/* * FTP SERVER FOR ESP32/ESP8266 * based on FTP Server for Arduino Due and Ethernet shield (W5100) or WIZ820io (W5200) * based on Jean-Michel Gallego's work * modified to work with esp8266 SPIFFS by David Paiva david@nailbuster.com * 2017: modified by @robo8080 (ported to ESP32 and SD) * 2019: modified by @fa1ke5 (use SD card in SD_MMC mode (No SD lib, SD_MMC lib), and added fully fuctional passive mode ftp server) * 2020: modified by @jmwislez (support generic FS, and re-introduced ESP8266) * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ESPFtpServer.h" #include #ifdef ESP32 #undef F #define F(A) A #endif void FtpServer::begin (String uname, String pword, FS *ufp) { if (is_up) return; cfsp = ufp; // Tells the ftp server to begin listening for incoming connection _FTP_USER = uname; _FTP_PASS = pword; ftpServer = new WiFiServer(FTP_CTRL_PORT); if (!ftpServer) return; dataServer = new WiFiServer(FTP_DATA_PORT_PASV); if (!dataServer) return; ftpServer->begin (); delay (10); dataServer->begin (); delay (10); millisTimeOut = (uint32_t)FTP_TIME_OUT * 60 * 1000; millisDelay = 0; cmdStatus = 0; iniVariables (); is_up = true; } FtpServer::~FtpServer(void) { ftpServer->close(); ftpServer->stop(); delete ftpServer; dataServer->close(); dataServer->stop(); delete dataServer; } void FtpServer::iniVariables () { // Default for data port dataPort = FTP_DATA_PORT_PASV; // Default Data connection is Active dataPassiveConn = false; // Set the root directory strcpy (cwdName, "/"); rnfrCmd = false; transferStatus = 0; } void FtpServer::handleFTP () { if (!is_up) return; if ((int32_t) (millisDelay - millis ()) > 0) { return; } if (ftpServer->hasClient ()) { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> disconnecting client")); #endif client.stop (); client = ftpServer->available (); } if (cmdStatus == 0) { if (client.connected ()) { disconnectClient (); } cmdStatus = 1; } else if (cmdStatus == 1) { // Ftp server waiting for connection abortTransfer (); iniVariables (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> ftp server waiting for connection on port ") + String (FTP_CTRL_PORT)); #endif cmdStatus = 2; } else if (cmdStatus == 2) { // Ftp server idle if (client.connected ()) { // A client connected clientConnected (); millisEndConnection = millis () + 10 * 1000; // wait client id during 10 s. cmdStatus = 3; } } else if (readChar () > 0) { // got response if (cmdStatus == 3) { // Ftp server waiting for user identity if (userIdentity ()) { cmdStatus = 4; } else { cmdStatus = 0; } } else if (cmdStatus == 4) { // Ftp server waiting for user registration if (userPassword ()) { cmdStatus = 5; millisEndConnection = millis () + millisTimeOut; } else { cmdStatus = 0; } } else if (cmdStatus == 5) { // Ftp server waiting for user command if (!processCommand ()) { cmdStatus = 0; } else { millisEndConnection = millis () + millisTimeOut; } } } else if (!client.connected () || !client) { cmdStatus = 1; #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected")); #endif } if (transferStatus == 1) { // Retrieve data if (!doRetrieve ()) { transferStatus = 0; } } else if (transferStatus == 2) { // Store data if (!doStore ()) { transferStatus = 0; } } else if (cmdStatus > 2 && ! ((int32_t) (millisEndConnection - millis ()) > 0 )) { client.println (F("530 Timeout")); millisDelay = millis () + 200; // delay of 200 ms cmdStatus = 0; } } void FtpServer::clientConnected () { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client connected")); #endif client.println (F("220-Welcome to FTP for ESP8266/ESP32")); client.println (F("220-By David Paiva")); client.println (F("220-Version ") + String (FTP_SERVER_VERSION)); client.println (F("220 Put your ftp client in passive mode, and do not attempt more than one connection")); iCL = 0; } void FtpServer::disconnectClient () { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> disconnecting client")); #endif abortTransfer (); client.println (F("221 Goodbye")); client.stop (); } boolean FtpServer::userIdentity () { if (strcmp (command, "USER")) { client.println (F("500 Syntax error")); } if (strcmp (parameters, _FTP_USER.c_str ())) { client.println (F("530 user not found")); } else { client.println (F("331 OK. Password required")); strcpy (cwdName, "/"); return true; } millisDelay = millis () + 100; // delay