/* xnrg_29_modbus.ino - Generic Modbus energy meter support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2022 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR #ifdef USE_MODBUS_ENERGY /*********************************************************************************************\ * Generic Modbus energy meter * * - Supports single three phase device or three single phase devices of same model on bus. * - Uses a rule file called modbus allowing for easy configuration of modbus energy monitor device(s). * * Value pair description: * {"Name":"SDM230","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A} * Modbus config parameters: * Name - Name of energy monitoring device(s) * Baud - Baudrate of device modbus interface - optional. default is 9600 * Config - Serial config parameters like 8N1 - 8 databits, No parity, 1 stop bit * Poll - Time between modbus requests - optional. default is 200 milliseconds * Address - Modbus device address entered as decimal (1) or hexadecimal (0x01) or up to three addresses ([1,2,3]) - optional. default = 1 * Function - Modbus function code to access registers - optional. default = 4 * Tasmota default embedded register names: * Voltage - Voltage register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0000) or up to three phases ([0x0000,0x0002,0x0004]) or * Additional defined parameters * Value pair description: * {"R":0,"T":0,"F":0} * R - Modbus register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0160) or up to three phases ([0x0160,0x0162,0x0164]) * T - Datatype - optional. default is 0 - float: * 0 - float * 1 = 2-byte signed * 2 = 4-byte signed * 3 = 2-byte unsigned * 4 = 4-byte unsigned * 5 = not used * 6 = 4-byte signed with swapped words * 7 = not used * 8 = 4-byte unsigned with swapped words * F - Register factor positive for multiplication or negative for division - optional. default is 0 - no action * -4 - divide by 10000 * -3 - divide by 1000 * -2 - divide by 100 * -1 - divide by 10 * 0 - no action * 1 - multiply by 10 * 2 - multiply by 100 * 3 - multiply by 1000 * 4 - multiply by 10000 * M - [LEGACY - replaced by "F"] Divide register by 1 to 10000 - optional. default = 0 (no action) * Current - Current register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0006) or up to three phases ([0x0006,0x0008,0x000A]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * Power - Active power register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x000C) or up to three phases ([0x000C,0x000E,0x0010]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * ApparentPower - Apparent power register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x000C) or up to three phases ([0x000C,0x000E,0x0010]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * ReactivePower - Reactive power register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0018) or up to three phases ([0x0018,0x001A,0x001C]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * Factor - Power factor register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x001E) or up to three phases ([0x001E,0x0020,0x0022]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * Frequency - Frequency register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0046) or up to three phases ([0x0046,0x0048,0x004A]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * Total - Total active energy register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0156) or up to three phases ([0x015A,0x015C,0x015E]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * ExportActive - Export active energy register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0160) or up to three phases ([0x0160,0x0162,0x0164]) or * See additional defines like voltage. * Optional user defined registers: * User - Additional user defined registers * Value pair description: * "User":{"R":0x0024,"T":0,"F":0,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2} * R - Modbus register entered as decimal or hexadecimal for one phase (0x0160) or up to three phases ([0x0160,0x0162,0x0164]) * T - Datatype - optional. default is 0 - float: * 0 - float * 1 = 2-byte signed * 2 = 4-byte signed * 3 = 2-byte unsigned * 4 = 4-byte unsigned * 5 = not used * 6 = 4-byte signed with swapped words * 7 = not used * 8 = 4-byte unsigned with swapped words * F - Register factor positive for multiplication or negative for division - optional. default is 0 - no action * -4 - divide by 10000 * -3 - divide by 1000 * -2 - divide by 100 * -1 - divide by 10 * 0 - no action * 1 - multiply by 10 * 2 - multiply by 100 * 3 - multiply by 1000 * 4 - multiply by 10000 * M - [LEGACY - replaced by "F"] Divide register by 1 to 10000 - optional. default = 0 (no action) * J - JSON register name (preferrably without spaces like "PhaseAngle") - mandatory. It