/* xsns_33_qmc5883l.ino - QMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2022 Helge Scheunemann and Friedbert Bader This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_QMC5883L /*********************************************************************************************\ * QMC5883L is 3-Axis Digital Compass sensor * * I2C Address: 0x0D * * #define QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE 1 // 0 .. 3 => 512, 256, 128, 64 * #define QMC5883L_GAUSS 1 // 0,1 => 2GAUSS, 8GAUSS * #define QMC5883L_FILTER 2 // 0 .. 3 => 10HZ, 50HZ, 109HZ, 200HZ * #define QMC5883L_TEMP_SHIFT 23 // sensor temperature are not calibrated (only relativ measurement) and need an absolute ground value in °C (see datasheet) * * Calibration : * valid relations : 1 T = 10000 G ... 1G = 0.1mT = 100µT * Dynamic Output Field Range ±2 or ±8 Gauss ==> ±200µT or ±800µT * Sensitivity [1] * Field Range = ±2G 12000 LSB/G --> factor = 120 * Field Range = ±8G 3000 LSB/G --> factor = 30 \*********************************************************************************************/ /* DATASHEET The QMC5883L is a multi-chip three-axis magnetic sensor. This surface -mount, small sized chip has integrated magnetic sensors with signal condition ASIC, targeted for high precision applications such as compassing, navigation and gaming in drone, robot, mobile and personal hand-held devices. The QMC5883L is based on our state-of-the-art, high resolution, magneto-resistive technology licensed from Honeywell AMR technology. Along with custom-designed 16-bit ADC ASIC, it offers the advantages of low noise, high accuracy, low power consumption, offset cancellation and temperature compensation. QMC5883L enables 1° to 2° compass heading accuracy. The I²C serial bus allows for easy interface 9.1 Register Map The table below provides a list of the 8-bit registers embedded in the device and their respective function and addresses Table 13. Register Map Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Access 00H Data Output X LSB Register XOUT[7:0] Read only 01H Data Output X MSB Register XOUT[15:8] Read only 02H Data Output Y LSB Register YOUT[7:0] Read only 03H Data Output Y MSB Register YOUT[15:8] Read only 04H Data Output Z LSB Register ZOUT[7:0] Read only 05H Data Output Z MSB Register ZOUT[15:8] Read only 06H DOR OVL DRDY Read only 07H TOUT[7:0] Read only 08H TOUT[15:8] Read only 09H OSR[1:0] RNG[1:0] ODR[1:0] MODE[1:0] Read/Write 0AH SOFT_RST ROL_P NT INT_E NB R/W, Read only on blanks 0BH SET/RESET Period FBR [7:0] Read/Write 0CH Reserved Read only 0DH Reserved Read only 9.2 Register Definition 9.2.1 Output Data Register Registers 00H ~ 05H store the measurement data from each axis magnetic sensor in continuous-measurement. In the continuous measurement mode, the output data is refreshed periodically based on the data update rate ODR setup in control registers 1. The data stays the same, regardless of reading status through I2C, until new data replaces them. Each axis has 16 bit data width in 2’s complement, i.e., MSB of 01H/03H/05H indicates the sign of each axis. The output data of each channel saturates at -32768 and 32767. Table 14. Output Data Register Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 00H Data Output X LSB Register XOUT[7:0] 01H Data Output X MSB Register XOUT[15:8] 02H Data Output Y LSB Register YOUT[7:0] 03H Data Output Y MSB Register YOUT[15:8] 04H Data Output Z LSB Register ZOUT[7:0] 05H Data Output Z MSB Register ZOUT[15:8] 9.2.2 Status Register There are two status registers located in address 06H and 0CH. Register 06H has three bits indicating for status flags, the rest are reserved for factory use. The status registers are read only bits. Table 15. Status Register 1 Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 06H DOR OVL DRDY Data Ready Register (DRDY), it is set when all three axis data is ready, and loaded to the output data registers in the continuous measurement mode. It is reset to “0” by reading any data register (00H~05H) through I2C commends DRDY: “0”: no new data, “1”: