From be5d9f90a8f415b2a301ac63be68978fe8be3b77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephan Hadinger Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2021 15:09:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Zigbee replace qsort with insertion sort --- tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino | 1524 +++++++++++------------ tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_A_impl.ino | 74 +- 2 files changed, 803 insertions(+), 795 deletions(-) diff --git a/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino b/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino index fdd161c50..a5c223b2b 100644 --- a/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino +++ b/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino @@ -75,844 +75,844 @@ def strings_to_pmem(arg): const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM = "\x00" - "ZCLVersion" "\x00" - "AppVersion" "\x00" - "StackVersion" "\x00" - "HWVersion" "\x00" - "Manufacturer" "\x00" - "ModelId" "\x00" - "DateCode" "\x00" - "PowerSource" "\x00" - "GenericDeviceClass" "\x00" - "GenericDeviceType" "\x00" - "ProductCode" "\x00" - "ProductURL" "\x00" - "SWBuildID" "\x00" - "MainsVoltage" "\x00" - "MainsFrequency" "\x00" - "BatteryVoltage" "\x00" - "BatteryPercentage" "\x00" - "CurrentTemperature" "\x00" - "MinTempExperienced" "\x00" - "MaxTempExperienced" "\x00" - "OverTempTotalDwell" "\x00" - "IdentifyTime" "\x00" - "GroupNameSupport" "\x00" - "SceneCount" "\x00" - "CurrentScene" "\x00" - "CurrentGroup" "\x00" - "SceneValid" "\x00" - "Power" "\x00" - "StartUpOnOff" "\x00" - "SwitchType" "\x00" - "Dimmer" "\x00" - "DimmerOptions" "\x00" - "DimmerRemainingTime" "\x00" - "OnOffTransitionTime" "\x00" + "00" "\x00" + "00190200" "\x00" + "00xx0A00" "\x00" + "00xxxx000000000000" "\x00" + "01" "\x00" + "01190200" "\x00" + "01xx0A00" "\x00" + "01xxxx" "\x00" + "01xxxx000000000000" "\x00" + "01xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" + "03xx0A00" "\x00" + "03xxxx000000000000" "\x00" + "03xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" + "AccelerationTimeLift" "\x00" + "ActivePower" "\x00" + "ActuatorEnabled" "\x00" + "AddGroup" "\x00" + "AddScene" "\x00" "AlarmCount" "\x00" - "Time" "\x00" - "TimeStatus" "\x00" - "TimeZone" "\x00" - "DstStart" "\x00" - "DstEnd" "\x00" - "DstShift" "\x00" - "StandardTime" "\x00" - "LocalTime" "\x00" - "LastSetTime" "\x00" - "ValidUntilTime" "\x00" - "TimeEpoch" "\x00" - "LocationType" "\x00" - "LocationMethod" "\x00" - "LocationAge" "\x00" - "QualityMeasure" "\x00" - "NumberOfDevices" "\x00" + "AnalogApplicationType" "\x00" + "AnalogDescription" "\x00" + "AnalogEngineeringUnits" "\x00" + "AnalogInApplicationType" "\x00" "AnalogInDescription" "\x00" + "AnalogInEngineeringUnits" "\x00" "AnalogInMaxValue" "\x00" "AnalogInMinValue" "\x00" "AnalogInOutOfService" "\x00" - "AnalogValue" "\x00" "AnalogInReliability" "\x00" "AnalogInResolution" "\x00" "AnalogInStatusFlags" "\x00" - "AnalogInEngineeringUnits" "\x00" - "AnalogInApplicationType" "\x00" - "AqaraRotate" "\x00" - "Aqara_FF05" "\x00" + "AnalogOutApplicationType" "\x00" "AnalogOutDescription" "\x00" + "AnalogOutEngineeringUnits" "\x00" "AnalogOutMaxValue" "\x00" "AnalogOutMinValue" "\x00" + "AnalogOutOfService" "\x00" "AnalogOutOutOfService" "\x00" - "AnalogOutValue" "\x00" "AnalogOutReliability" "\x00" "AnalogOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "AnalogOutResolution" "\x00" "AnalogOutStatusFlags" "\x00" - "AnalogOutEngineeringUnits" "\x00" - "AnalogOutApplicationType" "\x00" - "AnalogDescription" "\x00" - "AnalogOutOfService" "\x00" + "AnalogOutValue" "\x00" "AnalogPriorityArray" "\x00" "AnalogReliability" "\x00" "AnalogRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "AnalogStatusFlags" "\x00" - "AnalogEngineeringUnits" "\x00" - "AnalogApplicationType" "\x00" + "AnalogValue" "\x00" + "AppVersion" "\x00" + "ApparentPower" "\x00" + "AqaraAccelerometer" "\x00" + "AqaraRotate" "\x00" + "AqaraVibration505" "\x00" + "AqaraVibrationMode" "\x00" + "AqaraVibrationsOrAngle" "\x00" + "Aqara_FF05" "\x00" + "ArrowClick" "\x00" + "ArrowHold" "\x00" + "ArrowRelease" "\x00" + "AvailablePower" "\x00" + "BatteryPercentage" "\x00" + "BatteryVoltage" "\x00" + "BinaryActiveText" "\x00" + "BinaryApplicationType" "\x00" + "BinaryDescription" "\x00" "BinaryInActiveText" "\x00" + "BinaryInApplicationType" "\x00" "BinaryInDescription" "\x00" "BinaryInInactiveText" "\x00" "BinaryInOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryInPolarity" "\x00" - "BinaryInValue" "\x00" "BinaryInReliability" "\x00" "BinaryInStatusFlags" "\x00" - "BinaryInApplicationType" "\x00" + "BinaryInValue" "\x00" + "BinaryInactiveText" "\x00" + "BinaryMinimumOffTime" "\x00" + "BinaryMinimumOnTime" "\x00" "BinaryOutActiveText" "\x00" + "BinaryOutApplicationType" "\x00" "BinaryOutDescription" "\x00" "BinaryOutInactiveText" "\x00" "BinaryOutMinimumOffTime" "\x00" "BinaryOutMinimumOnTime" "\x00" + "BinaryOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryOutOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryOutPolarity" "\x00" - "BinaryOutValue" "\x00" "BinaryOutReliability" "\x00" "BinaryOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "BinaryOutStatusFlags" "\x00" - "BinaryOutApplicationType" "\x00" - "BinaryActiveText" "\x00" - "BinaryDescription" "\x00" - "BinaryInactiveText" "\x00" - "BinaryMinimumOffTime" "\x00" - "BinaryMinimumOnTime" "\x00" 