needs to be different from the Tasmota default embedded register names * G - GUI register name - optional. If not defined the register will not be shown in the GUI * U - GUI unit name - optional. default is none * D - Number of decimals for floating point presentation (0 to 20) or a code correspondig to Tasmota resolution command settings: * 21 - VoltRes (V) * 22 - AmpRes (A) * 23 - WattRes (W, VA, VAr) * 24 - EnergyRes (kWh, kVAh, kVArh) * 25 - FreqRes (Hz) * 26 - TempRes (C, F) * 27 - HumRes (%) * 28 - PressRes (hPa, mmHg) * 29 - WeightRes (Kg) * * Example using default Energy registers: * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 with hex registers","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0x0000,"Current":0x0006,"Power":0x000C,"ApparentPower":0x0012,"ReactivePower":0x0018,"Factor":0x001E,"Frequency":0x0046,"Total":0x0156,"ExportActive":0x004A} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"DDSU666","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0x2000,"Current":0x2002,"Power":0x2004,"ReactivePower":0x2006,"Factor":0x200A,"Frequency":0x200E,"Total":0x4000,"ExportActive":0x400A} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"PZEM014","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":3,"F":-1},"Current":{"R":1,"T":8,"F":-3},"Power":{"R":3,"T":8,"F":-1},"Factor":{"R":8,"T":3,"F":-2},"Frequency":{"R":7,"T":3,"F":-1},"Total":{"R":5,"T":8,"F":-3}} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"3 x PZEM014","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":[1,2,3],"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":3,"F":-1},"Current":{"R":1,"T":8,"F":-3},"Power":{"R":3,"T":8,"F":-1},"Factor":{"R":8,"T":3,"F":-2},"Frequency":{"R":7,"T":3,"F":-1},"Total":{"R":5,"T":8,"F":-3}} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"Solax X3MIC","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0x0404,"T":3,"F":-1},"Power":{"R":0x040e,"T":3,"F":0},"Total":{"R":0x0423,"T":8,"F":-3}} endon * * Example using default Energy registers and some user defined registers: * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM72","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":0x01,"Function":0x04,"Power":0x0034,"Total":0x0156,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":0x0502,"J":"ImportActive","G":"Import Active","U":"kWh","D":24},{"R":0x0502,"J":"ExportPower","G":"Export Power","U":"W","D":23},{"R":0x0500,"J":"ImportPower","G":"Import Power","U":"W","D":23}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM120","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":0x0048,"J":"ImportActive","G":"Import Active","U":"kWh","D":24},{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":24},{"R":0x004C,"J":"ImportReactive","G":"Import Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":24},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 with two user registers","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM630","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":[0,2,4],"Current":[6,8,10],"Power":[12,14,16],"ApparentPower":[18,20,22],"ReactivePower":[24,26,28],"Factor":[30,32,34],"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":[352,354,356],"User":{"R":[346,348,350],"J":"ImportActive","G":"Import Active","U":"kWh","D":24}} endon * * Note: * - To enter long rules using the serial console and solve error "Serial buffer overrun" you might need to enlarge the serial input buffer with command serialbuffer 800 * - Changes to rule file are only executed on restart * * Restrictions: * - Supports Modbus single and double integer registers in addition to floating point registers * - Max number of user defined registers is defined by one rule buffer (511 characters uncompressed, around 800 characters compressed) * * To do: * - Support all three rule slots * - Support other modbus register like integers * * Test set: * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"GROWATT","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":11,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":[4110,4114,4118],"T":3,"F":-1},"Current":{"R":[4111,4115,4119],"T":3,"F":-1},"Power":{"R":[4112,4116,4120],"T":8,"F":-1},"Frequency":{"R":4109,"T":3,"F":-2},"Total":{"R":4124,"T":8,"F":-1},"User":[{"R":[4099,4103],"J":"VoltagePV","G":"Voltage PV","U":"V","D":21,"T":3,"F":-1},{"R":[4100,4104],"J":"CurrentPV","G":"Current PV","U":"A","D":22,"T":3,"F":-1},{"R":[4101,4105],"J":"PowerPV","G":"Power PV","U":"W","D":23,"T":8,"F":-1}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"2 x