/* xdrv_11_knx.ino - KNX IP Protocol support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Adrian Scillato (https://github.com/ascillato) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_KNX /*********************************************************************************************\ * KNX support * * Using libraries: * ESP KNX IP library (https://github.com/envy/esp-knx-ip) Constants in tasmota.h ----------------------- #define MAX_KNX_GA 10 Max number of KNX Group Addresses to read that can be set #define MAX_KNX_CB 10 Max number of KNX Group Addresses to write that can be set If you change MAX_KNX_CB you also have to change on the esp-knx-ip.h file the following: #define MAX_CALLBACK_ASSIGNMENTS 10 #define MAX_CALLBACKS 10 Both to MAX_KNX_CB Variables in settings.h ----------------------- bool Settings.flag.knx_enabled Enable/Disable KNX Protocol uint16_t Settings.knx_physsical_addr Physical KNX address of this device uint8_t Settings.knx_GA_registered Number of group address to read uint8_t Settings.knx_CB_registered Number of group address to write uint16_t Settings.knx_GA_addr[MAX_KNX_GA] Group address to read uint16_t Settings.knx_CB_addr[MAX_KNX_CB] Group address to write uint8_t Settings.knx_GA_param[MAX_KNX_GA] Type of Input (relay changed, button pressed, sensor read) uint8_t Settings.knx_CB_param[MAX_KNX_CB] Type of Output (set relay, toggle relay, reply sensor value) \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_11 11 #include // KNX Library address_t KNX_physs_addr; // Physical KNX address of this device address_t KNX_addr; // KNX Address converter variable #define KNX_Empty 255 #define TOGGLE_INHIBIT_TIME 15 // 15*50mseg = 750mseg (inhibit time for not toggling again relays by a KNX toggle command) float last_temp; float last_hum; uint8_t toggle_inhibit; typedef struct __device_parameters { uint8_t type; // PARAMETER_ID. Used as type of GA = relay, button, sensor, etc, (INPUTS) // used when an action on device triggers a MSG to send on KNX // Needed because this is the value that the ESP_KNX_IP library will pass as parameter // to identify the action to perform when a MSG is received bool show; // HARDWARE related. to identify if the parameter exists on the device. bool last_state; // LAST_STATE of relays callback_id_t CB_id; // ACTION_ID. To store the ID value of Registered_CB to the library. // The ESP_KNX_IP requires to register the callbacks, and then, to assign an address to the registered callback // So CB_id is needed to store the ID of the callback to then, assign multiple addresses to the same ID (callback) // It is used as type of CB = set relay, toggle relay, reply sensor, etc, (OUTPUTS) // used when a MSG receive KNX triggers an action on the device // - Multiples address to the same callback (i.e. Set Relay 1 Status) are used on scenes for example } device_parameters_t; // device parameters (information that can be sent) device_parameters_t device_param[] = { { 1, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 0] = Relay 1 { 2, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 1] = Relay 2 { 3, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 2] = Relay 3 { 4, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 3] = Relay 4 { 5, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 4] = Relay 5 { 6, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 5] = Relay 6 { 7, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 6] = Relay 7 { 8, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 7] = Relay 8 { 9, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 8] = Button 1 { 10, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[ 9] = Button 2 { 11, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[10] = Button 3 { 12, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[11] = Button 4 { 13, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[12] = Button 5 { 14, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[13] = Button 6 { 15, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[14] = Button 7 { 16, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[15] = Button 8 { KNX_TEMPERATURE, false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[16] = Temperature { KNX_HUMIDITY , false, false, KNX_Empty }, // device_param[17] = humidity { KNX_ENERGY_VOLTAGE , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_CURRENT , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_POWER , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_POWERFACTOR , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_DAILY , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_START , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_ENERGY_TOTAL , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_SLOT1 , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_SLOT2 , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_SLOT3 , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_SLOT4 , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_SLOT5 , false, false, KNX_Empty }, { KNX_Empty, false, false, KNX_Empty} }; // device parameters (information that can be sent) const char * device_param_ga[] = { D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 1", // Relay 1 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 2", // Relay 2 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 3", // Relay 3 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 4", // Relay 4 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 5", // Relay 5 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 6", // Relay 6 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 7", // Relay 7 D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 8", // Relay 8 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 1", // Button 1 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 2", // Button 2 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 3", // Button 3 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 4", // Button 4 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 5", // Button 5 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 6", // Button 6 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 7", // Button 7 D_SENSOR_BUTTON " 8", // Button 8 D_TEMPERATURE , // Temperature D_HUMIDITY , // Humidity D_VOLTAGE , D_CURRENT , D_POWERUSAGE , D_POWER_FACTOR , D_ENERGY_TODAY , D_ENERGY_YESTERDAY , D_ENERGY_TOTAL , D_KNX_TX_SLOT " 1", D_KNX_TX_SLOT " 2", D_KNX_TX_SLOT " 3", D_KNX_TX_SLOT " 4", D_KNX_TX_SLOT " 5", nullptr }; // device actions (posible actions to be performed on the device) const char *device_param_cb[] = { D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 1", // Set Relay 1 (1-On or 0-OFF) D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 2", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 3", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 4", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 5", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 6", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 7", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 8", D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 1 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, // Relay 1 Toggle (1 or 0 will toggle) D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 2 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 3 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 4 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 5 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 6 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 7 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_TIMER_OUTPUT " 8 " D_BUTTON_TOGGLE, D_REPLY " " D_TEMPERATURE, // Reply Temperature D_REPLY " " D_HUMIDITY, // Reply Humidity D_REPLY " " D_VOLTAGE , D_REPLY " " D_CURRENT , D_REPLY " " D_POWERUSAGE , D_REPLY " " D_POWER_FACTOR , D_REPLY " " D_ENERGY_TODAY , D_REPLY " " D_ENERGY_YESTERDAY , D_REPLY " " D_ENERGY_TOTAL , D_KNX_RX_SLOT " 1", D_KNX_RX_SLOT " 2", D_KNX_RX_SLOT " 3", D_KNX_RX_SLOT " 4", D_KNX_RX_SLOT " 5", nullptr }; // Commands #define D_PRFX_KNX "Knx" #define D_CMND_KNXTXCMND "Tx_Cmnd" #define D_CMND_KNXTXVAL "Tx_Val" #define D_CMND_KNX_ENABLED "_Enabled" #define D_CMND_KNX_ENHANCED "_Enhanced" #define D_CMND_KNX_PA "_PA" #define D_CMND_KNX_GA "_GA" #define D_CMND_KNX_CB "_CB" const char kKnxCommands[] PROGMEM = D_PRFX_KNX "|" // Prefix D_CMND_KNXTXCMND "|" D_CMND_KNXTXVAL "|" D_CMND_KNX_ENABLED "|" D_CMND_KNX_ENHANCED "|" D_CMND_KNX_PA "|" D_CMND_KNX_GA "|" D_CMND_KNX_CB ; void (* const KnxCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndKnxTxCmnd, &CmndKnxTxVal, &CmndKnxEnabled, &CmndKnxEnhanced, &CmndKnxPa, &CmndKnxGa, &CmndKnxCb }; uint8_t KNX_GA_Search( uint8_t param, uint8_t start = 0 ) { for (uint32_t i = start; i < Settings.knx_GA_registered; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_GA_param[i] == param ) { if ( Settings.knx_GA_addr[i] != 0 ) // Relay has group address set? GA=0/0/0 can not be used as KNX address, so it is used here as a: not set value { if ( i >= start ) { return i; } } } } return KNX_Empty; } uint8_t KNX_CB_Search( uint8_t param, uint8_t start = 0 ) { for (uint32_t i = start; i < Settings.knx_CB_registered; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_CB_param[i] == param ) { if ( Settings.knx_CB_addr[i] != 0 ) { if ( i >= start ) { return i; } } } } return KNX_Empty; } void KNX_ADD_GA( uint8_t GAop, uint8_t GA_FNUM, uint8_t GA_AREA, uint8_t GA_FDEF ) { // Check if all GA were assigned. If yes-> return if ( Settings.knx_GA_registered >= MAX_KNX_GA ) { return; } if ( GA_FNUM == 0 && GA_AREA == 0 && GA_FDEF == 0 ) { return; } // Assign a GA