronics"
-// "http://www.philips.com"
-// "Philips hue Personal Wireless Lighting"
-// "Philips hue bridge 2012"
-// "929000226503"
-// "{x3"
-// "uuid:{x2"
-// ""
-// "\r\n"
-// "\r\n";
-const char HUE_LIGHTS_U[] PROGMEM =
- "%s\"alert\":\"none\","
- "\"effect\":\"none\","
- "\"reachable\":true}"
- "\0"
- ",\"type\":\"Extended color light\","
- "\"name\":\"%s\","
- "\"modelid\":\"%s\","
- "\"manufacturername\":\"%s\","
- "\"uniqueid\":\"%s\"}"
- "\0"
- "{\"name\":\"Group 0\","
- "\"lights\":[{l1],"
- "\"type\":\"LightGroup\","
- "\"action\":"
- "\0"
- "[{\"error\":{\"type\":901,\"address\":\"/\",\"description\":\"Internal Error\"}}]"
- "\0"
- "{\"success\":{\"/lights/%d/state/on\":%s}}"
- "\0"
- "{\"success\":{\"/lights/%d/state/%s\":%d}}"
- "\0"
- "{\"success\":{\"/lights/%d/state/xy\":[%s,%s]}}"
- "\0"
- ;
-// Use the tool at https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util and choose "Compress Strings template with Unishox"
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT BELOW ++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv++++++++++++++++++++
-enum {
- HUE_RESP_ON=283,
- HUE_RESP_XY=361,
-// Compressed from 405 to 275, -32.1%
-const char HUE_LIGHTS[] PROGMEM = "\x00\x1A\x3E\xBC\x7B\x2C\x27\xFA\x3D\x87\x99\xEC\xEC\xE6\x7B\x0E\xA3\xD8\xCC\x18"
- "\x61\x82\x34\xCF\xBB\x0C\x55\x8E\x09\x9E\xC3\xCE\xBE\x2D\x9E\xE9\xC2\xF9\xD4\x7B"
- "\x28\xC8\x63\x3D\x87\x99\xEC\x26\x6C\xA7\xC2\x31\x10\x78\x16\x7D\x05\xA3\xC2\xA8"
- "\xF6\x1D\x47\xB3\xAC\x6B\x3D\x87\x99\xEC\x3E\xBC\x7B\x0E\xA3\xD8\x37\x04\x61\x68"
- "\x80\x89\x2E\xF8\x59\x8B\x0E\x85\xFD\xFC\x11\xF0\x31\x7D\xA6\xA1\x6C\x10\xF0\x43"
- "\xDD\x38\x5F\x3D\xA0\x87\x90\x90\xF7\xF0\x58\xC4\x71\x9E\xC3\xA8\xF6\x10\x5A\x3C"
- "\x2A\x2B\xBC\x7B\x0F\x33\xDE\x3D\xA1\x1C\x87\xBE\x40\x89\xAF\x90\x5A\x3C\x2A\x2B"
- "\x88\x7B\xF8\x2C\x61\xEC\x3A\x8F\x65\x87\x5B\x9C\x7B\x0F\x39\xC2\xF9\xEF\x1E\xD3"
- "\xD8\xFF\xFC\xF9\xEC\x3C\xCF\x68\x21\x60\xA7\x13\x87\x51\xEC\x2B\x10\x4F\xBF\x78"
- "\xF6\x1E\x67\xB0\xEC\x3D\x87\x51\xEC\x11\xF8\x3F\xE8\xC0\x41\xC3\xCF\x61\x6F\x53"
- "\xFF\x58\x48\x9F\xFF\x9F\x3D\x87\xB8\xF7\x1E\xFC\xE1\x7C\xF6\x9E\xCF\x0B\x0C\x37"
- "\xEF\x1E\xC3\xCC\xF6\x9E\xC3\xB0\x10\x75\xC3\xB0\xFA\x10\xEC\xF5\x5D\x33\xB3\x38"
- "\xF6\x1E\x67\xD7\x8F\x71\xEE\x05\xAC\x0C\xFA\xF1\xEC\x3C\xCF\xA1\x01\x73\x03\x36"
- "\x19\x1E\xC3\xCC\xF7\x8F\xAF\x1D\x47\xD7\x8F\x7C\xF7\x1E\xE9\xC2\xF9";
-// ++++++++++++++++++++^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++++++++++++++++++
-// ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT ABOVE ++++++++++++++++++++
-// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-// "%s\"alert\":\"none\","
-// "\"effect\":\"none\","
-// "\"reachable\":true}";
-// ",\"type\":\"Extended color light\","
-// "\"name\":\"%s\","
-// "\"modelid\":\"%s\","
-// "\"manufacturername\":\"%s\","
-// "\"uniqueid\":\"%s\"}";
-// "{\"name\":\"Group 0\","
-// "\"lights\":[{l1],"
-// "\"type\":\"LightGroup\","
-// "\"action\":";
-// const char HueConfigResponse_JSON[] PROGMEM =
-// "{\"name\":\"Philips hue\","
-// "\"mac\":\"{ma\","
-// "\"dhcp\":true,"
-// "\"ipaddress\":\"{ip\","
-// "\"netmask\":\"{ms\","
-// "\"gateway\":\"{gw\","