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+ "IntermediateSetpointsTilt" "\x00" + "LastMessageLQI" "\x00" + "LastMessageRSSI" "\x00" + "LastSetTime" "\x00" + "LocalTemperature" "\x00" + "LocalTemperatureCalibration" "\x00" + "LocalTime" "\x00" + "LocationAge" "\x00" + "LocationMethod" "\x00" + "LocationType" "\x00" + "LockState" "\x00" + "LockType" "\x00" + "LongPollInterval" "\x00" + "LongPollIntervalMin" "\x00" + "MainsFrequency" "\x00" + "MainsVoltage" "\x00" + "Manufacturer" "\x00" + "MaxTempExperienced" "\x00" + "MeterTypeID" "\x00" + "MinTempExperienced" "\x00" + "Mode" "\x00" + "Model" "\x00" + "ModelId" "\x00" + "MotorStepSize" "\x00" + "Movement" "\x00" + "MultiApplicationType" "\x00" + "MultiDescription" "\x00" + "MultiInApplicationType" "\x00" "MultiInDescription" "\x00" "MultiInNumberOfStates" "\x00" "MultiInOutOfService" "\x00" - "MultiInValue" "\x00" "MultiInReliability" "\x00" "MultiInStatusFlags" "\x00" - "MultiInApplicationType" "\x00" + "MultiInValue" "\x00" + "MultiNumberOfStates" "\x00" + "MultiOutApplicationType" "\x00" "MultiOutDescription" "\x00" "MultiOutNumberOfStates" "\x00" + "MultiOutOfService" "\x00" "MultiOutOutOfService" "\x00" - "MultiOutValue" "\x00" "MultiOutReliability" "\x00" "MultiOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "MultiOutStatusFlags" "\x00" - "MultiOutApplicationType" "\x00" - "MultiDescription" "\x00" - "MultiNumberOfStates" "\x00" - "MultiOutOfService" "\x00" - "MultiValue" "\x00" + "MultiOutValue" "\x00" "MultiReliability" "\x00" "MultiRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "MultiStatusFlags" "\x00" - "MultiApplicationType" "\x00" - "TotalProfileNum" "\x00" + "MultiValue" "\x00" "MultipleScheduling" "\x00" - "EnergyFormatting" "\x00" - "EnergyRemote" "\x00" - "ScheduleMode" "\x00" - "CheckinInterval" "\x00" - "LongPollInterval" "\x00" - "ShortPollInterval" "\x00" - "FastPollTimeout" "\x00" - "CheckinIntervalMin" "\x00" - "LongPollIntervalMin" "\x00" - "FastPollTimeoutMax" "\x00" - "PhysicalClosedLimit" "\x00" - "MotorStepSize" "\x00" - "Status" "\x00" - "ClosedLimit" "\x00" - "Mode" "\x00" - "LockState" "\x00" - "LockType" "\x00" - "ActuatorEnabled" "\x00" - "DoorState" "\x00" - "DoorOpenEvents" "\x00" - "DoorClosedEvents" "\x00" - "OpenPeriod" "\x00" - "AqaraVibrationMode" "\x00" - "AqaraVibrationsOrAngle" "\x00" - "AqaraVibration505" "\x00" - "AqaraAccelerometer" "\x00" - "WindowCoveringType" "\x00" - "PhysicalClosedLimitLift" "\x00" - "PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" "\x00" - "CurrentPositionLift" "\x00" - "CurrentPositionTilt" "\x00" + "NumberOfDevices" "\x00" + "NumberOfPrimaries" "\x00" + "NumberOfResets" "\x00" "NumberofActuationsLift" "\x00" "NumberofActuationsTilt" "\x00" - "ConfigStatus" "\x00" - "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" "\x00" - "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" "\x00" - "InstalledOpenLimitLift" "\x00" - "InstalledClosedLimitLift" "\x00" - "InstalledOpenLimitTilt" "\x00" - "InstalledClosedLimitTilt" "\x00" - "VelocityLift" "\x00" - "AccelerationTimeLift" "\x00" - "DecelerationTimeLift" "\x00" - "IntermediateSetpointsLift" "\x00" - "IntermediateSetpointsTilt" "\x00" - "LocalTemperature" "\x00" - "OutdoorTemperature" "\x00" - "PICoolingDemand" "\x00" - "PIHeatingDemand" "\x00" - "LocalTemperatureCalibration" "\x00" - "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00" - "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00" - "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00" - "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00" - "RemoteSensing" "\x00" - "ControlSequenceOfOperation" "\x00" - "SystemMode" "\x00" - "TRVMode" "\x00" - "ValvePosition" "\x00" - "EurotronicErrors" "\x00" - "CurrentTemperatureSetPoint" "\x00" - "EurotronicHostFlags" "\x00" - "TRVMirrorDisplay" "\x00" - "TRVBoost" "\x00" - "TRVWindowOpen" "\x00" - "TRVChildProtection" "\x00" - "ThSetpoint" "\x00" - "TempTarget" "\x00" - "Hue" "\x00" - "Sat" "\x00" - "RemainingTime" "\x00" - "X" "\x00" - "Y" "\x00" - "DriftCompensation" "\x00" - "CompensationText" "\x00" - "CT" "\x00" - "ColorMode" "\x00" - "NumberOfPrimaries" "\x00" - "Primary1X" "\x00" - "Primary1Y" "\x00" - "Primary1Intensity" "\x00" - "Primary2X" 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"TuyaAwayTemp" "\x00" - "TuyaAwayDays" "\x00" - "TuyaPreset" "\x00" - "TuyaFanMode" "\x00" - "TuyaForceMode" "\x00" - "TuyaWeekSelect" "\x00" - "OppleMode" "\x00" - "TerncyDuration" "\x00" - "TerncyRotate" "\x00" - "Identify" "\x00" - "xxxx" "\x00" - "IdentifyQuery" "\x00" - "AddGroup" "\x00" - "xxxx00" "\x00" - "ViewGroup" "\x00" - "GetGroup" "\x00" - "01xxxx" "\x00" - "GetAllGroups" "\x00" - "00" "\x00" - "RemoveGroup" "\x00" - "RemoveAllGroups" "\x00" - "ViewScene" "\x00" - "xxxxyy" "\x00" - "RemoveScene" "\x00" - "RemoveAllScenes" "\x00" - "RecallScene" "\x00" - "GetSceneMembership" "\x00" "PowerOffEffect" "\x00" - "xxyy" "\x00" "PowerOnRecall" "\x00" "PowerOnTimer" "\x00" - "xxyyyyzzzz" "\x00" - "xx0A00" "\x00" - "DimmerUp" "\x00" - "00190200" "\x00" - "DimmerDown" "\x00" - "01190200" "\x00" - "DimmerStop" "\x00" + "PowerSource" "\x00" + "PowerThreshold" "\x00" + "Pressure" "\x00" + "PressureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" + "PressureMaxScaledValue" "\x00" + "PressureMinMeasuredValue" 