to that address Settings.knx_GA_param[Settings.knx_GA_registered] = GAop; KNX_addr.ga.area = GA_FNUM; KNX_addr.ga.line = GA_AREA; KNX_addr.ga.member = GA_FDEF; Settings.knx_GA_addr[Settings.knx_GA_registered] = KNX_addr.value; Settings.knx_GA_registered++; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_ADD " GA #%d: %s " D_TO " %d/%d/%d"), Settings.knx_GA_registered, device_param_ga[GAop-1], GA_FNUM, GA_AREA, GA_FDEF ); } void KNX_DEL_GA( uint8_t GAnum ) { uint8_t dest_offset = 0; uint8_t src_offset = 0; uint8_t len = 0; // Delete GA Settings.knx_GA_param[GAnum-1] = 0; if (GAnum == 1) { // start of array, so delete first entry src_offset = 1; // Settings.knx_GA_registered will be 1 in case of only one entry // Settings.knx_GA_registered will be 2 in case of two entries, etc.. // so only copy anything, if there is it at least more then one element len = (Settings.knx_GA_registered - 1); } else if (GAnum == Settings.knx_GA_registered) { // last element, don't do anything, simply decrement counter } else { // somewhere in the middle // need to calc offsets // skip all prev elements dest_offset = GAnum -1 ; // GAnum -1 is equal to how many element are in front of it src_offset = dest_offset + 1; // start after the current element len = (Settings.knx_GA_registered - GAnum); } if (len > 0) { memmove(Settings.knx_GA_param + dest_offset, Settings.knx_GA_param + src_offset, len * sizeof(uint8_t)); memmove(Settings.knx_GA_addr + dest_offset, Settings.knx_GA_addr + src_offset, len * sizeof(uint16_t)); } Settings.knx_GA_registered--; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_DELETE " GA #%d"), GAnum ); } void KNX_ADD_CB( uint8_t CBop, uint8_t CB_FNUM, uint8_t CB_AREA, uint8_t CB_FDEF ) { // Check if all callbacks were assigned. If yes-> return if ( Settings.knx_CB_registered >= MAX_KNX_CB ) { return; } if ( CB_FNUM == 0 && CB_AREA == 0 && CB_FDEF == 0 ) { return; } // Check if a CB for CBop was registered on the ESP-KNX-IP Library if ( device_param[CBop-1].CB_id == KNX_Empty ) { // if no, register the CB for CBop device_param[CBop-1].CB_id = knx.callback_register("", KNX_CB_Action, &device_param[CBop-1]); // KNX IP Library requires a parameter // to identify which action was requested on the KNX network // to be performed on this device (set relay, etc.) // Is going to be used device_param[j].type that stores the type number (1: relay 1, etc) } // Assign a callback to CB address Settings.knx_CB_param[Settings.knx_CB_registered] = CBop; KNX_addr.ga.area = CB_FNUM; KNX_addr.ga.line = CB_AREA; KNX_addr.ga.member = CB_FDEF; Settings.knx_CB_addr[Settings.knx_CB_registered] = KNX_addr.value; knx.callback_assign( device_param[CBop-1].CB_id, KNX_addr ); Settings.knx_CB_registered++; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_ADD " CB #%d: %d/%d/%d " D_TO " %s"), Settings.knx_CB_registered, CB_FNUM, CB_AREA, CB_FDEF, device_param_cb[CBop-1] ); } void KNX_DEL_CB( uint8_t CBnum ) { uint8_t oldparam = Settings.knx_CB_param[CBnum-1]; uint8_t dest_offset = 0; uint8_t src_offset = 0; uint8_t len = 0; // Delete assigment knx.callback_unassign(CBnum-1); Settings.knx_CB_param[CBnum-1] = 0; if (CBnum == 1) { // start of array, so delete first entry src_offset = 1; // Settings.knx_CB_registered will be 1 in case of only one entry // Settings.knx_CB_registered will be 2 in case of two entries, etc.. // so only copy anything, if there is it at least more then one element len = (Settings.knx_CB_registered - 1); } else if (CBnum == Settings.knx_CB_registered) { // last element, don't do anything, simply decrement counter } else { // somewhere in the middle // need to calc offsets // skip all prev elements dest_offset = CBnum -1 ; // GAnum -1 is equal to how many element are in front of it src_offset = dest_offset + 1; // start after the current element len = (Settings.knx_CB_registered - CBnum); } if (len > 0) { memmove(Settings.knx_CB_param + dest_offset, Settings.knx_CB_param + src_offset, len * sizeof(uint8_t)); memmove(Settings.knx_CB_addr + dest_offset, Settings.knx_CB_addr + src_offset, len * sizeof(uint16_t)); } Settings.knx_CB_registered--; // Check if there is no other assigment to that callback. If there is not. delete that callback register if ( KNX_CB_Search( oldparam ) == KNX_Empty ) { knx.callback_deregister( device_param[oldparam-1].CB_id ); device_param[oldparam-1].CB_id = KNX_Empty; } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_DELETE " CB #%d"), CBnum ); } bool KNX_CONFIG_NOT_MATCH(void) { // Check for configured parameters that the device does not have (module changed) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < KNX_MAX_device_param; ++i) { if ( !device_param[i].show ) { // device has this parameter ? // if not, search for all registered group address to this parameter for deletion // Checks all GA if ( KNX_GA_Search(i+1) != KNX_Empty ) { return true; } // Check all CB if ( i < 8 ) // check relays (i from 8 to 15 are toggle relays parameters) { if ( KNX_CB_Search(i+1) != KNX_Empty ) { return true; } if ( KNX_CB_Search(i+9) != KNX_Empty ) { return true; } } // check sensors and others if ( i > 15 ) { if ( KNX_CB_Search(i+1) != KNX_Empty ) { return true; } } } } // Check for invalid or erroneous configuration (tasmota flashed without clearing the memory) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_GA_registered; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_GA_param[i] != 0 ) // the GA[i] have a parameter defined? { if ( Settings.knx_GA_addr[i] == 0 ) // the GA[i] with parameter have the 0/0/0 as address? { return true; // So, it is invalid. Reset KNX configuration } } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_CB_registered; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_CB_param[i] != 0 ) // the CB[i] have a parameter defined? { if ( Settings.knx_CB_addr[i] == 0 ) // the CB[i] with parameter have the 0/0/0 as address? { return true; // So, it is invalid. Reset KNX configuration } } } return false; } void KNXStart(void) { knx.start(nullptr); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_START)); } void KNX_INIT(void) { // Check for incompatible config if (Settings.knx_GA_registered > MAX_KNX_GA) { Settings.knx_GA_registered = MAX_KNX_GA; } if (Settings.knx_CB_registered > MAX_KNX_CB) { Settings.knx_CB_registered = MAX_KNX_CB; } // Set Physical KNX Address of the device KNX_physs_addr.value = Settings.knx_physsical_addr; knx.physical_address_set( KNX_physs_addr ); // Read Configuration // Check which relays, buttons and sensors where configured for this device // and activate options according to the hardware /*for (uint32_t i = GPIO_REL1; i < GPIO_REL8 + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_REL1].show = true; } } for (uint32_t i = GPIO_REL1_INV; i < GPIO_REL8_INV + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_REL1_INV].show = true; } }*/ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < devices_present; ++i) { device_param[i].show = true; } for (uint32_t i = GPIO_SWT1; i < GPIO_SWT4 + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_SWT1 + 8].show = true; } } for (uint32_t i = GPIO_KEY1; i < GPIO_KEY4 + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_KEY1 + 8].show = true; } } for (uint32_t i = GPIO_SWT1_NP; i < GPIO_SWT4_NP + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_SWT1_NP + 8].show = true; } } for (uint32_t i = GPIO_KEY1_NP; i < GPIO_KEY4_NP + 1; ++i) { if (GetUsedInModule(i, my_module.io)) { device_param[i - GPIO_KEY1_NP + 8].show = true; } } if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_DHT11, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_TEMPERATURE-1].show = true; } if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_DHT22, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_TEMPERATURE-1].show = true; } if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_SI7021, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_TEMPERATURE-1].show = true; } #ifdef USE_DS18x20 if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_DSB, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_TEMPERATURE-1].show = true; } #endif if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_DHT11, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_HUMIDITY-1].show = true; } if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_DHT22, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_HUMIDITY-1].show = true; } if (GetUsedInModule(GPIO_SI7021, my_module.io)) { device_param[KNX_HUMIDITY-1].show = true; } #if defined(USE_ENERGY_SENSOR) // Any device with a Power Monitoring if ( energy_flg != ENERGY_NONE ) { device_param[KNX_ENERGY_POWER-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_DAILY-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_START-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_TOTAL-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_VOLTAGE-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_CURRENT-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_ENERGY_POWERFACTOR-1].show = true; } #endif #ifdef USE_RULES device_param[KNX_SLOT1-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_SLOT2-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_SLOT3-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_SLOT4-1].show = true; device_param[KNX_SLOT5-1].show = true; #endif // Delete from KNX settings all configuration is not anymore related to this device if (KNX_CONFIG_NOT_MATCH()) { Settings.knx_GA_registered = 0; Settings.knx_CB_registered = 0; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_DELETE " " D_KNX_PARAMETERS)); } // Register Group Addresses to listen to // Search on the settings if there is a group address set for