/* support_rtc.ino - Real Time Clock support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************\ * Sources: Time by Michael Margolis and Paul Stoffregen (https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time) * Timezone by Jack Christensen (https://github.com/JChristensen/Timezone) \*********************************************************************************************/ #define SECS_PER_MIN ((uint32_t)(60UL)) #define SECS_PER_HOUR ((uint32_t)(3600UL)) #define SECS_PER_DAY ((uint32_t)(SECS_PER_HOUR * 24UL)) #define MINS_PER_HOUR ((uint32_t)(60UL)) #define LEAP_YEAR(Y) (((1970+Y)>0) && !((1970+Y)%4) && (((1970+Y)%100) || !((1970+Y)%400))) extern "C" { #include "sntp.h" } #include Ticker TickerRtc; static const uint8_t kDaysInMonth[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; // API starts months from 1, this array starts from 0 static const char kMonthNamesEnglish[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; uint32_t utc_time = 0; uint32_t local_time = 0; uint32_t daylight_saving_time = 0; uint32_t standard_time = 0; uint32_t ntp_time = 0; uint32_t midnight = 1451602800; uint32_t restart_time = 0; int32_t time_timezone = 0; uint8_t midnight_now = 0; uint8_t ntp_sync_minute = 0; String GetBuildDateAndTime(void) { // "2017-03-07T11:08:02" - ISO8601:2004 char bdt[21]; char *p; char mdate[] = __DATE__; // "Mar 7 2017" char *smonth = mdate; int day = 0; int year = 0; // sscanf(mdate, "%s %d %d", bdt, &day, &year); // Not implemented in 2.3.0 and probably too much code byte i = 0; for (char *str = strtok_r(mdate, " ", &p); str && i < 3; str = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &p)) { switch (i++) { case 0: // Month smonth = str; break; case 1: // Day day = atoi(str); break; case 2: // Year year = atoi(str); } } int month = (strstr(kMonthNamesEnglish, smonth) -kMonthNamesEnglish) /3 +1; snprintf_P(bdt, sizeof(bdt), PSTR("%d" D_YEAR_MONTH_SEPARATOR "%02d" D_MONTH_DAY_SEPARATOR "%02d" D_DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR "%s"), year, month, day, __TIME__); return String(bdt); // 2017-03-07T11:08:02 } String GetTimeZone(void) { char tz[7]; snprintf_P(tz, sizeof(tz), PSTR("%+03d:%02d"), time_timezone / 60, abs(time_timezone % 60)); return String(tz); // -03:45 } /* * timestamps in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 format * * DT_UTC - current data and time in Greenwich, England (aka GMT) * DT_LOCAL - current date and time taking timezone into account * DT_RESTART - the date and time this device last started, in local timezone * * Format: * "2017-03-07T11:08:02-07:00" - if DT_LOCAL and SetOption52 = 1 * "2017-03-07T11:08:02" - otherwise */ String GetDateAndTime(byte time_type) { // "2017-03-07T11:08:02-07:00" - ISO8601:2004 char dt[27]; TIME_T tmpTime; switch (time_type) { case DT_ENERGY: BreakTime(Settings.energy_kWhtotal_time, tmpTime); tmpTime.year += 1970; break; case DT_UTC: BreakTime(utc_time, tmpTime); tmpTime.year += 1970; break; case DT_RESTART: if (restart_time == 0) { return ""; } BreakTime(restart_time, tmpTime); tmpTime.year += 1970; break; default: tmpTime = RtcTime; } snprintf_P(dt, sizeof(dt), PSTR("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"), tmpTime.year, tmpTime.month, tmpTime.day_of_month, tmpTime.hour, tmpTime.minute, tmpTime.second); if (Settings.flag3.time_append_timezone && (DT_LOCAL == time_type)) { // if (Settings.flag3.time_append_timezone && ((DT_LOCAL == time_type) || (DT_ENERGY == time_type))) { strncat(dt, GetTimeZone().c_str(), sizeof(dt)); } return String(dt); // 2017-03-07T11:08:02-07:00 } String GetTime(int type) { /* type 1 - Local time * type 2 - Daylight Savings time * type 3 - Standard time */ char stime[25]; // Skip newline uint32_t time = utc_time; if (1 == type) time = local_time; if (2 == type) time = daylight_saving_time; if (3 == type) time = standard_time; snprintf_P(stime, sizeof(stime), sntp_get_real_time(time)); return String(stime); // Thu Nov 01 11:41:02 2018 } String GetUptime(void) { char dt[16]; TIME_T ut; if (restart_time) { BreakTime(utc_time - restart_time, ut); } else { BreakTime(uptime, ut); } // "P128DT14H35M44S" - ISO8601:2004 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 Durations // snprintf_P(dt, sizeof(dt), PSTR("P%dDT%02dH%02dM%02dS"), ut.days, ut.hour, ut.minute, ut.second); // "128 14:35:44" - OpenVMS // "128T14:35:44" - Tasmota snprintf_P(dt, sizeof(dt), PSTR("%dT%02d:%02d:%02d"), ut.days, ut.hour, ut.minute, ut.second); return String(dt); // 128T14:35:44 } uint32_t GetMinutesUptime(void) { TIME_T ut; if (restart_time) { BreakTime(utc_time - restart_time, ut); } else { BreakTime(uptime, ut); } return (ut.days *1440) + (ut.hour *60) + ut.minute; } uint32_t GetMinutesPastMidnight(void) { uint32_t minutes = 0; if (RtcTime.valid) { minutes = (RtcTime.hour *60) + RtcTime.minute; } return minutes; } void BreakTime(uint32_t time_input, TIME_T &tm) { // break the given time_input into time components // this is a more compact version of the C library localtime function // note that year is offset from 1970 !!! uint8_t year; uint8_t month; uint8_t month_length; uint32_t time; unsigned long days; time = time_input; tm.second = time % 60; time /= 60; // now it is minutes tm.minute = time % 60; time /= 60; // now it is hours tm.hour = time % 24; time /= 24; // now it is days tm.days = time; tm.day_of_week = ((time + 4) % 7) + 1; // Sunday is day 1 year = 0; days = 0; while((unsigned)(days += (LEAP_YEAR(year) ? 366 : 365)) <= time) { year++; } tm.year = year; // year is offset from 1970 days -= LEAP_YEAR(year) ? 366 : 365; time -= days; // now it is days in this year, starting at 0 tm.day_of_year = time; days = 0; month = 0; month_length = 0; for (month = 0; month < 12; month++) { if (1 == month) { // february if (LEAP_YEAR(year)) { month_length = 29; } else { month_length = 28; } } else { month_length = kDaysInMonth[month]; } if (time >= month_length) { time -= month_length; } else { break; } } strlcpy(tm.name_of_month, kMonthNames + (month *3), 4); tm.month = month + 1; // jan is month 1 tm.day_of_month = time + 1; // day of month tm.valid = (time_input > 1451602800); // 2016-01-01 } uint32_t MakeTime(TIME_T &tm) { // assemble time elements into time_t // note year argument is offset from 1970 int i; uint32_t seconds; // seconds from 1970 till 1 jan 00:00:00 of the given year seconds = tm.year * (SECS_PER_DAY * 365); for (i = 0; i < tm.year; i++) { if (LEAP_YEAR(i)) { seconds += SECS_PER_DAY; // add extra days for leap years } } // add days for this year, months start from 1 for (i = 1; i < tm.month; i++) { if ((2 == i) && LEAP_YEAR(tm.year)) { seconds += SECS_PER_DAY * 29; } else { seconds += SECS_PER_DAY * kDaysInMonth[i-1]; // monthDay array starts from 0 } } seconds+= (tm.day_of_month - 1) * SECS_PER_DAY; seconds+= tm.hour * SECS_PER_HOUR; seconds+= tm.minute * SECS_PER_MIN; seconds+= tm.second; return seconds; } uint32_t RuleToTime(TimeRule r, int yr) { TIME_T tm; uint32_t t; uint8_t m; uint8_t w; // temp copies of r.month and r.week m = r.month; w = r.week; if (0 == w) { // Last week = 0 if (++m > 12) { // for "Last", go to the next month m = 1; yr++; } w = 1; // and treat