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"\x00" - "ShutterTilt" "\x00" - "Shutter" "\x00" - "DimmerMove" "\x00" - "xx0A" "\x00" - "DimmerStepUp" "\x00" - "00xx0A00" "\x00" - "DimmerStepDown" "\x00" - "01xx0A00" "\x00" - "DimmerStep" "\x00" - "xx190A00" "\x00" - "01" "\x00" - "HueMove" "\x00" - "xx19" "\x00" - "HueStepUp" "\x00" - "HueStepDown" "\x00" - "03xx0A00" "\x00" - "HueStep" "\x00" + "SWBuildID" "\x00" + "Sat" "\x00" "SatMove" "\x00" "SatStep" "\x00" - "xx190A" "\x00" - "ColorMove" "\x00" - "xxxxyyyy" "\x00" - "ColorStep" "\x00" - "ColorTempMoveUp" "\x00" - "01xxxx000000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempMoveDown" "\x00" - "03xxxx000000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempMoveStop" "\x00" - "00xxxx000000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempMove" "\x00" - "xxyyyy000000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempStepUp" "\x00" - "01xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempStepDown" "\x00" - "03xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" - "ColorTempStep" "\x00" - "xxyyyy0A0000000000" "\x00" - "ArrowClick" "\x00" - "ArrowHold" "\x00" - "ArrowRelease" "\x00" - "ZoneStatusChange" "\x00" - "xxxxyyzz" "\x00" - "xxyyzzzz" "\x00" - "AddScene" "\x00" - "xxyyyyzz" "\x00" + "SceneCount" "\x00" + "SceneValid" "\x00" + "ScheduleMode" "\x00" + "SeaPressure" "\x00" + "ShortPollInterval" "\x00" + "Shutter" "\x00" + "ShutterClose" "\x00" + "ShutterLift" "\x00" + "ShutterOpen" "\x00" + "ShutterStop" "\x00" + "ShutterTilt" "\x00" + "SoftwareRevision" "\x00" + "StackVersion" "\x00" + "StandardTime" "\x00" + "StartUpOnOff" "\x00" + "Status" "\x00" "StoreScene" "\x00" + "SwitchType" "\x00" + "SystemMode" "\x00" + "TRVBoost" "\x00" + "TRVChildProtection" "\x00" + "TRVMirrorDisplay" "\x00" + "TRVMode" "\x00" + "TRVWindowOpen" "\x00" + "TempTarget" "\x00" + "Temperature" "\x00" + "TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" + "TemperatureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" + "TemperatureTolerance" "\x00" + "TerncyDuration" "\x00" + "TerncyRotate" "\x00" + "ThSetpoint" "\x00" + "Time" "\x00" + "TimeEpoch" "\x00" + "TimeStatus" "\x00" + "TimeZone" "\x00" + "TotalProfileNum" "\x00" + "TuyaAutoLock" "\x00" + "TuyaAwayDays" "\x00" + "TuyaAwayTemp" "\x00" + "TuyaBattery" "\x00" + "TuyaBoostTime" "\x00" + "TuyaChildLock" "\x00" + "TuyaComfortTemp" "\x00" + "TuyaEcoTemp" "\x00" + "TuyaFanMode" "\x00" + "TuyaForceMode" "\x00" + "TuyaMaxTemp" "\x00" + "TuyaMinTemp" "\x00" + "TuyaPreset" "\x00" + "TuyaScheduleHolidays" "\x00" + "TuyaScheduleWorkdays" "\x00" + "TuyaTempTarget" "\x00" + "TuyaValveDetection" "\x00" + "TuyaValvePosition" "\x00" + "TuyaWeekSelect" "\x00" + "TuyaWindowDetection" "\x00" + "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00" + "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00" + "UtilityName" "\x00" + "ValidUntilTime" "\x00" + "ValvePosition" "\x00" + "VelocityLift" "\x00" + "ViewGroup" "\x00" + "ViewScene" "\x00" + "Water" "\x00" + "WhitePointX" "\x00" + "WhitePointY" "\x00" + "WindowCoveringType" "\x00" + "X" "\x00" + "Y" "\x00" + "ZCLVersion" "\x00" + "ZoneState" "\x00" + "ZoneStatus" "\x00" + "ZoneStatusChange" "\x00" + "ZoneType" "\x00" + "xx" "\x00" + "xx000A00" "\x00" + "xx0A" "\x00" + "xx0A00" "\x00" + "xx19" "\x00" + "xx190A" "\x00" + "xx190A00" "\x00" + "xxxx" "\x00" + "xxxx00" "\x00" + "xxxx0A00" "\x00" + "xxxxyy" "\x00" + "xxxxyyyy" "\x00" + "xxxxyyyy0A00" "\x00" + "xxxxyyzz" "\x00" + "xxyy" "\x00" + "xxyy0A00" "\x00" + "xxyyyy" "\x00" + "xxyyyy000000000000" "\x00" + "xxyyyy0A0000000000" "\x00" + "xxyyyyzz" "\x00" + "xxyyyyzzzz" "\x00" + "xxyyzzzz" "\x00" ; enum Z_offsets { Zo_ = 0, - Zo_ZCLVersion = 1, - Zo_AppVersion = 12, - Zo_StackVersion = 23, - Zo_HWVersion = 36, - Zo_Manufacturer = 46, - Zo_ModelId = 59, - Zo_DateCode = 67, - Zo_PowerSource = 76, - Zo_GenericDeviceClass = 88, - Zo_GenericDeviceType = 107, - Zo_ProductCode = 125, - Zo_ProductURL = 137, - Zo_SWBuildID = 148, - Zo_MainsVoltage = 158, - Zo_MainsFrequency = 171, - Zo_BatteryVoltage = 186, - Zo_BatteryPercentage = 201, - Zo_CurrentTemperature = 219, - Zo_MinTempExperienced = 238, - Zo_MaxTempExperienced = 257, - Zo_OverTempTotalDwell = 276, - Zo_IdentifyTime = 295, - Zo_GroupNameSupport = 308, - Zo_SceneCount = 325, - Zo_CurrentScene = 336, - Zo_CurrentGroup = 349, - Zo_SceneValid = 362, - Zo_Power = 373, - Zo_StartUpOnOff = 379, - Zo_SwitchType = 392, - Zo_Dimmer = 403, - Zo_DimmerOptions = 410, - Zo_DimmerRemainingTime = 424, - Zo_OnOffTransitionTime = 444, - Zo_AlarmCount = 464, - Zo_Time = 475, - Zo_TimeStatus = 480, - Zo_TimeZone = 491, - Zo_DstStart = 500, - Zo_DstEnd = 509, - Zo_DstShift = 516, - Zo_StandardTime = 525, - Zo_LocalTime = 538, - Zo_LastSetTime = 548, - Zo_ValidUntilTime = 560, - Zo_TimeEpoch = 575, - Zo_LocationType = 585, - Zo_LocationMethod = 598, - Zo_LocationAge = 613, - Zo_QualityMeasure = 625, - Zo_NumberOfDevices = 640, - Zo_AnalogInDescription = 656, - Zo_AnalogInMaxValue = 676, - Zo_AnalogInMinValue = 693, - Zo_AnalogInOutOfService = 710, - Zo_AnalogValue = 731, - Zo_AnalogInReliability = 743, - Zo_AnalogInResolution = 763, - Zo_AnalogInStatusFlags = 782, - Zo_AnalogInEngineeringUnits = 802, - Zo_AnalogInApplicationType = 827, - Zo_AqaraRotate = 851, - Zo_Aqara_FF05 = 863, - Zo_AnalogOutDescription = 874, - Zo_AnalogOutMaxValue = 895, - Zo_AnalogOutMinValue = 913, - Zo_AnalogOutOutOfService = 931, - Zo_AnalogOutValue = 953, - Zo_AnalogOutReliability = 968, - Zo_AnalogOutRelinquishDefault = 989, - Zo_AnalogOutResolution = 1016, - Zo_AnalogOutStatusFlags = 1036, - Zo_AnalogOutEngineeringUnits = 1057, - Zo_AnalogOutApplicationType = 1083, - Zo_AnalogDescription = 1108, - Zo_AnalogOutOfService = 1126, - Zo_AnalogPriorityArray = 1145, - Zo_AnalogReliability = 1165, - Zo_AnalogRelinquishDefault = 1183, - Zo_AnalogStatusFlags = 1207, - Zo_AnalogEngineeringUnits = 1225, - Zo_AnalogApplicationType = 1248, - Zo_BinaryInActiveText = 1270, - Zo_BinaryInDescription = 1289, - Zo_BinaryInInactiveText = 1309, - Zo_BinaryInOutOfService = 1330, - Zo_BinaryInPolarity = 1351, - Zo_BinaryInValue = 1368, - Zo_BinaryInReliability = 1382, - Zo_BinaryInStatusFlags = 1402, - Zo_BinaryInApplicationType = 1422, - Zo_BinaryOutActiveText = 1446, - Zo_BinaryOutDescription = 1466, - Zo_BinaryOutInactiveText = 1487, - Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOffTime = 1509, - Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOnTime = 1533, - Zo_BinaryOutOutOfService = 1556, - Zo_BinaryOutPolarity = 1578, - Zo_BinaryOutValue = 1596, - Zo_BinaryOutReliability = 1611, - Zo_BinaryOutRelinquishDefault = 1632, - Zo_BinaryOutStatusFlags = 1659, - Zo_BinaryOutApplicationType = 1680, - Zo_BinaryActiveText = 1705, - Zo_BinaryDescription = 1722, - Zo_BinaryInactiveText = 1740, - Zo_BinaryMinimumOffTime = 1759, - Zo_BinaryMinimumOnTime = 1780, - Zo_BinaryOutOfService = 1800, - Zo_BinaryValue = 1819, - Zo_BinaryReliability = 1831, - Zo_BinaryRelinquishDefault = 1849, - Zo_BinaryStatusFlags = 1873, - Zo_BinaryApplicationType = 1891, - Zo_MultiInDescription = 1913, - Zo_MultiInNumberOfStates = 1932, - Zo_MultiInOutOfService = 1954, - Zo_MultiInValue = 1974, - Zo_MultiInReliability = 1987, - Zo_MultiInStatusFlags = 2006, - Zo_MultiInApplicationType = 2025, - Zo_MultiOutDescription = 2048, - Zo_MultiOutNumberOfStates = 2068, - Zo_MultiOutOutOfService = 2091, - Zo_MultiOutValue = 2112, - Zo_MultiOutReliability = 2126, - Zo_MultiOutRelinquishDefault = 2146, - Zo_MultiOutStatusFlags = 2172, - Zo_MultiOutApplicationType = 2192, - Zo_MultiDescription = 2216, - Zo_MultiNumberOfStates = 2233, - Zo_MultiOutOfService = 2253, - Zo_MultiValue = 2271, - Zo_MultiReliability = 2282, - Zo_MultiRelinquishDefault = 2299, - Zo_MultiStatusFlags = 2322, - Zo_MultiApplicationType = 2339, - Zo_TotalProfileNum = 2360, - Zo_MultipleScheduling = 2376, - Zo_EnergyFormatting = 2395, - Zo_EnergyRemote = 2412, - Zo_ScheduleMode = 2425, - Zo_CheckinInterval = 2438, - Zo_LongPollInterval = 2454, - Zo_ShortPollInterval = 2471, - Zo_FastPollTimeout = 2489, - Zo_CheckinIntervalMin = 2505, - Zo_LongPollIntervalMin = 2524, - Zo_FastPollTimeoutMax = 2544, - Zo_PhysicalClosedLimit = 2563, - Zo_MotorStepSize = 2583, - Zo_Status = 2597, - Zo_ClosedLimit = 2604, - Zo_Mode = 2616, - Zo_LockState = 2621, - Zo_LockType = 2631, - Zo_ActuatorEnabled = 2640, - Zo_DoorState = 2656, - Zo_DoorOpenEvents = 2666, - Zo_DoorClosedEvents = 2681, - Zo_OpenPeriod = 2698, - Zo_AqaraVibrationMode = 2709, - Zo_AqaraVibrationsOrAngle = 2728, - Zo_AqaraVibration505 = 2751, - Zo_AqaraAccelerometer = 2769, - Zo_WindowCoveringType = 2788, - Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitLift = 2807, - Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitTilt = 2831, - Zo_CurrentPositionLift = 2855, - Zo_CurrentPositionTilt = 2875, - Zo_NumberofActuationsLift = 2895, - Zo_NumberofActuationsTilt = 2918, - Zo_ConfigStatus = 2941, - Zo_CurrentPositionLiftPercentage = 2954, - Zo_CurrentPositionTiltPercentage = 2984, - Zo_InstalledOpenLimitLift = 3014, - Zo_InstalledClosedLimitLift = 3037, - Zo_InstalledOpenLimitTilt = 3062, - Zo_InstalledClosedLimitTilt = 3085, - Zo_VelocityLift = 3110, - Zo_AccelerationTimeLift = 3123, - Zo_DecelerationTimeLift = 3144, - Zo_IntermediateSetpointsLift = 3165, - Zo_IntermediateSetpointsTilt = 3191, - Zo_LocalTemperature = 3217, - Zo_OutdoorTemperature = 3234, - Zo_PICoolingDemand = 3253, - Zo_PIHeatingDemand = 3269, - Zo_LocalTemperatureCalibration = 3285, - Zo_OccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 3313, - Zo_OccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 3337, - Zo_UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 3361, - Zo_UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 3387, - Zo_RemoteSensing = 3413, - Zo_ControlSequenceOfOperation = 3427, - Zo_SystemMode = 3454, - Zo_TRVMode = 3465, - Zo_ValvePosition = 3473, - Zo_EurotronicErrors = 3487, - Zo_CurrentTemperatureSetPoint = 3504, - Zo_EurotronicHostFlags = 3531, - Zo_TRVMirrorDisplay = 3551, - Zo_TRVBoost = 3568, - Zo_TRVWindowOpen = 3577, - Zo_TRVChildProtection = 3591, - Zo_ThSetpoint = 3610, - Zo_TempTarget = 3621, - Zo_Hue = 3632, - Zo_Sat = 3636, - Zo_RemainingTime = 3640, - Zo_X = 3654, - Zo_Y = 3656, - Zo_DriftCompensation = 3658, - Zo_CompensationText = 3676, - Zo_CT = 3693, - Zo_ColorMode = 3696, - Zo_NumberOfPrimaries = 3706, - Zo_Primary1X = 3724, - Zo_Primary1Y = 3734, - Zo_Primary1Intensity = 3744, - Zo_Primary2X = 3762, - Zo_Primary2Y = 3772, - Zo_Primary2Intensity = 