receive KNX messages for the type: device_param[j].type // If there is, register the group address on the KNX_IP Library to Receive data for Executing Callbacks uint8_t j; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_CB_registered; ++i) { j = Settings.knx_CB_param[i]; if ( j > 0 ) { device_param[j-1].CB_id = knx.callback_register("", KNX_CB_Action, &device_param[j-1]); // KNX IP Library requires a parameter // to identify which action was requested on the KNX network // to be performed on this device (set relay, etc.) // Is going to be used device_param[j].type that stores the type number (1: relay 1, etc) KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_CB_addr[i]; knx.callback_assign( device_param[j-1].CB_id, KNX_addr ); } } } void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg) { device_parameters_t *chan = (device_parameters_t *)arg; if (!(Settings.flag.knx_enabled)) { return; } char tempchar[33]; if (msg.data_len == 1) { // COMMAND sprintf(tempchar,"%d",msg.data[0]); } else { // VALUE float tempvar = knx.data_to_2byte_float(msg.data); dtostrfd(tempvar,2,tempchar); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_RECEIVED_FROM " %d.%d.%d " D_COMMAND " %s: %s " D_TO " %s"), msg.received_on.ga.area, msg.received_on.ga.line, msg.received_on.ga.member, (msg.ct == KNX_CT_WRITE) ? D_KNX_COMMAND_WRITE : (msg.ct == KNX_CT_READ) ? D_KNX_COMMAND_READ : D_KNX_COMMAND_OTHER, tempchar, device_param_cb[(chan->type)-1]); switch (msg.ct) { case KNX_CT_WRITE: if (chan->type < 9) // Set Relays { ExecuteCommandPower(chan->type, msg.data[0], SRC_KNX); } else if (chan->type < 17) // Toggle Relays { if (!toggle_inhibit) { ExecuteCommandPower((chan->type) -8, POWER_TOGGLE, SRC_KNX); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { toggle_inhibit = TOGGLE_INHIBIT_TIME; } } } #ifdef USE_RULES else if ((chan->type >= KNX_SLOT1) && (chan->type <= KNX_SLOT5)) // KNX RX SLOTs (write command) { if (!toggle_inhibit) { char command[25]; if (msg.data_len == 1) { // Command received snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR("event KNXRX_CMND%d=%d"), ((chan->type) - KNX_SLOT1 + 1 ), msg.data[0]); } else { // Value received snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR("event KNXRX_VAL%d=%s"), ((chan->type) - KNX_SLOT1 + 1 ), tempchar); } ExecuteCommand(command, SRC_KNX); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { toggle_inhibit = TOGGLE_INHIBIT_TIME; } } } #endif break; case KNX_CT_READ: if (chan->type < 9) // reply Relays status { knx.answer_1bit(msg.received_on, chan->last_state); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.answer_1bit(msg.received_on, chan->last_state); knx.answer_1bit(msg.received_on, chan->last_state); } } else if (chan->type == KNX_TEMPERATURE) // Reply Temperature { knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_temp); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_temp); knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_temp); } } else if (chan->type == KNX_HUMIDITY) // Reply Humidity { knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_hum); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_hum); knx.answer_2byte_float(msg.received_on, last_hum); } } #ifdef USE_RULES else if ((chan->type >= KNX_SLOT1) && (chan->type <= KNX_SLOT5)) // KNX RX SLOTs (read command) { if (!toggle_inhibit) { char command[25]; snprintf_P(command, sizeof(command), PSTR("event KNXRX_REQ%d"), ((chan->type) - KNX_SLOT1 + 1 ) ); ExecuteCommand(command, SRC_KNX); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { toggle_inhibit = TOGGLE_INHIBIT_TIME; } } } #endif break; } } void KnxUpdatePowerState(uint8_t device, power_t state) { if (!(Settings.flag.knx_enabled)) { return; } device_param[device -1].last_state = bitRead(state, device -1); // power state (on/off) // Search all the registered GA that has that output (variable: device) as parameter uint8_t i = KNX_GA_Search(device); while ( i != KNX_Empty ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, device_param[device -1].last_state); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, device_param[device -1].last_state); knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, device_param[device -1].last_state); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "%s = %d " D_SENT_TO " %d.%d.%d"), device_param_ga[device -1], device_param[device -1].last_state, KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member); i = KNX_GA_Search(device, i + 1); } } void KnxSendButtonPower(void) { if (!