/* xdrv_20_hue.ino - Philips Hue support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Heiko Krupp and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #if defined(USE_WEBSERVER) && defined(USE_EMULATION) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE) && defined(USE_LIGHT) /*********************************************************************************************\ * Philips Hue bridge emulation * * Hue Bridge UPNP support routines * Need to send 3 response packets with varying ST and USN * * Using Espressif Inc Mac Address of 5C:CF:7F:00:00:00 * Philips Lighting is 00:17:88:00:00:00 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_20 20 const char HUE_RESPONSE[] PROGMEM = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "HOST:\r\n" "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100\r\n" "EXT:\r\n" "LOCATION: http://%s:80/description.xml\r\n" "SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.17.0\r\n" "hue-bridgeid: %s\r\n"; const char HUE_ST1[] PROGMEM = "ST: upnp:rootdevice\r\n" "USN: uuid:%s::upnp:rootdevice\r\n" "\r\n"; const char HUE_ST2[] PROGMEM = "ST: uuid:%s\r\n" "USN: uuid:%s\r\n" "\r\n"; const char HUE_ST3[] PROGMEM = "ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1\r\n" "USN: uuid:%s\r\n" "\r\n"; String HueBridgeId(void) { String temp = WiFi.macAddress(); temp.replace(":", ""); String bridgeid = temp.substring(0, 6) + "FFFE" + temp.substring(6); return bridgeid; // 5CCF7FFFFE139F3D } String HueSerialnumber(void) { String serial = WiFi.macAddress(); serial.replace(":", ""); serial.toLowerCase(); return serial; // 5ccf7f139f3d } String HueUuid(void) { String uuid = F("f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-"); uuid += HueSerialnumber(); return uuid; // f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-5ccf7f139f3d } void HueRespondToMSearch(void) { char message[TOPSZ]; TickerMSearch.detach(); if (PortUdp.beginPacket(udp_remote_ip, udp_remote_port)) { char response[320]; snprintf_P(response, sizeof(response), HUE_RESPONSE, WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str(), HueBridgeId().c_str()); int len = strlen(response); snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, HUE_ST1, HueUuid().c_str()); PortUdp.write(response); PortUdp.endPacket(); snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, HUE_ST2, HueUuid().c_str(), HueUuid().c_str()); PortUdp.write(response); PortUdp.endPacket(); snprintf_P(response + len, sizeof(response) - len, HUE_ST3, HueUuid().c_str()); PortUdp.write(response); PortUdp.endPacket(); snprintf_P(message, sizeof(message), PSTR(D_3_RESPONSE_PACKETS_SENT)); } else { snprintf_P(message, sizeof(message), PSTR(D_FAILED_TO_SEND_RESPONSE)); } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_UPNP D_HUE " %s " D_TO " %s:%d"), message, udp_remote_ip.toString().c_str(), udp_remote_port); udp_response_mutex = false; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Hue web server additions \*********************************************************************************************/ const char HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML[] PROGMEM = "" "" "" "1" "0" "" // "http://{x1/" "http://{x1:80/" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1" "Amazon-Echo-HA-Bridge ({x1)" // "Philips hue ({x1)" "Royal Philips Electronics" "Philips hue Personal Wireless Lighting" "Philips hue bridge 2012" "929000226503" "{x3" "uuid:{x2" "" "\r\n" "\r\n"; const char HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON1[] PROGMEM = "{\"on\":{state}," "{light_status}" "\"alert\":\"none\"," "\"effect\":\"none\"," "\"reachable\":true}"; const char HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON2[] PROGMEM = ",\"type\":\"Extended color light\"," "\"name\":\"{j1\"," "\"modelid\":\"LCT007\"," "\"uniqueid\":\"{j2\"," "\"swversion\":\"\"}"; const char HUE_GROUP0_STATUS_JSON[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"Group 0\"," "\"lights\":[{l1]," "\"type\":\"LightGroup\"," "\"action\":"; // "\"scene\":\"none\","; const char