-// "\"proxyaddress\":\"none\","
-// "\"proxyport\":0,"
-// "\"bridgeid\":\"{br\","
-// "\"UTC\":\"{dt\","
-// "\"whitelist\":{\"{id\":{"
-// "\"last use date\":\"{dt\","
-// "\"create date\":\"{dt\","
-// "\"name\":\"Remote\"}},"
-// "\"swversion\":\"01041302\","
-// "\"apiversion\":\"1.17.0\","
-// "\"swupdate\":{\"updatestate\":0,\"url\":\"\",\"text\":\"\",\"notify\": false},"
-// "\"linkbutton\":false,"
-// "\"portalservices\":false"
-// "}";
-//{"name":"Philips hue","mac":"{ma","dhcp":true,"ipaddress":"{ip","netmask":"{ms","gateway":"{gw","proxyaddress":"none","proxyport":0,"bridgeid":"{br","UTC":"{dt","whitelist":{"{id":{"last use date":"{dt","create date":"{dt","name":"Remote"}},"swversion":"01041302","apiversion":"1.17.0","swupdate":{"updatestate":0,"url":"","text":"","notify": false},"linkbutton":false,"portalservices":false}
-const size_t HueConfigResponse_JSON_SIZE = 392;
-const char HueConfigResponse_JSON[] PROGMEM = "\x3D\xA7\xB3\xAC\x6B\x3D\x87\x99\xEC\x21\x82\xB4\x2D\x19\xE4\x28\x5B\x3D\x87\x51"
- "\xEC\x1B\x61\x9E\xC3\xCC\xF6\x1E\xD1\xB6\x7B\x0E\xA3\xD8\x20\xA0\xC6\x1E\xC3\xCE"
- "\xBE\x2D\x9D\x47\xB3\x46\x58\x82\x7D\xFB\xC7\xB0\xF3\x3D\x87\xB7\x46\x1E\xC3\xA8"
- "\xF6\x73\xA1\xB7\xE3\x43\xD8\x79\x9E\xC3\xDA\x37\xC7\xB0\xEA\x3D\x83\xD7\x4C\x7E"
- "\xCC\x8F\x61\xE6\x7B\x0F\x68\xF0\xF9\xEC\x3A\x8F\x60\xCF\xE1\xB0\xC8\x11\x71\x1E"
- "\xCE\x60\x87\x48\x66\x7E\x8F\x61\xE6\x71\x9D\x47\xB0\x87\x7F\x44\x1E\x7A\x21\xEC"
- "\x3C\xCF\x61\xED\x1D\xF3\xD8\x75\x1E\xC2\x16\x54\x41\x9E\xC3\xCC\xF6\x1E\xD1\x28"
- "\xF6\x1D\x47\xB0\x7C\x56\xD3\x0B\x7D\x47\xB0\xF3\x3D\xA7\xB0\xF6\xE8\x87\xB0\xF3"
- "\x3D\xA7\xB0\x2B\xF5\x21\x7E\x68\x4B\xA6\x08\x98\x30\x7F\x77\x40\x95\x40\x10\xB8"
- "\x3A\x2F\xB1\xB9\x4C\xF6\x1E\xE3\xDC\x75\x1E\xCF\x0F\x99\xBF\xFB\x73\x8F\x61\xE6"
- "\x7B\x0E\x38\xF2\x5B\xA3\xD8\x75\x1E\xC2\xB1\x9A\x08\xB5\x0E\x43\xA4\xF1\xD1\x9E"
- "\xC3\xA8\xF6\x17\x87\xC5\x8C\x04\x1C\xB0\xF6\x9E\xC0\x41\x8D\xEA\xBA\x67\xB0\xF3"
- "\x38\xCE\xA3\xD8\x42\xFE\x11\xEC\x3C\xCF\x61\xEC\x3A\x8F\x65\x33\x65\x02\x0C\x6E"
- "\xCA\xD3\x06\x47\xB0\xF3\x46\x2C\x2F\x33\xDC\x75\x1E\xC0\xB7\x8D\x07\x0B\xAA\xCE"
- "\x3D\x87\x99\x8B\x0B\xCC\xEA\x3D\x83\x33\xF5\x61\x79\xFC\xCF\x43\x7E\x04\x2A\x2B"
- "\x67\xB8";
-// const char HUE_ERROR_JSON[] PROGMEM =
-// "[{\"error\":{\"type\":901,\"address\":\"/\",\"description\":\"Internal Error\"}}]";
-String GetHueDeviceId(uint16_t id)
- String deviceid = WiFi.macAddress();
- deviceid += F(":00:11-");
- if(id<9) deviceid += F("0");
- deviceid += String(id);
- deviceid.toLowerCase();
- return deviceid; // 5c:cf:7f:13:9f:3d:00:11-01
-String GetHueUserId(void)
- char userid[7];
- snprintf_P(userid, sizeof(userid), PSTR("%03x"), ESP_getChipId());
- return String(userid);
-void HandleUpnpSetupHue(void)
- description_xml.replace(F("{x1"), WiFi.localIP().toString());
- description_xml.replace(F("{x2"), HueUuid());
- description_xml.replace(F("{x3"), HueSerialnumber());
- WSSend(200, CT_XML, description_xml);
-void HueNotImplemented(String *path)
- WSSend(200, CT_APP_JSON, PSTR("{}"));
-void HueConfigResponse(String *response)
- *response += Decompress(HueConfigResponse_JSON, HueConfigResponse_JSON_SIZE);