(Settings.flag.knx_enabled)) { return; } uint32_t key = (XdrvMailbox.payload >> 16) & 0xFF; uint32_t device = XdrvMailbox.payload & 0xFF; uint32_t state = (XdrvMailbox.payload >> 8) & 0xFF; // key 0 = button_topic // key 1 = switch_topic // state 0 = off // state 1 = on // state 2 = toggle // state 3 = hold // state 9 = clear retain flag // Search all the registered GA that has that output (variable: device) as parameter uint8_t i = KNX_GA_Search(device + 8); while ( i != KNX_Empty ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(state == 0)); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(state == 0)); knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(state == 0)); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "%s = %d " D_SENT_TO " %d.%d.%d"), device_param_ga[device + 7], !(state == 0), KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member); i = KNX_GA_Search(device + 8, i + 1); } // } } void KnxSensor(uint8_t sensor_type, float value) { if (sensor_type == KNX_TEMPERATURE) { last_temp = value; } else if (sensor_type == KNX_HUMIDITY) { last_hum = value; } if (!(Settings.flag.knx_enabled)) { return; } uint8_t i = KNX_GA_Search(sensor_type); while ( i != KNX_Empty ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, value); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, value); knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, value); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "%s " D_SENT_TO " %d.%d.%d "), device_param_ga[sensor_type -1], KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member); i = KNX_GA_Search(sensor_type, i+1); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Presentation \*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_KNX_WEB_MENU const char S_CONFIGURE_KNX[] PROGMEM = D_CONFIGURE_KNX; const char HTTP_BTN_MENU_KNX[] PROGMEM = "

"; const char HTTP_FORM_KNX[] PROGMEM = "
" " " D_KNX_PARAMETERS " " "
" "
" "" D_KNX_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS " " " . " " . " "" "


" "

" "
" " / " " / " " "; const char HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_BTN[] PROGMEM = "

" ""; const char HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_TABLE_ROW[] PROGMEM = "" ""; const char HTTP_FORM_KNX3[] PROGMEM = "
%s -> %d / %d / %d

" "
"; const char HTTP_FORM_KNX4[] PROGMEM = "-> -> ")); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_GA, "GA_FNUM", "GA_AREA", "GA_FDEF"); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_BTN, "GAwarning", (Settings.knx_GA_registered < MAX_KNX_GA) ? "" : "disabled", 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_GA_registered ; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_GA_param[i] ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_TABLE_ROW, device_param_ga[Settings.knx_GA_param[i]-1], KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member, i +1); } } WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX3); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_GA, "CB_FNUM", "CB_AREA", "CB_FDEF"); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX4); uint8_t j; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < KNX_MAX_device_param ; i++) { // Check How many Relays are available and add: RelayX and TogleRelayX if ( (i > 8) && (i < 16) ) { j=i-8; } else { j=i; } if ( i == 8 ) { j = 0; } if ( device_param[j].show ) { WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_OPT, device_param[i].type, device_param_cb[i]); } } WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" ")); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_BTN, "CBwarning", (Settings.knx_CB_registered < MAX_KNX_CB) ? "" : "disabled", 2); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_CB_registered ; ++i) { if ( Settings.knx_CB_param[i] ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_CB_addr[i]; WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_KNX_ADD_TABLE_ROW2, KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member, device_param_cb[Settings.knx_CB_param[i]-1], i +1); } } WSContentSend_P(PSTR("
")); WSContentSend_P(HTTP_FORM_END); WSContentSpaceButton(BUTTON_CONFIGURATION); WSContentStop(); } } void KNX_Save_Settings(void) { String stmp; address_t KNX_addr; Settings.flag.knx_enabled = WebServer->hasArg("b1"); Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement = WebServer->hasArg("b2"); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_ENABLED ": %d, " D_KNX_ENHANCEMENT ": %d"), Settings.flag.knx_enabled, Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement ); stmp = WebServer->arg("area"); KNX_addr.pa.area = stmp.toInt(); stmp = WebServer->arg("line"); KNX_addr.pa.line = stmp.toInt(); stmp = WebServer->arg("member"); KNX_addr.pa.member = stmp.toInt(); Settings.knx_physsical_addr = KNX_addr.value; knx.physical_address_set( KNX_addr ); // Set Physical KNX Address of the device AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX D_KNX_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ": %d.%d.