PZEM014","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":[1,1],"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":3,"F":-1},"Current":{"R":1,"T":8,"F":-3},"Power":{"R":3,"T":8,"F":-1},"Factor":{"R":8,"T":3,"F":-2},"Frequency":{"R":7,"T":3,"F":-1},"Total":{"R":5,"T":8,"F":-3}} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test1","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":[0,0,0],"Current":[6,6,6],"Power":[12,12,12],"ApparentPower":[18,18,18],"ReactivePower":[24,24,24],"Factor":[30,30,30],"Frequency":[70,70,70],"Total":[342,342,342]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test2","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":[0,0,0],"Current":[6,6,6],"Power":[12,12,12],"ApparentPower":[18,18,18],"ReactivePower":[24,24,24],"Factor":[30,30,30],"Frequency":70,"Total":[342,342,342]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test3","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":[6,6,6],"Power":[12,12,12],"ApparentPower":[18,18,18],"ReactivePower":[24,24,24],"Factor":[30,30,30],"Frequency":70,"Total":[342,342,342]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test4","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":24},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test5","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":[0,0,0],"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":[0x004E,0x004E,0x004E],"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM120 test1","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":0,"Current":6,"Power":12,"ApparentPower":18,"ReactivePower":24,"Factor":30,"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"ExportActive":0x004A,"User":[{"R":0x0048,"J":"ImportActive","G":"Import Active","U":"kWh","D":24},{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":24},{"R":0x004C,"J":"ImportReactive","G":"Import Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":24},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}]} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"PZEM014 test1","Baud":9600,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":3,"F":-1},"Current":{"R":1,"T":8,"F":-3},"Power":{"R":3,"T":8,"F":-1},"Factor":{"R":8,"T":3,"F":-2},"Frequency":{"R":7,"T":3,"F":-1},"Total":{"R":5,"T":8,"F":-3},"User":{"R":0,"J":"VoltageTest","G":"Voltage test","U":"V","D":21,"T":3,"F":-1}} endon * * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test6","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":0,"M":1},"Current":{"R":6,"T":0,"M":1},"Power":{"R":12,"T":0,"M":1},"Frequency":70,"Total":342} endon * rule3 on file#modbus do {"Name":"SDM230 test6","Baud":2400,"Config":8N1","Address":1,"Function":4,"Voltage":{"R":0,"T":0,"F":0},"Current":{"R":6,"T":0,"F":0},"Power":{"R":12,"T":0,"F":0},"Frequency":70,"Total":342,"User":{"R":0x0048,"T":0,"F":-1,"J":"ImportActive","G":"Import Active","U":"kWh","D":24}} endon \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XNRG_29 29 #define ENERGY_MODBUS_SPEED 9600 // Default Modbus baudrate #define ENERGY_MODBUS_CONFIG TS_SERIAL_8N1 // Default Modbus serial configuration #define ENERGY_MODBUS_ADDR 1 // Default Modbus device_address #define ENERGY_MODBUS_FUNC 0x04 // Default Modbus function code #define ENERGY_MODBUS_MAX_DEVICES ENERGY_MAX_PHASES // Support up to three single phase devices as three phases #define ENERGY_MODBUS_DATATYPE 0 // Default Modbus datatype is 4-byte float #define ENERGY_MODBUS_DECIMALS 0 // Default user decimal resolution #define ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER // Enable for ESP8266 when using softwareserial solving most modbus serial retries #define ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER_POLL 200 // Modbus poll time in ms between read register requests //#define ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG //#define ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG_SHOW const uint16_t nrg_mbs_reg_not_used = 0xFFFF; // Odd number 65535 is unused register // Even data type is single (2-byte) register, Odd data type is double (4-byte) registers enum EnergyModbusDataType { NRG_DT_FLOAT, // 0 = 4-byte float NRG_DT_S16, // 1 = 2-byte signed NRG_DT_S32, // 2 = 4-byte signed NRG_DT_U16, // 3 = 2-byte unsigned NRG_DT_U32, // 4 = 4-byte unsigned NRG_DT_x16_nu1, // 5 = 2-byte NRG_DT_S32_SW, // 6 = 4-byte signed with swapped words NRG_DT_x16_nu2, // 7 = 2-byte NRG_DT_U32_SW, // 8 = 4-byte unsigned with swapped words NRG_DT_MAX }; enum EnergyModbusResolutions { NRG_RES_VOLTAGE = 21, // 21 = V NRG_RES_CURRENT, // 22 = A NRG_RES_POWER, // 23 = W, VA, VAr NRG_RES_ENERGY, // 24 = kWh, kVAh, kVArh NRG_RES_FREQUENCY, // 25 = Hz NRG_RES_TEMPERATURE, // 26 = C, F NRG_RES_HUMIDITY, // 27 = % NRG_RES_PRESSURE, // 28 = hPa, mmHg NRG_RES_WEIGHT }; // 29 = Kg enum EnergyModbusRegisters { NRG_MBS_VOLTAGE, NRG_MBS_CURRENT, NRG_MBS_ACTIVE_POWER, NRG_MBS_APPARENT_POWER, NRG_MBS_REACTIVE_POWER, NRG_MBS_POWER_FACTOR, NRG_MBS_FREQUENCY, NRG_MBS_TOTAL_ENERGY, NRG_MBS_EXPORT_ACTIVE_ENERGY, NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS }; const char kEnergyModbusValues[] PROGMEM = D_JSON_VOLTAGE "|" // Voltage D_JSON_CURRENT "|" // Current D_JSON_POWERUSAGE "|" // Power D_JSON_APPARENT_POWERUSAGE "|" // ApparentPower D_JSON_REACTIVE_POWERUSAGE "|" // ReactivePower D_JSON_POWERFACTOR "|" // Factor D_JSON_FREQUENCY "|" // Frequency D_JSON_TOTAL "|" // Total D_JSON_EXPORT_ACTIVE "|" // ExportActive ; #include TasmotaModbus *EnergyModbus; #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER #include Ticker ticker_energy_modbus; #endif // ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER struct NRGMBSPARAM { uint32_t serial_bps; uint32_t serial_config; uint16_t ticker_poll; uint8_t device_address[ENERGY_MODBUS_MAX_DEVICES]; uint8_t devices; uint8_t function; uint8_t total_regs; uint8_t user_adds; uint8_t state; uint8_t retry; int8_t phase; bool mutex; } NrgMbsParam; typedef struct NRGMBSREGISTER { uint16_t address[ENERGY_MAX_PHASES]; int16_t factor; uint32_t datatype; } NrgMbsRegister_t; NrgMbsRegister_t *NrgMbsReg = nullptr; typedef struct NRGMBSUSER { float data[ENERGY_MAX_PHASES]; char* json_name; char* gui_name; char* gui_unit; uint32_t resolution; } NrgMbsUser_t; NrgMbsUser_t *NrgMbsUser = nullptr; /*********************************************************************************************/ void EnergyModbusLoop(void) { #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER if (NrgMbsParam.mutex || TasmotaGlobal.ota_state_flag) { return; } #else if (NrgMbsParam.mutex) { return; } #endif // ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER NrgMbsParam.mutex = 1; uint32_t register_count; bool data_ready = EnergyModbus->ReceiveReady(); if (data_ready) { uint8_t buffer[15]; // At least 5 + (2 * 2) = 9 // Even data type is single register, Odd data type is double registers register_count = 2 - (NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].datatype & 1); uint32_t error = EnergyModbus->ReceiveBuffer(buffer, register_count); if (error) { /* Return codes from TasmotaModbus.h: * 0 = No error * 1 = Illegal Function, * 2 = Illegal Data Address, * 3 = Illegal Data Value, * 4 = Slave Error * 5 = Acknowledge but not finished (no error) * 6 = Slave Busy * 7 = Not enough minimal data received * 8 = Memory Parity error * 9 = Crc error * 10 = Gateway Path Unavailable * 11 = Gateway Target device failed to respond * 12 = Wrong number of registers * 13 = Register data not specified * 14 = To many registers */ #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("NRG: Modbus register %d, phase %d, rcvd %*_H"), NrgMbsParam.state, NrgMbsParam.phase, EnergyModbus->ReceiveCount(), buffer); #endif AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Modbus error %d"), error); } else { /* Modbus protocol format: * SA = Device Address * FC = Function Code * BC = Byte count * Fh = First or High word MSB * Fl = First or High word LSB * Sh = Second or Low word MSB * Sl = Second or Low word LSB * Cl = CRC lsb * Ch = CRC msb */ Energy.data_valid[NrgMbsParam.phase] = 0; float value; switch (NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].datatype) { case NRG_DT_FLOAT: { // 0 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // SA FC BC Fh Fl Sh Sl Cl Ch // 01 04 04 43 66 33 34 1B 38 = 230.2 Volt ((uint8_t*)&value)[3] = buffer[3]; // Get float values ((uint8_t*)&value)[2] = buffer[4]; ((uint8_t*)&value)[1] = buffer[5]; ((uint8_t*)&value)[0] = buffer[6]; break; } case NRG_DT_S16: { // 1 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // SA FC BC Fh Fl Cl Ch int16_t value_buff = ((int16_t)buffer[3])<<8 | buffer[4]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } case NRG_DT_U16: { // 3 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // SA FC BC Fh Fl Cl Ch uint16_t value_buff = ((uint16_t)buffer[3])<<8 | buffer[4]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } case NRG_DT_S32: { // 2 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // SA FC BC Fh Fl Sh Sl Cl Ch int32_t value_buff = ((int32_t)buffer[3])<<24 | ((uint32_t)buffer[4])<<16 | ((uint32_t)buffer[5])<<8 | buffer[6]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } case NRG_DT_S32_SW: { // 6 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // SA FC BC Sh Sl Fh Fl Cl Ch int32_t value_buff = ((int32_t)buffer[5])<<24 | ((uint32_t)buffer[6])<<16 | ((uint32_t)buffer[3])<<8 | buffer[4]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } case NRG_DT_U32: { // 4 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // SA FC BC Fh Fl Sh Sl Cl Ch uint32_t value_buff = ((uint32_t)buffer[3])<<24 | ((uint32_t)buffer[4])<<16 | ((uint32_t)buffer[5])<<8 | buffer[6]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } case NRG_DT_U32_SW: { // 8 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // SA