Import("env") import os import shutil import tasmotapiolib import gzip def map_gzip(source, target, env): # create string with location and file names based on variant map_file = tasmotapiolib.get_final_map_path(env) if map_file.is_file(): gzip_file = map_file.with_suffix(".map.gz") # check if new target map files exist and remove if necessary if gzip_file.is_file(): gzip_file.unlink() # write gzip map file with"rb") as fp: with, "wb", compresslevel=9) as f: shutil.copyfileobj(fp, f) # remove map file if map_file.is_file(): map_file.unlink() if not tasmotapiolib.is_env_set(tasmotapiolib.DISABLE_MAP_GZ, env): env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", [map_gzip]) if tasmotapiolib.is_env_set(tasmotapiolib.ENABLE_ESP32_GZ, env) or env["PIOPLATFORM"] != "espressif32": from zopfli.gzip import compress def bin_gzip(source, target, env): # create string with location and file names based on variant bin_file = tasmotapiolib.get_final_bin_path(env) gzip_file = bin_file.with_suffix(".bin.gz") # check if new target files exist and remove if necessary if os.path.isfile(gzip_file): os.remove(gzip_file) # write gzip firmware file with open(bin_file, "rb") as fp: with open(gzip_file, "wb") as f: zopfli_gz = compress( f.write(zopfli_gz) ORG_FIRMWARE_SIZE = bin_file.stat().st_size GZ_FIRMWARE_SIZE = gzip_file.stat().st_size if ORG_FIRMWARE_SIZE > 995326 and env["PIOPLATFORM"] != "espressif32": print( "\u001b[31;1m!!! Tasmota firmware size is too big with {} bytes. Max size is 995326 bytes !!! \u001b[0m".format( ORG_FIRMWARE_SIZE ) ) else: print( "Compression reduced firmware size by {:.0f}% (was {} bytes, now {} bytes)".format( (GZ_FIRMWARE_SIZE / ORG_FIRMWARE_SIZE) * 100, ORG_FIRMWARE_SIZE, GZ_FIRMWARE_SIZE, ) ) if not tasmotapiolib.is_env_set(tasmotapiolib.DISABLE_BIN_GZ, env): env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", [bin_gzip])