%d "), KNX_addr.pa.area, KNX_addr.pa.line, KNX_addr.pa.member ); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "GA: %d"), Settings.knx_GA_registered ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_GA_registered ; ++i) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "GA #%d: %s " D_TO " %d/%d/%d"), i+1, device_param_ga[Settings.knx_GA_param[i]-1], KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member ); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "CB: %d"), Settings.knx_CB_registered ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings.knx_CB_registered ; ++i) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_CB_addr[i]; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "CB #%d: %d/%d/%d " D_TO " %s"), i+1, KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member, device_param_cb[Settings.knx_CB_param[i]-1] ); } } #endif // USE_KNX_WEB_MENU #endif // USE_WEBSERVER /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ void CmndKnxTxCmnd(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_KNXTX_CMNDS) && (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) && Settings.flag.knx_enabled) { // XdrvMailbox.index <- KNX SLOT to use // XdrvMailbox.payload <- data to send // Search all the registered GA that has that output (variable: KNX SLOTx) as parameter uint8_t i = KNX_GA_Search(XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -1); while ( i != KNX_Empty ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(XdrvMailbox.payload == 0)); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(XdrvMailbox.payload == 0)); knx.write_1bit(KNX_addr, !(XdrvMailbox.payload == 0)); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "%s = %d " D_SENT_TO " %d.%d.%d"), device_param_ga[XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -2], !(XdrvMailbox.payload == 0), KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member); i = KNX_GA_Search(XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -1, i + 1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar (XdrvMailbox.data ); } } void CmndKnxTxVal(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_KNXTX_CMNDS) && (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) && Settings.flag.knx_enabled) { // XdrvMailbox.index <- KNX SLOT to use // XdrvMailbox.payload <- data to send // Search all the registered GA that has that output (variable: KNX SLOTx) as parameter uint8_t i = KNX_GA_Search(XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -1); while ( i != KNX_Empty ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[i]; float tempvar = CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data); dtostrfd(tempvar,2,XdrvMailbox.data); knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, tempvar); if (Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) { knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, tempvar); knx.write_2byte_float(KNX_addr, tempvar); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_KNX "%s = %s " D_SENT_TO " %d.%d.%d"), device_param_ga[XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -2], XdrvMailbox.data, KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member); i = KNX_GA_Search(XdrvMailbox.index + KNX_SLOT1 -1, i + 1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar (XdrvMailbox.data ); } } void CmndKnxEnabled(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) { Settings.flag.knx_enabled = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndChar (GetStateText(Settings.flag.knx_enabled) ); } void CmndKnxEnhanced(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) { Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndChar (GetStateText(Settings.flag.knx_enable_enhancement) ); } void CmndKnxPa(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { if (strstr(XdrvMailbox.data, ".") != nullptr) { // Process parameter entry char sub_string[XdrvMailbox.data_len]; int pa_area = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ".", 1)); int pa_line = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ".", 2)); int pa_member = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ".", 3)); if ( ((pa_area == 0) && (pa_line == 0) && (pa_member == 0)) || (pa_area > 15) || (pa_line > 15) || (pa_member > 255) ) { Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"" D_ERROR "\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command ); return; } // Invalid command KNX_addr.pa.area = pa_area; KNX_addr.pa.line = pa_line; KNX_addr.pa.member = pa_member; Settings.knx_physsical_addr = KNX_addr.value; } } KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_physsical_addr; Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"%d.%d.