FC BC Sh Sl Fh Fl Cl Ch // 01 04 04 EB EC 00 0E 8E 51 = 977.9000 (Solax protocol X1&X3) uint32_t value_buff = ((uint32_t)buffer[5])<<24 | ((uint32_t)buffer[6])<<16 | ((uint32_t)buffer[3])<<8 | buffer[4]; value = (float)value_buff; break; } } uint32_t factor = 1; // 1 = 10, 2 = 100, 3 = 1000, 4 = 10000 uint32_t scaler = abs(NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].factor); while (scaler) { factor *= 10; scaler--; } if (NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].factor < 0) { value /= factor; } else { value *= factor; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("NRG: Modbus register %d, phase %d, rcvd %*_H, T %d, F %d, value %4_f"), NrgMbsParam.state, NrgMbsParam.phase, EnergyModbus->ReceiveCount(), buffer, NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].datatype, NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].factor, &value); switch (NrgMbsParam.state) { case NRG_MBS_VOLTAGE: Energy.voltage[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 230.2 V break; case NRG_MBS_CURRENT: Energy.current[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 1.260 A break; case NRG_MBS_ACTIVE_POWER: Energy.active_power[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // -196.3 W break; case NRG_MBS_APPARENT_POWER: Energy.apparent_power[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 223.4 VA break; case NRG_MBS_REACTIVE_POWER: Energy.reactive_power[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 92.2 break; case NRG_MBS_POWER_FACTOR: Energy.power_factor[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // -0.91 break; case NRG_MBS_FREQUENCY: Energy.frequency[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 50.0 Hz break; case NRG_MBS_TOTAL_ENERGY: Energy.import_active[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 6.216 kWh => used in EnergyUpdateTotal() break; case NRG_MBS_EXPORT_ACTIVE_ENERGY: Energy.export_active[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; // 478.492 kWh break; default: if (NrgMbsUser) { NrgMbsUser[NrgMbsParam.state - NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS].data[NrgMbsParam.phase] = value; } } } } // end data ready if (0 == NrgMbsParam.retry || data_ready) { NrgMbsParam.retry = 1; uint32_t address = 0; uint32_t phase = 0; do { NrgMbsParam.phase++; if (NrgMbsParam.phase >= Energy.phase_count) { NrgMbsParam.phase = 0; NrgMbsParam.state++; if (NrgMbsParam.state >= NrgMbsParam.total_regs) { NrgMbsParam.state = 0; NrgMbsParam.phase = 0; EnergyUpdateTotal(); // update every cycle after all registers have been read } } delay(0); if (NrgMbsParam.devices == 1) { phase = NrgMbsParam.phase; } else { address = NrgMbsParam.phase; } } while (NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].address[phase] == nrg_mbs_reg_not_used); // Even data type is single register, Odd data type is double registers register_count = 2 - (NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].datatype & 1); #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("NRG: Modbus send Device %d, Function %d, Register %04X (%d/%d), Size %d"), NrgMbsParam.device_address[address], NrgMbsParam.function, NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].address[phase], NrgMbsParam.state, phase, register_count); #endif EnergyModbus->Send(NrgMbsParam.device_address[address], NrgMbsParam.function, NrgMbsReg[NrgMbsParam.state].address[phase], register_count); } else { NrgMbsParam.retry--; #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG if (NrgMbsParam.devices > 1) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Modbus retry device %d state %d"), NrgMbsParam.device_address[NrgMbsParam.phase], NrgMbsParam.state); } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Modbus retry state %d phase %d"), NrgMbsParam.state, NrgMbsParam.phase); } #endif } delay(0); NrgMbsParam.mutex = 0; } #ifdef USE_RULES uint32_t EnergyModbusReadRegisterInfo(JsonParserObject add_value, uint32_t reg_index) { // {"R":0,"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"M":10} - [LEGACY] uint32_t phase = 0; JsonParserToken val; val = add_value[PSTR("R")]; // Register address if (val.isArray()) { // [0,2,4] JsonParserArray address_arr = val.getArray(); for (auto value : address_arr) { NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[phase] = value.getUInt(); phase++; if (phase >= ENERGY_MAX_PHASES) { break; } } } else if (val) { // 0 NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[0] = val.getUInt(); phase++; } val = add_value[PSTR("T")]; // Register data type if (val) { // 0 NrgMbsReg[reg_index].datatype = val.getUInt(); } val = add_value[PSTR("F")]; // Register factor if (val) { // 1 or -2 NrgMbsReg[reg_index].factor = val.getInt(); } val = add_value[PSTR("M")]; // [LEGACY] Register