#- test for bytes with fixed sizes -# def assert_attribute_error(f) try f() assert(false, 'unexpected execution flow') except .. as e, m assert(e == 'attribute_error') end end #- simple initialization -# b=bytes(-1) assert(str(b) == "bytes('00')") b=bytes(-5) assert(str(b) == "bytes('0000000000')") #- initialization with hex -# b=bytes("11", -1) assert(str(b) == "bytes('11')") b=bytes("11", -5) assert(str(b) == "bytes('1100000000')") b=bytes("11223344", -4) assert(str(b) == "bytes('11223344')") assert(str(bytes(-3).fromb64('RFVm')) == "bytes('445566')") #- check that get and set still works -# b=bytes("11223344",-4) assert(b.get(0,2) == 0x2211) b.set(0,0x5566,2) assert(b.get(0,2) == 0x5566) assert(b[0] == 0x66) b[0]=12 assert(b[0] == 12) #- resize -# b=bytes("11223344",-4) assert(b.resize(4) == bytes('11223344')) #- check that changing size raises an exception -# b=bytes("112233", -3) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.add(1)) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.add(2,2)) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.resize(4)) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.fromstring("aaaaa")) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.fromb64('RFVmdw==')) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.clear()) assert_attribute_error(/-> b.bytes()) #- add -# b=bytes("112233", -3) assert(b+b == bytes("112233112233")) #- bytes mapped -# b1=bytes("112233445566") ptr=b1._buffer() b2=bytes(ptr, -4) assert(b2 == bytes("11223344")) b2=bytes(ptr, 4) assert(b2 == bytes("11223344")) b2=bytes(ptr, 6) assert(b2 == bytes("112233445566")) assert(b1 == b2) b2.set(0,0xAABB,2) assert(b2 == bytes("BBAA33445566")) assert(b1 == bytes("BBAA33445566")) assert(b1 == b2) assert(b1.ismapped() == false)