/* xsns_54_ina226.ino - INA226 Current Sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Stephen Rodgers and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_INA226 /* * Setup a single INA226 device at address 0x40: * * 1. Select a module type with free I2C pins. * 2. Configure the module to use I2C on the correct pins. * 3. Connect your ina226 module(s) to the I2C pins. * 4. Use the i2cscan console command to probe the modules and check they are present. * 5. Enable the first device at I2C address 0x40 using the following console commands: * a. Sensor54 11 [shunt resistance in ohms] e.g. Sensor54 11 0.1 * b. Sensor54 12 [full scale current in amperes] e.g. Sensor54 12 3.0 * c. Sensor54 2 saves the settings and restarts Tasmota. The device should show up after the system boots again. * 6. *Optional* Set full scale voltage if using a voltage divider to allow reading of voltages greater than 36v. e.g. Sensor54 13 81.92 * * This driver will not probe I2C bus for INA226 devices unless the full scale current is set for a device number. * It will map device numbers as follows: * * Device number to I2C address mapping * * 1 - 0x40 * 2 - 0x41 * 3 - 0x44 * 4 - 0x45 * * To set shunt resistance and full scale current, use the Sensor54 command interface as follows: * * Sensor54 10 Return channel 1 shunt resistance and full scale current * Sensor54 11 [shunt_resistance] Set INA226 channel 1 shunt resistance in ohms, floating point * Sensor54 12 [full_scale_current] Set INA226 channel 1 full scale current in amperes, floating point * Sensor54 20 Return channel 2 shunt resistance and full scale current * Sensor54 21 [shunt_resistance] Set INA226 channel 2 shunt resistance in ohms, floating point * Sensor54 22 [full_scale_current] Set INA226 channel 2 full scale current in amperes, floating point * Sensor54 30 Return channel 3 shunt resistance and full scale current * Sensor54 31 [shunt_resistance] Set INA226 channel 3 shunt resistance in ohms, floating point * Sensor54 32 [full_scale_current] Set INA226 channel 3 full scale current in amperes, floating point * Sensor54 40 Return channel 4 shunt resistance and full scale current * Sensor54 41 [shunt_resistance] Set INA226 channel 4 shunt resistance in ohms, floating point * Sensor54 42 [full_scale_current] Set INA226 channel 4 full scale current in amperes, floating point * * Other commands * * Sensor54 1 Rescan for devices and return the number of INA226 found. * Sensor54 2 Save the configuration and restart * Sensor54 3 Set INA226 channel full scale voltage, floating point. e.g. Sensor54 13 81.92. Useful for systems where voltage exceeds max of 36v, using a voltage divider. * */ // Define driver ID #define XSNS_54 54 #define XI2C_35 35 // See I2CDEVICES.md #define INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES 4 #define INA226_ADDRESS1 (0x40) // 1000000 (A0+A1=GND) #define INA226_ADDRESS2 (0x41) // 1000000 (A0=Vcc, A1=GND) #define INA226_ADDRESS3 (0x44) // 1000000 (A0=GND, A1=Vcc) #define INA226_ADDRESS4 (0x45) // 1000000 (A0+A1=Vcc) #define INA226_REG_CONFIG (0x00) // Config register #define INA226_RES_CONFIG (0x4127) // Config register at reset #define INA226_DEF_CONFIG (0x42FF) // Our default configuration #define INA226_CONFIG_RESET (0x8000) // Config register reset bit #define INA226_REG_SHUNTVOLTAGE (0x01) #define INA226_REG_BUSVOLTAGE (0x02) #define INA226_REG_POWER (0x03) #define INA226_REG_CURRENT (0x04) #define INA226_REG_CALIBRATION (0x05) typedef struct Ina226Info_tag { uint8_t address; uint16_t calibrationValue; uint16_t config; uint8_t present : 1; float i_lsb; float vbus_lsb; } Ina226Info_t; /* * Program memory constants */ static const uint8_t PROGMEM probeAddresses[INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES] = {INA226_ADDRESS1, INA226_ADDRESS2, INA226_ADDRESS3, INA226_ADDRESS4}; /* * Global Variables */ static char Ina226Str[] = "INA226"; static uint8_t Ina226sFound = 0; static uint8_t schedule_reinit = 0; static