#include "CRtspSession.h" #include #include #include CRtspSession::CRtspSession(SOCKET aRtspClient, CStreamer * aStreamer) : m_RtspClient(aRtspClient),m_Streamer(aStreamer) { // printf("Creating RTSP session\n"); Init(); m_RtspSessionID = getRandom(); // create a session ID m_RtspSessionID |= 0x80000000; m_StreamID = -1; m_ClientRTPPort = 0; m_ClientRTCPPort = 0; m_TcpTransport = false; m_streaming = false; m_stopped = false; }; CRtspSession::~CRtspSession() { closesocket(m_RtspClient); }; void CRtspSession::Init() { m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_UNKNOWN; memset(m_URLPreSuffix, 0x00, sizeof(m_URLPreSuffix)); memset(m_URLSuffix, 0x00, sizeof(m_URLSuffix)); memset(m_CSeq, 0x00, sizeof(m_CSeq)); memset(m_URLHostPort, 0x00, sizeof(m_URLHostPort)); m_ContentLength = 0; }; bool CRtspSession::ParseRtspRequest(char const * aRequest, unsigned aRequestSize) { // char CmdName[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX]; //char CurRequest[RTSP_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Note: we assume single threaded, this large buf we keep off of the tiny stack unsigned CurRequestSize; Init(); CurRequestSize = aRequestSize; memcpy(CurRequest,aRequest,aRequestSize); // check whether the request contains information about the RTP/RTCP UDP client ports (SETUP command) char * ClientPortPtr; char * TmpPtr; char CP[128]; //static char CP[1024]; char * pCP; int Length; ClientPortPtr = strstr(CurRequest,"client_port"); if (ClientPortPtr != nullptr) { TmpPtr = strstr(ClientPortPtr,"\r\n"); if (TmpPtr != nullptr) { TmpPtr[0] = 0x00; Length = strlen(ClientPortPtr); if (Length > 128) { Length = 128; } strncpy(CP,ClientPortPtr, Length); pCP = strstr(CP,"="); if (pCP != nullptr) { pCP++; strcpy(CP,pCP); pCP = strstr(CP,"-"); if (pCP != nullptr) { pCP[0] = 0x00; m_ClientRTPPort = atoi(CP); m_ClientRTCPPort = m_ClientRTPPort + 1; }; }; }; }; // Read everything up to the first space as the command name bool parseSucceeded = false; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(CmdName)-1 && i < CurRequestSize; ++i) { char c = CurRequest[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { parseSucceeded = true; break; } CmdName[i] = c; } CmdName[i] = '\0'; if (!parseSucceeded) { // printf("failed to parse RTSP\n"); return false; } // printf("RTSP received %s\n", CmdName); // find out the command type if (strstr(CmdName,"OPTIONS") != nullptr) m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_OPTIONS; else if (strstr(CmdName,"DESCRIBE") != nullptr) m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_DESCRIBE; else if (strstr(CmdName,"SETUP") != nullptr) m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_SETUP; else if (strstr(CmdName,"PLAY") != nullptr) m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_PLAY; else if (strstr(CmdName,"TEARDOWN") != nullptr) m_RtspCmdType = RTSP_TEARDOWN; // check whether the request contains transport information (UDP or TCP) if (m_RtspCmdType == RTSP_SETUP) { TmpPtr = strstr(CurRequest,"RTP/AVP/TCP"); if (TmpPtr != nullptr) m_TcpTransport = true; else m_TcpTransport = false; }; // Skip over the prefix of any "rtsp://" or "rtsp:/" URL that follows: unsigned j = i+1; while (j < CurRequestSize && (CurRequest[j] == ' ' || CurRequest[j] == '\t')) ++j; // skip over any additional white space for (; (int)j < (int)(CurRequestSize-8); ++j) { if ((CurRequest[j] == 'r' || CurRequest[j] == 'R') && (CurRequest[j+1] == 't' || CurRequest[j+1] == 'T') && (CurRequest[j+2] == 's' || CurRequest[j+2] == 'S') && (CurRequest[j+3] == 'p' || CurRequest[j+3] == 'P') && CurRequest[j+4] == ':' && CurRequest[j+5] == '/') { j += 6; if (CurRequest[j] == '/') { // This is a "rtsp://" URL; skip over the host:port part that follows: ++j; unsigned uidx = 0; while (j < CurRequestSize && CurRequest[j] != '/' && CurRequest[j] != ' ' && uidx < sizeof(m_URLHostPort) - 1) { // extract the host:port part of the URL here m_URLHostPort[uidx] = CurRequest[j]; uidx++; ++j; }; } else --j; i = j; break; } } // Look for the URL suffix (before the following "RTSP/"): parseSucceeded = false; for (unsigned k = i+1; (int)k < (int)(CurRequestSize-5); ++k) { if (CurRequest[k] == 'R' && CurRequest[k+1] == 'T' && CurRequest[k+2] == 'S' && CurRequest[k+3] == 'P' && CurRequest[k+4] == '/') { while (--k >= i && CurRequest[k] == ' ') {} unsigned k1 = k; while (k1 > i && CurRequest[k1] != '/') --k1; if (k - k1 + 1 > sizeof(m_URLSuffix)) return false; unsigned n = 0, k2 = k1+1; while (k2 <= k) m_URLSuffix[n++] = CurRequest[k2++]; m_URLSuffix[n] = '\0'; if (k1 - i > sizeof(m_URLPreSuffix)) return false; n = 0; k2 = i + 1; while (k2 <= k1 - 1) m_URLPreSuffix[n++] = CurRequest[k2++]; m_URLPreSuffix[n] = '\0'; i = k + 7; parseSucceeded = true; break; } } if (!parseSucceeded) return false; // Look for "CSeq:", skip whitespace, then read everything up to the next \r or \n as 'CSeq': parseSucceeded = false; for (j = i; (int)j < (int)(CurRequestSize-5); ++j) { if (CurRequest[j] == 'C' && CurRequest[j+1] == 'S' && CurRequest[j+2] == 'e' && CurRequest[j+3] == 'q' && CurRequest[j+4] == ':') { j += 5; while (j < CurRequestSize && (CurRequest[j] == ' ' || CurRequest[j] == '\t')) ++j; unsigned n; for (n = 0; n < sizeof(m_CSeq)-1 && j < CurRequestSize; ++n,++j) { char c = CurRequest[j]; if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { parseSucceeded = true; break; } m_CSeq[n] = c; } m_CSeq[n] = '\0'; break; } } if (!parseSucceeded) return false; // Also: Look for "Content-Length:" (optional) for (j = i; (int)j < (int)(CurRequestSize-15); ++j) { if (CurRequest[j] == 'C' && CurRequest[j+1] == 'o' && CurRequest[j+2] == 'n' && CurRequest[j+3] == 't' && CurRequest[j+4] == 'e' && CurRequest[j+5] == 'n' && CurRequest[j+6] == 't' && CurRequest[j+7] == '-' && (CurRequest[j+8] == 'L' || CurRequest[j+8] == 'l') && CurRequest[j+9] == 'e' && CurRequest[j+10] == 'n' && CurRequest[j+11] == 'g' && CurRequest[j+12] == 't' && CurRequest[j+13] == 'h' && CurRequest[j+14] == ':') { j += 15; while (j < CurRequestSize && (CurRequest[j] == ' ' || CurRequest[j] == '\t')) ++j; unsigned num; if (sscanf(&CurRequest[j], "%u", &num) == 1) m_ContentLength = num; } } return true; }; RTSP_CMD_TYPES CRtspSession::Handle_RtspRequest(char const * aRequest, unsigned aRequestSize) { if (ParseRtspRequest(aRequest,aRequestSize)) { switch (m_RtspCmdType) { case RTSP_OPTIONS: { Handle_RtspOPTION(); break; }; case RTSP_DESCRIBE: { Handle_RtspDESCRIBE(); break; }; case RTSP_SETUP: { Handle_RtspSETUP(); break; }; case RTSP_PLAY: { Handle_RtspPLAY(); break; }; default: {}; }; }; return m_RtspCmdType; }; void CRtspSession::Handle_RtspOPTION() { //static char Response[1024]; // Note: we assume single threaded, this large buf we keep off of the tiny stack snprintf(Response,sizeof(Response), "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n" "Public: DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE\r\n\r\n",m_CSeq); socketsend(m_RtspClient,Response,strlen(Response)); } void CRtspSession::Handle_RtspDESCRIBE() { //static char Response[1024]; // Note: we assume single threaded, this large buf we keep off of the tiny stack char SDPBuf[128]; //static char SDPBuf[1024]; char URLBuf[128]; //static char URLBuf[1024]; // check whether we know a stream with the URL which is requested m_StreamID = -1; // invalid URL if ((strcmp(m_URLPreSuffix,"mjpeg") == 0) && (strcmp(m_URLSuffix,"1") == 0)) m_StreamID = 0; else if ((strcmp(m_URLPreSuffix,"mjpeg") == 0) && (strcmp(m_URLSuffix,"2") == 0)) m_StreamID = 1; if (m_StreamID == -1) { // Stream not available snprintf(Response,sizeof(Response), "RTSP/1.0 404 Stream Not