- response->replace(F("{ma"), WiFi.macAddress());
- response->replace(F("{ip"), WiFi.localIP().toString());
- response->replace(F("{ms"), WiFi.subnetMask().toString());
- response->replace(F("{gw"), WiFi.gatewayIP().toString());
- response->replace(F("{br"), HueBridgeId());
- response->replace(F("{dt"), GetDateAndTime(DT_UTC));
- response->replace(F("{id"), GetHueUserId());
-void HueConfig(String *path)
- String response = "";
- HueConfigResponse(&response);
- WSSend(200, CT_APP_JSON, response);
-// device is forced to CT mode instead of HSB
-// only makes sense for LST_COLDWARM, LST_RGBW and LST_RGBCW
-bool g_gotct = false;
-// store previously set values from the Alexa app
-// it allows to correct slight deviations from value set by the app
-// The Alexa app is very sensitive to exact values
-uint16_t prev_hue = 0;
-uint8_t prev_sat = 0;
-uint8_t prev_bri = 254;
-uint16_t prev_ct = 254;
-char prev_x_str[24] = "\0"; // store previously set xy by Alexa app
-char prev_y_str[24] = "\0";
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
-uint8_t getLocalLightSubtype(uint8_t device) {
- if (TasmotaGlobal.light_type) {
- if (device >= Light.device) {
- if (Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels) { // SetOption68 - Enable multi-channels PWM instead of Color PWM
- return LST_SINGLE; // If SetOption68, each channel acts like a dimmer
- } else {
- return Light.subtype; // the actual light
- }
- } else {
- return LST_NONE; // relays
- }
- } else {
- return LST_NONE;
- }
-void HueLightStatus1(uint8_t device, String *response)
- uint16_t ct = 0;
- uint8_t color_mode;
- String light_status = "";
- uint16_t hue = 0;
- uint8_t sat = 0;
- uint8_t bri = 254;
- uint32_t echo_gen = findEchoGeneration(); // 1 for 1st gen =+ Echo Dot 2nd gen, 2 for 2nd gen and above
- // local_light_subtype simulates the Light.subtype for 'device'
- // For relays LST_NONE, for dimmers LST_SINGLE
- uint8_t local_light_subtype = getLocalLightSubtype(device);
- bri = LightGetBri(device); // get Dimmer corrected with SetOption68
- if (bri > 254) bri = 254; // Philips Hue bri is between 1 and 254
- if (bri < 1) bri = 1;
- if (ShutterState(device)) {
- bri = (float)((Settings.shutter_options[device-1] & 1) ? 100 - Settings.shutter_position[device-1] : Settings.shutter_position[device-1]) / 100;
- }
- if (TasmotaGlobal.light_type) {
- light_state.getHSB(&hue, &sat, nullptr);
- if (sat > 254) sat = 254; // Philips Hue only accepts 254 as max hue
- hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 360, 0, 65535);
- if ((sat != prev_sat) || (hue != prev_hue)) { // if sat or hue was changed outside of Alexa, reset xy
- prev_x_str[0] = prev_y_str[0] = 0;
- }
- color_mode = light_state.getColorMode();
- ct = light_state.getCT();
- if (LCM_RGB == color_mode) { g_gotct = false; }
- if (LCM_CT == color_mode) { g_gotct = true; }
- }
- const size_t buf_size = 256;
- char * buf = (char*) malloc(buf_size); // temp buffer for strings, avoid stack
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_LIGHTS);
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("{\"on\":%s,"), (TasmotaGlobal.power & (1 << (device-1))) ? PSTR("true") : PSTR("false"));
