------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the Berry's bytecode file structure (version 1) -- -- description -- -- a double dash ('--') start a line comment. -- a: b means that the entity 'a' is realized by the 'b' structure. -- a: b c 'b' and 'c' are arranged in a compact order (one byte alignment). -- [a] means that structure 'a' can be repeated 0 to any times. -- [a](b) means that structure 'a' can be repeated 'b' times. -- a | b means that the entity can be implemented by structure 'a' or 'b'. -- N a number indicates the byte count of the field (eg. 'a: 1'). -- .N means the number of bits in the field (eg. 'a: .1'). -- only the first entity is a file entity (the root). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bytecode_file: -- little endian header global_desc main_function header: 8 magic_number: 3 -- 0xbecdfe (berry code file) version: 2 -- update with file structure definition integer_size: .1 float_size: .1 -- reserved space main_function -> function global_desc: builtin_count: 4 global_count: 4 -- excluding builtins global_name -> [ string ](global_count) function: information: function_name: string source: string argc: 1 -- arguments count nstack: 1 -- number of stack size by this function varg: 1 extra: 1 -- extra data bytecode: code_size: 4 code_array -> [ -- bytecode array instruction: 4 ](code_size) constant_table: constant_count: 4 [constant_value](constant_count) proto_table: proto_count: 4 [function](proto_count) upval_table: upval_count: 1 upvals: [ instack: 1 index: 1 ](upval_count) debug_info: -- reserved constant_value: type: 1 -- type of value integer | float | string | class string: string_size: 2 byte_array: string_size class: class_name: string member_count: 4 -- number of member variables method_count: 4 -- number of method method_table: [ string -- method name function | nil -- method function body or nil (static member) if the first byte is null (which would be an empty func name) ](method_count) member_index_table -> [ string -- member name ](member_count) nil: 1 boolean: 1 integer: 4 | 8 float: 4 | 8