of 100 ms return false; } boolean FtpServer::userPassword () { if (strcmp (command, "PASS")) { client.println (F("500 Syntax error")); } else if (strcmp (parameters, _FTP_PASS.c_str ())) { client.println (F("530 ")); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> user authenticated")); #endif client.println (F("230 OK.")); return true; } millisDelay = millis () + 100; // delay of 100 ms return false; } boolean FtpServer::processCommand () { struct tm * ptm; time_t ftime; char buffer[80]; /////////////////////////////////////// // // // ACCESS CONTROL COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // CDUP - Change to Parent Directory // if (!strcmp (command, "CDUP") || (!strcmp (command, "CWD") && !strcmp (parameters, ".."))) { bool ok = false; if (strlen (cwdName) > 1) { // do nothing if cwdName is root // if cwdName ends with '/', remove it (must not append) if (cwdName[strlen (cwdName) - 1] == '/') { cwdName[ strlen (cwdName ) - 1 ] = 0; } // search last '/' char * pSep = strrchr (cwdName, '/'); ok = pSep > cwdName; // if found, ends the string on its position if (ok) { * pSep = 0; ok = cfsp->exists (cwdName); } } // if an error appends, move to root if (!ok) { strcpy (cwdName, "/"); } client.println (F("250 Ok. Current directory is ") + String (cwdName)); } // // CWD - Change Working Directory // else if (!strcmp (command, "CWD")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (haveParameter () && makeExistsPath (path)) { strcpy (cwdName, path); client.println (F("250 Ok. Current directory is ") + String (cwdName)); } } // // PWD - Print Directory // else if (!strcmp (command, "PWD")) { client.println (F("257 \"") + String (cwdName) + F("\" is your current directory")); } // // QUIT // else if (!strcmp (command, "QUIT")) { disconnectClient (); return false; } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRANSFER PARAMETER COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // MODE - Transfer Mode // else if (!strcmp (command, "MODE")) { if (!strcmp (parameters, "S")) { client.println (F("200 S Ok")); } else { client.println (F("504 Only S (tream) is supported")); } } // // PASV - Passive Connection management // else if (!strcmp (command, "PASV")) { if (data.connected ()) { data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } dataIp = WiFi.localIP (); dataPort = FTP_DATA_PORT_PASV; #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> connection management set to passive")); Serial.println (F("-> data port set to ") + String (dataPort)); #endif client.println (F("227 Entering Passive Mode (") + String (dataIp[0]) + "," + String (dataIp[1]) + "," + String (dataIp[2]) + "," + String (dataIp[3]) + "," + String (dataPort >> 8) + "," + String (dataPort & 255) + ")."); dataPassiveConn = true; } // // PORT - Data Port // else if (!strcmp (command, "PORT")) { if (data) { data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } // get IP of data client dataIp[0] = atoi (parameters); char * p = strchr (parameters, ','); for (uint8_t i = 1; i < 4; i ++) { dataIp[i] = atoi (++ p); p = strchr (p, ','); } // get port of data client dataPort = 256 * atoi (++ p); p = strchr (p, ','); dataPort += atoi (++ p); if (p == NULL) { client.println (F("501 Can't interpret parameters")); } else { client.println (F("200 PORT command successful")); dataPassiveConn = false; } } // // STRU - File Structure // else if (!strcmp (command, "STRU")) { if (!strcmp (parameters, "F")) { client.println (F("200 F Ok")); } else { client.println (F("504 Only F (ile) is supported")); } } // // TYPE - Data Type // else if (!strcmp (command, "TYPE")) { if (!strcmp (parameters, "A")) { client.println (F("200 TYPE is now ASCII")); } else if (!strcmp (parameters, "I" )) { client.println (F("200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary")); } else { client.println (F("504 Unknown TYPE")); } } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // FTP SERVICE COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // ABOR - Abort // else if (!strcmp (command, "ABOR")) { abortTransfer (); client.println (F("226 Data connection closed")); } // // DELE - Delete a File // else if (!strcmp (command, "DELE")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (strlen (parameters) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (path)) { if (!cfsp->exists (path)) { client.println (F("550 File ") + String (parameters) + F(" not found")); } else { if (cfsp->remove (path)) { client.println (F("250 Deleted ") + String (parameters)); // silently recreate the directory if it vanished with the last file it contained String directory = String (path).substring (0, String(path).lastIndexOf ("/")); if (!cfsp->exists (directory.c_str())) { cfsp->mkdir (directory.c_str()); } } else { client.println (F("450 Can't delete ") + String (parameters)); } } } } // // LIST - List // else if (!strcmp (command, "LIST")) { if (dataConnect ()) { client.println (F("150 Accepted data connection")); uint16_t nm = 0; #ifdef ESP8266 Dir dir = cfsp->openDir (cwdName); while (dir.next ()) { String fname, fsize; fname = dir.fileName (); time_t ftime = dir.fileTime (); ptm = gmtime (&ftime); int pos = fname.lastIndexOf ("/"); //looking for the beginning of the file by the last "/" fname.remove (0, pos + 1); //Delete everything up to and including the filename fsize = String (dir.fileSize ()); if (dir.isDirectory ()){ sprintf (buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, fname.c_str()); } else { sprintf (buffer, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %s %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, fillSpaces (14, String (fsize)).c_str(), fname.c_str()); } data.println (buffer); nm ++; } client.println( "226 " + String (nm) + " matches total"); #endif #ifdef ESP32 File dir = cfsp->open (cwdName); if ((!dir) || (!dir.isDirectory ())) { client.println (F("550 Can't open directory ") + String (cwdName)); } else { File file = dir.openNextFile (); while (file) { String fname, fsize; fname = file.name (); ftime = file.getLastWrite (); ptm = gmtime (&ftime); int pos = fname.lastIndexOf ("/"); //looking for the beginning of the file by the last "/" fname.remove (0, pos + 1); //Delete everything up to and including the filename #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println ("-> " + fname); #endif fsize = String (file.size ()); if (file.isDirectory ()){ sprintf (buffer, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, fname.c_str()); } else { sprintf (buffer, "%04u-%02u-%02u %02d:%02u %s %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, fillSpaces (14, String (fsize)).c_str(), fname.c_str()); } data.println (buffer); nm ++; file = dir.openNextFile (); } client.println ("226 " + String (nm) + F(" matches total")); } #endif data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } else { client.println (F("425 No data connection")); data.stop (); } } // // MLSD - Listing for Machine Processing (see RFC 3659) // else if (!strcmp (command, "MLSD")) { if (!dataConnect ()) { client.println (F("425 No data connection MLSD")); } else { client.println (F("150 Accepted data connection")); uint16_t nm = 0; #ifdef ESP8266 Dir dir = cfsp->openDir (cwdName); char dtStr[15]; while (dir.next ()) { String fn, fs; fn = dir.fileName (); int pos = fn.lastIndexOf ("/"); //looking for the beginning of the file by the last "/" fn.remove (0, pos + 1); //Delete everything up to and including the filename fs = String (dir.fileSize ()); ftime = dir.fileTime (); ptm = gmtime (&ftime); if (dir.isDirectory ()) { sprintf (buffer, "Type=dir;Modify=%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u; %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, fn.c_str()); } else { sprintf (buffer, "Type=file;Size=%s;Modify=%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u; %s", fs.c_str(), ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, fn.c_str()); } data.println (buffer); nm ++; } client.println (F("226-options: -a -l")); client.println("226 " + String(nm) + F(" matches total")); #endif #ifdef ESP32 File dir = cfsp->open (cwdName); char dtStr[15]; if (!cfsp->exists (cwdName)) { client.println (F("550 Can't open directory ") + String (parameters)); } else { File file = dir.openNextFile (); while (file) { String fn, fs; fn = file.name (); int pos = fn.lastIndexOf ("/"); // looking for the beginning of the file by the last "/" fn.remove (0, pos + 1); // delete everything up to and including the filename fs = String (file.size ()); ftime = file.getLastWrite (); ptm = gmtime (&ftime); if (file.isDirectory ()) { sprintf (buffer, "Type=dir;Modify=%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u; %s", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, fn.c_str()); } else { sprintf (buffer, "Type=file;Size=%s;Modify=%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u; %s", fs.c_str(), ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec, fn.c_str()); } data.println (buffer); nm ++; file = dir.openNextFile (); } client.println (F("226-options: -a -l")); client.println ("226 " + String (nm) + F(" matches total")); } #endif data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } } // // NLST - Name List // else if (!strcmp (command, "NLST" )) { if (!dataConnect ()) { client.println (F("425 No data connection")); } else { client.println (F("150 Accepted data connection")); uint16_t nm = 0; #ifdef ESP8266 Dir dir = cfsp->openDir (cwdName); if (!cfsp->exists (cwdName)) { client.println (F("550 Can't open directory ") + String (parameters)); } else { while (dir.next ()) { data.println (dir.fileName ()); nm ++; } client.println ("226 " + String(nm) + F(" matches total")); } #endif #ifdef ESP32 File dir = cfsp->open (cwdName); if (!cfsp->exists (cwdName)) { client.println (F("550 Can't open directory ") + String (parameters)); } else { File file = dir.openNextFile (); while (file) { data.println (file.name ()); nm ++; file = dir.openNextFile (); } client.println ("226 " + String (nm) + F(" matches total")); } #endif data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } } // // NOOP // else if (!strcmp (command, "NOOP")) { client.println (F("200 Zzz...")); } // // RETR - Retrieve // else if (!strcmp (command, "RETR")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (strlen (parameters) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (path)) { file = cfsp->open (path, "r"); if (!file) { client.println (F("550 File ") + String (parameters) + F(" not found")); } else if (!file) { client.println (F("450 Can't open ") + String (parameters)); } else if (!dataConnect ()) { client.println (F("425 No data connection")); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> sending ") + String (parameters)); #endif client.println (F("150-Connected to port ") + String (dataPort)); client.println (F("150 ") + String (file.size ()) + F(" bytes to download")); millisBeginTrans = millis (); bytesTransferred = 0; transferStatus = 1; } } } // // STOR - Store // else if (!strcmp (command, "STOR")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (strlen (parameters) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (path)) { file = cfsp->open (path, "w"); if (!file) { client.println (F("451 Can't open/create ") + String (parameters)); } else if (!dataConnect ()) { client.println (F("425 No data connection")); file.close (); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> receiving ") + String (parameters)); #endif client.println (F("150 Connected to port ") + String (dataPort)); millisBeginTrans = millis (); bytesTransferred = 0; transferStatus = 2; } } } // // MKD - Make Directory // else if (!strcmp (command, "MKD")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (haveParameter () && makePath (path)) { if (cfsp->exists (path)) { client.println (F("521 Can't create \"") + String (parameters) + F("\", Directory exists")); } else { if (cfsp->mkdir (path)) { client.println (F("257 \"") + String (parameters) + F("\" created")); } else { client.println (F("550 Can't create \"") + String (parameters) + "\""); } } } } // // RMD - Remove a Directory // else if (!strcmp (command, "RMD")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (haveParameter () && makePath (path)) { if (cfsp->rmdir (path)) { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> deleting ") + String (parameters)); #endif client.println ("250 \"" + String (parameters) + F("\" deleted")); } else { if (cfsp->exists (path)) { // hack client.println (F("550 Can't remove \"") + String (parameters) + F("\". Directory not empty?")); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> deleting ") + String (parameters)); #endif client.println ("250 \"" + String (parameters) + F("\" deleted")); } } } } // // RNFR - Rename From // else if (!strcmp (command, "RNFR")) { buf[0] = 0; if (strlen (parameters) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (buf)) { if (!cfsp->exists (buf)) { client.println (F("550 File ") + String (parameters) + F(" not found")); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> renaming ") + String (buf)); #endif client.println (F("350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination")); rnfrCmd = true; } } } // // RNTO - Rename To // else if (!strcmp (command, "RNTO")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; char dir[FTP_FIL_SIZE]; if (strlen (buf ) == 0 || ! rnfrCmd) { client.println (F("503 Need RNFR before RNTO")); } else if (strlen (parameters ) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (path)) { if (cfsp->exists (path)) { client.println (F("553 ") + String (parameters) + F(" already exists")); } else { #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> renaming ") + String (buf) + " to " + String (path)); #endif if (cfsp->rename (buf, path)) { client.println (F("250 File successfully renamed or moved")); } else { client.println (F("451 Rename/move failure")); } } } rnfrCmd = false; } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // EXTENSIONS COMMANDS (RFC 3659) // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // FEAT - New Features // else if (!strcmp (command, "FEAT")) { client.println (F("211-Extensions supported:")); client.println (F(" MLSD")); client.println (F("211 End.")); } // // MDTM - File Modification Time (see RFC 3659) // else if (!strcmp (command, "MDTM")) { client.println (F("550 Unable to retrieve time")); } // // SIZE - Size of the file // else if (!strcmp (command, "SIZE")) { char path[FTP_CWD_SIZE]; if (strlen (parameters) == 0) { client.println (F("501 No file name")); } else if (makePath (path)) { file = cfsp->open (path, "r"); if (!file) { client.println (F("450 Can't open ") + String (parameters)); } else { client.println (F("213 ") + String (file.size ())); file.close (); } } } // // SITE - System command // else if (!strcmp (command, "SITE")) { client.println (F("500 Unknown SITE command ") + String (parameters)); } // // Unrecognized commands ... // else { client.println (F("500 Unknown command")); } return true; } boolean FtpServer::dataConnect () { unsigned long startTime = millis (); //wait 5 seconds for a data connection if (!data.connected ()) { while (!dataServer->hasClient () && millis () - startTime < 10000) { yield (); } if (dataServer->hasClient ()) { data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif data = dataServer->available (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client connected to dataserver")); #endif } } return data.connected (); } boolean FtpServer::doRetrieve () { if (data.connected ()) { int16_t nb = file.readBytes (buf, FTP_BUF_SIZE); if (nb > 0) { data.write ((uint8_t*)buf, nb); bytesTransferred += nb; return true; } } closeTransfer (); return false; } boolean FtpServer::doStore () { // Avoid blocking by never reading more bytes than are available int navail = data.available(); if (navail > 0) { // And be sure not to overflow the buffer if (navail > FTP_BUF_SIZE) { navail = FTP_BUF_SIZE; } int16_t nb = data.read((uint8_t *)buf, navail); if (nb > 0) { file.write((uint8_t *)buf, nb); bytesTransferred += nb; } } if (!data.connected() && (navail <= 0)) { closeTransfer(); return false; } else { return true; } } void FtpServer::closeTransfer () { uint32_t deltaT = (int32_t) (millis () - millisBeginTrans); if (deltaT > 0 && bytesTransferred > 0) { client.println (F("226-File successfully transferred")); client.println ("226 " + String (deltaT) + " ms, " + String (bytesTransferred / deltaT) + " kbytes/s"); } else { client.println (F("226 File successfully transferred")); } file.close (); data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> file successfully transferred")); Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif } void FtpServer::abortTransfer () { if (transferStatus > 0) { file.close (); data.stop (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> client disconnected from dataserver")); #endif client.println (F("426 Transfer aborted")); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.println (F("-> transfer aborted")); #endif } transferStatus = 0; } // Read a char from client connected to ftp server // // update cmdLine and command buffers, iCL and parameters pointers // // return: // -2 if buffer cmdLine is full // -1 if line not completed // 0 if empty line received // length