- // Brightness for all devices with PWM
- if ((1 == echo_gen) || (LST_SINGLE <= local_light_subtype)) { // force dimmer for 1st gen Echo
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"bri\":%d,"), buf, bri);
- }
- if (LST_COLDWARM <= local_light_subtype) {
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"colormode\":\"%s\","), buf, g_gotct ? PSTR("ct") : PSTR("hs"));
- }
- if (LST_RGB <= local_light_subtype) { // colors
- if (prev_x_str[0] && prev_y_str[0]) {
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"xy\":[%s,%s],"), buf, prev_x_str, prev_y_str);
- } else {
- float x, y;
- light_state.getXY(&x, &y);
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"xy\":[%s,%s],"), buf, String(x, 5).c_str(), String(y, 5).c_str());
- }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"hue\":%d,\"sat\":%d,"), buf, hue, sat);
- }
- if (LST_COLDWARM == local_light_subtype || LST_RGBW <= local_light_subtype) { // white temp
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"ct\":%d,"), buf, ct > 0 ? ct : 284);
- }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, msg[HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON1_SUFFIX], buf);
- *response += buf;
- free(buf);
-// Check whether this device should be reported to Alexa or considered hidden.
-// Any device whose friendly name start with "$" is considered hidden
-bool HueActive(uint8_t device) {
- if (device > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) { device = MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES; }
- return '$' != *SettingsText(SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 +device -1);
-void HueLightStatus2(uint8_t device, String *response)
- const size_t buf_size = 300;
- char * buf = (char*) malloc(buf_size);
- const size_t max_name_len = 32;
- char fname[max_name_len + 1];
- strlcpy(fname, SettingsText(device <= MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES ? SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 + device -1 : SET_FRIENDLYNAME1 + MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES -1), max_name_len + 1);
- if (device > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) {
- uint32_t fname_len = strlen(fname);
- if (fname_len > max_name_len - 2) { fname_len = max_name_len - 2; }
- fname[fname_len++] = '-';
- if (device - MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES < 10) {
- fname[fname_len++] = '0' + device - MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES;
- } else {
- fname[fname_len++] = 'A' + device - MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES - 10;
- }
- fname[fname_len] = 0x00;
- }
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_LIGHTS);
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, msg[HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON2],
- EscapeJSONString(fname).c_str(),
- EscapeJSONString(Settings.user_template_name).c_str(),
- PSTR("Tasmota"),
- GetHueDeviceId(device).c_str());
- *response += buf;
- free(buf);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
-// generate a unique lightId mixing local IP address and device number
-// it is limited to 32 devices.