3782, - Zo_Primary3X = 3800, - Zo_Primary3Y = 3810, - Zo_Primary3Intensity = 3820, - Zo_WhitePointX = 3838, - Zo_WhitePointY = 3850, - Zo_ColorPointRX = 3862, - Zo_ColorPointRY = 3875, - Zo_ColorPointRIntensity = 3888, - Zo_ColorPointGX = 3909, - Zo_ColorPointGY = 3922, - Zo_ColorPointGIntensity = 3935, - Zo_ColorPointBX = 3956, - Zo_ColorPointBY = 3969, - Zo_ColorPointBIntensity = 3982, - Zo_Illuminance = 4003, - Zo_IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue = 4015, - Zo_IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue = 4043, - Zo_IlluminanceTolerance = 4071, - Zo_IlluminanceLightSensorType = 4092, - Zo_IlluminanceLevelStatus = 4119, - Zo_IlluminanceTargetLevel = 4142, - Zo_Temperature = 4165, - Zo_TemperatureMinMeasuredValue = 4177, - Zo_TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue = 4205, - Zo_TemperatureTolerance = 4233, - Zo_Pressure = 4254, - Zo_PressureMinMeasuredValue = 4263, - Zo_PressureMaxMeasuredValue = 4288, - Zo_PressureTolerance = 4313, - Zo_PressureScaledValue = 4331, - Zo_PressureMinScaledValue = 4351, - Zo_PressureMaxScaledValue = 4374, - Zo_PressureScaledTolerance = 4397, - Zo_PressureScale = 4421, - Zo_SeaPressure = 4435, - Zo_FlowRate = 4447, - Zo_FlowMinMeasuredValue = 4456, - Zo_FlowMaxMeasuredValue = 4477, - Zo_FlowTolerance = 4498, - Zo_Humidity = 4512, - Zo_HumidityMinMeasuredValue = 4521, - Zo_HumidityMaxMeasuredValue = 4546, - Zo_HumidityTolerance = 4571, - Zo_Occupancy = 4589, - Zo_OccupancySensorType = 4599, - Zo_ZoneState = 4619, - Zo_ZoneType = 4629, - Zo_ZoneStatus = 4638, - Zo_CIE = 4649, - Zo_Contact = 4653, - Zo_Fire = 4661, - Zo_Water = 4666, - Zo_CO = 4672, - Zo_PersonalAlarm = 4675, - Zo_Movement = 4689, - Zo_Panic = 4698, - Zo_GlassBreak = 4704, - Zo_EnergyTotal = 4715, - Zo_CompanyName = 4727, - Zo_MeterTypeID = 4739, - Zo_DataQualityID = 4751, - Zo_CustomerName = 4765, - Zo_Model = 4778, - Zo_PartNumber = 4784, - Zo_ProductRevision = 4795, - Zo_SoftwareRevision = 4811, - Zo_UtilityName = 4828, - Zo_POD = 4840, - Zo_AvailablePower = 4844, - Zo_PowerThreshold = 4859, - Zo_RMSVoltage = 4874, - Zo_RMSCurrent = 4885, - Zo_ActivePower = 4896, - Zo_ReactivePower = 4908, - Zo_ApparentPower = 4922, - Zo_NumberOfResets = 4936, - Zo_PersistentMemoryWrites = 4951, - Zo_LastMessageLQI = 4974, - Zo_LastMessageRSSI = 4989, - Zo_TuyaScheduleWorkdays = 5005, - Zo_TuyaScheduleHolidays = 5026, - Zo_Power2 = 5047, - Zo_Power3 = 5054, - Zo_Power4 = 5061, - Zo_TuyaChildLock = 5068, - Zo_TuyaWindowDetection = 5082, - Zo_TuyaValveDetection = 5102, - Zo_TuyaAutoLock = 5121, - Zo_TuyaTempTarget = 5134, - Zo_TuyaBattery = 5149, - Zo_TuyaMinTemp = 5161, - Zo_TuyaMaxTemp = 5173, - Zo_TuyaBoostTime = 5185, - Zo_TuyaComfortTemp = 5199, - Zo_TuyaEcoTemp = 5215, - Zo_TuyaValvePosition = 5227, - Zo_TuyaAwayTemp = 5245, - Zo_TuyaAwayDays = 5258, - Zo_TuyaPreset = 5271, - Zo_TuyaFanMode = 5282, - Zo_TuyaForceMode = 5294, - Zo_TuyaWeekSelect = 5308, - Zo_OppleMode = 5323, - Zo_TerncyDuration = 5333, - Zo_TerncyRotate = 5348, - Zo_Identify = 5361, - Zo_xxxx = 5370, - Zo_IdentifyQuery = 5375, - Zo_AddGroup = 5389, - Zo_xxxx00 = 5398, - Zo_ViewGroup = 5405, - Zo_GetGroup = 5415, - Zo_01xxxx = 5424, - Zo_GetAllGroups = 5431, - Zo_00 = 5444, - Zo_RemoveGroup = 5447, - Zo_RemoveAllGroups = 5459, - Zo_ViewScene = 5475, - Zo_xxxxyy = 5485, - Zo_RemoveScene = 5492, - Zo_RemoveAllScenes = 5504, - Zo_RecallScene = 5520, - Zo_GetSceneMembership = 5532, - Zo_PowerOffEffect = 5551, - Zo_xxyy = 5566, - Zo_PowerOnRecall = 5571, - Zo_PowerOnTimer = 5585, - Zo_xxyyyyzzzz = 5598, - Zo_xx0A00 = 5609, - Zo_DimmerUp = 5616, - Zo_00190200 = 5625, - Zo_DimmerDown = 5634, - Zo_01190200 = 5645, - Zo_DimmerStop = 5654, - Zo_ResetAlarm = 5665, - Zo_xxyyyy = 5676, - Zo_ResetAllAlarms = 5683, - Zo_xx000A00 = 5698, - Zo_HueSat = 5707, - Zo_xxyy0A00 = 5714, - Zo_Color = 5723, - Zo_xxxxyyyy0A00 = 5729, - Zo_xxxx0A00 = 5742, - Zo_ShutterOpen = 5751, - Zo_ShutterClose = 5763, - Zo_ShutterStop = 5776, - Zo_ShutterLift = 5788, - Zo_xx = 5800, - Zo_ShutterTilt = 5803, - Zo_Shutter = 5815, - Zo_DimmerMove = 5823, - Zo_xx0A = 5834, - Zo_DimmerStepUp = 5839, - Zo_00xx0A00 = 5852, - Zo_DimmerStepDown = 5861, - Zo_01xx0A00 = 5876, - Zo_DimmerStep = 5885, - Zo_xx190A00 = 5896, - Zo_01 = 5905, - Zo_HueMove = 5908, - Zo_xx19 = 5916, - Zo_HueStepUp = 5921, - Zo_HueStepDown = 5931, - Zo_03xx0A00 = 5943, - Zo_HueStep = 5952, - Zo_SatMove = 5960, - Zo_SatStep = 5968, - Zo_xx190A = 5976, - Zo_ColorMove = 5983, - Zo_xxxxyyyy = 5993, - Zo_ColorStep = 6002, - Zo_ColorTempMoveUp = 6012, - Zo_01xxxx000000000000 = 6028, - Zo_ColorTempMoveDown = 6047, - Zo_03xxxx000000000000 = 6065, - Zo_ColorTempMoveStop = 6084, - Zo_00xxxx000000000000 = 6102, - Zo_ColorTempMove = 6121, - Zo_xxyyyy000000000000 = 6135, - Zo_ColorTempStepUp = 6154, - Zo_01xxxx0A0000000000 = 6170, - Zo_ColorTempStepDown = 6189, - Zo_03xxxx0A0000000000 = 6207, - Zo_ColorTempStep = 6226, - Zo_xxyyyy0A0000000000 = 6240, - Zo_ArrowClick = 6259, - Zo_ArrowHold = 6270, - Zo_ArrowRelease = 6280, - Zo_ZoneStatusChange = 6293, - Zo_xxxxyyzz = 6310, - Zo_xxyyzzzz = 6319, - Zo_AddScene = 6328, - Zo_xxyyyyzz = 6337, - Zo_StoreScene = 6346, + Zo_00 = 1, + Zo_00190200 = 4, + Zo_00xx0A00 = 13, + Zo_00xxxx000000000000 = 22, + Zo_01 = 41, + Zo_01190200 = 44, + Zo_01xx0A00 = 53, + Zo_01xxxx = 