HueConfigResponse_JSON[] PROGMEM = "{\"name\":\"Philips hue\"," "\"mac\":\"{ma\"," "\"dhcp\":true," "\"ipaddress\":\"{ip\"," "\"netmask\":\"{ms\"," "\"gateway\":\"{gw\"," "\"proxyaddress\":\"none\"," "\"proxyport\":0," "\"bridgeid\":\"{br\"," "\"UTC\":\"{dt\"," "\"whitelist\":{\"{id\":{" "\"last use date\":\"{dt\"," "\"create date\":\"{dt\"," "\"name\":\"Remote\"}}," "\"swversion\":\"01041302\"," "\"apiversion\":\"1.17.0\"," "\"swupdate\":{\"updatestate\":0,\"url\":\"\",\"text\":\"\",\"notify\": false}," "\"linkbutton\":false," "\"portalservices\":false" "}"; const char HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON[] PROGMEM = "{\"success\":{\"/lights/{id/state/{cm\":{re}}"; const char HUE_ERROR_JSON[] PROGMEM = "[{\"error\":{\"type\":901,\"address\":\"/\",\"description\":\"Internal Error\"}}]"; /********************************************************************************************/ String GetHueDeviceId(uint8_t id) { String deviceid = WiFi.macAddress() + F(":00:11-") + String(id); deviceid.toLowerCase(); return deviceid; // 5c:cf:7f:13:9f:3d:00:11-1 } String GetHueUserId(void) { char userid[7]; snprintf_P(userid, sizeof(userid), PSTR("%03x"), ESP.getChipId()); return String(userid); } void HandleUpnpSetupHue(void) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, S_LOG_HTTP, PSTR(D_HUE_BRIDGE_SETUP)); String description_xml = FPSTR(HUE_DESCRIPTION_XML); description_xml.replace("{x1", WiFi.localIP().toString()); description_xml.replace("{x2", HueUuid()); description_xml.replace("{x3", HueSerialnumber()); WSSend(200, CT_XML, description_xml); } void HueNotImplemented(String *path) { AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE_API_NOT_IMPLEMENTED " (%s)"), path->c_str()); WSSend(200, CT_JSON, "{}"); } void HueConfigResponse(String *response) { *response += FPSTR(HueConfigResponse_JSON); response->replace("{ma", WiFi.macAddress()); response->replace("{ip", WiFi.localIP().toString()); response->replace("{ms", WiFi.subnetMask().toString()); response->replace("{gw", WiFi.gatewayIP().toString()); response->replace("{br", HueBridgeId()); response->replace("{dt", GetDateAndTime(DT_UTC)); response->replace("{id", GetHueUserId()); } void HueConfig(String *path) { String response = ""; HueConfigResponse(&response); WSSend(200, CT_JSON, response); } // device is forced to CT mode instead of HSB // only makes sense for LST_COLDWARM, LST_RGBW and LST_RGBWC bool g_gotct = false; // store previously set values from the Alexa app // it allows to correct slight deviations from value set by the app // The Alexa app is very sensitive to exact values uint16_t prev_hue = 0; uint8_t prev_sat = 0; uint8_t prev_bri = 254; uint16_t prev_ct = 254; char prev_x_str[24] = "\0"; // store previously set xy by Alexa app char prev_y_str[24] = "\0"; void HueLightStatus1(uint8_t device, String *response) { uint16_t ct = 0; uint8_t color_mode; String light_status = ""; uint16_t hue = 0; uint8_t sat = 0; uint8_t bri = 254; if (light_type) { light_state.getHSB(&hue, &sat, nullptr); bri = light_state.getBri(); if (bri > 254) bri = 254; // Philips Hue bri is between 1 and 254 if (bri < 1) bri = 1; if ((bri > prev_bri ? bri - prev_bri : prev_bri - bri) < 1) bri = prev_bri; if (sat > 254) sat = 254; // Philips Hue only accepts 254 as max hue if ((sat > prev_sat ? sat - prev_sat : prev_sat - sat) < 1) { sat = prev_sat; } else { // if sat was changed outside of Alexa, reset xy prev_x_str[0] = prev_y_str[0] = 0; } hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 359, 0, 65535); if ((hue > prev_hue ? hue - prev_hue : prev_hue - hue) < 400) { hue = prev_hue; } else { // if hue was changed outside of Alexa, reset xy prev_x_str[0] = prev_y_str[0] = 0; } color_mode = light_state.getColorMode(); ct = light_state.getCT(); if (LCM_RGB == color_mode) { g_gotct = false; } if (LCM_CT == color_mode) { g_gotct = true; } // If LCM_BOTH == color_mode, leave g_gotct unchanged // re-adjust ct if close to command value if ((ct > prev_ct ? ct - prev_ct : prev_ct - ct) < 1) ct = prev_ct; //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("HueLightStatus1 HSB (%d, %d, %d) Prev_HSB (%d, %d, %d)"), // hue, sat, bri, prev_hue, prev_sat, prev_bri); } *response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON1); response->replace("{state}", (power & (1 << (device-1))) ? "true" : "false"); // Brightness for all devices with PWM //if (LST_SINGLE <= light_subtype) { light_status += "\"bri\":"; light_status += String(bri); light_status += ","; //} if (LST_COLDWARM <= light_subtype) { light_status += F("\"colormode\":\""); light_status += (g_gotct ? "ct" : "hs"); light_status += "\","; } if (LST_RGB <= light_subtype) { // colors if (prev_x_str[0] && prev_y_str[0]) { light_status += "\"xy\":["; light_status += prev_x_str; light_status += ","; light_status += prev_y_str; light_status += "],"; } else { float x, y; light_state.getXY(&x, &y); light_status += "\"xy\":["; light_status += String(x, 5); light_status += ","; light_status += String(y, 5); light_status += "],"; } light_status += "\"hue\":"; light_status += String(hue); light_status += ","; light_status += "\"sat\":"; light_status += String(sat); light_status += ","; } if (LST_COLDWARM == light_subtype || LST_RGBW <= light_subtype) { // white temp light_status += "\"ct\":"; light_status += String(ct > 0 ? ct : 284); light_status += ","; // if no ct, default to medium white } response->replace("{light_status}", light_status); } void HueLightStatus2(uint8_t device, String *response) { *response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON2); response->replace("{j1", Settings.friendlyname[device-1]); response->replace("{j2", GetHueDeviceId(device)); } // generate a unique lightId mixing local IP address and device number // it is limited to 16 devices. // last 24 bits of Mac address + 4 bits of local light uint32_t EncodeLightId(uint8_t idx) { uint8_t mac[6]; WiFi.macAddress(mac); uint32_t id = (mac[3] << 20) | (mac[4] << 12) | (mac[5] << 4) | (idx & 0xF); return id; } uint32_t DecodeLightId(uint32_t id) { return id & 0xF; } void HueGlobalConfig(String *path) { String response; uint8_t maxhue = (devices_present > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) ? MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES : devices_present; path->remove(0,1); // cut leading / to get response = F("{\"lights\":{\""); for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= maxhue; i++) { response += EncodeLightId(i); response += F("\":{\"state\":"); HueLightStatus1(i, &response); HueLightStatus2(i, &response); if (i < maxhue) { response += ",\""; } } response += F("},\"groups\":{},\"schedules\":{},\"config\":"); HueConfigResponse(&response); response += "}"; WSSend(200, CT_JSON, response); } void HueAuthentication(String *path) { char response[38]; snprintf_P(response, sizeof(response), PSTR("[{\"success\":{\"username\":\"%s\"}}]"), GetHueUserId().c_str()); WSSend(200, CT_JSON, response); } void HueLights(String *path) { /* * http://sonoff/api/username/lights/1/state?1={"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40} */ String response; int code = 200; uint16_t tmp = 0; uint16_t hue = 0; uint8_t sat = 0; uint8_t bri = 254; uint16_t ct = 0; bool resp = false; // is the response non null (add comma between parameters) bool on = false; bool change = false; // need to change a parameter to the light uint8_t device = 1; uint8_t maxhue = (devices_present > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) ? MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES : devices_present; path->remove(0,path->indexOf("/lights")); // Remove until /lights if (path->endsWith("/lights")) { // Got /lights response = "{\""; for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= maxhue; i++) { response += EncodeLightId(i); response += F("\":{\"state\":"); HueLightStatus1(i, &response); HueLightStatus2(i, &response); if (i < maxhue) { response += ",\""; } } response += "}"; } else if (path->endsWith("/state")) { // Got ID/state path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/ path->remove(path->indexOf("/state")); // Remove /state device = DecodeLightId(atoi(path->c_str())); if ((device < 1) || (device > maxhue)) { device = 1; } if (WebServer->args()) { response = "["; StaticJsonBuffer<400> jsonBuffer; JsonObject &hue_json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(WebServer->arg((WebServer->args())-1)); if (hue_json.containsKey("on")) { response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(EncodeLightId(device))); response.replace("{cm", "on"); on = hue_json["on"]; switch(on) { case false : ExecuteCommandPower(device, POWER_OFF, SRC_HUE); response.replace("{re", "false"); break; case true : ExecuteCommandPower(device, POWER_ON, SRC_HUE); response.replace("{re", "true"); break; default : response.replace("{re", (power & (1 << (device-1))) ? "true" : "false"); break; } resp = true; } if (light_type) { light_state.getHSB(&hue, &sat, nullptr); bri = light_state.getBri(); // get the combined bri for CT and RGB, not only the RGB one ct = light_state.getCT(); uint8_t color_mode = light_state.getColorMode(); if (LCM_RGB == color_mode) { g_gotct = false; } if (LCM_CT == color_mode) { g_gotct = true; } // If LCM_BOTH == color_mode, leave g_gotct unchanged } prev_x_str[0] = prev_y_str[0] = 0; // reset xy string if (hue_json.containsKey("bri")) { // Brightness is a scale from 1 (the minimum the light is capable of) to 254 (the maximum). Note: a brightness of 1 is not off. tmp = hue_json["bri"]; prev_bri = bri = tmp; // store command value // extend bri value if set to max if (254 <= bri) { bri = 255; } if (resp) { response += ","; } response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(device)); response.replace("{cm", "bri"); response.replace("{re", String(tmp)); if (LST_SINGLE <= light_subtype) { change = true; } resp = true; } // handle xy before Hue/Sat // If the request contains both XY and HS, we wan't to give priority to HS if (hue_json.containsKey("xy")) { // Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white). float x, y; x = hue_json["xy"][0]; y = hue_json["xy"][1]; const String &x_str = hue_json["xy"][0]; const String &y_str = hue_json["xy"][1]; x_str.toCharArray(prev_x_str, sizeof(prev_x_str)); y_str.toCharArray(prev_y_str, sizeof(prev_y_str)); //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, "XY (%s %s)", String(prev_x,5).c_str(), String(prev_y,5).c_str()); uint8_t rr,gg,bb; LightStateClass::XyToRgb(x, y, &rr, &gg, &bb); LightStateClass::RgbToHsb(rr, gg, bb, &hue, &sat, nullptr); prev_hue = changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 359, 0, 65535); // calculate back prev_hue prev_sat = (sat > 254 ? 254 : sat); //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, "XY RGB (%d %d %d) HS (%d %d)", rr,gg,bb,hue,sat); if (resp) { response += ","; } response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(device)); response.replace("{cm", "xy"); response.replace("{re", "[" + x_str + "," + y_str + "]"); g_gotct = false; resp = true; change = true; } if (hue_json.containsKey("hue")) { // The hue value is a wrapping value between 0 and 65535. Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue. tmp = hue_json["hue"]; prev_hue = tmp; // change range from 0..65535 to 0..359 hue = changeUIntScale(tmp, 0, 65535, 0, 359); if (resp) { response += ","; } response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(device)); response.replace("{cm", "hue"); response.replace("{re", String(tmp)); if (LST_RGB <= light_subtype) { g_gotct = false; change = true; } resp = true; } if (hue_json.containsKey("sat")) { // Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored) and 0 is the least saturated (white). tmp = hue_json["sat"]; prev_sat = sat = tmp; // store command value // extend sat value if set to max if (254 <= sat) { sat = 255; } if (resp) { response += ","; } response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(device)); response.replace("{cm", "sat"); response.replace("{re", String(tmp)); if (LST_RGB <= light_subtype) { g_gotct = false; change = true; } resp = true; } if (hue_json.containsKey("ct")) { // Color