-// last 24 bits of Mac address + 4 bits of local light + high bit for relays 16-31, relay 32 is mapped to 0
-// Zigbee extension: bit 29 = 1, and last 16 bits = short address of Zigbee device
-#ifndef USE_ZIGBEE
-uint32_t EncodeLightId(uint8_t relay_id)
-uint32_t EncodeLightId(uint8_t relay_id, uint16_t z_shortaddr = 0)
- uint8_t mac[6];
- WiFi.macAddress(mac);
- uint32_t id = (mac[3] << 20) | (mac[4] << 12) | (mac[5] << 4);
- if (relay_id >= 32) { // for Relay #32, we encode as 0
- relay_id = 0;
- }
- if (relay_id > 15) {
- id |= (1 << 28);
- }
- id |= (relay_id & 0xF);
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- if ((z_shortaddr) && (!relay_id)) {
- // fror Zigbee devices, we have relay_id == 0 and shortaddr != 0
- id = (1 << 29) | z_shortaddr;
- }
- return id;
-// get hue_id and decode the relay_id
-// 4 LSB decode to 1-15, if bit 28 is set, it encodes 16-31, if 0 then 32
-// Zigbee:
-// If the Id encodes a Zigbee device (meaning bit 29 is set)
-// it returns 0 and sets the 'shortaddr' to the device short address
-#ifndef USE_ZIGBEE
-uint32_t DecodeLightId(uint32_t hue_id)
-uint32_t DecodeLightId(uint32_t hue_id, uint16_t * shortaddr = nullptr)
- uint8_t relay_id = hue_id & 0xF;
- if (hue_id & (1 << 28)) { // check if bit 25 is set, if so we have
- relay_id += 16;
- }
- if (0 == relay_id) { // special value 0 is actually relay #32
- relay_id = 32;
- }
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- if (shortaddr) { *shortaddr = 0x0000; }
- if (hue_id & (1 << 29)) {
- // this is actually a Zigbee ID
- if (shortaddr) { *shortaddr = hue_id & 0xFFFF; }
- relay_id = 0;
- }
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- return relay_id;
-// Check if the Echo device is of 1st generation, which triggers different results
-inline uint32_t findEchoGeneration(void) {
- // don't try to guess from User-Agent anymore but use SetOption109
- return Settings.flag4.alexa_gen_1 ? 1 : 2;
-void HueGlobalConfig(String *path) {
- String response;
- path->remove(0,1); // cut leading / to get
- response = F("{\"lights\":{");
- bool appending = false; // do we need to add a comma to append
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
- CheckHue(&response, appending);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- ZigbeeCheckHue(&response, appending);
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- response += F("},\"groups\":{},\"schedules\":{},\"config\":");
- HueConfigResponse(&response);
- response += F("}");
- WSSend(200, CT_APP_JSON, response);
-void HueAuthentication(String *path)
- char response[38];
- snprintf_P(response, sizeof(response), PSTR("[{\"success\":{\"username\":\"%s\"}}]"), GetHueUserId().c_str());
- WSSend(200, CT_APP_JSON, response);
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " Authentication Result (%s)"), response);
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
-// refactored to remove code duplicates
-void CheckHue(String * response, bool &appending) {
- uint8_t maxhue = (TasmotaGlobal.devices_present > MAX_HUE_DEVICES) ? MAX_HUE_DEVICES : TasmotaGlobal.devices_present;
- for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= maxhue; i++) {
- if (HueActive(i)) {
- if (appending) { *response += ","; }
- *response += F("\"");
- *response += EncodeLightId(i);
- *response += F("\":{\"state\":");
- HueLightStatus1(i, response);
- HueLightStatus2(i, response);
- appending = true;
- }
- }
-void HueLightsCommand(uint8_t device, uint32_t device_id, String &response) {
- uint16_t hue = 0;
- uint8_t sat = 0;
- uint8_t bri = 254;
- uint16_t ct = 0;
- bool on = false;
