/* tasmota_globals.h - Function prototypes and global configurations for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TASMOTA_GLOBALS_H_ #define _TASMOTA_GLOBALS_H_ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Function prototypes \*********************************************************************************************/ // Needed for core 2.3.0 compilation (#6721) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "user_interface.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include // KNX Header files have to be global else compile fails -> lib/headers #ifdef USE_KNX void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg); #endif // USE_KNX void WifiShutdown(bool option = false); void DomoticzTempHumPressureSensor(float temp, float hum, float baro = -1); char* ToHex_P(const unsigned char * in, size_t insz, char * out, size_t outsz, char inbetween = '\0'); extern "C" void custom_crash_callback(struct rst_info * rst_info, uint32_t stack, uint32_t stack_end); extern "C" void resetPins(); extern "C" int startWaveformClockCycles(uint8_t pin, uint32_t highCcys, uint32_t lowCcys, uint32_t runTimeCcys, int8_t alignPhase, uint32_t phaseOffsetCcys, bool autoPwm); extern "C" void setTimer1Callback(uint32_t (*fn)()); #ifdef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE void SerialBridgePrintf(PGM_P formatP, ...); #endif #ifdef USE_INFLUXDB void InfluxDbProcess(bool use_copy = false); #endif #ifdef ESP32 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 // ESP32/PICO-D4 #ifdef USE_ETHERNET IPAddress EthernetLocalIP(void); char* EthernetHostname(void); String EthernetMacAddress(void); #endif // USE_ETHERNET #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #endif // ESP32 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Preconfigured configurations \*********************************************************************************************/ #include "include/tasmota_configurations.h" // Preconfigured configurations /*********************************************************************************************\ * ESP8266 specific parameters \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef ESP8266 #ifndef MODULE #define MODULE SONOFF_BASIC // [Module] Select default model #endif #ifndef FALLBACK_MODULE #define FALLBACK_MODULE SONOFF_BASIC // [Module2] Select default module on fast reboot where USER_MODULE is user template #endif #ifndef ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE #define ARDUINO_CORE_RELEASE "STAGE" #else #define ARDUINO_CORE_RELEASE ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE #endif // ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE #ifndef USE_ADC_VCC #define USE_ADC #else #undef USE_ADC #endif #endif // ESP8266 /*********************************************************************************************\ * ESP32 specific parameters \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef ESP32 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * Start ESP32 specific parameters - disable features not present in ESP32 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #else // Disable features not present in other ESP32 like ESP32C3, ESP32S2, ESP32S3 etc. #ifdef USE_ETHERNET #undef USE_ETHERNET // All non-ESP32 do not support ethernet #endif #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * End ESP32 specific parameters \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * Start ESP32-C32 specific parameters - disable features not present in ESP32-C3 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 // ESP32-C3 //#ifdef USE_ETHERNET //#undef USE_ETHERNET // ESP32-C3 does not support ethernet //#endif #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * End ESP32-C3 specific parameters \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * Start ESP32-S2 specific parameters - disable features not present in ESP32-S2 \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 // ESP32-S2 //#ifdef USE_ETHERNET //#undef USE_ETHERNET // ESP32-S2 does not support ethernet //#endif #ifdef USE_BLE_ESP32 #undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // ESP32-S2 does not support BLE #endif #ifdef USE_MI_ESP32 #undef USE_MI_ESP32 // ESP32-S2 does not support BLE #endif #ifdef USE_IBEACON_ESP32 #undef USE_IBEACON_ESP32 // ESP32-S2 does not support BLE #endif #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * End ESP32-S2 specific parameters \*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef MODULE #define MODULE WEMOS // [Module] Select default model #endif #ifndef FALLBACK_MODULE #define FALLBACK_MODULE WEMOS // [Module2] Select default module on fast reboot where USER_MODULE is user template #endif #ifndef ARDUINO_ESP32_RELEASE #define ARDUINO_CORE_RELEASE "STAGE" #else #define ARDUINO_CORE_RELEASE ARDUINO_ESP32_RELEASE #endif // ARDUINO_ESP32_RELEASE // Hardware has no ESP32 #undef USE_EXS_DIMMER #undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS #undef USE_SONOFF_RF #undef USE_SONOFF_SC #undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN #undef USE_SONOFF_L1 #undef USE_SONOFF_D1 #undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER #undef USE_RF_FLASH // Not ported (yet) #undef USE_PS_16_DZ #undef USE_HM10 // Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge as an alternative is using the internal ESP32 BLE #undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm as it's library cc1101 is not compatible with ESP32 #endif // ESP32 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Fallback parameters \*********************************************************************************************/ #if defined(USE_PID) && (!defined(PID_USE_TIMPROP) || (PID_USE_TIMPROP > 0)) #define USE_TIMEPROP #endif // See https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/4889 #undef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP // Allocate 4k heap for WPS in ESP8166/Arduino core v2.4.2 (was always allocated in previous versions) #ifndef USE_SONOFF_RF #undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable RF firmware flash when Sonoff Rf is disabled #endif #ifndef USE_ZIGBEE #undef USE_ZIGBEE_EZSP // Disable Zigbee EZSP firmware flash #endif #ifndef USE_LIGHT #undef SHELLY_FW_UPGRADE // Disable Shelly Dimmer firmware flash when lights are disabled #endif #ifndef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER #undef SHELLY_FW_UPGRADE // Disable Shelly Dimmer firmware flash when Shelly Dimmer is disabled #endif #ifndef APP_INTERLOCK_MODE #define APP_INTERLOCK_MODE false // [Interlock] Relay interlock mode #endif #ifndef APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_1 #define APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_1 0xFF // [Interlock] Relay bitmask for interlock group 1 - Legacy support using all relays in one interlock group #endif #ifndef APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_2 #define APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_2 0x00 // [Interlock] Relay bitmask for interlock group 2 #endif #ifndef APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_3 #define APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_3 0x00 // [Interlock] Relay bitmask for interlock group 3 #endif #ifndef APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_4 #define APP_INTERLOCK_GROUP_4 0x00 // [Interlock] Relay bitmask for interlock group 4 #endif #ifndef SWITCH_MODE #define SWITCH_MODE TOGGLE // TOGGLE, FOLLOW or FOLLOW_INV (the wall switch state) #endif #ifndef MQTT_FINGERPRINT1 // Set an all-zeros default fingerprint to activate auto-learning on first connection (AWS IoT) #define MQTT_FINGERPRINT1 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 // [MqttFingerprint1] (auto-learn) #endif #ifndef MQTT_FINGERPRINT2 // SHA1('') #define MQTT_FINGERPRINT2 0xDA,0x39,0xA3,0xEE,0x5E,0x6B,0x4B,0x0D,0x32,0x55,0xBF,0xEF,0x95,0x60,0x18,0x90,0xAF,0xD8,0x07,0x09 // [MqttFingerprint2] (invalid) #endif #ifndef WS2812_LEDS #define WS2812_LEDS 30 // [Pixels] Number of LEDs #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_3_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_1) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_4_2) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_5_0) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_5_1) || defined(ARDUINO_ESP8266_RELEASE_2_5_2) #error "Arduino ESP8266 Core versions before 2.7.1 are not supported" #endif #define UFS_FILE_WRITE "w" #define UFS_FILE_READ "r" #define FS_FILE_WRITE "w" #define FS_FILE_READ "r" #define FS_FILE_APPEND "a" #define TASM_FILE_SETTINGS "/.settings" // Settings binary blob #define TASM_FILE_SETTINGS_LKG "/.settings.lkg" // Last Known Good Settings binary blob #define TASM_FILE_DRIVER "/.drvset%03d" #define TASM_FILE_SENSOR "/.snsset%03d" #define TASM_FILE_TLSKEY "/tlskey" // TLS private key #define TASM_FILE_ZIGBEE_LEGACY_V2 "/zb" // Zigbee devices information blob, legacy v2 #define TASM_FILE_ZIGBEE "/zbv4" // Zigbee devices information blob, now v4 #define TASM_FILE_ZIGBEE_DATA "/zbdata" // Zigbee last known values of devices #define TASM_FILE_AUTOEXEC "/autoexec.bat" // Commands executed after restart #define TASM_FILE_CONFIG "/config.sys" // Settings executed after restart #ifndef DNS_TIMEOUT #define DNS_TIMEOUT 1000 // Milliseconds #endif #ifndef MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE #define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 1200 // Bytes //#define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 2048 // Bytes #endif #ifndef MQTT_KEEPALIVE #define MQTT_KEEPALIVE 30 // Seconds #endif #ifndef MQTT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT #define MQTT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT 4 // Seconds #endif #ifndef MQTT_WIFI_CLIENT_TIMEOUT #define MQTT_WIFI_CLIENT_TIMEOUT 200 // Wifi TCP connection timeout (default is 5000 mSec) #endif #ifndef MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION #define MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION 1 // 0 = No clean session, 1 = Clean session (default) #endif #ifndef MQTT_DISABLE_SSERIALRECEIVED #define MQTT_DISABLE_SSERIALRECEIVED 0 // 1 = Disable sserialreceived mqtt messages, 0 = Enable sserialreceived mqtt messages (default) #endif #ifndef MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE #define MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE "Offline" // MQTT LWT offline topic message #endif #ifndef MQTT_LWT_ONLINE #define MQTT_LWT_ONLINE "Online" // MQTT LWT online topic message #endif #ifndef MESSZ #define MESSZ 1040 // Max number of characters in JSON message string (Hass discovery and nice MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1200) #endif #ifndef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS #undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE #undef USE_DGR_LIGHT_SEQUENCE #endif // USE_DEVICE_GROUPS #ifndef DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER #define DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER 0 // [DomoticzUpdateTimer] Send relay status (0 = disable, 1 - 3600 seconds) (Optional) #endif #ifndef EMULATION #define EMULATION EMUL_NONE // [Emulation] Select Belkin WeMo (single relay/light) or Hue Bridge emulation (multi relay/light) (EMUL_NONE, EMUL_WEMO or EMUL_HUE) #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS1 // Add Display Support for up to eigth Matrices #define MTX_ADDRESS1 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS2 #define MTX_ADDRESS2 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS3 #define MTX_ADDRESS3 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS4 #define MTX_ADDRESS4 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS5 #define MTX_ADDRESS5 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS6 #define MTX_ADDRESS6 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS7 #define MTX_ADDRESS7 0 #endif #ifndef MTX_ADDRESS8 #define MTX_ADDRESS8 0 #endif #ifndef HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE #define HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE 0 #endif #ifndef LATITUDE #define LATITUDE 48.858360 // [Latitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset #endif #ifndef LONGITUDE #define LONGITUDE 2.294442 // [Longitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset #endif #ifndef IR_RCV_MIN_UNKNOWN_SIZE #define IR_RCV_MIN_UNKNOWN_SIZE 6 // Set the smallest sized "UNKNOWN" message packets we actually care about (default 6, max 255) #endif #ifndef IR_RCV_TOLERANCE #define IR_RCV_TOLERANCE 25 // Base tolerance percentage for matching incoming IR messages (default 25, max 100) #endif #ifndef ENERGY_OVERTEMP #define ENERGY_OVERTEMP 90 // Overtemp in Celsius #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_DIMMER_MAX #define DEFAULT_DIMMER_MAX 100 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_DIMMER_MIN #define DEFAULT_DIMMER_MIN 0 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_DIMMER_STEP #define DEFAULT_DIMMER_STEP 10 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_LIGHT_DIMMER #define DEFAULT_LIGHT_DIMMER 10 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_LIGHT_COMPONENT #define DEFAULT_LIGHT_COMPONENT 255 #endif #ifndef CORS_ENABLED_ALL #define CORS_ENABLED_ALL "*" #endif #ifndef WORKING_PERIOD #define WORKING_PERIOD 5 // Working period of the SDS Sensor, Takes a reading every X Minutes #endif #ifndef STARTING_OFFSET #define STARTING_OFFSET 30 // NOVA SDS parameter used in settings #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_STATE #define WIFI_RGX_STATE 0 #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_NAPT #define WIFI_RGX_NAPT 0 #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_SSID #define WIFI_RGX_SSID "" #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_PASSWORD #define WIFI_RGX_PASSWORD "" #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_IP_ADDRESS #define WIFI_RGX_IP_ADDRESS "" #endif #ifndef WIFI_RGX_SUBNETMASK #define WIFI_RGX_SUBNETMASK "" #endif /*********************************************************************************************\ * UserConfig related parameters \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifndef COLOR_TEXT #define COLOR_TEXT "#000" // Global text color - Black #endif #ifndef COLOR_BACKGROUND #define COLOR_BACKGROUND "#fff" // Global background color - White #endif #ifndef COLOR_FORM #define COLOR_FORM "#f2f2f2" // Form background color - Greyish #endif #ifndef COLOR_INPUT_TEXT #define COLOR_INPUT_TEXT "#000" // Input text color - Black #endif #ifndef COLOR_INPUT #define COLOR_INPUT "#fff" // Input background color - White #endif #ifndef COLOR_CONSOLE_TEXT #define COLOR_CONSOLE_TEXT "#000" // Console text color - Black #endif #ifndef COLOR_CONSOLE #define COLOR_CONSOLE "#fff" // Console background color - White #endif #ifndef COLOR_TEXT_WARNING #define COLOR_TEXT_WARNING "#f00" // Warning text color - Red #endif #ifndef COLOR_TEXT_SUCCESS #define COLOR_TEXT_SUCCESS "#008000" // Success text color - Green #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT #define COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT "#fff" // Button text color - White #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON #define COLOR_BUTTON "#1fa3ec" // Button color - Blueish #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER #define COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER "#0e70a4" // Button color when hovered over - Darker blueish #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_RESET #define COLOR_BUTTON_RESET "#d43535" // Restart/Reset/Delete button color - Redish #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_RESET_HOVER #define COLOR_BUTTON_RESET_HOVER "#931f1f" // Restart/Reset/Delete button color when hovered over - Darker redish #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE #define COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE "#47c266" // Save button color - Greenish #endif #ifndef COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE_HOVER #define COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE_HOVER "#5aaf6f" // Save button color when hovered over - Darker greenish #endif #ifndef COLOR_TIMER_TAB_TEXT #define COLOR_TIMER_TAB_TEXT "#fff" // Config timer tab text color - White #endif #ifndef COLOR_TIMER_TAB_BACKGROUND #define COLOR_TIMER_TAB_BACKGROUND "#999" // Config timer tab background color - Light grey #endif #ifndef COLOR_TITLE_TEXT #define COLOR_TITLE_TEXT COLOR_TEXT // Title text color defaults to global text color either dark or light #endif enum WebColors { COL_TEXT, COL_BACKGROUND, COL_FORM, COL_INPUT_TEXT, COL_INPUT, COL_CONSOLE_TEXT, COL_CONSOLE, COL_TEXT_WARNING, COL_TEXT_SUCCESS, COL_BUTTON_TEXT, COL_BUTTON, COL_BUTTON_HOVER, COL_BUTTON_RESET, COL_BUTTON_RESET_HOVER, COL_BUTTON_SAVE, COL_BUTTON_SAVE_HOVER, COL_TIMER_TAB_TEXT, COL_TIMER_TAB_BACKGROUND, COL_TITLE, COL_LAST }; const char kWebColors[] PROGMEM = COLOR_TEXT "|" COLOR_BACKGROUND "|" COLOR_FORM "|" COLOR_INPUT_TEXT "|" COLOR_INPUT "|" COLOR_CONSOLE_TEXT "|" COLOR_CONSOLE "|" COLOR_TEXT_WARNING "|" COLOR_TEXT_SUCCESS "|" COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT "|" COLOR_BUTTON "|" COLOR_BUTTON_HOVER "|" COLOR_BUTTON_RESET "|" COLOR_BUTTON_RESET_HOVER "|" COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE "|" COLOR_BUTTON_SAVE_HOVER "|" COLOR_TIMER_TAB_TEXT "|" COLOR_TIMER_TAB_BACKGROUND "|" COLOR_TITLE_TEXT; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Macros \*********************************************************************************************/ /* // Removed from esp8266 core since 20171105 #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) */ #define tmin(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define tmax(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define nitems(_a) (sizeof((_a)) / sizeof((_a)[0])) #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #ifndef STR #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) #endif #define AGPIO(x) ((x)<<5) #define BGPIO(x) ((x)>>5) #ifdef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS #define SendDeviceGroupMessage(DEVICE_INDEX, REQUEST_TYPE, ...) _SendDeviceGroupMessage(DEVICE_INDEX, REQUEST_TYPE, __VA_ARGS__, 0) uint8_t device_group_count = 0; bool first_device_group_is_local = true; #endif // USE_DEVICE_GROUPS #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_CORE #define DEBUG_CORE_LOG(...) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_CORE_LOG(...) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_DRIVER #define DEBUG_DRIVER_LOG(...) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_DRIVER_LOG(...) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR #define DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(...) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(...) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_TRACE #define DEBUG_TRACE_LOG(...) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_TRACE_LOG(...) #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER #define SHOW_FREE_MEM(WHERE) ShowFreeMem(WHERE); #else #define SHOW_FREE_MEM(WHERE) #endif #ifndef USE_PROFILING #undef USE_PROFILE_DRIVER #undef USE_PROFILE_FUNCTION #endif #ifdef USE_PROFILE_DRIVER #define PROFILE_DRIVER(DRIVER, FUNCTION, START) AddLogDriver(DRIVER, FUNCTION, START) #else #define PROFILE_DRIVER(DRIVER, FUNCTION, START) #endif // USE_PROFILE_DRIVER #ifdef USE_PROFILE_FUNCTION #define PROFILE_FUNCTION(DRIVER, INDEX, FUNCTION, START) AddLogFunction(DRIVER, INDEX, FUNCTION, START) #else #define PROFILE_FUNCTION(DRIVER, INDEX, FUNCTION, START) #endif // USE_PROFILE_DRIVER /*********************************************************************************************\ * Macro for SetOption synonyms * * SetOption synonyms come first in the list of commands, right after the prefix. * They don't need any matching function pointer, since they are handled internally. * So don't forget to NOT put pointers in the functions pointers list. * * The additionnal list of unsigned bytes contains the Option numbers of each synonyms * in the same order. The first byte of the list contains the number of synonyms * (not including the number itself). The is the number of names to skip to find the first command. * * As it si cumbersome to calculate the first byte (number of synonyms), we provide the following * macro `SO_SYNONYMS(, )` * * For example: * ``` * SO_SYNONYMS(kLightSynonyms, * 37, 68, 82, 91, 92, 105, * 106, * ); * ``` * * is equivalent to: * ``` * const static uint8_t kLightSynonyms[] PROGMEM = { * 7, // number of synonyms, automatically calculated * 37, 68, 82, 91, 92, 105, * 106, * }; * ``` * * This comes very handy if you need to adjust the number of synonyms depending on #defines \*********************************************************************************************/ #define SO_SYNONYMS(N,...) const static uint8_t __syn_array_len_ ## N[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; /* this first array will not be kept by linker, just used for sizeof() */ const static uint8_t N[] PROGMEM = { sizeof(__syn_array_len_ ## N), __VA_ARGS__ }; /*********************************************************************************************/ #endif // _TASMOTA_GLOBALS_H_