62, + Zo_01xxxx000000000000 = 69, + Zo_01xxxx0A0000000000 = 88, + Zo_03xx0A00 = 107, + Zo_03xxxx000000000000 = 116, + Zo_03xxxx0A0000000000 = 135, + Zo_AccelerationTimeLift = 154, + Zo_ActivePower = 175, + Zo_ActuatorEnabled = 187, + Zo_AddGroup = 203, + Zo_AddScene = 212, + Zo_AlarmCount = 221, + Zo_AnalogApplicationType = 232, + Zo_AnalogDescription = 254, + Zo_AnalogEngineeringUnits = 272, + Zo_AnalogInApplicationType = 295, + Zo_AnalogInDescription = 319, + Zo_AnalogInEngineeringUnits = 339, + Zo_AnalogInMaxValue = 364, + Zo_AnalogInMinValue = 381, + Zo_AnalogInOutOfService = 398, + Zo_AnalogInReliability = 419, + Zo_AnalogInResolution = 439, + Zo_AnalogInStatusFlags = 458, + Zo_AnalogOutApplicationType = 478, + Zo_AnalogOutDescription = 503, + Zo_AnalogOutEngineeringUnits = 524, + Zo_AnalogOutMaxValue = 550, + Zo_AnalogOutMinValue = 568, + Zo_AnalogOutOfService = 586, + Zo_AnalogOutOutOfService = 605, + Zo_AnalogOutReliability = 627, + Zo_AnalogOutRelinquishDefault = 648, + Zo_AnalogOutResolution = 675, + Zo_AnalogOutStatusFlags = 695, + Zo_AnalogOutValue = 716, + Zo_AnalogPriorityArray = 731, + Zo_AnalogReliability = 751, + Zo_AnalogRelinquishDefault = 769, + Zo_AnalogStatusFlags = 793, + Zo_AnalogValue = 811, + Zo_AppVersion = 823, + Zo_ApparentPower = 834, + Zo_AqaraAccelerometer = 848, + Zo_AqaraRotate = 867, + Zo_AqaraVibration505 = 879, + Zo_AqaraVibrationMode = 897, + Zo_AqaraVibrationsOrAngle = 916, + Zo_Aqara_FF05 = 939, + Zo_ArrowClick = 950, + Zo_ArrowHold = 961, + Zo_ArrowRelease = 971, + Zo_AvailablePower = 984, + Zo_BatteryPercentage = 999, + Zo_BatteryVoltage = 1017, + Zo_BinaryActiveText = 1032, + Zo_BinaryApplicationType = 1049, + Zo_BinaryDescription = 1071, + Zo_BinaryInActiveText = 1089, + Zo_BinaryInApplicationType = 1108, + Zo_BinaryInDescription = 1132, + Zo_BinaryInInactiveText = 1152, + Zo_BinaryInOutOfService = 1173, + Zo_BinaryInPolarity = 1194, + Zo_BinaryInReliability = 1211, + Zo_BinaryInStatusFlags = 1231, + Zo_BinaryInValue = 1251, + Zo_BinaryInactiveText = 1265, + Zo_BinaryMinimumOffTime = 1284, + Zo_BinaryMinimumOnTime = 1305, + Zo_BinaryOutActiveText = 1325, + Zo_BinaryOutApplicationType = 1345, + Zo_BinaryOutDescription = 1370, + Zo_BinaryOutInactiveText = 1391, + Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOffTime = 1413, + Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOnTime = 1437, + Zo_BinaryOutOfService = 1460, + Zo_BinaryOutOutOfService = 1479, + Zo_BinaryOutPolarity = 1501, + Zo_BinaryOutReliability = 1519, + Zo_BinaryOutRelinquishDefault = 1540, + Zo_BinaryOutStatusFlags = 1567, + Zo_BinaryOutValue = 1588, + Zo_BinaryReliability = 1603, + Zo_BinaryRelinquishDefault = 1621, + Zo_BinaryStatusFlags = 1645, + Zo_BinaryValue = 1663, + Zo_CIE = 1675, + Zo_CO = 1679, + Zo_CT = 1682, + Zo_CheckinInterval = 1685, + Zo_CheckinIntervalMin = 1701, + Zo_ClosedLimit = 1720, + Zo_Color = 1732, + Zo_ColorMode = 1738, + Zo_ColorMove = 1748, + Zo_ColorPointBIntensity = 1758, + Zo_ColorPointBX = 1779, + Zo_ColorPointBY = 1792, + Zo_ColorPointGIntensity = 1805, + Zo_ColorPointGX = 1826, + Zo_ColorPointGY = 1839, + Zo_ColorPointRIntensity = 1852, + Zo_ColorPointRX = 1873, + Zo_ColorPointRY = 1886, + Zo_ColorStep = 1899, + Zo_ColorTempMove = 1909, + Zo_ColorTempMoveDown = 1923, + Zo_ColorTempMoveStop = 1941, + Zo_ColorTempMoveUp = 1959, + Zo_ColorTempStep = 1975, + Zo_ColorTempStepDown = 1989, + Zo_ColorTempStepUp = 2007, + Zo_CompanyName = 2023, + Zo_CompensationText = 2035, + Zo_ConfigStatus = 2052, + Zo_Contact = 2065, + Zo_ControlSequenceOfOperation = 2073, + Zo_CurrentGroup = 2100, + Zo_CurrentPositionLift = 2113, + Zo_CurrentPositionLiftPercentage = 2133, + Zo_CurrentPositionTilt = 2163, + Zo_CurrentPositionTiltPercentage = 2183, + Zo_CurrentScene = 2213, + Zo_CurrentTemperature = 2226, + Zo_CurrentTemperatureSetPoint = 2245, + Zo_CustomerName = 2272, + Zo_DataQualityID = 2285, + Zo_DateCode = 2299, + Zo_DecelerationTimeLift = 2308, + Zo_Dimmer = 2329, + Zo_DimmerDown = 2336, + Zo_DimmerMove = 2347, + Zo_DimmerOptions = 2358, + Zo_DimmerRemainingTime = 2372, + Zo_DimmerStep = 2392, + Zo_DimmerStepDown = 2403, + Zo_DimmerStepUp = 2418, + Zo_DimmerStop = 2431, + Zo_DimmerUp = 2442, + Zo_DoorClosedEvents = 2451, + Zo_DoorOpenEvents = 2468, + Zo_DoorState = 2483, + Zo_DriftCompensation = 2493, + Zo_DstEnd = 2511, + Zo_DstShift = 2518, + Zo_DstStart = 2527, + Zo_EnergyFormatting = 2536, + Zo_EnergyRemote = 2553, + Zo_EnergyTotal = 2566, + Zo_EurotronicErrors = 2578, + Zo_EurotronicHostFlags = 2595, + Zo_FastPollTimeout = 2615, + Zo_FastPollTimeoutMax = 2631, + Zo_Fire = 2650, + Zo_FlowMaxMeasuredValue = 2655, + Zo_FlowMinMeasuredValue = 2676, + Zo_FlowRate = 2697, + Zo_FlowTolerance = 2706, + Zo_GenericDeviceClass = 2720, + Zo_GenericDeviceType = 2739, + Zo_GetAllGroups = 2757, + Zo_GetGroup = 2770, + Zo_GetSceneMembership = 2779, + Zo_GlassBreak = 2798, + Zo_GroupNameSupport = 2809, + Zo_HWVersion = 2826, + Zo_Hue = 2836, + Zo_HueMove = 2840, + Zo_HueSat = 2848, + Zo_HueStep = 2855, + Zo_HueStepDown = 2863, + Zo_HueStepUp = 2875, + Zo_Humidity = 2885, + Zo_HumidityMaxMeasuredValue = 2894, + Zo_HumidityMinMeasuredValue = 2919, + Zo_HumidityTolerance = 2944, + Zo_Identify = 2962, + Zo_IdentifyQuery = 2971, + Zo_IdentifyTime = 2985, + Zo_Illuminance = 2998, + Zo_IlluminanceLevelStatus = 3010, + Zo_IlluminanceLightSensorType = 3033, + Zo_IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue = 3060, + Zo_IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue = 3088, + Zo_IlluminanceTargetLevel = 3116, + Zo_IlluminanceTolerance = 3139, + Zo_InstalledClosedLimitLift = 3160, + Zo_InstalledClosedLimitTilt = 3185, + Zo_InstalledOpenLimitLift = 3210, + Zo_InstalledOpenLimitTilt = 3233, + Zo_IntermediateSetpointsLift = 3256, + Zo_IntermediateSetpointsTilt = 3282, + Zo_LastMessageLQI = 3308, + Zo_LastMessageRSSI = 3323, + Zo_LastSetTime = 3339, + Zo_LocalTemperature = 3351, + Zo_LocalTemperatureCalibration = 3368, + Zo_LocalTime = 3396, + Zo_LocationAge = 3406, + Zo_LocationMethod = 3418, + Zo_LocationType = 3433, + Zo_LockState = 3446, + Zo_LockType = 3456, + Zo_LongPollInterval = 3465, + Zo_LongPollIntervalMin = 3482, + Zo_MainsFrequency = 3502, + Zo_MainsVoltage = 3517, + Zo_Manufacturer = 3530, + Zo_MaxTempExperienced = 3543, + Zo_MeterTypeID = 3562, + Zo_MinTempExperienced = 3574, + Zo_Mode = 3593, + Zo_Model = 3598, + Zo_ModelId = 3604, + Zo_MotorStepSize = 3612, + Zo_Movement = 3626, + Zo_MultiApplicationType = 3635, + Zo_MultiDescription = 3656, + Zo_MultiInApplicationType = 3673, + Zo_MultiInDescription = 3696, + Zo_MultiInNumberOfStates = 3715, + Zo_MultiInOutOfService = 3737, + Zo_MultiInReliability = 3757, + Zo_MultiInStatusFlags = 3776, + Zo_MultiInValue = 3795, + Zo_MultiNumberOfStates = 3808, + Zo_MultiOutApplicationType = 3828, + Zo_MultiOutDescription = 3852, + Zo_MultiOutNumberOfStates = 3872, + Zo_MultiOutOfService = 3895, + Zo_MultiOutOutOfService = 3913, + Zo_MultiOutReliability = 3934, + Zo_MultiOutRelinquishDefault = 3954, + Zo_MultiOutStatusFlags = 3980, + Zo_MultiOutValue = 4000, + Zo_MultiReliability = 4014, + Zo_MultiRelinquishDefault = 4031, + Zo_MultiStatusFlags = 4054, + Zo_MultiValue = 4071, + Zo_MultipleScheduling = 4082, + Zo_NumberOfDevices = 4101, + Zo_NumberOfPrimaries = 4117, + Zo_NumberOfResets = 4135, + Zo_NumberofActuationsLift = 4150, + Zo_NumberofActuationsTilt = 4173, + Zo_Occupancy = 4196, + Zo_OccupancySensorType = 4206, + Zo_OccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 4226, + Zo_OccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 4250, + Zo_OnOffTransitionTime = 4274, + Zo_OpenPeriod = 4294, + Zo_OppleMode = 4305, + Zo_OutdoorTemperature = 4315, + Zo_OverTempTotalDwell = 4334, + Zo_PICoolingDemand = 4353, + Zo_PIHeatingDemand = 4369, + Zo_POD = 4385, + Zo_Panic = 4389, + Zo_PartNumber = 4395, + Zo_PersistentMemoryWrites = 4406, + Zo_PersonalAlarm = 4429, + Zo_PhysicalClosedLimit = 4443, + Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitLift = 4463, + Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitTilt = 4487, + Zo_Power = 4511, + Zo_Power2 = 4517, + Zo_Power3 = 4524, + Zo_Power4 = 4531, + Zo_PowerOffEffect = 4538, + Zo_PowerOnRecall = 4553, + Zo_PowerOnTimer = 4567, + Zo_PowerSource = 4580, + Zo_PowerThreshold = 4592, + Zo_Pressure = 4607, + Zo_PressureMaxMeasuredValue = 4616, + Zo_PressureMaxScaledValue = 4641, + Zo_PressureMinMeasuredValue = 4664, + Zo_PressureMinScaledValue = 4689, + Zo_PressureScale = 4712, + Zo_PressureScaledTolerance = 4726, + Zo_PressureScaledValue = 4750, + Zo_PressureTolerance = 4770, + Zo_Primary1Intensity = 4788, + Zo_Primary1X = 4806, + Zo_Primary1Y = 4816, + Zo_Primary2Intensity = 4826, + Zo_Primary2X = 4844, + Zo_Primary2Y = 4854, + Zo_Primary3Intensity = 4864, + Zo_Primary3X = 4882, + Zo_Primary3Y = 4892, + Zo_ProductCode = 4902, + Zo_ProductRevision = 4914, + Zo_ProductURL = 4930, + Zo_QualityMeasure = 4941, + Zo_RMSCurrent = 4956, + Zo_RMSVoltage = 4967, + Zo_ReactivePower = 4978, + Zo_RecallScene = 4992, + Zo_RemainingTime = 5004, + Zo_RemoteSensing = 5018, + Zo_RemoveAllGroups = 5032, + Zo_RemoveAllScenes = 5048, + Zo_RemoveGroup = 5064, + Zo_RemoveScene = 5076, + Zo_ResetAlarm = 5088, + Zo_ResetAllAlarms = 5099, + Zo_SWBuildID = 5114, + Zo_Sat = 5124, + Zo_SatMove = 5128, + Zo_SatStep = 5136, + Zo_SceneCount = 5144, + Zo_SceneValid = 5155, + Zo_ScheduleMode = 5166, + Zo_SeaPressure = 5179, + Zo_ShortPollInterval = 5191, + Zo_Shutter = 5209, + Zo_ShutterClose = 5217, + Zo_ShutterLift = 5230, + Zo_ShutterOpen = 5242, + Zo_ShutterStop = 5254, + Zo_ShutterTilt = 5266, + Zo_SoftwareRevision = 5278, + Zo_StackVersion = 5295, + Zo_StandardTime = 5308, + Zo_StartUpOnOff = 5321, + Zo_Status = 5334, + Zo_StoreScene = 5341, + Zo_SwitchType = 5352, + Zo_SystemMode = 5363, + Zo_TRVBoost = 5374, + Zo_TRVChildProtection = 5383, + Zo_TRVMirrorDisplay = 5402, + Zo_TRVMode = 5419, + Zo_TRVWindowOpen = 5427, + Zo_TempTarget = 5441, + Zo_Temperature = 5452, + Zo_TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue = 5464, + Zo_TemperatureMinMeasuredValue = 5492, + Zo_TemperatureTolerance = 5520, + Zo_TerncyDuration = 5541, + Zo_TerncyRotate = 5556, + Zo_ThSetpoint = 5569, + Zo_Time = 5580, + Zo_TimeEpoch = 5585, + Zo_TimeStatus = 5595, + Zo_TimeZone = 5606, + Zo_TotalProfileNum = 5615, + Zo_TuyaAutoLock = 5631, + Zo_TuyaAwayDays = 5644, + Zo_TuyaAwayTemp = 5657, + Zo_TuyaBattery = 5670, + Zo_TuyaBoostTime = 5682, + Zo_TuyaChildLock = 5696, + Zo_TuyaComfortTemp = 5710, + Zo_TuyaEcoTemp = 5726, + Zo_TuyaFanMode = 5738, + Zo_TuyaForceMode = 5750, + Zo_TuyaMaxTemp = 5764, + Zo_TuyaMinTemp = 5776, + Zo_TuyaPreset = 5788, + Zo_TuyaScheduleHolidays = 