Ina226Info_t Ina226Info[4] = {0}; //static uint16_t reinit_count[4]; static float voltages[4]; static float currents[4]; static float powers[4]; /* * Log single floating point Number */ static void _debug_fval(const char *str, float fval, uint8_t prec = 4 ) { char fstr[32]; dtostrfd(fval, prec, fstr); AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("%s: %s"), str, fstr ); } /* * Convert 16 bit repesentation of shunt resisance to 32 bit micro ohms by looking at the msb range bit. * If the msb is 1, the LSB's define the number of milli ohms. (Maximum shunt resistor value 32.767 ohms) * If the msb is 0, the LSB's define the number of micro ohms. (Maximum shunt resistor value 0.032767 ohms) */ static uint32_t _expand_r_shunt(uint16_t compact_r_shunt) { uint32_t r_shunt_uohms = (compact_r_shunt & 0x8000) ? (((uint32_t)(compact_r_shunt & 0x7FFF)) * 1000ul) : (compact_r_shunt & 0x7FFF); return r_shunt_uohms; } /* * Set calibration value for Ina226 */ void Ina226SetCalibration(uint8_t Ina226Index) { Ina226Info_t *si = Ina226Info + Ina226Index; I2cWrite16( si->address, INA226_REG_CALIBRATION, si->calibrationValue); } /* * Test for presence of an Ina226 */ bool Ina226TestPresence(uint8_t device) { // Read config uint16_t config = I2cRead16( Ina226Info[device].address, INA226_REG_CONFIG ); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, PSTR("Config register %04x" ), config); if (config != Ina226Info[device].config) return false; return true; } void Ina226ResetActive(void) { Ina226Info_t *p = Ina226Info; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES; i++) { p = &Ina226Info[i]; // Address uint8_t addr = p->address; if (addr) { I2cResetActive(addr); } } } /* * Initialize INA226 devices */ void Ina226Init() { uint32_t i; Ina226sFound = 0; Ina226Info_t *p = Ina226Info; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Ina226Init"); // Clear Ina226 info data memset(Ina226Info, 0, sizeof(Ina226Info)); // Detect devices for (i = 0; i < INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES; i++){ uint8_t addr = pgm_read_byte(probeAddresses + i); if (!I2cSetDevice(addr)) { continue; } // Skip device probing if the full scale current is zero //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "fs_i[%d]: %d", i, Settings->ina226_i_fs[i]); if (!Settings->ina226_i_fs[i]) continue; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, PSTR("INA226 trying address %02x" ), addr ); // Try Resetting the device if (!I2cWrite16( addr, INA226_REG_CONFIG, INA226_CONFIG_RESET)){ AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "No INA226 at address: %02X", addr); continue; // No device } // Read config uint16_t config = I2cRead16( addr, INA226_REG_CONFIG ); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, PSTR("INA226 Config register %04x" ), config); if (INA226_RES_CONFIG != config) continue; config = INA226_DEF_CONFIG; // Fixme // Set the default configuration if (!I2cWrite16( addr, INA226_REG_CONFIG, config)) continue; // No device // store data in info struct. p = &Ina226Info[i]; // Address p->address = addr; // Configuration p->config = config; // Full scale current in tenths of an amp //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Full Scale I in tenths of an amp: %u", Settings->ina226_i_fs[i]); p->i_lsb = (((float) Settings->ina226_i_fs[i])/10.0f)/32768.0f; //_debug_fval("i_lsb: %s", p->i_lsb, 7); p->vbus_lsb = 40.96 / 32768.0; // default 40.96V full scale on 32768 points = 0.00125 // Get shunt resistor value in micro ohms uint32_t r_shunt_uohms = _expand_r_shunt(Settings->ina226_r_shunt[i]); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Shunt R in micro-ohms: %u", r_shunt_uohms); p->calibrationValue = ((uint16_t) (0.00512/(p->i_lsb * r_shunt_uohms/1000000.0f))); // Device present p->present = true; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "INA226 Device %d calibration value: %04X", i, p->calibrationValue); Ina226SetCalibration(i); I2cSetActiveFound(addr, Ina226Str); Ina226sFound++; } } /* * Read