#------------------------------------------------------------- - Parser for ESP32 partition - -------------------------------------------------------------# partition = module('partition') import flash import string #- remove trailing NULL chars from a buffer before converting to string -# #- Berry strings can contain NULL, but this messes up C-Berry interface -# def remove_trailing_zeroes(b) while size(b) > 0 if b.get(size(b)-1,1) == 0 b.resize(size(b)-1) else break end end return b end #------------------------------------------------------------- - Simple CRC32 imple - - adapted from Python https://rosettacode.org/wiki/CRC-32#Python -------------------------------------------------------------# def crc32_create_table() var a = [] for i:0..255 var k = i for j:0..7 if k & 1 k = (k >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF k ^= 0xedb88320 else k = (k >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF end end a.push(k) end return a end crc32_table = crc32_create_table() def crc32_update(buf, crc) crc ^= 0xffffffff for k:0..size(buf)-1 crc = (crc >> 8 & 0x00FFFFFF) ^ crc32_table[(crc & 0xff) ^ buf[k]] end return crc ^ 0xffffffff end #- crc32 for ota_seq as 32 bits unsigned, with init vector -1 -# def crc32_ota_seq(seq) return crc32_update(bytes().add(seq, 4), 0xFFFFFFFF) end #------------------------------------------------------------- - Class for a partition table entry - typedef struct { uint16_t magic; uint8_t type; uint8_t subtype; uint32_t offset; uint32_t size; uint8_t label[16]; uint32_t flags; } esp_partition_info_t_simplified; -------------------------------------------------------------# class Partition_info var type var subtype var start var size var label var flags def init(raw) import string if raw == nil || !issubclass(bytes, raw) self.type = 0 self.subtype = 0 self.start = 0 self.size = 0 self.label = '' self.flags = 0 return end #- parse -# var magic = raw.get(0,2) if magic == 0x50AA #- partition entry -# self.type = raw.get(2,1) self.subtype = raw.get(3,1) self.start = raw.get(4,4) self.size = raw.get(8,4) self.label = remove_trailing_zeroes(raw[12..27]).asstring() self.flags = raw.get(28,4) elif magic == 0xEBEB #- MD5 -# else raise "internal_error", string.format("invalid magic number %02X", magic) end end # check if the parition is an OTA partition # if yes, return OTA number (starting at 0) # if no, return nil def is_ota() if self.type == 0 && (self.subtype >= 0x10 && self.subtype < 0x20) return self.subtype - 0x10 end end # check if the parition is a SPIFFS partition # returns bool def is_spiffs() return self.type == 1 && self.subtype == 130 end # get the actual image size give of the partition # returns -1 if the partition is not an app ota partition def get_image_size() if self.is_ota() == nil return -1 end var addr = self.start var magic_byte = flash.read(addr, 1).get(0, 1) if magic_byte != 0xE9 raise "internal_error", string.format("Invalid magic_byte 0x%02X (should be 0xE9)", magic_byte) end var seg_count = flash.read(addr+1, 1).get(0, 1) # print("Segment count", seg_count) var seg_offset = addr + 0x20 # sizeof(esp_image_header_t) + sizeof(esp_image_segment_header_t) = 24 + 8 var seg_size = 0 for seg_num:0..seg_count-1 # print(string.format("Reading 0x%08X", seg_offset)) var segment_header = flash.read(seg_offset - 8, 8) var seg_start_addr = segment_header.get(0, 4) var seg_size = segment_header.get(4,4) # print(string.format("Segment %i: flash_offset=0x%08X start_addr=0x%08X size=0x%08X", seg_num, seg_offset, seg_start_addr, seg_size)) seg_offset += seg_size + 8 # add segment_length + sizeof(esp_image_segment_header_t) end var total_size = seg_offset - addr + 1 # add 1KB for safety # print(string.format("Total size = %i KB", total_size/1024)) return total_size end def tostring() import string var type_s = "" var subtype_s = "" if self.type == 0 type_s = "app" if self.subtype == 0 subtype_s = "factory" elif self.subtype >= 0x10 && self.subtype < 0x20 subtype_s = "ota" + str(self.subtype - 0x10) elif self.subtype == 0x20 