+sentence=DFRobot Standard library(SKU:DFR0563).
+paragraph=Gravity: I2C 3.7V Li Battery Fuel Gauge.
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/DFRobot_MAX17043.py b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/DFRobot_MAX17043.py
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index 000000000..b7ac8b9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/DFRobot_MAX17043.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ @file DFRobot_MAX17043.py
+ @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
+ @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ @author [ouki.wang](ouki.wang@dfrobot.com)
+ @version V1.0
+ @date 2018-4-14
+ @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+import time
+from machine import I2C, Pin
+## Get I2C bus
+i2c = I2C(scl = Pin(22), sda = Pin(21), freq=400000)
+MAX17043_ADDR = 0x36
+MAX17043_VCELL = 0x02
+MAX17043_SOC = 0x04
+MAX17043_MODE = 0x06
+MAX17043_VERSION = 0x08
+MAX17043_CONFIG = 0x0c
+MAX17043_COMMAND = 0xfe
+class DFRobot_MAX17043():
+ def __init__(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief create MAX17043 object
+ @return MAX17043 object
+ '''
+ pass
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief MAX17043 begin and test moudle
+ @return initialization result:
+ @retval 0 successful
+ @retval -1 faild
+ '''
+ self._write16(MAX17043_COMMAND, 0x5400)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ if self._read16(MAX17043_CONFIG) == 0x971c:
+ self._write16(MAX17043_MODE, 0x4000)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ self._write16(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0x9700)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery voltage in mV
+ @return voltage in mV
+ '''
+ return (1.25 * (self._read16(MAX17043_VCELL) >> 4))
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ @return battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ '''
+ tmp = self._read16(MAX17043_SOC)
+ return ((tmp >> 8) + 0.003906 * (tmp & 0x00ff))
+ def set_Interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 interrput threshold
+ @param per interrupt threshold as %1 - 32% (integer)
+ '''
+ if per > 32:
+ per = 32
+ elif per < 1:
+ per = 1
+ per = 32 - int(per)
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, per, 0x01f, 0)
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief clear MAX17043 interrupt.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0, 0x01, 5)
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 in sleep mode.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 1, 0x01, 7)
+ def set_wakeup(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief wake up MAX17043.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0, 0x01, 7)
+ def _write16(self, reg, dat):
+ buf = bytearray(2)
+ buf[0] = dat >> 8
+ buf[1] = dat & 0x00ff
+ i2c.writeto_mem(MAX17043_ADDR, reg, buf)
+ def _read16(self, reg):
+ buf = i2c.readfrom_mem(MAX17043_ADDR, reg, 2)
+ return ((buf[0] << 8) | buf[1])
+ def _write_reg_bits(self, reg, dat, bits, offset):
+ tmp = self._read16(reg)
+ tmp = (tmp & (~(bits << offset))) | (dat << offset)
+ self._write16(reg, tmp)
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README.md b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# DFRobot_MAX17043
+* [中文版](./README_CN.md)
+The MAX17043 is ultra-compact, low-cost,host-side fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion (Li+) batter-ies in handheld and portable
+equpiment.It employs Gravity I2C interface,ultra-low opearting current, and real-time tracking of the relative state of charge
+(SOC) of the battery through Maxim's patented algorithm,eliminating the need for full-to-empty relearning and offset accumualtion
+errors.Plug and play to accurately measure the voltage and remaining power of the battery. The module also features as a low
+battery power alert interrupt function. When the battery power falls below specified threshold, the ALR pin generates a falling
+pluse to trigger the external interrupt of the controller.One thing should mention that the default value of the battery low power
+interrupt alert threshold is 32%, this threshold can be set by the function set_interrupt().
+## Product Link([https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html](https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html))
+ SKU: DFR0563
+## Table of Contents
+* [Summary](#summary)
+* [connection](connection)
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Methods](#methods)
+* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
+* [History](#history)
+* [Credits](#credits)
+## Summary
+Provides a microPython library for reading and interperting MAX17043 data over I2C.
+## Connection
+Wires of the same color are linked together,and We only exemplify how this board is connected to the Fuel Gauge.
+When connecting , it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence among pins, the connection diagram is as fellows.
+* ESP32
+## Installation
+To use this library download the zip file, uncomperss it to a folder named DFRobot_MAX17043 in your upyCraft workspace.
+## Methods
+ '''!