Found\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n%s\r\n", m_CSeq, DateHeader()); socketsend(m_RtspClient,Response,strlen(Response)); return; }; // simulate DESCRIBE server response // static char OBuf[256]; char * ColonPtr; strcpy(OBuf,m_URLHostPort); ColonPtr = strstr(OBuf,":"); if (ColonPtr != nullptr) ColonPtr[0] = 0x00; snprintf(SDPBuf,sizeof(SDPBuf), "v=0\r\n" "o=- %d 1 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" // start / stop - 0 -> unbounded and permanent session "m=video 0 RTP/AVP 26\r\n" // currently we just handle UDP sessions // "a=x-dimensions: 640,480\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n", rand(), OBuf); char StreamName[64]; switch (m_StreamID) { case 0: strcpy(StreamName,"mjpeg/1"); break; case 1: strcpy(StreamName,"mjpeg/2"); break; }; snprintf(URLBuf,sizeof(URLBuf), "rtsp://%s/%s", m_URLHostPort, StreamName); snprintf(Response,sizeof(Response), "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n" "%s\r\n" "Content-Base: %s/\r\n" "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n" "%s", m_CSeq, DateHeader(), URLBuf, (int) strlen(SDPBuf), SDPBuf); socketsend(m_RtspClient,Response,strlen(Response)); } void CRtspSession::Handle_RtspSETUP() { //static char Response[1024]; //static char Transport[255]; // init RTP streamer transport type (UDP or TCP) and ports for UDP transport m_Streamer->InitTransport(m_ClientRTPPort,m_ClientRTCPPort,m_TcpTransport); // simulate SETUP server response if (m_TcpTransport) snprintf(Transport,sizeof(Transport),"RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1"); else snprintf(Transport,sizeof(Transport), "RTP/AVP;unicast;destination=;source=;client_port=%i-%i;server_port=%i-%i", m_ClientRTPPort, m_ClientRTCPPort, m_Streamer->GetRtpServerPort(), m_Streamer->GetRtcpServerPort()); snprintf(Response,sizeof(Response), "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n" "%s\r\n" "Transport: %s\r\n" "Session: %i\r\n\r\n", m_CSeq, DateHeader(), Transport, m_RtspSessionID); socketsend(m_RtspClient,Response,strlen(Response)); } void CRtspSession::Handle_RtspPLAY() { //static char Response[1024]; // simulate SETUP server response snprintf(Response,sizeof(Response), "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n" "%s\r\n" "Range: npt=0.000-\r\n" "Session: %i\r\n" "RTP-Info: url=rtsp://\r\n\r\n", m_CSeq, DateHeader(), m_RtspSessionID); socketsend(m_RtspClient,Response,strlen(Response)); } char const * CRtspSession::DateHeader() { //static char buf[200]; time_t tt = time(NULL); strftime(session_buf, sizeof(session_buf), "Date: %a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&tt)); return session_buf; } int CRtspSession::GetStreamID() { return m_StreamID; }; /** Read from our socket, parsing commands as possible. */ bool CRtspSession::handleRequests(uint32_t readTimeoutMs) { if(m_stopped) return false; // Already closed down //char RecvBuf[RTSP_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Note: we assume single threaded, this large buf we keep off of the tiny stack memset(RecvBuf,0x00,sizeof(RecvBuf)); int res = socketread(m_RtspClient,RecvBuf,sizeof(RecvBuf), readTimeoutMs); if(res > 0) { // we filter away everything which seems not to be an RTSP command: O-ption, D-escribe, S-etup, P-lay, T-eardown if ((RecvBuf[0] == 'O') || (RecvBuf[0] == 'D') || (RecvBuf[0] == 'S') || (RecvBuf[0] == 'P') || (RecvBuf[0] == 'T')) { RTSP_CMD_TYPES C = Handle_RtspRequest(RecvBuf,res); if (C == RTSP_PLAY) m_streaming = true; else if (C == RTSP_TEARDOWN) m_stopped = true; } return true; } else if(res == 0) { // printf("client closed socket, exiting\n"); m_stopped = true; return true; } else { // Timeout on read return false; } } void CRtspSession::broadcastCurrentFrame(uint32_t curMsec) { // Send a frame if (m_streaming && !m_stopped) { // printf("serving a frame\n"); m_Streamer->streamImage(curMsec); } }