- bool resp = false; // is the response non null (add comma between parameters)
- bool change = false; // need to change a parameter to the light
- uint8_t local_light_subtype = getLocalLightSubtype(device); // get the subtype for this device
- const size_t buf_size = 100;
- char * buf = (char*) malloc(buf_size);
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_LIGHTS);
- if (Webserver->args()) {
- response = "[";
- JsonParser parser((char*) Webserver->arg((Webserver->args())-1).c_str());
- JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject();
- JsonParserToken hue_on = root[PSTR("on")];
- if (hue_on) {
- on = hue_on.getBool();
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_ON],
- device_id, on ? PSTR("true") : PSTR("false"));
- if (ShutterState(device)) {
- if (!change) {
- bri = on ? 1.0f : 0.0f; // when bri is not part of this request then calculate it
- change = true;
- resp = true;
- response += buf; // actually publish the state
- }
- } else {
- ExecuteCommandPower(device, (on) ? POWER_ON : POWER_OFF, SRC_HUE);
- response += buf;
- resp = true;
- }
-#endif // USE_SHUTTER
- }
- if (TasmotaGlobal.light_type && (local_light_subtype >= LST_SINGLE)) {
- if (!Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels) { // SetOption68 - Enable multi-channels PWM instead of Color PWM
- light_state.getHSB(&hue, &sat, nullptr);
- bri = light_state.getBri(); // get the combined bri for CT and RGB, not only the RGB one
- ct = light_state.getCT();
- uint8_t color_mode = light_state.getColorMode();
- if (LCM_RGB == color_mode) { g_gotct = false; }
- if (LCM_CT == color_mode) { g_gotct = true; }
- // If LCM_BOTH == color_mode, leave g_gotct unchanged
- } else { // treat each channel as simple dimmer
- bri = LightGetBri(device);
- }
- }
- prev_x_str[0] = prev_y_str[0] = 0; // reset xy string
- parser.setCurrent();
- JsonParserToken hue_bri = root[PSTR("bri")];
- if (hue_bri) { // Brightness is a scale from 1 (the minimum the light is capable of) to 254 (the maximum). Note: a brightness of 1 is not off.
- bri = hue_bri.getUInt();
- prev_bri = bri; // store command value
- if (resp) { response += ","; }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_NUM],
- device_id, PSTR("bri"), bri);
- response += buf;
- if (LST_SINGLE <= Light.subtype) {
- // extend bri value if set to max
- if (254 <= bri) { bri = 255; }
- change = true;
- }
- resp = true;
- }
- // handle xy before Hue/Sat
- // If the request contains both XY and HS, we wan't to give priority to HS
- parser.setCurrent();
- JsonParserToken hue_xy = root[PSTR("xy")];
- if (hue_xy) {
- JsonParserArray arr_xy = JsonParserArray(hue_xy);
- JsonParserToken tok_x = arr_xy[0];
- JsonParserToken tok_y = arr_xy[1];
- float x = tok_x.getFloat();
- float y = tok_y.getFloat();
- strlcpy(prev_x_str, tok_x.getStr(), sizeof(prev_x_str));
- strlcpy(prev_y_str, tok_y.getStr(), sizeof(prev_y_str));
- uint8_t rr,gg,bb;
- XyToRgb(x, y, &rr, &gg, &bb);
- RgbToHsb(rr, gg, bb, &hue, &sat, nullptr);
- prev_hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 360, 0, 65535); // calculate back prev_hue
- prev_sat = (sat > 254 ? 254 : sat);
- //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, "XY RGB (%d %d %d) HS (%d %d)", rr,gg,bb,hue,sat);
- if (resp) { response += ","; }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_XY],
- device_id, prev_x_str, prev_y_str);
- response += buf;
- g_gotct = false;
- resp = true;
- change = true;
- }
- parser.setCurrent();
- JsonParserToken hue_hue = root[PSTR("hue")];
- if (hue_hue) { // The hue value is a wrapping value between 0 and 65535. Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue.