+ @brief MAX17043 begin and test moudle
+ @return initialization result:
+ @retval 0 successful
+ @retval -1 faild
+ '''
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery voltage in mV
+ @return voltage in mV
+ '''
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ @return battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ '''
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 interrput threshold
+ @param per interrupt threshold as %1 - 32% (integer)
+ '''
+ def set_interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief clear MAX17043 interrupt.
+ '''
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 in sleep mode.
+ '''
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief wake up MAX17043.
+ '''
+## Compatibility
+| MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
+| ------------------ | :-------: | :--------: | :------: | ------- |
+| ESP32 | √ | | |
+## History
+- 2018/04/14 - Version 1.0.0 released.
+## Credits
+Written by ouki.wang(ouki.wang@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our [website](https://www.dfrobot.com/))
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README_CN.md b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README_CN.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/README_CN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# DFRobot_MAX17043
+* [English Version](./README.md)
+Gravity 3.7V锂电池电量计使用Gravity I2C接口,超低工作电流,通过Maxim专利算法,实时跟踪电池的相对充电状态(SOC,State-Of-Charge),无需充放电学习过程,无积累误差,即插即用,准确地测量锂电池的当前电压和剩余电量。模块预留低电量报警中断引脚,当电池电量低于指定电量时,该引脚产生一个下跳脉冲,触发主控的外部中断。
+## 产品链接([https://www.dfrobot.com.cn/goods-1743.html](https://www.dfrobot.com.cn/goods-1743.html))
+ SKU: DFR0563
+## 目录
+* [概述](#概述)
+* [连接](连接)
+* [库安装](#库安装)
+* [方法](#方法)
+* [兼容性](#兼容性)
+* [历史](#历史)
+* [创作者](#创作者)
+## 概述
+提供 microPython 库,用于通过 I2C 读取和解释 MAX17043 数据
+## 连接
+* ESP32
+## 库安装
+要使用此库,请下载 zip 文件,将其解压缩到 upyCraft 工作区中名为 DFRobot_MAX17043 的文件夹中。
+## 方法
+ '''!
+ @brief 构造MAX17043对象
+ @return MAX17043 初始化
+ @retval 0 成功
+ @retval -1 失败
+ '''
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 读电池电压,单位: mV
+ @return 电池电压,单位:mV
+ '''
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 读取剩余电池容量的百分比
+ @return 剩余电池容量的百分比
+ '''
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 设置 MAX17043 中断阈值
+ @param per 中断阈值范围: %1 - 32% (整数)
+ '''
+ def set_interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief 清除 MAX17043 中断.
+ '''
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 设置 MAX17043 进入睡眠模式
+ '''
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 唤醒 MAX17043
+ '''
+ def set_wakeup(self):
+## 兼容性
+| MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
+| ------------------ | :-------: | :--------: | :------: | ------- |
+| ESP32 | √ | | |
+## 历史
+- 2018/04/14 - 1.0.0 版本
+## 创作者
+Written by ouki.wang(ouki.wang@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our [website](https://www.dfrobot.com/))
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/demo_MAX17043.py b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/demo_MAX17043.py
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index 000000000..d6d5e2f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/micropython/demo_MAX17043.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ @file demo_MAX17043.py
+ @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
+ @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ @author [ouki.wang](ouki.wang@dfrobot.com)
+ @version V1.0
+ @date 2018-4-14
+ @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+import time
+from machine import Pin
+from DFRobot_MAX17043 import DFRobot_MAX17043
+gauge = DFRobot_MAX17043()
+def interruptCallBack(channel):
+ gauge.clear_interrupt()
+ print('Low power alert interrupt!')