as first week of next month, subtract 7 days later } tm.hour = r.hour; tm.minute = 0; tm.second = 0; tm.day_of_month = 1; tm.month = m; tm.year = yr - 1970; t = MakeTime(tm); // First day of the month, or first day of next month for "Last" rules BreakTime(t, tm); t += (7 * (w - 1) + (r.dow - tm.day_of_week + 7) % 7) * SECS_PER_DAY; if (0 == r.week) { t -= 7 * SECS_PER_DAY; // back up a week if this is a "Last" rule } return t; } uint32_t LocalTime(void) { return local_time; } uint32_t Midnight(void) { return midnight; } boolean MidnightNow(void) { boolean mnflg = midnight_now; if (mnflg) midnight_now = 0; return mnflg; } void RtcSecond(void) { TIME_T tmpTime; if ((ntp_sync_minute > 59) && (RtcTime.minute > 2)) ntp_sync_minute = 1; // If sync prepare for a new cycle uint8_t offset = (uptime < 30) ? RtcTime.second : (((ESP.getChipId() & 0xF) * 3) + 3) ; // First try ASAP to sync. If fails try once every 60 seconds based on chip id if (!global_state.wifi_down && (offset == RtcTime.second) && ((RtcTime.year < 2016) || (ntp_sync_minute == RtcTime.minute) || ntp_force_sync)) { ntp_time = sntp_get_current_timestamp(); if (ntp_time > 1451602800) { // Fix NTP bug in core 2.4.1/SDK 2.2.1 (returns Thu Jan 01 08:00:10 1970 after power on) ntp_force_sync = 0; utc_time = ntp_time; ntp_sync_minute = 60; // Sync so block further requests if (restart_time == 0) { restart_time = utc_time - uptime; // save first ntp time as restart time } BreakTime(utc_time, tmpTime); RtcTime.year = tmpTime.year + 1970; daylight_saving_time = RuleToTime(Settings.tflag[1], RtcTime.year); standard_time = RuleToTime(Settings.tflag[0], RtcTime.year); snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_APPLICATION "(" D_UTC_TIME ") %s, (" D_DST_TIME ") %s, (" D_STD_TIME ") %s"), GetTime(0).c_str(), GetTime(2).c_str(), GetTime(3).c_str()); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); if (local_time < 1451602800) { // 2016-01-01 rules_flag.time_init = 1; } else { rules_flag.time_set = 1; } } else { ntp_sync_minute++; // Try again in next minute } } utc_time++; local_time = utc_time; if (local_time > 1451602800) { // 2016-01-01 int16_t timezone_minutes = Settings.timezone_minutes; if (Settings.timezone < 0) { timezone_minutes *= -1; } time_timezone = (Settings.timezone * SECS_PER_HOUR) + (timezone_minutes * SECS_PER_MIN); if (99 == Settings.timezone) { int32_t dstoffset = Settings.toffset[1] * SECS_PER_MIN; int32_t stdoffset = Settings.toffset[0] * SECS_PER_MIN; if (Settings.tflag[1].hemis) { // Southern hemisphere if ((utc_time >= (standard_time - dstoffset)) && (utc_time < (daylight_saving_time - stdoffset))) { time_timezone = stdoffset; // Standard Time } else { time_timezone = dstoffset; // Daylight Saving Time } } else { // Northern hemisphere if ((utc_time >= (daylight_saving_time - stdoffset)) && (utc_time < (standard_time - dstoffset))) { time_timezone = dstoffset; // Daylight Saving Time } else { time_timezone = stdoffset; // Standard Time } } } local_time += time_timezone; time_timezone /= 60; if (!Settings.energy_kWhtotal_time) { Settings.energy_kWhtotal_time = local_time; } } BreakTime(local_time, RtcTime); if (!RtcTime.hour && !RtcTime.minute && !RtcTime.second && RtcTime.valid) { midnight = local_time; midnight_now = 1; } RtcTime.year += 1970; } void RtcInit(void) { sntp_setservername(0, Settings.ntp_server[0]); sntp_setservername(1, Settings.ntp_server[1]); sntp_setservername(2, Settings.ntp_server[2]); sntp_stop(); sntp_set_timezone(0); // UTC time sntp_init(); utc_time = 0; BreakTime(utc_time, RtcTime); TickerRtc.attach(1, RtcSecond); }