subtype_s = "test" end elif self.type == 1 type_s = "data" if self.subtype == 0x00 subtype_s = "otadata" elif self.subtype == 0x01 subtype_s = "phy" elif self.subtype == 0x02 subtype_s = "nvs" elif self.subtype == 0x03 subtype_s = "coredump" elif self.subtype == 0x04 subtype_s = "nvskeys" elif self.subtype == 0x05 subtype_s = "efuse_em" elif self.subtype == 0x80 subtype_s = "esphttpd" elif self.subtype == 0x81 subtype_s = "fat" elif self.subtype == 0x82 subtype_s = "spiffs" end end #- reformat strings -# if type_s != "" type_s = " (" + type_s + ")" end if subtype_s != "" subtype_s = " (" + subtype_s + ")" end return string.format("", self.type, type_s, self.subtype, subtype_s, self.start, self.size, self.label, self.flags) end def tobytes() #- convert to raw bytes -# var b = bytes('AA50') #- set magic number -# b.resize(32).resize(2) #- pre-reserve 32 bytes -# b.add(self.type, 1) b.add(self.subtype, 1) b.add(self.start, 4) b.add(self.size, 4) var label = bytes().fromstring(self.label) label.resize(16) b = b + label b.add(self.flags, 4) return b end end #------------------------------------------------------------- - OTA Data - - Selection of the active OTA partition - typedef struct { uint32_t ota_seq; uint8_t seq_label[20]; uint32_t ota_state; uint32_t crc; /* CRC32 of ota_seq field only */ } esp_ota_select_entry_t; - Excerp from esp_ota_ops.c esp32_idf use two sector for store information about which partition is running it defined the two sector as ota data partition,two structure esp_ota_select_entry_t is saved in the two sector named data in first sector as otadata[0], second sector data as otadata[1] e.g. if otadata[0].ota_seq == otadata[1].ota_seq == 0xFFFFFFFF,means ota info partition is in init status so it will boot factory application(if there is),if there's no factory application,it will boot ota[0] application if otadata[0].ota_seq != 0 and otadata[1].ota_seq != 0,it will choose a max seq ,and get value of max_seq%max_ota_app_number and boot a subtype (mask 0x0F) value is (max_seq - 1)%max_ota_app_number,so if want switch to run ota[x],can use next formulas. for example, if otadata[0].ota_seq = 4, otadata[1].ota_seq = 5, and there are 8 ota application, current running is (5-1)%8 = 4,running ota[4],so if we want to switch to run ota[7], we should add otadata[0].ota_seq (is 4) to 4 ,(8-1)%8=7,then it will boot ota[7] if A=(B - C)%D then B=(A + C)%D + D*n ,n= (0,1,2...) so current ota app sub type id is x , dest bin subtype is y,total ota app count is n seq will add (x + n*1 + 1 - seq)%n -------------------------------------------------------------# class Partition_otadata var maxota #- number of highest OTA partition, default 1 (double ota0/ota1) -# var offset #- offset of the otadata partition (0x2000 in length), default 0xE000 -# var active_otadata #- which otadata block is active, 0 or 1, i.e. 0xE000 or 0xF000 -# var seq0 #- ota_seq of first block -# var seq1 #- ota_seq of second block -# def init(maxota, offset) self.maxota = maxota if self.maxota == nil self.maxota = 1 end self.offset = offset if self.offset == nil self.offset = 0xE000 end self.active_otadata = 0 self.load() end #- update ota_max, needs to recompute everything -# def set_ota_max(n) self.maxota = n end def set_active(n) var seq_max = 0 #- current highest seq number -# var block_act = 0 #- block number containing the highest seq number -# if self.seq0 != nil seq_max = self.seq0 block_act = 0 end if self.seq1 != nil && self.seq1 > seq_max seq_max = self.seq1 block_act = 1 end #- compute the next sequence number -# var actual_ota = (seq_max - 1) % (self.maxota + 1) if actual_ota != n #- change only if different -# if n > actual_ota seq_max += n - actual_ota else seq_max += (self.maxota + 1) - actual_ota + n end #- update internal structure -# if block_act == 1 #- current block is 1, so update block 0 -# self.seq0 = seq_max else #- or write to block 1 -# self.seq1 = seq_max end self._validate() end end #- load otadata -# def load() var otadata0 = flash.read(0xE000, 32) var otadata1 = flash.read(0xF000, 