the bus voltage, and return it as a float */ float Ina226ReadBus_v(uint8_t device) { uint8_t addr = Ina226Info[device].address; int16_t reg_bus_v = I2cReadS16( addr, INA226_REG_BUSVOLTAGE); float result = ((float) reg_bus_v) * Ina226Info[device].vbus_lsb; return result; } /* * Read the shunt current, and return it as a float */ float Ina226ReadShunt_i(uint8_t device) { uint8_t addr = Ina226Info[device].address; int16_t reg_shunt_i = I2cReadS16( addr, INA226_REG_CURRENT); float result = ((float) reg_shunt_i) * Ina226Info[device].i_lsb; return result; } /* * Read voltage, shunt voltage, current, and power registerd for a given device */ void Ina226Read(uint8_t device) { //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Ina226Read"); voltages[device] = Ina226ReadBus_v(device); currents[device] = Ina226ReadShunt_i(device); powers[device] = voltages[device] * currents[device]; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "INA226 Device %d", device ); //_debug_fval("Voltage", voltages[device]); //_debug_fval("Current", currents[device]); //_debug_fval("Power", powers[device]); } /* * Poll sensors, and chack for sensor presence */ void Ina226EverySecond() { //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Ina226EverySecond"); for (uint8_t device = 0; device < INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES; device++){ // If there are Ina226s, and the device was present, and the device still is present, read its registers if (Ina226sFound && Ina226Info[device].present && Ina226TestPresence(device)){ Ina226Read(device); } else { powers[device] = currents[device] = voltages[device] = 0.0f; // If device was present, note that it dropped off here //if(Ina226Info[device].present){ //reinit_count[device]++; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "INA226 Device %d dropped off, count: %d", device, reinit_count[device]); //} // Device no longer present Ina226Info[device].present = false; } } } /* * Decode a sensor command and act on it */ bool Ina226CommandSensor() { bool serviced = true; bool show_config = false; char param_str[64]; char *cp, *params[4]; uint8_t i, param_count, device, p1 = XdrvMailbox.payload; uint32_t r_shunt_uohms; uint16_t compact_r_shunt_uohms; float vbus_fs; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Command received: %d", XdrvMailbox.payload); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "Command data received: %s", XdrvMailbox.data); // Make a copy of the data and add another terminator if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 62){ return false; } strncpy(param_str, XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len + 1); param_str[XdrvMailbox.data_len] = 0; // Build parameter substrings (this should really be a helper function in support_command.ino) for (cp = param_str, i = 0, param_count = 0; *cp && (i < XdrvMailbox.data_len + 1) && (param_count <= 3); i++) if (param_str[i] == ' ' || param_str[i] == ',' || param_str[i] == 0){ param_str[i] = 0; params[param_count] = cp; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "INA226 Command parameter: %d, value: %s", param_count, params[param_count]); param_count++; cp = param_str + i + 1; } if (p1 < 10 || p1 >= 50){ // Device-less commands switch (p1){ case 1: // Rerun init Ina226ResetActive(); Ina226Init(); Response_P(PSTR("{\"Sensor54-Command-Result\":{\"Ina226sFound\":%d}}"),Ina226sFound); break; case 2: // Save and restart TasmotaGlobal.restart_flag = 2; Response_P(PSTR("{\"Sensor54-Command-Result\":{\"Restart_flag\":%d}}"),TasmotaGlobal.restart_flag); break; default: serviced = false; } } else if (p1 < 50){ // Commands 10-49 tied to a particular device device = (p1 / 10) - 1; // Leading Tens digit is device number {1-4} switch (p1 % 10){ case 0: // Show config show_config = true; break; case 1: // Set compacted shunt resistance from user input in ohms r_shunt_uohms = (uint32_t) ((CharToFloat(params[1])) * 