/* xlgt_07_lsc_mcsl.ino - GPE Multi color smart light support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #define USE_LSC_MCSL_GUI #ifdef USE_LIGHT #ifdef USE_LSC_MCSL /*********************************************************************************************\ * Golden Power Electronics Integrated Switching Power Supply with Built-in Controller * GP-SW084-052 uses an ESP8285 (TYWE2S) and submicrocontroller controlling two wire RGB leds * https://www.gp-electronic.com/product/integrated-switching-power-supply-with-built-in-controller/eugs/european-vertical-6w8-function.html * * Template: * {"NAME":"LSC MC Lights","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,544,32,0,0,3840,0,3872,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18} * * Webbutton: * {"WebButton1":"On / Off", * "WebButton2":"Bright", * "WebButton3":"Slow", * "WebButton4":"Star", * "WebButton5":"Flower", * "WebButton6":"Marquee", * "WebButton7":"Fireworks", * "WebButton8":"Meteor", * "WebButton9":"Stream"} * * NL: Action LSC Multi color smart lights * * Button usage: * Single press = Power On / Off * Double press = Cycle Colors * Triple press = Cycle Effects * * HSBColor Color * ---------- ----------- * 1 .. 45 R (Red) * 46 .. 90 RG (Yellow) * 91 .. 135 G (Green) * 136 .. 179 GB (Light Blue) * 180 .. 224 B (Blue) * 225 .. 269 RB (Purple) * 270 .. 314 RGB (White) * 315 .. 360 (Alternating) * * Dimmer Effect * ---------- --------------------------- * 0 .. 12 Bright (Steady On) * 13 .. 24 Gradually (Slow Fade) * 25 .. 37 Star (Sequential) * 38 .. 49 Flower (In Waves) * 50 .. 62 Marquee (Chasing / Flash) * 63 .. 74 Fireworks (Twinkle / Flash) * 75 .. 87 Meteor * 88 .. 100 Stream * * GPIO04 = Green led * GPIO05 = Button * GPIO12 = Data to submicrocontroller * GPIO14 = Reset to submicrocontroller (26ms active high) \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XLGT_07 7 #define LSCMC_GPIO_DATA 12 #define LSCMC_GPIO_RESET 14 #define LSCMC_BIT_TIME 600 // us const uint16_t kLscMcData[] PROGMEM = { //R RG G GB B RB RGB RGBa 0x0F4D, 0x0745, 0x08B5, 0x0340, 0x0CB0, 0x04B8, 0x0B48, 0x0143, // Bright (Steady on) 0x8FED, 0x87E5, 0x8815, 0x83E0, 0x8C10, 0x8418, 0x8BE8, 0x81E3, // Gradually (Slow Fade) 0x70ED, 0x78E5, 0x7715, 0x7CE0, 0x7510, 0x7B18, 0x74E8, 0x7EE3, // Star (Sequential) 0xCF92, 0xC79A, 0xC86A, 0xC39F, 0xCC6F, 0xC467, 0xCB97, 0xC19C, // Flower (In Waves) 0x3093, 0x389A, 0x376A, 0x3C9F, 0x336F, 0x3B67, 0x3497, 0x3E9C, // Marquee (Chasing / Flash) 0xB02D, 0xB825, 0xB7D5, 0xBC20, 0xB3D0, 0xBBD8, 0xB428, 0xBE23, // Fireworks (Twinkle / Flash) 0x4F2D, 0x4725, 0x48D5, 0x4320, 0x4CD0, 0x44D8, 0x4B28, 0x4123, // Meteor 0xEFAD, 0xE7A5, 0xE855, 0xE3A1, 0xEC50, 0xE458, 0xEBA8, 0xE1A3 // Stream }; #include Ticker LscMcStartDelay; struct LSCMC { uint32_t last_send; uint8_t function; uint8_t color; uint8_t dimmer; uint8_t power; uint8_t scheme_offset; uint8_t pin; } Lscmc; /*********************************************************************************************/ void LscMcSend(void) { Lscmc.function &= 0x7; Lscmc.color &= 0x7; uint16_t fc = pgm_read_word(kLscMcData + (8 * Lscmc.function) + Lscmc.color); uint32_t data; if (Lscmc.power) { data = 0xC2FF0000 | fc; } else { data = Lscmc.last_send & 0xFF00FFFF; data ^= 0x0000FF00; } if (data == Lscmc.last_send) { return; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("LSC: Function %d, Color %d, State %d, Send %08X"), Lscmc.function, Lscmc.color, Lscmc.power, data); Lscmc.last_send = data; digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME * 15); digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME * 7 + (LSCMC_BIT_TIME / 2)); digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME); digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, HIGH); bool last_bit = 0; bool bit = 0; uint32_t bit_mask = 0x80000000; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { bit = (data & bit_mask); if (bit != last_bit) { delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME * 3); // Switch bit state } else { delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME); } digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(LSCMC_BIT_TIME); digitalWrite(Lscmc.pin, HIGH); last_bit = bit; bit_mask >>= 1; } } /*********************************************************************************************/ bool LscMcSetChannelsFromFunc(void) { // Use power for Off / On uint8_t power = Light.power; bool power_changed = (Lscmc.power != power); Lscmc.power = power; // Use dimmer for function uint8_t dimmer = light_state.getDimmer(); /* dimmer = changeUIntScale(dimmer, 0, 100, 0, 3); dimmer = changeUIntScale(dimmer, 0, 3, 0, 255); bool dimmer_changed = (Lscmc.dimmer != dimmer); Lscmc.dimmer= dimmer; */ uint8_t function = changeUIntScale(dimmer, 0, 100, 0, 7); bool function_changed = (Lscmc.function != function); Lscmc.function = function; uint16_t hue; uint8_t sat; LightGetHSB(&hue, &sat, nullptr); /* // Use saturation for function (won't work as if sat = 0 this function is not called) uint8_t function = changeUIntScale(sat, 0, 255, 0, 7); bool function_changed = (Lscmc.function != function); Lscmc.function = function; */ // Use hue for color uint8_t color = changeUIntScale(hue, 1, 359, 0, 7); bool color_changed = (Lscmc.color != color); Lscmc.color = color; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("LSC: Power %d, Hue %d = Color %d, Dimmer %d = Function %d"), // Lscmc.power, hue, Lscmc.color, dimmer, Lscmc.function); if (!power_changed && !function_changed && !color_changed) { return true; } static bool first_call = true; if (first_call) { LscMcStartDelay.once_ms(900, LscMcSend); // Allow startup time for microcontroller first_call = false; } else { LscMcSend(); } return true; } bool LscMcMultiButtonPressed(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.index != 0) { return false; } // button_index char command[20]; uint32_t press_counter = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (2 == press_counter) { // Color rotate uint32_t color = Lscmc.color +1; if (color > 7) { color = 0; } snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR(D_CMND_HSBCOLOR " %d"), (color * (360 / 8)) + ((360 / 8) / 2)); ExecuteCommand(command, SRC_BUTTON); } else if (3 == press_counter) { // Function rotate uint32_t function = Lscmc.function +1; if (function > 7) { function = 0; } snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR(D_CMND_DIMMER " %d"), (function * (100 / 8)) + ((100 / 8) / 2)); ExecuteCommand(command, SRC_BUTTON); } return true; } void LscMcModuleSelected(void) { if (!ValidTemplate(PSTR("LSC MC Lights"))) { return; } if (!PinUsed(GPIO_OUTPUT_HI) || !PinUsed(GPIO_OUTPUT_LO)) { return; } Lscmc.pin = Pin(GPIO_OUTPUT_HI); uint32_t pin_reset = Pin(GPIO_OUTPUT_LO); digitalWrite(pin_reset, HIGH); delay(26); digitalWrite(pin_reset, LOW); Settings->flag.button_single = 0; // SetOption13 - We need multi press detection Settings->flag3.slider_dimmer_stay_on = 1; // SetOption77 - We need dimmer to keep power on at 0 Lscmc.last_send = 0xC2FFEBA8; TasmotaGlobal.light_type = LT_RGB; TasmotaGlobal.light_driver = XLGT_07; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("LGT: LSC Multi Color Found")); } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_LSC_MCSL_GUI void LscMcAddFuctionButtons(void) { uint32_t rows = 1; uint32_t cols = 8; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (strlen(GetWebButton(i +1))) { rows <<= 1; cols >>= 1; break; } } WSContentSend_P(HTTP_TABLE100); WSContentSend_P(PSTR("")); char number[4]; uint32_t idx = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rows; i++) { if (idx > 0) { WSContentSend_P(PSTR("")); } for (uint32_t j = 0; j < cols; j++) { idx++; WSContentSend_P(PSTR(""), // &lsc is related to WebGetArg("lsc", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); 100 / cols, idx -1, (strlen(GetWebButton(idx))) ? GetWebButton(idx) : itoa(idx, number, 10)); } } WSContentSend_P(PSTR("")); } void LscMcWebGetArg(void) { char tmp[8]; // WebGetArg numbers only WebGetArg(PSTR("lsc"), tmp, sizeof(tmp)); // 0 - 7 functions if (strlen(tmp)) { uint32_t function = atoi(tmp); char command[20]; snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR(D_CMND_DIMMER " %d"), (function * (100 / 8)) + ((100 / 8) / 2)); ExecuteWebCommand(command); } } #endif // USE_LSC_MCSL_GUI #endif // USE_WEBSERVER /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xlgt07(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_SET_CHANNELS: result = LscMcSetChannelsFromFunc(); break; case FUNC_BUTTON_MULTI_PRESSED: result = LscMcMultiButtonPressed(); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_LSC_MCSL_GUI case FUNC_WEB_ADD_MAIN_BUTTON: LscMcAddFuctionButtons(); break; case FUNC_WEB_GET_ARG: LscMcWebGetArg(); break; #endif // USE_LSC_MCSL_GUI #endif // USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_MODULE_INIT: LscMcModuleSelected(); break; } return result; } #endif // USE_LSC_MCSL #endif // USE_LIGHT