## Migration Information
**This version removes support for direct migration from versions before v8.1.0 (Doris)**
See [migration path](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Upgrading#migration-path) for instructions how to migrate to a major version.
**Do not upgrade from minimal to minimal version. It will most likely fail at some point and will require flashing via serial.** If you do have to use minimal versions, always OTA to a full version of the same release before applying next minimal version.
Pay attention to the following version breaks due to dynamic settings updates:
1. Migrate to **Sonoff-Tasmota 3.9.x**
2. Migrate to **Sonoff-Tasmota 4.x**
3. Migrate to **Sonoff-Tasmota 5.14**
4. Migrate to **Sonoff-Tasmota 6.7.1** (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release_6.7.1/sonoff.bin) - NOTICE underscore as a dash is not supported in older versions
5. Migrate to **Tasmota 7.2.0** (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-7.2.0/tasmota.bin)
--- Major change in parameter storage layout ---
6. Migrate to **Tasmota 8.5.1** (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-8.5.1/tasmota.bin)
--- Major change in internal GPIO function representation ---
7. Migrate to **Tasmota 9.1** (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-9.1.0/tasmota.bin.gz)
8. Upgrade to **latest release** (http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin.gz)
While fallback or downgrading is common practice it was never supported due to Settings additions or changes in newer releases. Starting with release **v9.1.0 Imogen** the internal GPIO function representation has changed in such a way that fallback is only possible to the latest GPIO configuration before installing **v9.1.0**.
## Supported Core versions
This release will be supported from ESP8266/Arduino library Core version **** due to reported security and stability issues on previous Core version. This will also support gzipped binaries.
This release will be supported from ESP32/Arduino library Core version ****.
Support of ESP8266 Core versions before and ESP32 Core versions before 2.0.2 have been removed.
## Support of TLS
In addition to TLS using fingerprints now also user supplied CA certs, AWS IoT and Azure IoT is supported. Read [full documentation](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/AWS-IoT)
## Initial configuration tools
For initial configuration this release supports Webserver based **WifiManager** or **Serial** based command interface.
## Initial installation
Easy initial installation of Tasmota can be performed using the [Tasmota WebInstaller](https://tasmota.github.io/install/).
## Provided Binary Downloads
### ESP8266 or ESP8285 based
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library core version ****.
- **tasmota.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers for 1M+ flash. **RECOMMENDED RELEASE BINARY**
- **tasmota4M.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers and filesystem for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota-AF.bin** to **tasmota-VN.bin** = The Tasmota version in different languages for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-lite.bin** = The Lite version without most drivers and sensors for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-knx.bin** = The Knx version without some features but adds KNX support for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-sensors.bin** = The Sensors version adds more useful sensors for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-ir.bin** = The InfraRed Receiver and transmitter version allowing all available protocols provided by library IRremoteESP8266 but without most other features for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-display.bin** = The Display version without Energy Monitoring but adds display support for 1M+ flash.
- **tasmota-zbbridge.bin** = The dedicated Sonoff Zigbee Bridge version for 2M+ flash.
- **tasmota-zigbee.bin** = The dedicated cc25xx Zigbee Bridge version for 4M+ flash.
Above binaries are also available as gzipped version allowing faster uploads.
Latest released binaries can be downloaded from
- https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota-firmware/tree/main/release-firmware
- http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release
Historical binaries can be downloaded from
- http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release-11.1.0
The latter links can be used for OTA upgrades too like ``OtaUrl http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/release/tasmota.bin.gz``
### ESP32 based
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP32/Arduino library core version **2.0.3**.
- **tasmota32.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for 4M+ flash. **RECOMMENDED RELEASE BINARY**
- **tasmota32c3.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for ESP32-C3 and 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32solo1.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers including additional sensors and KNX for single core ESP32 and 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-AF.bin** to **tasmota32-VN.bin** = The Tasmota version in different languages for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-ir.bin** = The InfraRed Receiver and transmitter version allowing all available protocols provided by library IRremoteESP8266 but without most other features for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-display.bin** = The Display version without Energy Monitoring but adds display support for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-lvgl.bin** = The LVGL version adds Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) display support for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-webcam.bin** = The Webcam version adds webcam support for 4M+ flash.
- **tasmota32-bluetooth.bin** = The Bluetooth version adds BLE support for 4M+ flash.
Latest released binaries can be downloaded from
- https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota-firmware/tree/main/release-firmware
- http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota32/release
Historical binaries can be downloaded from
- http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota32/release-11.1.0
The latter links can be used for OTA upgrades too like ``OtaUrl http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota32/release/tasmota32.bin``
## Additional information
[List](MODULES.md) of embedded modules.
[Complete list](BUILDS.md) of available feature and sensors.
## Changelog v11.1.0.4
### Added
- Command ``SetOption139 0/1`` to switch between pressure unit "mmHg" (0) or "inHg" (1) when ``SO24 1`` [#15350](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15350)
- Command ``SetOption140 0/1`` to switch between MQTT Clean Session (0) or Persistent Session (1) [#15530](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15530)
- Command ``SetOption141 1`` to disable display of module name in GUI header
- Command ``EnergyExportActive`` to (p)reset energy export active for supported devices. Currently ADE7880 only [#13515](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/13515)
- Command ``IfxRp ""|`` adds optional InfluxDb Retention Policy [#15513](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15513)
- Command ``SspmDisplay 2`` to display Sonoff SPM energy data in GUI for user tab-selected relay modules [#13447](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/13447)
- Support for Sonoff MS01 soil moisture sensor [#15335](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15335)
- Support for daisy chaining MAX7219 displays [#15345](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15345)
- Support for Sensirion SHT4X using define USE_SHT3X [#15349](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15349)
- Sonoff SPM delayed SetPowerOnState [#13447](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/13447)
- Support for Sonoff SPM v1.2.0
- Support for Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro by Stephan Hadinger [#15701](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15701)
- Support for flowrate meters like YF-DN50 and similary [#15474](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15474)
- Support for 5-channel light dimmer driver BP5758D used in Tuya bulbs [#15713](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15713)
- Support for HYTxxx temperature and humidity sensor [#15715](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15715)
- ESP32 Command ``Restart 3`` to switch between SafeBoot and Production
### Breaking Changed
### Changed
- Restructured tasmota source directories taking benefit from PlatformIO Core v6.0.2
- Prepare to remove dedicated Home Assistant discovery in favour of Tasmota Discovery and hatasmota
- ESP32 Tasmota SafeBoot with changed partition scheme allowing larger binaries
### Fixed
- Improv initial or erase device installation failing to provide Configure WiFi option
- SCD40 start low power command [#15361](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15361)
- BL09xx negative power presentation [#15374](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15374)
- Possible pin output toggle after power on [#15630](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15630)
### Removed
- Arduino IDE support