1000000.0f); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "r_shunt_uohms: %d", r_shunt_uohms); if (r_shunt_uohms > 32767){ uint32_t r_shunt_mohms = r_shunt_uohms/1000UL; Settings->ina226_r_shunt[device] = (uint16_t) (r_shunt_mohms | 0x8000); } else Settings->ina226_r_shunt[device] = (uint16_t) r_shunt_uohms; //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "r_shunt_compacted: %04X", Settings->ina226_r_shunt[device]); show_config = true; break; case 2: // Set full scale current in tenths of amps from user input in Amps Settings->ina226_i_fs[device] = (uint16_t) ((CharToFloat(params[1])) * 10.0f); //AddLog( LOG_LEVEL_NONE, "i_fs: %d", Settings->ina226_i_fs[device]); show_config = true; break; case 3: // Set full scale VBus vbus_fs = CharToFloat(params[1]); Ina226Info[device].vbus_lsb = vbus_fs / 32768.0; show_config = true; break; default: serviced = false; break; } } else serviced = false; if (show_config) { char shunt_r_str[16]; char fs_i_str[16]; char fs_vbus_str[16]; // Shunt resistance is stored in EEPROM in microohms. Convert to ohms r_shunt_uohms = _expand_r_shunt(Settings->ina226_r_shunt[device]); dtostrfd(((float)r_shunt_uohms)/1000000.0f, 6, shunt_r_str); // Full scale current is stored in EEPROM in tenths of an amp. Convert to amps. dtostrfd(((float)Settings->ina226_i_fs[device])/10.0f, 1, fs_i_str); // Full scale vbus is volatile (saved in RAM) dtostrfd((Ina226Info[device].vbus_lsb*32768.0), 2, fs_vbus_str); // Send json response Response_P(PSTR("{\"Sensor54-device-settings-%d\":{\"SHUNT_R\":%s,\"FS_I\":%s\"FS_V\":%s}}"), device + 1, shunt_r_str, fs_i_str, fs_vbus_str); } return serviced; } /* * Show data gathered from INA226 devices */ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_SNS_INA226_DATA[] PROGMEM = "{s}%s " D_VOLTAGE "{m}%s " D_UNIT_VOLT "{e}" "{s}%s " D_CURRENT "{m}%s " D_UNIT_AMPERE "{e}" "{s}%s " D_POWERUSAGE "{m}%s " D_UNIT_WATT "{e}"; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER void Ina226Show(bool json) { int i, num_found; for (num_found = 0, i = 0; i < INA226_MAX_ADDRESSES; i++) { // Skip uninstalled sensors if (!Ina226Info[i].present) continue; num_found++; char voltage[16]; dtostrfd(voltages[i], Settings->flag2.voltage_resolution, voltage); char current[16]; dtostrfd(currents[i], Settings->flag2.current_resolution, current); char power[16]; dtostrfd(powers[i], Settings->flag2.wattage_resolution, power); char name[16]; snprintf_P(name, sizeof(name), PSTR("INA226%c%d"),IndexSeparator(), i + 1); if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"%s\":{\"Id\":%d,\"" D_JSON_VOLTAGE "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_CURRENT "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_POWERUSAGE "\":%s}"), name, i, voltage, current, power); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ if (0 == TasmotaGlobal.tele_period) { DomoticzSensor(DZ_VOLTAGE, voltage); DomoticzSensor(DZ_CURRENT, current); } #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_INA226_DATA, name, voltage, name, current, name, power); #endif // USE_WEBSERVER) } } } /** * The callback function Xsns_57() interfaces Tasmota with the sensor driver. * * It provides the Tasmota callback IDs. * * @param byte callback_id Tasmota function ID. * @return bool Return value. * @pre None. * @post None. * */ bool Xsns54(byte callback_id) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_35)) { return false; } // Set return value to `false` bool result = false; // Check which callback ID is called by Tasmota switch (callback_id) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: Ina226EverySecond(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: Ina226Show(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: Ina226Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_COMMAND_SENSOR: if (XSNS_54 == XdrvMailbox.index) { result = Ina226CommandSensor(); } break; case FUNC_INIT: Ina226Init(); break; } // Return boolean result return result; } #endif // USE_INA226 #endif // USE_I2C