32) self.seq0 = otadata0.get(0, 4) #- ota_seq for block 1 -# self.seq1 = otadata1.get(0, 4) #- ota_seq for block 2 -# var valid0 = otadata0.get(28, 4) == crc32_ota_seq(self.seq0) #- is CRC32 valid? -# var valid1 = otadata1.get(28, 4) == crc32_ota_seq(self.seq1) #- is CRC32 valid? -# if !valid0 self.seq0 = nil end if !valid1 self.seq1 = nil end self._validate() end #- internally used, validate data -# def _validate() self.active_otadata = 0 #- if none is valid, default to OTA0 -# if self.seq0 != nil self.active_otadata = (self.seq0 - 1) % (self.maxota + 1) end if self.seq1 != nil && (self.seq0 == nil || self.seq1 > self.seq0) self.active_otadata = (self.seq1 - 1) % (self.maxota + 1) end end def save() #- check the block number to save, 0 or 1. Choose the highest ota_seq -# var block_to_save = -1 #- invalid -# var seq_to_save = -1 #- invalid value -# # check seq0 if self.seq0 != nil seq_to_save = self.seq0 block_to_save = 0 end if (self.seq1 != nil) && (self.seq1 > seq_to_save) seq_to_save = self.seq1 block_to_save = 1 end # if none was good if block_to_save < 0 block_to_save = 0 end if seq_to_save < 0 seq_to_save = 1 end var offset_to_save = self.offset + 0x1000 * block_to_save #- default 0xE000 or 0xF000 -# var bytes_to_save = bytes() bytes_to_save.add(seq_to_save, 4) bytes_to_save += bytes("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") bytes_to_save.add(crc32_ota_seq(seq_to_save), 4) #- erase flash area and write -# flash.erase(offset_to_save, 0x1000) flash.write(offset_to_save, bytes_to_save) end def tostring() return string.format("", self.active_otadata, self.seq0, self.seq1, self.maxota) end end #------------------------------------------------------------- - Class for a partition table entry -------------------------------------------------------------# class Partition var raw #- raw bytes of the partition table in flash -# var md5 #- md5 hash of partition list -# var slots var otadata #- instance of Partition_otadata() -# def init() self.slots = [] self.load() self.parse() self.load_otadata() end def load() #- load partition table from flash -# self.raw = flash.read(0x8000,0x1000) end #- parse the raw bytes to a structured list of partition items -# def parse() var i for i:0..94 # there are maximum 95 slots + md5 (0xC00) var item_raw = self.raw[i*32..(i+1)*32-1] var magic = item_raw.get(0,2) if magic == 0x50AA #- partition entry -# var slot = Partition_info(item_raw) self.slots.push(slot) elif magic == 0xEBEB #- MD5 -# self.md5 = self.raw[i*32+16..i*33-1] break else break end end end #- compute the highest ota partition -# def ota_max() var ota_max = 0 for slot:self.slots if slot.type == 0 && (slot.subtype >= 0x10 && slot.subtype < 0x20) var ota_num = slot.subtype - 0x10 if ota_num > ota_max ota_max = ota_num end end end return ota_max end def load_otadata() #- look for otadata partition offset, and max_ota -# var otadata_offset = 0xE000 #- default value -# var ota_max = self.ota_max() for slot:self.slots if slot.type == 1 && slot.subtype == 0 #- otadata -# otadata_offset = slot.start end end self.otadata = Partition_otadata(ota_max, otadata_offset) end #- change the active partition -# def set_active(n) if n < 0 || n > self.ota_max() raise "value_error", "Invalid ota partition number" end self.otadata.set_ota_max(self.ota_max()) #- update ota_max if it changed -# self.otadata.set_active(n) end #- convert to human readble -# def tostring() var ret = " 95 raise "value_error", "Too many partiition slots" end var b = bytes() for slot: self.slots b += slot.tobytes() end #- compute MD5 -# var md5 = MD5() md5.update(b) #- add the last segment -# b += bytes("EBEBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") b += md5.finish() #- complete -# return b end #- write back to flash -# def save() var b = self.tobytes() #- erase flash area and write -# flash.erase(0x8000, 0x1000) flash.write(0x8000, b) self.otadata.save() end end partition.Partition = Partition return partition #- Example import partition # read p = partition.Partition() print(p) -#