new data is ready Overflow flag (OVL) is set to “1” if any data of three axis magnetic sensor channels is out of range. The output data of each axis saturates at -32768 and 32767, if any of the axis exceeds this range, OVL flag is set to “1”. This flag is reset to “0” if next measurement goes back to the range of (-32768, 32767), otherwise, it keeps as “1”. OVL: “0”: normal, “1”: data overflow Data Skip (DOR) bit is set to “1” if all the channels of output data registers are skipped in reading in the continuous-measurement mode. It is reset to “0” by reading any data register (00H~05H) through I2C DOR: “0”: normal, “1”: data skipped for reading 9.2.3 Temperature Data Registers Registers 07H-08H store temperature sensor output data. 16 bits temperature sensor output is in 2’s complement. Temperature sensor gain is factory-calibrated, but its offset has not been compensated, only relative temperature value is accurate. The temperature coefficient is about 100 LSB/℃ Table 17. Temperature Sensor Output Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 07H TOUT[7:0] 08H TOUT[15:8] 9.2.4 Control Registers Two 8-bits registers are used to control the device configurations. Control register 1 is located in address 09H, it sets the operational modes (MODE). output data update rate (ODR), magnetic field measurement range or sensitivity of the sensors (RNG) and over sampling rate (OSR). Control register 2 is located in address 0AH. It controls Interrupt Pin enabling (INT_ENB), Point roll over function enabling(POL_PNT) and soft reset (SOFT_RST). Two bits of MODE registers can transfer mode of operations in the device, the two modes are Standby, and Continuous measurements. The default mode after Power-on-Reset (POR) is standby. There is no any restriction in the transferring between the modes. Output data rate is controlled by ODR registers. Four data update frequencies can be selected: 10Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz and 200Hz. For most of compassing applications, we recommend 10 Hz for low power consumption. For gaming, the high update rate such as 100Hz or 200Hz can be used. Field ranges of the magnetic sensor can be selected through the register RNG. The full scale field range is determined by the application environments. For magnetic clear environment, low field range such as +/- 2gauss can be used. The field range goes hand in hand with the sensitivity of the magnetic sensor. The lowest field range has the highest sensitivity, therefore, higher resolution. Over sample Rate (OSR) registers are used to control bandwidth of an internal digital filter. Larger OSR value leads to smaller filter bandwidth, less in-band noise and higher power consumption. It could be used to reach a good balance between noise and power. Four over sample ratio can be selected, 64, 128, 256 or 512. Table 18. Control Register 1 Addr 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 09H OSR[1:0] RNG[1:0] ODR[1:0] MODE[1:0] Reg. Definition 00 01 10 11 Mode Mode Control Standby Continuous Reserve Reserve ODR Output Data Rate 10Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz RNG Full Scale 2G 8G Reserve Reserve OSR Over Sample Ratio 512 256 128 64 Interrupt enabling is controlled by register INT_ENB in control register 2. Once the interrupt is enabled, it will flag when new data is in Data Output Registers. INT_ENB: “0”: enable interrupt PIN, “1”: disable interrupt PIN Pointer roll-over function is controlled by ROL_PNT register. When the point roll-over function is enabled, the I2C data pointer automatically rolls between 00H ~ 06H, if I2C read begins at any address among 00H~06H. ROL_PNT: “0”: Normal, “1”: Enable pointer roll-over function Soft Reset can be done by changing the register SOFT_RST to set. Soft reset can be invoked at any time of any mode. For example, if soft reset occurs at the middle of continuous mode reading, QMC5883L immediately switches to standby mode due to mode register is reset to “00” in default. SOFT_RST: “0”: Normal“1”: Soft reset, restore default value of all registers. Table 19. Control Register 2 Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0AH SOFT_RST ROL_PNT INT_ENB 9.2.5 SET/RESET Period Register SET/RESET Period is controlled by FBR [7:0], it is recommended that the register 0BH is written by 0x01. Table 20. SET/RESET Period Register Addr. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0BH SET/RESET Perio [7:0] */ // Define driver ID #define XSNS_33 33 #define XI2C_71 71 // See I2CDEVICES.md #ifndef QMC5883L_TEMP_SHIFT #define QMC5883L_TEMP_SHIFT 23 // sensor temperature are not calibrated (only relativ measurement) and need an absolute ground value in °C (see datasheet) #endif /* The default I2C address of this chip */ #define QMC5883L_ADDR 0x0D /* Register numbers */ #define QMC5883L_X_LSB 0x00 #define QMC5883L_X_MSB 0x01 #define QMC5883L_Y_LSB 0x02 #define QMC5883L_Y_MSB 0x03 #define QMC5883L_Z_LSB 0x04 #define QMC5883L_Z_MSB 0x05 #define QMC5883L_STATUS 0x06 #define QMC5883L_TEMP_LSB 0x07 #define QMC5883L_TEMP_MSB 0x08 #define QMC5883L_CONFIG 0x09 #define QMC5883L_CONFIG2 0x0a #define QMC5883L_RESET 0x0b // SET/RESET Period it is recommended that the register 0BH is written by 0x01. // #define QMC5883L_RESERVED 0x0c #define QMC5883L_CHIP_ID 0x0d /* Bit values for the STATUS register ... #define QMC5883L_STATUS 0x06 */ #define QMC5883L_STATUS_DRDY 1 #define QMC5883L_STATUS_OVL 2 // #define QMC5883L_STATUS_DOR 4 /* set QMC5883L_STATUS_REG ... #define QMC5883L_CONFIG 0x09 Addr 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 09H OSR[1:0] RNG[1:0] ODR[1:0] MODE[1:0] Oversampling values for the CONFIG register Reg. Definition 00 01 10 11 OSR Over Sample Ratio 512 256 128 64 #define QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE 1 // 0 .. 3 => 512, 256, 128, 64 */ #ifndef QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE #define QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE 1 #elif (QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE>3) #undef QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE #define QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE 3 #endif /* Reg. Definition 00 01 10 11 RNG Full Scale 2G 8G Reserve Reserve #define QMC5883L_GAUSS 1 // 0,1 => 2GAUSS, 8GAUSS */ #ifndef QMC5883L_GAUSS #define QMC5883L_GAUSS 1 #elif (QMC5883L_GAUSS>1) #undef QMC5883L_GAUSS #define QMC5883L_GAUSS 1 #endif #if QMC5883L_GAUSS == 0 #define FACTOR 120 #else #define FACTOR 30 #endif /* Reg. Definition 00 01 10 11 ODR Output Data Rate 10Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz #define QMC5883L_FILTER 2 // 0 .. 3 => 10HZ, 50HZ, 109HZ, 200HZ */ #ifndef QMC5883L_FILTER #define QMC5883L_FILTER 2 #elif (QMC5883L_FILTER>3) #undef QMC5883L_FILTER #define QMC5883L_FILTER 3 #endif /* Reg. Definition 00 01 10 11 Mode Mode Control Standby Continuous Reserve Reserve */ // #define QMC5883L_CONFIG_STANDBY 0b00000000 #define QMC5883L_CONFIG_CONT 0b00000001 /* Mode values for the CONFIG2 register = Software Reset */ #define QMC5883L_CONFIG2_RESET 0b10000000 #define REG_OVL 0x7fff // #define OVL "overflow" #define OVL INFINITY // data field struct QMC5883L_s { int16_t MX, MY, MZ; // uint16_t scalar; float temp; // float MX, MY, MZ, scalar; bool ovl; } *QMC5883L = nullptr; // Initialise the device void QMC5883L_Init() { if (!I2cSetDevice(QMC5883L_ADDR)) { return; } // Software Reset QMC5883L #define QMC5883L_CONFIG2 0x0a if (I2cWrite8(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_CONFIG2, QMC5883L_CONFIG2_RESET) == false) { return; } // SET/RESET Period it is recommended that the register 0BH is written by 0x01. if (I2cWrite8(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_RESET, 0x01) == false) { return; } /* write config Addr 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 09H OSR[1:0] RNG[1:0] ODR[1:0] MODE[1:0] */ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("QMC: QMC5883L_STATUS_REG 0x%X, size of buffer %d" ), ((QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE<<6) | (QMC5883L_GAUSS<<4) | (QMC5883L_FILTER<<2) | QMC5883L_CONFIG_CONT), sizeof(struct