5799, + Zo_TuyaScheduleWorkdays = 5820, + Zo_TuyaTempTarget = 5841, + Zo_TuyaValveDetection = 5856, + Zo_TuyaValvePosition = 5875, + Zo_TuyaWeekSelect = 5893, + Zo_TuyaWindowDetection = 5908, + Zo_UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 5928, + Zo_UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 5954, + Zo_UtilityName = 5980, + Zo_ValidUntilTime = 5992, + Zo_ValvePosition = 6007, + Zo_VelocityLift = 6021, + Zo_ViewGroup = 6034, + Zo_ViewScene = 6044, + Zo_Water = 6054, + Zo_WhitePointX = 6060, + Zo_WhitePointY = 6072, + Zo_WindowCoveringType = 6084, + Zo_X = 6103, + Zo_Y = 6105, + Zo_ZCLVersion = 6107, + Zo_ZoneState = 6118, + Zo_ZoneStatus = 6128, + Zo_ZoneStatusChange = 6139, + Zo_ZoneType = 6156, + Zo_xx = 6165, + Zo_xx000A00 = 6168, + Zo_xx0A = 6177, + Zo_xx0A00 = 6182, + Zo_xx19 = 6189, + Zo_xx190A = 6194, + Zo_xx190A00 = 6201, + Zo_xxxx = 6210, + Zo_xxxx00 = 6215, + Zo_xxxx0A00 = 6222, + Zo_xxxxyy = 6231, + Zo_xxxxyyyy = 6238, + Zo_xxxxyyyy0A00 = 6247, + Zo_xxxxyyzz = 6260, + Zo_xxyy = 6269, + Zo_xxyy0A00 = 6274, + Zo_xxyyyy = 6283, + Zo_xxyyyy000000000000 = 6290, + Zo_xxyyyy0A0000000000 = 6309, + Zo_xxyyyyzz = 6328, + Zo_xxyyyyzzzz = 6337, + Zo_xxyyzzzz = 6348, }; diff --git a/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_A_impl.ino b/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_A_impl.ino index 9bdf84175..35ae1b827 100644 --- a/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_A_impl.ino +++ b/tasmota/xdrv_23_zigbee_A_impl.ino @@ -1856,24 +1856,23 @@ const char ZB_WEB[] PROGMEM = "\x00\x66\x3D\x0E\xCA\xB1\xC1\x33\xF0\xF6\xD1\xEE\ // ++++++++++++++++++++ DO NOT EDIT ABOVE ++++++++++++++++++++ // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -extern "C" { - // comparator function used to sort Zigbee devices by alphabetical order (if friendlyname) - // then by shortaddr if they don't have friendlyname - int device_cmp(const void * a, const void * b) { - const Z_Device &dev_a = zigbee_devices.devicesAt(*(uint8_t*)a); - const Z_Device &dev_b = zigbee_devices.devicesAt(*(uint8_t*)b); - const char * fn_a = dev_a.friendlyName; - const char * fn_b = dev_b.friendlyName; +// comparator function used to sort Zigbee devices by alphabetical order (if friendlyname) +// then by shortaddr if they don't have friendlyname +int device_cmp(uint8_t a, uint8_t b) { + const Z_Device &dev_a = zigbee_devices.devicesAt(a); + const Z_Device &dev_b = zigbee_devices.devicesAt(b); + const char * fn_a = dev_a.friendlyName; + const char * fn_b = dev_b.friendlyName; - if (fn_a && fn_b) { - return strcasecmp(fn_a, fn_b); - } else if (!fn_a && !fn_b) { - return (int32_t)dev_a.shortaddr - (int32_t)dev_b.shortaddr; - } else { - if (fn_a) return -1; - else return 1; - } + if (fn_a && fn_b) { + return strcasecmp(fn_a, fn_b); + } else if (!fn_a && !fn_b) { + return (int32_t)dev_a.shortaddr - (int32_t)dev_b.shortaddr; + } else { + if (fn_a) return -1; + else return 1; } +} // Convert seconds to a string representing days, hours or minutes present in the n-value. @@ -1884,24 +1883,23 @@ extern "C" { // - char for unit (d for day, h for hour, m for minute) // - the hex color to be used to display the text // - uint32_t convert_seconds_to_dhm(uint32_t seconds, char *unit, uint8_t *color){ - static uint32_t conversions[3] = {24 * 3600, 3600, 60}; - static char units[3] = { 'd', 'h', 'm'}; // day, hour, minute - uint8_t color_text_8 = WebColor(COL_TEXT) & 0xFF; // color of text on 8 bits - uint8_t color_back_8 = WebColor(COL_BACKGROUND) & 0xFF; // color of background on 8 bits - uint8_t colors[3] = { (uint8_t) changeUIntScale(6, 0, 16, color_back_8, color_text_8), // 6/16 of text - (uint8_t) changeUIntScale(10, 0, 16, color_back_8, color_text_8), // 10/16 of text color - color_text_8}; - for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { - *color = colors[i]; - *unit = units[i]; - if (seconds > conversions[i]) { // always pass even if 00m - return seconds / conversions[i]; - } +uint32_t convert_seconds_to_dhm(uint32_t seconds, char *unit, uint8_t *color){ + static uint32_t conversions[3] = {24 * 3600, 3600, 60}; + static char units[3] = { 'd', 'h', 'm'}; // day, hour, minute + uint8_t color_text_8 = WebColor(COL_TEXT) & 0xFF; // color of text on 8 bits + uint8_t color_back_8 = WebColor(COL_BACKGROUND) & 0xFF; // color of background on 8 bits + uint8_t colors[3] = { (uint8_t) changeUIntScale(6, 0, 16, color_back_8, color_text_8), // 6/16 of text + (uint8_t) changeUIntScale(10, 0, 16, color_back_8, color_text_8), // 10/16 of text color + color_text_8}; + for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + *color = colors[i]; + *unit = units[i]; + if (seconds > conversions[i]) { // always pass even if 00m + return seconds / conversions[i]; } - return 0; } -} // extern "C" + return 0; +} const char HTTP_BTN_ZB_BUTTONS[] PROGMEM = "" @@ -1927,7 +1925,17 @@ void ZigbeeShow(bool json) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < zigbee_num; i++) { sorted_idx[i] = i; } - qsort(sorted_idx, zigbee_num, sizeof(sorted_idx[0]), device_cmp); + + // insertion sort + for (uint32_t i = 1; i < zigbee_num; i++) { + uint8_t key = sorted_idx[i]; + uint8_t j = i; + while ((j > 0) && (device_cmp(sorted_idx[j - 1], key) > 0)) { + sorted_idx[j] = sorted_idx[j - 1]; + j--; + } + sorted_idx[j] = key; + } uint32_t now = Rtc.utc_time;