diff --git a/tasmota/settings.h b/tasmota/settings.h index 84a0de08e..e32b15bf3 100644 --- a/tasmota/settings.h +++ b/tasmota/settings.h @@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ typedef union { // Restricted by MISRA-C Rule 18.4 bu uint32_t teleinfo_baudrate : 1; // bit 20 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption102 - Set Baud rate for Teleinfo communication (0 = 1200 or 1 = 9600) uint32_t mqtt_tls : 1; // bit 21 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption103 - Enable TLS mode (requires TLS version) uint32_t mqtt_no_retain : 1; // bit 22 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption104 - No Retain - disable all MQTT retained messages, some brokers don't support it: AWS IoT, Losant - uint32_t spare23 : 1; - uint32_t spare24 : 1; - uint32_t spare25 : 1; + uint32_t white_blend_mode : 1; // bit 23 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption105 - White Blend Mode - used to be `RGBWWTable` last value `0`, now deprecated in favor of this option + uint32_t virtual_ct : 1; // bit 24 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption106 - Virtual CT - Creates a virtual White ColorTemp for RGBW lights + uint32_t virtual_ct_cw : 1; // bit 25 (v8.4.0.1) - SetOption107 - Virtual CT Channel - signals whether the hardware white is cold CW (true) or warm WW (false) uint32_t spare26 : 1; uint32_t spare27 : 1; uint32_t spare28 : 1;