+ #put your battery low power alert interrupt service routine here
+pin_irq = Pin(25, Pin.IN)
+pin_irq.irq(trigger = Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler = interruptCallBack)
+rslt = gauge.begin()
+while rslt != 0:
+ print('gauge begin faild')
+ time.sleep(2)
+ rslt = gauge.begin()
+#gauge.set_Interrupt(32) #use this to modify alert threshold as 1% - 32% (integer)
+print('gauge begin successful')
+while True:
+ time.sleep(2)
+ print('voltage: ' + str(gauge.read_voltage()) + 'mV')
+ print('percentage: ' + str(round(gauge.read_percentage(), 2)) + '%')
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/DFRobot_MAX17043.py b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/DFRobot_MAX17043.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ddc751ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/DFRobot_MAX17043.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ @file DFRobot_MAX17043.py
+ @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
+ @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ @author [ouki.wang](ouki.wang@dfrobot.com)
+ @version V1.0
+ @date 2018-4-14
+ @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+import smbus
+import time
+import datetime
+# Get I2C bus
+bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
+MAX17043_ADDR = 0x36
+MAX17043_VCELL = 0x02
+MAX17043_SOC = 0x04
+MAX17043_MODE = 0x06
+MAX17043_VERSION = 0x08
+MAX17043_CONFIG = 0x0c
+MAX17043_COMMAND = 0xfe
+class DFRobot_MAX17043():
+ def __init__(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief create MAX17043 object
+ @return MAX17043 object
+ '''
+ pass
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief MAX17043 begin and test moudle
+ @return initialization result:
+ @retval 0 successful
+ @retval -1 faild
+ '''
+ self._write16(MAX17043_COMMAND, 0x5400)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ if self._read16(MAX17043_CONFIG) == 0x971c:
+ self._write16(MAX17043_MODE, 0x4000)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ self._write16(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0x9700)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery voltage in mV
+ @return voltage in mV
+ '''
+ return (1.25 * (self._read16(MAX17043_VCELL) >> 4))
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ @return battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ '''
+ tmp = self._read16(MAX17043_SOC)
+ return ((tmp >> 8) + 0.003906 * (tmp & 0x00ff))
+ def set_interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 interrput threshold
+ @param per interrupt threshold as %1 - 32% (integer)
+ '''
+ if per > 32:
+ per = 32
+ elif per < 1:
+ per = 1
+ per = 32 - int(per)
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, per, 0x01f, 0)
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief clear MAX17043 interrupt.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0, 0x01, 5)
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 in sleep mode.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 1, 0x01, 7)
+ def set_wakeup(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief wake up MAX17043.
+ '''
+ self._write_reg_bits(MAX17043_CONFIG, 0, 0x01, 7)
+ def _write16(self, reg, dat):
+ buf = [dat >> 8, dat & 0x00ff]
+ bus.write_i2c_block_data(MAX17043_ADDR, reg, buf)
+ def _read16(self, reg):
+ buf = bus.read_i2c_block_data(MAX17043_ADDR, reg, 2)
+ return ((buf[0] << 8) | buf[1])
+ def _write_reg_bits(self, reg, dat, bits, offset):
+ tmp = self._read16(reg)
+ tmp = (tmp & (~(bits << offset))) | (dat << offset)
+ self._write16(reg, tmp)
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README.md b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# DFRobot_MAX17043
+* [中文版](./README_CN.md)
+The MAX17043 is ultra-compact, low-cost,host-side fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion (Li+) batter-ies in handheld and portable
+equpiment.It employs Gravity I2C interface,ultra-low opearting current, and real-time tracking of the relative state of charge
+(SOC) of the battery through Maxim's patented algorithm,eliminating the need for full-to-empty relearning and offset accumualtion
+errors.Plug and play to accurately measure the voltage and remaining power of the battery. The module also features as a low
+battery power alert interrupt function. When the battery power falls below specified threshold, the ALR pin generates a falling
+pluse to trigger the external interrupt of the controller.One thing should mention that the default value of the battery low power
+interrupt alert threshold is 32%, this threshold can be set by the function set_interrupt().
+## Product Link([https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html](https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html))
+ SKU: DFR0563
+## Table of Contents
+* [Summary](#summary)
+* [connection](connection)
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Methods](#methods)
+* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
+* [History](#history)
+* [Credits](#credits)
+## Summary
+Provides an Raspberry pi library for reading and interperting MAX17043 data over I2C.
+## Connection
+Wires of the same color are linked together,and We only exemplify how these three boards are connected to the Fuel Gauge.
+When connecting , it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence among pins, the connection diagram is as fellows.
+* Raspberry Pi
+## Installation
+Download and install smbus library on Raspberry pi. Steps to install smbus are provided at:
+$> sudo apt-get install -y python-smbus
+$> sudo apt-get install -y i2c-tools
+1. To use this library, first download the library file
+sudo git clone https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+2. Open and run the routine. To execute a routine demo_x.py, enter python demo_x.py in the command line. For example, to execute the demo_read_and_int.py.py routine, you need to enter :
+python demo_read_and_int.py.py
+python2 demo_read_and_int.py.py
+## Methods
+ '''!
