/* i18n.h - internationalization for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2017 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _I18N_H_ #define _I18N_H_ #ifndef MY_LANGUAGE #include "language/en-GB.h" #else #define QUOTEME(x) QUOTEME_1(x) #define QUOTEME_1(x) #x #define INCLUDE_FILE(x) QUOTEME(language/x.h) #include INCLUDE_FILE(MY_LANGUAGE) #endif // Common const char S_LOG_HTTP[] PROGMEM = D_LOG_HTTP; const char S_LOG_WIFI[] PROGMEM = D_LOG_WIFI; const char S_LOG_MQTT[] PROGMEM = D_LOG_MQTT; const char S_RSLT_POWER[] PROGMEM = D_RSLT_POWER; const char S_RSLT_RESULT[] PROGMEM = D_RSLT_RESULT; const char S_RSLT_WARNING[] PROGMEM = D_RSLT_WARNING; const char S_LWT[] PROGMEM = D_LWT; const char S_OFFLINE[] PROGMEM = D_OFFLINE; // sonoff.ino #define MAX_BUTTON_COMMANDS 5 // Max number of button commands supported const char kCommands[MAX_BUTTON_COMMANDS][14] PROGMEM = { D_CMND_WIFICONFIG " 1", // Press button three times D_CMND_WIFICONFIG " 2", // Press button four times D_CMND_WIFICONFIG " 3", // Press button five times D_CMND_RESTART " 1", // Press button six times D_CMND_UPGRADE " 1" }; // Press button seven times const char kWifiConfig[MAX_WIFI_OPTION][WCFG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] PROGMEM = { D_WCFG_0_RESTART, D_WCFG_1_SMARTCONFIG, D_WCFG_2_WIFIMANAGER, D_WCFG_3_WPSCONFIG, D_WCFG_4_RETRY, D_WCFG_5_WAIT }; const char kPrefixes[3][PRFX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] PROGMEM = { D_CMND, D_STAT, D_TELE }; const char JSON_SNS_TEMPHUM[] PROGMEM = "%s, \"%s\":{\"" D_TEMPERATURE "\":%s, \"" D_HUMIDITY "\":%s}"; // support.ino static const char kMonthNames[] = D_MONTH3LIST; // webserver.ino const char S_MAIN_MENU[] PROGMEM = D_MAIN_MENU; const char S_CONFIGURATION[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURATION; const char S_CONFIGURE_MODULE[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_MODULE; const char S_CONFIGURE_WIFI[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_WIFI; const char S_NO_NETWORKS_FOUND[] PROGMEM = D_NO_NETWORKS_FOUND; const char S_CONFIGURE_MQTT[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_MQTT; const char S_CONFIGURE_LOGGING[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_LOGGING; const char S_CONFIGURE_OTHER[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_OTHER; const char S_SAVE_CONFIGURATION[] PROGMEM = D_SAVE_CONFIGURATION; const char S_RESET_CONFIGURATION[] PROGMEM = D_RESET_CONFIGURATION; const char S_RESTORE_CONFIGURATION[] PROGMEM = D_RESTORE_CONFIGURATION; const char S_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE[] PROGMEM = D_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE; const char S_CONSOLE[] PROGMEM = D_CONSOLE; const char S_INFORMATION[] PROGMEM = D_INFORMATION; const char S_RESTART[] PROGMEM = D_RESTART; #endif // _I18N_H_