%d\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command, KNX_addr.pa.area, KNX_addr.pa.line, KNX_addr.pa.member ); } void CmndKnxGa(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_KNX_GA)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { if (strstr(XdrvMailbox.data, ",") != nullptr) { // Process parameter entry char sub_string[XdrvMailbox.data_len]; int ga_option = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1)); int ga_area = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2)); int ga_line = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3)); int ga_member = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4)); if ( ((ga_area == 0) && (ga_line == 0) && (ga_member == 0)) || (ga_area > 31) || (ga_line > 7) || (ga_member > 255) || (ga_option < 0) || ((ga_option > KNX_MAX_device_param ) && (ga_option != KNX_Empty)) || (!device_param[ga_option-1].show) ) { Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"" D_ERROR "\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command ); return; } // Invalid command KNX_addr.ga.area = ga_area; KNX_addr.ga.line = ga_line; KNX_addr.ga.member = ga_member; if ( XdrvMailbox.index > Settings.knx_GA_registered ) { Settings.knx_GA_registered ++; XdrvMailbox.index = Settings.knx_GA_registered; } Settings.knx_GA_addr[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = KNX_addr.value; Settings.knx_GA_param[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = ga_option; } else { if ( (XdrvMailbox.payload <= Settings.knx_GA_registered) && (XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) ) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } else { Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"" D_ERROR "\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command ); return; } } if ( XdrvMailbox.index <= Settings.knx_GA_registered ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_GA_addr[XdrvMailbox.index -1]; Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s%d\":\"%s, %d/%d/%d\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command, XdrvMailbox.index, device_param_ga[Settings.knx_GA_param[XdrvMailbox.index-1]-1], KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member ); } } else { ResponseCmndNumber (Settings.knx_GA_registered ); } } } void CmndKnxCb(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_KNX_CB)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { if (strstr(XdrvMailbox.data, ",") != nullptr) { // Process parameter entry char sub_string[XdrvMailbox.data_len]; int cb_option = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1)); int cb_area = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2)); int cb_line = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3)); int cb_member = atoi(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4)); if ( ((cb_area == 0) && (cb_line == 0) && (cb_member == 0)) || (cb_area > 31) || (cb_line > 7) || (cb_member > 255) || (cb_option < 0) || ((cb_option > KNX_MAX_device_param ) && (cb_option != KNX_Empty)) || (!device_param[cb_option-1].show) ) { Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"" D_ERROR "\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command ); return; } // Invalid command KNX_addr.ga.area = cb_area; KNX_addr.ga.line = cb_line; KNX_addr.ga.member = cb_member; if ( XdrvMailbox.index > Settings.knx_CB_registered ) { Settings.knx_CB_registered ++; XdrvMailbox.index = Settings.knx_CB_registered; } Settings.knx_CB_addr[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = KNX_addr.value; Settings.knx_CB_param[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = cb_option; } else { if ( (XdrvMailbox.payload <= Settings.knx_CB_registered) && (XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) ) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } else { Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s\":\"" D_ERROR "\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command ); return; } } if ( XdrvMailbox.index <= Settings.knx_CB_registered ) { KNX_addr.value = Settings.knx_CB_addr[XdrvMailbox.index -1]; Response_P (PSTR("{\"%s%d\":\"%s, %d/%d/%d\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command, XdrvMailbox.index, device_param_cb[Settings.knx_CB_param[XdrvMailbox.index-1]-1], KNX_addr.ga.area, KNX_addr.ga.line, KNX_addr.ga.member ); } } else { ResponseCmndNumber (Settings.knx_CB_registered ); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv11(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_LOOP: if (!global_state.wifi_down) { knx.loop(); } // Process knx events break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: if (toggle_inhibit) { toggle_inhibit--; } break; case FUNC_ANY_KEY: KnxSendButtonPower(); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_KNX_WEB_MENU case FUNC_WEB_ADD_BUTTON: WSContentSend_P(HTTP_BTN_MENU_KNX); break; case FUNC_WEB_ADD_HANDLER: WebServer->on("/kn", HandleKNXConfiguration); break; #endif // USE_KNX_WEB_MENU #endif // USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DecodeCommand(kKnxCommands, KnxCommand); break; case FUNC_PRE_INIT: KNX_INIT(); break; // case FUNC_SET_POWER: // break; } return result; } #endif // USE_KNX