/******************************************************************** ** Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Guan Wenliang ** This file is part of the Berry default interpreter. ** skiars@qq.com, https://github.com/Skiars/berry ** See Copyright Notice in the LICENSE file or at ** https://github.com/Skiars/berry/blob/master/LICENSE ********************************************************************/ #include "berry.h" #include "be_mem.h" #include "be_sys.h" // #include #include #include // Local pointer for file managment #include extern FS *dfsp; /* this file contains configuration for the file system. */ /* standard input and output */ extern "C" { int strncmp_PP(const char * str1P, const char * str2P, size_t size) { int result = 0; while (size > 0) { char ch1 = pgm_read_byte(str1P++); char ch2 = pgm_read_byte(str2P++); result = ch1 - ch2; if (result != 0 || ch2 == '\0') { break; } size--; } return result; } // char * strchr_P(const char *s, int c) { do { if (pgm_read_byte(s) == c) { return (char*)s; } } while (pgm_read_byte(s++)); return (0); } } // We need to create a local buffer, since we might mess up mqtt_data #ifndef BERRY_LOGSZ #define BERRY_LOGSZ 128 #endif static char log_berry_buffer[BERRY_LOGSZ] = { 0, }; extern void berry_log(const char * berry_buf); BERRY_API void be_writebuffer(const char *buffer, size_t length) { if (buffer == nullptr || length == 0) { return; } uint32_t idx = 0; while (idx < length) { int32_t cr_pos = -1; // find next occurence of '\n' or '\r' for (uint32_t i = idx; i < length; i++) { if ((pgm_read_byte(&buffer[i]) == '\n') || (pgm_read_byte(&buffer[i]) == '\r')) { cr_pos = i; break; } } uint32_t chars_to_append = (cr_pos >= 0) ? cr_pos - idx : length - idx; // note cr_pos < length snprintf(log_berry_buffer, sizeof(log_berry_buffer), "%s%.*s", log_berry_buffer, chars_to_append, &buffer[idx]); // append at most `length` chars if (cr_pos >= 0) { // flush berry_log(log_berry_buffer); log_berry_buffer[0] = 0; // clear string } idx += chars_to_append + 1; // skip '\n' } // Serial.write(buffer, length); // be_fwrite(stdout, buffer, length); } BERRY_API char* be_readstring(char *buffer, size_t size) { return 0; // return be_fgets(stdin, buffer, (int)size); } /* use the standard library implementation file API. */ void* be_fopen(const char *filename, const char *modes) { if (dfsp != nullptr && filename != nullptr && modes != nullptr) { // Serial.printf("be_fopen filename=%s, modes=%s\n", filename, modes); File f = dfsp->open(filename, modes); // returns an object, not a pointer if (f) { File * f_ptr = new File(f); // copy to dynamic object *f_ptr = f; // TODO is this necessary? return f_ptr; } } return nullptr; // return fopen(filename, modes); } int be_fclose(void *hfile) { // Serial.printf("be_fclose\n"); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; f_ptr->close(); delete f_ptr; return 0; } return -1; // return fclose(hfile); } size_t be_fwrite(void *hfile, const void *buffer, size_t length) { // Serial.printf("be_fwrite %d\n", length); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr && buffer != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; return f_ptr->write((const uint8_t*) buffer, length); } return 0; // return fwrite(buffer, 1, length, hfile); } size_t be_fread(void *hfile, void *buffer, size_t length) { // Serial.printf("be_fread %d\n", length); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr && buffer != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; int32_t ret = f_ptr->read((uint8_t*) buffer, length); if (ret >= 0) { // Serial.printf("be_fread ret = %d\n", ret); return ret; } } return 0; // return fread(buffer, 1, length, hfile); } char* be_fgets(void *hfile, void *buffer, int size) { // Serial.printf("be_fgets %d\n", size); uint8_t * buf = (uint8_t*) buffer; if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr && buffer != nullptr && size > 0) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; int ret = f_ptr->readBytesUntil('\n', buf, size - 1); if (ret >= 0) { buf[ret] = 0; // add string terminator return (char*) buffer; } } return nullptr; // return fgets(buffer, size, hfile); } int be_fseek(void *hfile, long offset) { // Serial.printf("be_fseek %d\n", offset); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; if (f_ptr->seek(offset)) { return 0; // success } } return -1; // return fseek(hfile, offset, SEEK_SET); } long int be_ftell(void *hfile) { // Serial.printf("be_ftell\n"); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; return f_ptr->position(); } return 0; // return ftell(hfile); } long int be_fflush(void *hfile) { // Serial.printf("be_fflush\n"); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; f_ptr->flush(); } return 0; // return fflush(hfile); } size_t be_fsize(void *hfile) { // Serial.printf("be_fsize\n"); if (dfsp != nullptr && hfile != nullptr) { File * f_ptr = (File*) hfile; return f_ptr->size(); } // long int size, offset = be_ftell(hfile); // fseek(hfile, 0L, SEEK_END); // size = ftell(hfile); // fseek(hfile, offset, SEEK_SET); // return size; return 0; } #if BE_USE_FILE_SYSTEM #if defined(USE_FATFS) /* FatFs */ int be_isdir(const char *path) { FILINFO fno; FRESULT fr = f_stat(path, &fno); return fr == FR_OK && fno.fattrib & AM_DIR; } int be_isfile(const char *path) { FILINFO fno; FRESULT fr = f_stat(path, &fno); return fr == FR_OK && !(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR); } int be_isexist(const char *path) { FILINFO fno; return f_stat(path, &fno) == FR_OK; } char* be_getcwd(char *buf, size_t size) { FRESULT fr = f_getcwd(buf, (UINT)size); return fr == FR_OK ? buf : NULL; } int be_chdir(const char *path) { return f_chdir(path); } int be_mkdir(const char *path) { return f_mkdir(path); } int be_unlink(const char *filename) { return f_unlink(filename); } int be_dirfirst(bdirinfo *info, const char *path) { info->dir = be_os_malloc(sizeof(DIR)); info->file = be_os_malloc(sizeof(FILINFO)); if (info->dir && info->file) { FRESULT fr = f_opendir(info->dir, path); return fr == FR_OK ? be_dirnext(info) : 1; } be_os_free(info->dir); be_os_free(info->file); info->dir = NULL; info->file = NULL; return 1; } int be_dirnext(bdirinfo *info) { FRESULT fr = f_readdir(info->dir, info->file); info->name = ((FILINFO *)info->file)->fname; return fr != FR_OK || *info->name == '\0'; } int be_dirclose(bdirinfo *info) { if (info->dir) { int res = f_closedir(info->dir) != FR_OK; be_os_free(info->dir); be_os_free(info->file); return res; } return 1; } #elif defined(_MSC_VER) /* MSVC*/ #include #include #include int be_isdir(const char *path) { DWORD type = GetFileAttributes(path); return type != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (type & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; } int be_isfile(const char *path) { DWORD type = GetFileAttributes(path); return type != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (type & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0; } int be_isexist(const char *path) { return GetFileAttributes(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; } char* be_getcwd(char *buf, size_t size) { return _getcwd(buf, (int)size); } int be_chdir(const char *path) { return _chdir(path); } int be_mkdir(const char *path) { return _mkdir(path); } int be_unlink(const char *filename) { return remove(filename); } int be_dirfirst(bdirinfo *info, const char *path) { char *buf = be_os_malloc(strlen(path) + 3); info->file = be_os_malloc(sizeof(struct _finddata_t)); info->dir = NULL; if (buf && info->file) { struct _finddata_t *cfile = info->file; strcat(strcpy(buf, path), "/*"); info->dir = (void *)_findfirst(buf, cfile); info->name = cfile->name; be_os_free(buf); return (intptr_t)info->dir == -1; } be_os_free(buf); return 1; } int be_dirnext(bdirinfo *info) { struct _finddata_t *cfile = info->file; int res = _findnext((intptr_t)info->dir, cfile) != 0; info->name = cfile->name; return res; } int be_dirclose(bdirinfo *info) { be_os_free(info->file); return _findclose((intptr_t)info->dir) != 0; } #else /* must be POSIX */ #include #include #include int be_isdir(const char *path) { struct stat path_stat; int res = stat(path, &path_stat); return res == 0 && S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode); } int be_isfile(const char *path) { struct stat path_stat; int res = stat(path, &path_stat); return res == 0 && !S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode); } int be_isexist(const char *path) { struct stat path_stat; return stat(path, &path_stat) == 0; } char* be_getcwd(char *buf, size_t size) { return getcwd(buf, size); } int be_chdir(const char *path) { return chdir(path); } int be_mkdir(const char *path) { #ifdef _WIN32 return mkdir(path); #else return mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); #endif } int be_unlink(const char *filename) { return remove(filename); } int be_dirfirst(bdirinfo *info, const char *path) { info->dir = opendir(path); if (info->dir) { return be_dirnext(info); } return 1; } int be_dirnext(bdirinfo *info) { struct dirent *file; info->file = file = readdir(info->dir); if (file) { info->name = file->d_name; return 0; } return 1; } int be_dirclose(bdirinfo *info) { return closedir(info->dir) != 0; } #endif /* POSIX */ #endif /* BE_USE_OS_MODULE || BE_USE_FILE_SYSTEM */