QMC5883L_s)); if (I2cWrite8(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_CONFIG, ((QMC5883L_OVERSAMPLE<<6) | (QMC5883L_GAUSS<<4) | (QMC5883L_FILTER<<2) | QMC5883L_CONFIG_CONT)) == false) { return; } I2cSetActiveFound(QMC5883L_ADDR, "QMC5883L"); QMC5883L = (QMC5883L_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct QMC5883L_s)); } //Read the magnetic data void QMC5883L_read_data(void) { // check if chip is ready to provide data switch (I2cRead8(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_STATUS) & (QMC5883L_STATUS_DRDY | QMC5883L_STATUS_OVL)){ case 1: QMC5883L->ovl = false; QMC5883L->MX = I2cReadS16_LE(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_X_LSB); // Select LSB register QMC5883L->MY = I2cReadS16_LE(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_Y_LSB); QMC5883L->MZ = I2cReadS16_LE(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_Z_LSB); // calculate scalar magnetic induction // QMC5883L->scalar = sqrt((QMC5883L->MX * QMC5883L->MX) + (QMC5883L->MY * QMC5883L->MY) + (QMC5883L->MZ * QMC5883L->MZ)); // 650 bytes larger // QMC5883L->scalar = SqrtInt((QMC5883L->MX * QMC5883L->MX) + (QMC5883L->MY * QMC5883L->MY) + (QMC5883L->MZ * QMC5883L->MZ)); break; case 3: QMC5883L->ovl = true; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("QMC: QMC5883L_STATUS_Overflow")); QMC5883L->MX = REG_OVL; QMC5883L->MY = REG_OVL; QMC5883L->MZ = REG_OVL; break; default: return; break; } // get temperature QMC5883L->temp = ConvertTemp((I2cReadS16_LE(QMC5883L_ADDR, QMC5883L_TEMP_LSB) / 100.0f) + QMC5883L_TEMP_SHIFT); // Temp in celsius } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_SNS_QMC5883L[] PROGMEM = "{s}QMC5883L " D_MX "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROTESLA "{e}" // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = "{s}QMC5883L " D_MY "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROTESLA "{e}" // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = "{s}QMC5883L " D_MZ "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROTESLA "{e}" // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = "{s}QMC5883L " D_MAGNETICFLD "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROTESLA "{e}"; // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = #endif void QMC5883L_Show(uint8_t json) { char s_mx[12] ; char s_my[12] ; char s_mz[12] ; char s_scalar[12] ; if (!QMC5883L->ovl) { dtostrfd((float)QMC5883L->MX / FACTOR, 3, s_mx); dtostrfd((float)QMC5883L->MY / FACTOR, 3, s_my); dtostrfd((float)QMC5883L->MZ / FACTOR, 3, s_mz); dtostrfd((float)(SqrtInt((QMC5883L->MX * QMC5883L->MX) + (QMC5883L->MY * QMC5883L->MY) + (QMC5883L->MZ * QMC5883L->MZ))) / FACTOR, 3, s_scalar); }else{ dtostrfd(OVL, 3, s_mx); dtostrfd(OVL, 3, s_my); dtostrfd(OVL, 3, s_mz); dtostrfd(OVL, 3, s_scalar); // s_my = s_mz = s_scalar = s_mx; } if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"QMC5883L\":{\"" D_JSON_MX "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_MY "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_MZ "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_MAGNETICFLD "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%*_f}"), s_mx, s_my, s_mz, s_scalar, Settings->flag2.temperature_resolution, &QMC5883L->temp); #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_QMC5883L, s_mx, s_my, s_mz, s_scalar); WSContentSend_Temp("QMC5883L", QMC5883L->temp); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns33(uint32_t function) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_71)) { return false; } bool result = false; if (FUNC_INIT == function) { QMC5883L_Init(); } else if (QMC5883L != nullptr) { switch (function) { // case FUNC_COMMAND_SENSOR: // if (XSNS_33 == XdrvMailbox.index) { // result = QMC5883L_CmndSensor(); // } // break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: QMC5883L_Show(1); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: QMC5883L_read_data(); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: QMC5883L_Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_QMC5883L #endif // USE_I2C