- hue = hue_hue.getUInt();
- prev_hue = hue;
- if (resp) { response += ","; }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_NUM],
- device_id, PSTR("hue"), hue);
- response += buf;
- if (LST_RGB <= Light.subtype) {
- // change range from 0..65535 to 0..360
- hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 65535, 0, 360);
- g_gotct = false;
- change = true;
- }
- resp = true;
- }
- parser.setCurrent();
- JsonParserToken hue_sat = root[PSTR("sat")];
- if (hue_sat) { // Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white).
- sat = hue_sat.getUInt();
- prev_sat = sat; // store command value
- if (resp) { response += ","; }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_NUM],
- device_id, PSTR("sat"), sat);
- response += buf;
- if (LST_RGB <= Light.subtype) {
- // extend sat value if set to max
- if (254 <= sat) { sat = 255; }
- g_gotct = false;
- change = true;
- }
- resp = true;
- }
- parser.setCurrent();
- JsonParserToken hue_ct = root[PSTR("ct")];
- if (hue_ct) { // Color temperature 153 (Cold) to 500 (Warm)
- ct = hue_ct.getUInt();
- prev_ct = ct; // store commande value
- if (resp) { response += ","; }
- snprintf_P(buf, buf_size,
- msg[HUE_RESP_NUM],
- device_id, PSTR("ct"), ct);
- response += buf;
- if ((LST_COLDWARM == Light.subtype) || (LST_RGBW <= Light.subtype)) {
- g_gotct = true;
- change = true;
- }
- resp = true;
- }
- if (change) {
- if (ShutterState(device)) {
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Settings.shutter_invert: %d"), Settings.shutter_options[device-1] & 1);
- ShutterSetPosition(device, bri * 100.0f );
- } else
- if (TasmotaGlobal.light_type && (local_light_subtype > LST_NONE)) { // not relay
- if (!Settings.flag3.pwm_multi_channels) { // SetOption68 - Enable multi-channels PWM instead of Color PWM
- if (g_gotct) {
- light_controller.changeCTB(ct, bri);
- } else {
- light_controller.changeHSB(hue, sat, bri);
- }
- LightPreparePower();
- } else { // SetOption68 On, each channel is a dimmer
- LightSetBri(device, bri);
- }
- if (LST_COLDWARM <= local_light_subtype) {
- MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_COLOR));
- } else {
- MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_DIMMER));
- }
- XdrvRulesProcess();
- }
- change = false;
- }
- response += "]";
- if (2 == response.length()) {
- response = msg[HUE_ERROR_JSON];
- }
- }
- else {
- response = msg[HUE_ERROR_JSON];
- }
- free(buf);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
-void HueLights(String *path)
- * http://tasmota/api/username/lights/1/state?1={"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40}
- */
- String response;
- int code = 200;
- uint8_t device = 1;
- uint32_t device_id; // the raw device_id used by Hue emulation
- uint8_t maxhue = (TasmotaGlobal.devices_present > MAX_HUE_DEVICES) ? MAX_HUE_DEVICES : TasmotaGlobal.devices_present;
- path->remove(0,path->indexOf(F("/lights"))); // Remove until /lights
- if (path->endsWith(F("/lights"))) { // Got /lights
- response = F("{");
- bool appending = false;
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
- CheckHue(&response, appending);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- ZigbeeCheckHue(&response, appending);
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- Script_Check_Hue(&response);
- response += F("}");
- }
- else if (path->endsWith(F("/state"))) { // Got ID/state
- path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/
- path->remove(path->indexOf(F("/state"))); // Remove /state
- device_id = atoi(path->c_str());
- device = DecodeLightId(device_id);
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- uint16_t shortaddr;
- device = DecodeLightId(device_id, &shortaddr);
- if (shortaddr) {
- return ZigbeeHandleHue(shortaddr, device_id, response);
- }
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- if (device > TasmotaGlobal.devices_present) {
- return Script_Handle_Hue(path);
- }
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
- if ((device >= 1) || (device <= maxhue)) {
- HueLightsCommand(device, device_id, response);
- }
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
- }
- else if(path->indexOf(F("/lights/")) >= 0) { // Got /lights/ID
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("/lights path=%s"), path->c_str());
- path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/
- device_id = atoi(path->c_str());