divider if (val) { // 1 int32_t divider = val.getUInt(); int factor = 0; while (divider > 1) { divider /= 10; factor--; } NrgMbsReg[reg_index].factor = factor; } return phase; } bool EnergyModbusReadUserRegisters(JsonParserObject user_add_value, uint32_t add_index) { // {"R":0x004E,"T":0,"F":0,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"F":0,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0} uint32_t reg_index = NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS + add_index; // {"R":0,"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"M":10} - [LEGACY] uint32_t phase = EnergyModbusReadRegisterInfo(user_add_value, reg_index); if (!phase) { return false; // No register entered so skip } if (phase > Energy.phase_count) { Energy.phase_count = phase; NrgMbsParam.devices = 1; // Only one device allowed with multiple phases } JsonParserToken val; val = user_add_value[PSTR("J")]; // JSON value name if (val) { NrgMbsUser[add_index].json_name = SetStr(val.getStr()); char json_name[32]; if (GetCommandCode(json_name, sizeof(json_name), NrgMbsUser[add_index].json_name, kEnergyModbusValues) > -1) { return false; // Duplicate JSON name } } else { return false; // No mandatory JSON name } val = user_add_value[PSTR("G")]; // GUI value name NrgMbsUser[add_index].gui_name = (val) ? SetStr(val.getStr()) : EmptyStr; val = user_add_value[PSTR("U")]; // GUI value Unit NrgMbsUser[add_index].gui_unit = (val) ? SetStr(val.getStr()) : EmptyStr; NrgMbsUser[add_index].resolution = ENERGY_MODBUS_DECIMALS; val = user_add_value[PSTR("D")]; // Decimal resolution if (val) { NrgMbsUser[add_index].resolution = val.getUInt(); } #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Idx %d (%s), R [%04X,%04X,%04X], T %d, F %d, J '%s', G '%s', U '%s', D %d"), reg_index, NrgMbsUser[add_index].json_name, NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[0], NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[1], NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[2], NrgMbsReg[reg_index].datatype, NrgMbsReg[reg_index].factor, NrgMbsUser[add_index].json_name, NrgMbsUser[add_index].gui_name, NrgMbsUser[add_index].gui_unit, NrgMbsUser[add_index].resolution); #endif return true; } #endif // USE_RULES bool EnergyModbusReadRegisters(void) { #ifdef USE_RULES String modbus = RuleLoadFile("MODBUS"); if (!modbus.length()) { return false; } // File not found // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: File '%s'"), modbus.c_str()); const char* json = modbus.c_str(); uint32_t len = strlen(json) +1; if (len < 7) { return false; } // Invalid JSON char json_buffer[len]; memcpy(json_buffer, json, len); // Keep original safe JsonParser parser(json_buffer); JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject(); if (!root) { return false; } // Invalid JSON // Init defaults Energy.phase_count = 1; NrgMbsParam.serial_bps = ENERGY_MODBUS_SPEED; NrgMbsParam.serial_config = ENERGY_MODBUS_CONFIG; NrgMbsParam.ticker_poll = ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER_POLL; NrgMbsParam.device_address[0] = ENERGY_MODBUS_ADDR; NrgMbsParam.devices = 1; NrgMbsParam.function = ENERGY_MODBUS_FUNC; NrgMbsParam.user_adds = 0; // Detect buffer allocation JsonParserToken val; val = root[PSTR("User")]; if (val) { if (val.isArray()) { // [{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2}] NrgMbsParam.user_adds = val.size(); } else { // {"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3} NrgMbsParam.user_adds = 1; } } NrgMbsParam.total_regs = NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS + NrgMbsParam.user_adds; NrgMbsReg = (NrgMbsRegister_t*)calloc(NrgMbsParam.total_regs, sizeof(NrgMbsRegister_t)); if (NrgMbsReg == nullptr) { return false; } // Unable to allocate variables on heap // Init defaults for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NrgMbsParam.total_regs; i++) { NrgMbsReg[i].datatype = ENERGY_MODBUS_DATATYPE; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; j++) { NrgMbsReg[i].address[j] = nrg_mbs_reg_not_used; } } if (NrgMbsParam.user_adds) { NrgMbsUser = (NrgMbsUser_t*)calloc(NrgMbsParam.user_adds +1, sizeof(NrgMbsUser_t)); if (NrgMbsUser == nullptr) { NrgMbsParam.user_adds = 0; NrgMbsParam.total_regs = NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS; } else { // Init defaults for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NrgMbsParam.user_adds; i++) { NrgMbsUser[i].resolution = ENERGY_MODBUS_DECIMALS; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; j++) { NrgMbsUser[i].data[j] = NAN; } } } } // Get global parameters val = root[PSTR("Baud")]; if (val) { NrgMbsParam.serial_bps = val.getInt(); // 2400 } val = root[PSTR("Config")]; if (val) { const char *serial_config = val.getStr(); // 8N1 NrgMbsParam.serial_config = ConvertSerialConfig(ParseSerialConfig(serial_config)); } val = root[PSTR("Poll")]; if (val) { NrgMbsParam.ticker_poll = val.getUInt(); // 200 if (NrgMbsParam.ticker_poll < 100) { // Below 100 ms makes no sense as the comms usually is 9600bps NrgMbsParam.ticker_poll = ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER_POLL; } } val = root[PSTR("Address")]; if (val) { NrgMbsParam.devices = 0; if (val.isArray()) { // [1,2,3] JsonParserArray arr = val.getArray(); for (auto value : arr) { NrgMbsParam.device_address[NrgMbsParam.devices] = value.getUInt(); // 1 NrgMbsParam.devices++; if (NrgMbsParam.devices >= ENERGY_MODBUS_MAX_DEVICES) { break; } } } else if (val) { // 1 NrgMbsParam.device_address[0] = val.getUInt(); // 1 NrgMbsParam.devices++; } } val = root[PSTR("Function")]; if (val) { NrgMbsParam.function = val.getUInt(); // 4 } // Get default energy registers char register_name[32]; Energy.voltage_available = false; // Disable voltage is measured Energy.current_available = false; // Disable current is measured for (uint32_t names = 0; names < NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS; names++) { val = root[GetTextIndexed(register_name, sizeof(register_name), names, kEnergyModbusValues)]; if (val) { // "Voltage":0 // "Voltage":[0,2,4] // "Voltage":{"R":0,"T":0,"F":0} // "Voltage":{"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"F":0} uint32_t phase = 0; if (val.isObject()) { // {"R":0,"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"F":0} // {"R":[0,2,4],"T":0,"M":10} - [LEGACY] phase = EnergyModbusReadRegisterInfo(val.getObject(), names); } else if (val.isArray()) { // [0,2,4] JsonParserArray arr = val.getArray(); for (auto value : arr) { NrgMbsReg[names].address[phase] = value.getUInt(); phase++; if (phase >= ENERGY_MAX_PHASES) { break; } } } else if (val) { // 0 NrgMbsReg[names].address[0] = val.getUInt(); phase++; } if (phase > Energy.phase_count) { Energy.phase_count = phase; NrgMbsParam.devices = 1; // Only one device allowed with multiple phases } switch(names) { case NRG_MBS_VOLTAGE: Energy.voltage_available = true; // Enable if voltage is measured if (1 == phase) { Energy.voltage_common = true; // Use common voltage } break; case NRG_MBS_CURRENT: Energy.current_available = true; // Enable if current is measured break; case NRG_MBS_FREQUENCY: if (1 == phase) { Energy.frequency_common = true; // Use common frequency } break; case NRG_MBS_TOTAL_ENERGY: Settings->flag3.hardware_energy_total = 1; // SetOption72 - Enable hardware energy total counter as reference (#6561) break; } #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Idx %d (%s), R [%04X,%04X,%04X], T %d, F %d"), names, register_name, NrgMbsReg[names].address[0], NrgMbsReg[names].address[1], NrgMbsReg[names].address[2], NrgMbsReg[names].datatype, NrgMbsReg[names].factor); #endif } } // Get user defined registers // "User":{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0} // "User":[{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2,"T":0,"F":0}] val = root[PSTR("User")]; if (val) { if (val.isArray()) { // [{"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0},{"R":0x0024,"J":"PhaseAngle","G":"Phase Angle","U":"Deg","D":2,"T":0,"F":0}] JsonParserArray user_adds_arr = val.getArray(); uint32_t add_index = 0; for (auto user_add_values : user_adds_arr) { if (!user_add_values.isObject()) { break; } if (EnergyModbusReadUserRegisters(user_add_values.getObject(), add_index)) { add_index++; } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("NRG: Dropped JSON user input %d"), add_index +1); NrgMbsParam.user_adds--; } } } else if (val) { // {"R":0x004E,"J":"ExportReactive","G":"Export Reactive","U":"kVArh","D":3,"T":0,"F":0} if (val.isObject()) { if (!EnergyModbusReadUserRegisters(val.getObject(), 0)) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("NRG: Dropped JSON user input")); NrgMbsParam.user_adds--; } } } NrgMbsParam.total_regs = NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS + NrgMbsParam.user_adds; } // Fix variable boundaries for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NrgMbsParam.total_regs; i++) { if (NrgMbsReg[i].datatype >= NRG_DT_MAX) { NrgMbsReg[i].datatype = ENERGY_MODBUS_DATATYPE; } } if (NrgMbsParam.devices > 1) { // Multiple devices have no common values Energy.phase_count = NrgMbsParam.devices; Energy.voltage_common = false; // Use no common voltage Energy.frequency_common = false; // Use no common frequency Settings->flag5.energy_phase = 1; // SetOption129 - (Energy) Show phase information } #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Devices %d, RAM usage %d + %d + %d"), NrgMbsParam.devices, sizeof(NrgMbsParam), NrgMbsParam.total_regs * sizeof(NrgMbsRegister_t), NrgMbsParam.user_adds * sizeof(NrgMbsUser_t)); #endif // NrgMbsParam.state = 0; // Set by calloc() NrgMbsParam.phase = -1; return true; #endif // USE_RULES return false; } bool EnergyModbusRegisters(void) { if (EnergyModbusReadRegisters()) { return true; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("NRG: No valid modbus rule data")); return false; } void EnergyModbusSnsInit(void) { if (EnergyModbusRegisters()) { EnergyModbus = new TasmotaModbus(Pin(GPIO_NRG_MBS_RX), Pin(GPIO_NRG_MBS_TX), Pin(GPIO_NRG_MBS_TX_ENA)); uint8_t result = EnergyModbus->Begin(NrgMbsParam.serial_bps, NrgMbsParam.serial_config); if (result) { if (2 == result) { ClaimSerial(); } #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER ticker_energy_modbus.attach_ms(NrgMbsParam.ticker_poll, EnergyModbusLoop); #endif // ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER return; } } TasmotaGlobal.energy_driver = ENERGY_NONE; } void EnergyModbusDrvInit(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_NRG_MBS_RX) && PinUsed(GPIO_NRG_MBS_TX)) { TasmotaGlobal.energy_driver = XNRG_29; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Additional presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ void EnergyModbusReset(void) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NrgMbsParam.user_adds; i++) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; j++) { if (NrgMbsReg[NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS + i].address[0] != nrg_mbs_reg_not_used) { NrgMbsUser[i].data[j] = 0; } } } } uint32_t EnergyModbusResolution(uint32_t resolution) { if (resolution >= NRG_RES_VOLTAGE) { switch (resolution) { case NRG_RES_VOLTAGE: return Settings->flag2.voltage_resolution; case NRG_RES_CURRENT: return Settings->flag2.current_resolution; case NRG_RES_POWER: return Settings->flag2.wattage_resolution; case NRG_RES_ENERGY: return Settings->flag2.energy_resolution; case NRG_RES_FREQUENCY: return Settings->flag2.frequency_resolution; case NRG_RES_TEMPERATURE: return Settings->flag2.temperature_resolution; case NRG_RES_HUMIDITY: return Settings->flag2.humidity_resolution; case NRG_RES_PRESSURE: return Settings->flag2.pressure_resolution; case NRG_RES_WEIGHT: return Settings->flag2.weight_resolution; } } return resolution; } void EnergyModbusShow(bool json) { char value_chr[GUISZ]; float values[ENERGY_MAX_PHASES]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NrgMbsParam.user_adds; i++) { uint32_t reg_index = NRG_MBS_MAX_REGS + i; #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG_SHOW AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: Idx %d, R [%04X,%04X,%04X], J '%s', G '%s', U '%s', D %d, V [%3_f,%3_f,%3_f]"), i, NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[0], NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[1], NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[2], NrgMbsUser[i].json_name, NrgMbsUser[i].gui_name, NrgMbsUser[i].gui_unit, NrgMbsUser[i].resolution, &NrgMbsUser[i].data[0], &NrgMbsUser[i].data[1], &NrgMbsUser[i].data[2]); #endif if ((NrgMbsReg[reg_index].address[0] != nrg_mbs_reg_not_used) && !isnan(NrgMbsUser[i].data[0])) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; j++) { values[j] = NrgMbsUser[i].data[j]; } uint32_t resolution = EnergyModbusResolution(NrgMbsUser[i].resolution); uint32_t single = (!isnan(NrgMbsUser[i].data[1]) && !isnan(NrgMbsUser[i].data[2])) ? 0 : 1; #ifdef ENERGY_MODBUS_DEBUG_SHOW AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("NRG: resolution %d -> %d"), NrgMbsUser[i].resolution, resolution); #endif if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s\":%s"), NrgMbsUser[i].json_name, EnergyFormat(value_chr, values, resolution, single)); #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { if (strlen(NrgMbsUser[i].gui_name)) { // Skip empty GUI names WSContentSend_PD(PSTR("{s}%s{m}%s %s{e}"), NrgMbsUser[i].gui_name, WebEnergyFormat(value_chr, values, resolution, single), NrgMbsUser[i].gui_unit); } #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xnrg29(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { #ifndef ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER // case FUNC_EVERY_200_MSECOND: // Energy ticker interrupt case FUNC_EVERY_250_MSECOND: // Tasmota dispatcher EnergyModbusLoop(); break; #endif // No ENERGY_MODBUS_TICKER case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: EnergyModbusShow(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI case FUNC_WEB_COL_SENSOR: #else // not USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: #endif // USE_ENERGY_COLUMN_GUI EnergyModbusShow(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_ENERGY_RESET: EnergyModbusReset(); break; case FUNC_INIT: EnergyModbusSnsInit(); break; case FUNC_PRE_INIT: EnergyModbusDrvInit(); break; } return result; } #endif // USE_MODBUS_ENERGY #endif // USE_ENERGY_SENSOR