of cmdLine (positive) if no empty line received int8_t FtpServer::readChar () { int8_t rc = -1; if (client.available ()) { char c = client.read (); #ifdef FTP_DEBUG Serial.print (c); #endif if (c == '\\') { c = '/'; } if (c != '\r' ) { if (c != '\n' ) { if (iCL < FTP_CMD_SIZE) { cmdLine[iCL ++] = c; } else { rc = -2; // Line too long } } else { cmdLine[iCL] = 0; command[0] = 0; parameters = NULL; // empty line? if (iCL == 0) { rc = 0; } else { rc = iCL; // search for space between command and parameters parameters = strchr (cmdLine, ' '); if (parameters != NULL) { if (parameters - cmdLine > 4) { rc = -2; // Syntax error } else { strncpy (command, cmdLine, parameters - cmdLine); command[parameters - cmdLine] = 0; while (* (++ parameters) == ' ') { ; } } } else if (strlen (cmdLine) > 4) { rc = -2; // Syntax error. } else { strcpy (command, cmdLine); } iCL = 0; } } } if (rc > 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strlen (command); i ++) { command[i] = toupper (command[i]); } } if (rc == -2) { iCL = 0; client.println (F("500 Syntax error")); } } return rc; } // Make complete path/name from cwdName and parameters // // 3 possible cases: parameters can be absolute path, relative path or only the name // // parameters: // fullName : where to store the path/name // // return: // true, if done boolean FtpServer::makePath (char * fullName) { return makePath (fullName, parameters); } boolean FtpServer::makePath (char * fullName, char * param) { if (param == NULL) { param = parameters; } // Root or empty? if (strcmp (param, "/") == 0 || strlen (param) == 0) { strcpy (fullName, "/"); return true; } // If relative path, concatenate with current dir if (param[0] != '/' ) { strcpy (fullName, cwdName); if (fullName[strlen (fullName) - 1] != '/') { strncat (fullName, "/", FTP_CWD_SIZE); } strncat (fullName, param, FTP_CWD_SIZE); } else { strcpy (fullName, param); } // If ends with '/', remove it uint16_t strl = strlen (fullName) - 1; if (fullName[strl] == '/' && strl > 1) { fullName[strl] = 0; } if (strlen (fullName) < FTP_CWD_SIZE) { return true; } client.println (F("500 Command line too long")); return false; } // Calculate year, month, day, hour, minute and second // from first parameter sent by MDTM command (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) // // parameters: // pyear, pmonth, pday, phour, pminute and psecond: pointer of // variables where to store data // // return: // 0 if parameter is not YYYYMMDDHHMMSS // length of parameter + space uint8_t FtpServer::getDateTime (uint16_t * pyear, uint8_t * pmonth, uint8_t * pday, uint8_t * phour, uint8_t * pminute, uint8_t * psecond) { char dt[15]; // Date/time are expressed as a 14 digits long string // terminated by a space and followed by name of file if (strlen (parameters ) < 15 || parameters[14] != ' ') { return 0; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 14; i ++) { if (!isdigit (parameters[i])) { return 0; } } strncpy (dt, parameters, 14); dt[14] = 0; * psecond = atoi (dt + 12); dt[12] = 0; * pminute = atoi (dt + 10); dt[10] = 0; * phour = atoi (dt + 8); dt[8] = 0; * pday = atoi (dt + 6); dt[6] = 0; * pmonth = atoi (dt + 4); dt[4] = 0; * pyear = atoi (dt); return 15; } // Create string YYYYMMDDHHMMSS from date and time // // parameters: // date, time // tstr: where to store the string. Must be at least 15 characters long // // return: // pointer to tstr char * FtpServer::makeDateTimeStr (char * tstr, uint16_t date, uint16_t time) { sprintf (tstr, "%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u", ((date & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980, (date & 0x01E0) >> 5, date & 0x001F, (time & 0xF800) >> 11, (time & 0x07E0) >> 5, (time & 0x001F) << 1); return tstr; } bool FtpServer::haveParameter () { if (parameters != NULL && strlen (parameters) > 0) { return true; } client.println (F("501 No file name")); return false; } bool FtpServer::makeExistsPath (char * path, char * param) { if (!makePath (path, param)) { return false; } if (cfsp->exists (path)) { return true; } client.println (F("550 ") + String (path) + F(" not found.")); return false; } String FtpServer::fillSpaces (uint8_t length, String input) { String output; output = ""; while (output.length() < length - input.length()) { output += " "; } output += input; return (output); }