- device = DecodeLightId(device_id);
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- uint16_t shortaddr;
- device = DecodeLightId(device_id, &shortaddr);
- if (shortaddr) {
- ZigbeeHueStatus(&response, shortaddr);
- goto exit;
- }
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- if (device > TasmotaGlobal.devices_present) {
- Script_HueStatus(&response, device-TasmotaGlobal.devices_present - 1);
- goto exit;
- }
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
- if ((device < 1) || (device > maxhue)) {
- device = 1;
- }
- response += F("{\"state\":");
- HueLightStatus1(device, &response);
- HueLightStatus2(device, &response);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
- }
- else {
- response = F("{}");
- code = 406;
- }
- exit:
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " Result (%s)"), response.c_str());
- WSSend(code, CT_APP_JSON, response);
-void HueGroups(String *path)
- * http://tasmota/api/username/groups?1={"name":"Woonkamer","lights":[],"type":"Room","class":"Living room"})
- */
- String response(F("{}"));
- uint8_t maxhue = (TasmotaGlobal.devices_present > MAX_HUE_DEVICES) ? MAX_HUE_DEVICES : TasmotaGlobal.devices_present;
- //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " HueGroups (%s)"), path->c_str());
- if (path->endsWith(F("/0"))) {
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_LIGHTS);
- response = msg[HUE_GROUP0_STATUS_JSON];
- String lights = F("\"1\"");
- for (uint32_t i = 2; i <= maxhue; i++) {
- lights += F(",\"");
- lights += EncodeLightId(i);
- lights += F("\"");
- }
-#ifdef USE_ZIGBEE
- ZigbeeHueGroups(&response);
-#endif // USE_ZIGBEE
- response.replace(F("{l1"), lights);
-#ifdef USE_LIGHT
- HueLightStatus1(1, &response);
-#endif // USE_LIGHT
- response += F("}");
- }
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " HueGroups Result (%s)"), path->c_str());
- WSSend(200, CT_APP_JSON, response);
-void HandleHueApi(String *path)
- /* HUE API uses /api// syntax. The userid is created by the echo device and
- * on original HUE the pressed button allows for creation of this user. We simply ignore the
- * user part and allow every caller as with Web or WeMo.
- *
- * (c) Heiko Krupp, 2017
- *
- * Hue URL
- * http://tasmota/api/username/lights/1/state with post data {"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40}
- * is converted by webserver to
- * http://tasmota/api/username/lights/1/state with arg plain={"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40}
- */
- uint8_t args = 0;
- path->remove(0, 4); // remove /api
- uint16_t apilen = path->length();
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE_API " (%s) from %s"), path->c_str(), Webserver->client().remoteIP().toString().c_str()); // HTP: Hue API (//lights/1/state) from
- for (args = 0; args < Webserver->args(); args++) {
- String json = Webserver->arg(args);
- AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE_POST_ARGS " (%s)"), json.c_str()); // HTP: Hue POST args ({"on":false})
- }
- UnishoxStrings msg(HUE_API);
- if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_INVALID])) {} // Just ignore
- else if (!apilen) HueAuthentication(path); // New HUE App setup
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_ROOT])) HueAuthentication(path); // New HUE App setup
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_CONFIG])) HueConfig(path);
- else if (path->indexOf(msg[HUE_LIGHTS_API]) >= 0) HueLights(path);
- else if (path->indexOf(msg[HUE_GROUPS]) >= 0) HueGroups(path);
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_SCHEDULES])) HueNotImplemented(path);
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_SENSORS])) HueNotImplemented(path);
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_SCENES])) HueNotImplemented(path);
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_RULES])) HueNotImplemented(path);
- else if (path->endsWith(msg[HUE_RESOURCELINKS])) HueNotImplemented(path);
- else HueGlobalConfig(path);
- * Interface
-bool Xdrv20(uint8_t function)
- bool result = false;
-#if defined(USE_SCRIPT_HUE) || defined(USE_ZIGBEE)
- if ((EMUL_HUE == Settings.flag2.emulation)) {
- if (TasmotaGlobal.devices_present && (EMUL_HUE == Settings.flag2.emulation)) {
- switch (function) {
- WebServer_on(PSTR("/description.xml"), HandleUpnpSetupHue);
- break;
- }
- }
- return result;