+ @brief MAX17043 begin and test moudle
+ @return initialization result:
+ @retval 0 successful
+ @retval -1 faild
+ '''
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery voltage in mV
+ @return voltage in mV
+ '''
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief read battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ @return battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ '''
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 interrput threshold
+ @param per interrupt threshold as %1 - 32% (integer)
+ '''
+ def set_interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief clear MAX17043 interrupt.
+ '''
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief set MAX17043 in sleep mode.
+ '''
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief wake up MAX17043.
+ '''
+ def set_wakeup(self):
+## Compatibility
+| 主板 | 通过 | 未通过 | 未测试 | 备注 |
+| ------------ | :--: | :----: | :----: | :--: |
+| RaspberryPi2 | | | √ | |
+| RaspberryPi3 | | | √ | |
+| RaspberryPi4 | √ | | | |
+* Python 版本
+| Python | 通过 | 未通过 | 未测试 | 备注 |
+| ------- | :--: | :----: | :----: | ---- |
+| Python2 | √ | | | |
+| Python3 | | | √ | |
+## History
+- 2018/04/14 - Version 1.0.0 released.
+## Credits
+Written by ouki.wang(ouki.wang@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our [website](https://www.dfrobot.com/))
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README_CN.md b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README_CN.md
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index 000000000..00894b09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/README_CN.md
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# DFRobot_MAX17043
+* [English Version](./README.md)
+Gravity 3.7V锂电池电量计使用Gravity I2C接口,超低工作电流,通过Maxim专利算法,实时跟踪电池的相对充电状态(SOC,State-Of-Charge),无需充放电学习过程,无积累误差,即插即用,准确地测量锂电池的当前电压和剩余电量。模块预留低电量报警中断引脚,当电池电量低于指定电量时,该引脚产生一个下跳脉冲,触发主控的外部中断。
+## 产品链接([https://www.dfrobot.com.cn/goods-1743.html](https://www.dfrobot.com.cn/goods-1743.html))
+ SKU: DFR0563
+## 目录
+* [概述](#概述)
+* [连接](连接)
+* [库安装](#库安装)
+* [方法](#方法)
+* [兼容性](#兼容性)
+* [历史](#历史)
+* [创作者](#创作者)
+## 概述
+提供 python 库,用于通过 I2C 读取和解释 MAX17043 数据。
+## 连接
+* Raspberry Pi
+## 库安装
+1. 下载库至树莓派,要使用这个库,首先要将库下载到Raspberry Pi,命令下载方法如下:
+sudo git clone https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+2. 打开并运行例程,要执行一个例程demo_x.py,请在命令行中输入python demo_x.py。例如,要执行 demo_read_and_int.py例程,你需要输入:
+python demo_read_and_int.py
+python2 demo_read_and_int.py
+## 方法
+ '''!
+ @brief 构造MAX17043对象
+ @return MAX17043 初始化
+ @retval 0 成功
+ @retval -1 失败
+ '''
+ def begin(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 读电池电压,单位: mV
+ @return 电池电压,单位:mV
+ '''
+ def read_voltage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 读取剩余电池容量的百分比
+ @return 剩余电池容量的百分比
+ '''
+ def read_percentage(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 设置 MAX17043 中断阈值
+ @param per 中断阈值范围: %1 - 32% (整数)
+ '''
+ def set_interrupt(self, per):
+ '''!
+ @brief 清除 MAX17043 中断.
+ '''
+ def clear_interrupt(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 设置 MAX17043 进入睡眠模式
+ '''
+ def set_sleep(self):
+ '''!
+ @brief 唤醒 MAX17043
+ '''
+ def set_wakeup(self):
+## 兼容性
+| 主板 | 通过 | 未通过 | 未测试 | 备注 |
+| ------------ | :--: | :----: | :----: | :--: |
+| RaspberryPi2 | | | √ | |
+| RaspberryPi3 | | | √ | |
+| RaspberryPi4 | √ | | | |
+* Python 版本
+| Python | 通过 | 未通过 | 未测试 | 备注 |
+| ------- | :--: | :----: | :----: | ---- |
+| Python2 | √ | | | |
+| Python3 | | | √ | |
+## 历史
+- 2018/04/14 - 1.0.0 版本
+## 创作者
+Written by ouki.wang(ouki.wang@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our [website](https://www.dfrobot.com/))
diff --git a/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/examples/demo_read_and_int.py b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/examples/demo_read_and_int.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/python/raspberry/examples/demo_read_and_int.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ @file demo_read_and_int.py
+ @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
+ @license The MIT License (MIT)
+ @author [ouki.wang](ouki.wang@dfrobot.com)
+ @version V1.0
+ @date 2018-4-14
+ @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_MAX17043
+import sys
+import time
+from DFRobot_MAX17043 import DFRobot_MAX17043
+import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
+gauge = DFRobot_MAX17043()
+GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.IN)
+def interruptCallBack(channel):
+ gauge.clear_interrupt()
+ print('Low power alert interrupt!')