temperature 153 (Cold) to 500 (Warm) ct = hue_json["ct"]; prev_ct = ct; // store commande value if (resp) { response += ","; } response += FPSTR(HUE_LIGHT_RESPONSE_JSON); response.replace("{id", String(device)); response.replace("{cm", "ct"); response.replace("{re", String(ct)); if ((LST_COLDWARM == light_subtype) || (LST_RGBW <= light_subtype)) { g_gotct = true; change = true; } resp = true; } if (change) { if (light_type) { if (g_gotct) { light_controller.changeCTB(ct, bri); } else { light_controller.changeHSB(hue, sat, bri); } LightPreparePower(); if (LST_COLDWARM <= light_subtype) { MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_COLOR)); } else { MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_DIMMER)); } } change = false; } response += "]"; if (2 == response.length()) { response = FPSTR(HUE_ERROR_JSON); } } else { response = FPSTR(HUE_ERROR_JSON); } } else if(path->indexOf("/lights/") >= 0) { // Got /lights/ID path->remove(0,8); // Remove /lights/ device = DecodeLightId(atoi(path->c_str())); if ((device < 1) || (device > maxhue)) { device = 1; } response += F("{\"state\":"); HueLightStatus1(device, &response); HueLightStatus2(device, &response); } else { response = "{}"; code = 406; } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE " Result (%s)"), response.c_str()); WSSend(code, CT_JSON, response); } void HueGroups(String *path) { /* * http://sonoff/api/username/groups?1={"name":"Woonkamer","lights":[],"type":"Room","class":"Living room"}) */ String response = "{}"; uint8_t maxhue = (devices_present > MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES) ? MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES : devices_present; if (path->endsWith("/0")) { response = FPSTR(HUE_GROUP0_STATUS_JSON); String lights = F("\"1\""); for (uint8_t i = 2; i <= maxhue; i++) { lights += ",\""; lights += EncodeLightId(i); lights += "\""; } response.replace("{l1", lights); HueLightStatus1(1, &response); response += F("}"); } WSSend(200, CT_JSON, response); } void HandleHueApi(String *path) { /* HUE API uses /api// syntax. The userid is created by the echo device and * on original HUE the pressed button allows for creation of this user. We simply ignore the * user part and allow every caller as with Web or WeMo. * * (c) Heiko Krupp, 2017 * * Hue URL * http://sonoff/api/username/lights/1/state with post data {"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40} * is converted by webserver to * http://sonoff/api/username/lights/1/state with arg plain={"on":true,"hue":56100,"sat":254,"bri":254,"alert":"none","transitiontime":40} */ uint8_t args = 0; path->remove(0, 4); // remove /api uint16_t apilen = path->length(); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE_API " (%s)"), path->c_str()); // HTP: Hue API (//lights/1/state for (args = 0; args < WebServer->args(); args++) { String json = WebServer->arg(args); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_HUE_POST_ARGS " (%s)"), json.c_str()); // HTP: Hue POST args ({"on":false}) } if (path->endsWith("/invalid/")) {} // Just ignore else if (!apilen) HueAuthentication(path); // New HUE App setup else if (path->endsWith("/")) HueAuthentication(path); // New HUE App setup else if (path->endsWith("/config")) HueConfig(path); else if (path->indexOf("/lights") >= 0) HueLights(path); else if (path->indexOf("/groups") >= 0) HueGroups(path); else if (path->endsWith("/schedules")) HueNotImplemented(path); else if (path->endsWith("/sensors")) HueNotImplemented(path); else if (path->endsWith("/scenes")) HueNotImplemented(path); else if (path->endsWith("/rules")) HueNotImplemented(path); else HueGlobalConfig(path); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv20(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if (devices_present && (EMUL_HUE == Settings.flag2.emulation)) { switch (function) { case FUNC_WEB_ADD_HANDLER: WebServer->on("/description.xml", HandleUpnpSetupHue); break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_WEBSERVER && USE_EMULATION && USE_EMULATION_HUE