+ #put your battery low power alert interrupt service routine here
+GPIO.add_event_detect(7, GPIO.FALLING, callback = interruptCallBack, bouncetime = 5)
+rslt = gauge.begin()
+while rslt != 0:
+ print('gauge begin faild')
+ time.sleep(2)
+ rslt = gauge.begin()
+gauge.set_interrupt(32) #use this to modify alert threshold as 1% - 32% (integer)
+print('gauge begin successful')
+while True:
+ time.sleep(2)
+ print('voltage: ' + str(gauge.read_voltage()) + 'mV')
+ print('percentage: ' + str(round(gauge.read_percentage(), 2)) + '%')
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+++ b/lib/lib_i2c/DFRobot_MAX17043/readme.md
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+# DFRobot_MAX17043
+* [中文版](./README_CN.md)
+ The MAX17043 is ultra-compact, low-cost,host-side fuel-gauge systems for lithium-ion (Li+) batter-ies in handheld and portable
+equipment.It employs Gravity I2C interface,ultra-low opearting current, and real-time tracking of the relative state of charge (SOC)
+of the battery through Maxim's patented algorithm,eliminating the need for full-to-empty relearning and offset accumualtion errors.
+Plug and play to accurately measure the voltage and remaining power of the battery. The module also features as a low battery power
+alert interrupt function. When the battery power falls below specified threshold, the ALR pin generates a falling pluse to trigger
+the external interrupt of the controller.One thing should mention that the default value of the battery low power interrupt alert
+threshold is 32%, this threshold can be set by the function setInterrupt().
+## Product Link([https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html](https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1734.html))
+ SKU: DFR0563
+## Table of Contents
+* [Summary](#summary)
+* [connection](connection)
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Methods](#methods)
+* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
+* [History](#history)
+* [Credits](#credits)
+## Summary
+Provides an Arduino library for reading and interperting MAX17043 data over I2C.
+## Connection
+Wires of the same color are linked together,and We only exemplify how these the boards are connected to the Fuel Gauge.
+When connecting , it is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence among pins, the connection diagram is as fellows.
+* Arduino UNO
+* ESP32
+## Installation
+To use this library download the zip file, uncomperss it to a folder named DFRobot_MAX17043 in Arduino library.
+## Methods
+ /**
+ * @fn DFRobot_MAX17043
+ * @brief create MAX17043 object
+ * @return MAX17043 object
+ */
+ DFRobot_MAX17043();
+ /**
+ * @fn begin
+ * @brief MAX17043 begin and test moudle
+ *
+ * @return initialization result
+ * @retval 0 successful
+ * @retval -1 faild
+ */
+ int begin();
+ /**
+ * @fn readVoltage
+ * @brief read battery voltage in mV
+ * @return voltage in mV
+ */
+ float readVoltage();
+ /**
+ * @fn readPercentage
+ * @brief read battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ *
+ * @return battery remaining capacity in percentage
+ */
+ float readPercentage();
+ /**
+ * @fn setInterrupt
+ * @brief set MAX17043 interrput threshold
+ *
+ * @param per interrupt threshold as %1 - 32% (integer)
+ */
+ void setInterrupt(uint8_t per);
+ /**
+ * @fn clearInterrupt
+ * @brief clear MAX17043 interrupt
+ */
+ void clearInterrupt();
+ /**
+ * @fn setSleep
+ * @brief set MAX17043 in sleep mode
+ *
+ */
+ void setSleep();
+ /**
+ * @fn setWakeUp
+ * @brief wake up MAX17043
+ *
+ */
+ void setWakeUp();
+## Compatibility
+| MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
+| ------------------ | :-------: | :--------: | :------: | ------- |
+| FireBeetle-ESP32 | √ | | |
+| FireBeetle-ESP8266 | √ | | |
+| Arduino uno | √ | | |
+## History
+- 2018/04/14 - Version 1.0.0 released.
+## Credits
+Written by ouki.wang(ouki.wang@dfrobot.com), 2018. (Welcome to our [website](https://www.dfrobot.com/))
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