/* xdrv_13_display.ino - Display support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #if defined(USE_I2C) || defined(USE_SPI) #ifdef USE_DISPLAY #define XDRV_13 13 #define DISPLAY_MAX_DRIVERS 16 // Max number of display drivers/models supported by xdsp_interface.ino #define DISPLAY_MAX_COLS 44 // Max number of columns allowed with command DisplayCols #define DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS 32 // Max number of lines allowed with command DisplayRows #define DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS 32 // Number of lines in display log buffer #define D_CMND_DISPLAY "Display" #define D_CMND_DISP_ADDRESS "Address" #define D_CMND_DISP_COLS "Cols" #define D_CMND_DISP_DIMMER "Dimmer" #define D_CMND_DISP_MODE "Mode" #define D_CMND_DISP_MODEL "Model" #define D_CMND_DISP_REFRESH "Refresh" #define D_CMND_DISP_ROWS "Rows" #define D_CMND_DISP_SIZE "Size" #define D_CMND_DISP_FONT "Font" #define D_CMND_DISP_ROTATE "Rotate" #define D_CMND_DISP_TEXT "Text" enum XdspFunctions { FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT_DRIVER, FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT, FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_50_MSECOND, FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_SECOND, FUNC_DISPLAY_MODEL, FUNC_DISPLAY_MODE, FUNC_DISPLAY_POWER, FUNC_DISPLAY_CLEAR, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_FRAME, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_HLINE, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_VLINE, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_LINE, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_CIRCLE, FUNC_DISPLAY_FILL_CIRCLE, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_RECTANGLE, FUNC_DISPLAY_FILL_RECTANGLE, FUNC_DISPLAY_TEXT_SIZE, FUNC_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, FUNC_DISPLAY_ROTATION, FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_STRING, FUNC_DISPLAY_ONOFF }; enum DisplayInitModes { DISPLAY_INIT_MODE, DISPLAY_INIT_PARTIAL, DISPLAY_INIT_FULL }; enum DisplayCommands { CMND_DISPLAY, CMND_DISP_MODEL, CMND_DISP_MODE, CMND_DISP_REFRESH, CMND_DISP_DIMMER, CMND_DISP_COLS, CMND_DISP_ROWS, CMND_DISP_SIZE, CMND_DISP_FONT, CMND_DISP_ROTATE, CMND_DISP_TEXT, CMND_DISP_ADDRESS }; const char kDisplayCommands[] PROGMEM = "|" D_CMND_DISP_MODEL "|" D_CMND_DISP_MODE "|" D_CMND_DISP_REFRESH "|" D_CMND_DISP_DIMMER "|" D_CMND_DISP_COLS "|" D_CMND_DISP_ROWS "|" D_CMND_DISP_SIZE "|" D_CMND_DISP_FONT "|" D_CMND_DISP_ROTATE "|" D_CMND_DISP_TEXT "|" D_CMND_DISP_ADDRESS ; const char S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_VALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_DISPLAY "%s\":\"%s\"}"; const char S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_DISPLAY "%s\":%d}"; const char S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_INDEX_NVALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_CMND_DISPLAY "%s%d\":%d}"; uint8_t disp_power = 0; uint8_t disp_device = 0; uint8_t disp_refresh = 1; int16_t disp_xpos = 0; int16_t disp_ypos = 0; uint8_t disp_autodraw = 1; uint8_t dsp_init; uint8_t dsp_font; uint8_t dsp_flag; uint8_t dsp_on; uint16_t dsp_x; uint16_t dsp_y; uint16_t dsp_x2; uint16_t dsp_y2; uint16_t dsp_rad; uint16_t dsp_color; int16_t dsp_len; char *dsp_str; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 char disp_temp[2]; // C or F uint8_t disp_subscribed = 0; char **disp_log_buffer; uint8_t disp_log_buffer_cols = 0; uint8_t disp_log_buffer_idx = 0; uint8_t disp_log_buffer_ptr = 0; char **disp_screen_buffer; uint8_t disp_screen_buffer_cols = 0; uint8_t disp_screen_buffer_rows = 0; #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 /*********************************************************************************************/ void DisplayInit(uint8_t mode) { dsp_init = mode; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT); } void DisplayClear(void) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_CLEAR); } void DisplayDrawHLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, int16_t len, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_len = len; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_HLINE); } void DisplayDrawVLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, int16_t len, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_len = len; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_VLINE); } void DisplayDrawLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_x2 = x2; dsp_y2 = y2; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_LINE); } void DisplayDrawCircle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t rad, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_rad = rad; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_CIRCLE); } void DisplayDrawFilledCircle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t rad, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_rad = rad; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_FILL_CIRCLE); } void DisplayDrawRectangle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_x2 = x2; dsp_y2 = y2; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_RECTANGLE); } void DisplayDrawFilledRectangle(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_x2 = x2; dsp_y2 = y2; dsp_color = color; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_FILL_RECTANGLE); } void DisplayDrawFrame(void) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_FRAME); } void DisplaySetSize(uint8_t size) { Settings.display_size = size &3; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_TEXT_SIZE); } void DisplaySetFont(uint8_t font) { Settings.display_font = font &3; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE); } void DisplaySetRotation(uint8_t rotation) { Settings.display_rotate = rotation &3; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_ROTATION); } void DisplayDrawStringAt(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char *str, uint16_t color, uint8_t flag) { dsp_x = x; dsp_y = y; dsp_str = str; dsp_color = color; dsp_flag = flag; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_DRAW_STRING); } void DisplayOnOff(uint8_t on) { dsp_on = on; XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_ONOFF); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // get asci number until delimiter and return asci number lenght and value uint8_t atoiv(char *cp, int16_t *res) { uint8_t index = 0; *res = atoi(cp); while (*cp) { if ((*cp>='0' && *cp<='9') || (*cp=='-')) { cp++; index++; } else { break; } } return index; } // get asci number until delimiter and return asci number lenght and value uint8_t atoiV(char *cp, uint16_t *res) { uint8_t index = 0; *res = atoi(cp); while (*cp) { if (*cp>='0' && *cp<='9') { cp++; index++; } else { break; } } return index; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DISPLAY_BUFFER_COLS 128 // Max number of characters in linebuf void DisplayText(void) { uint8_t lpos; uint8_t escape = 0; uint8_t var; uint8_t font_x = 6; uint8_t font_y = 8; uint8_t fontnumber = 1; int16_t lin = 0; int16_t col = 0; int16_t fill = 0; int16_t temp; int16_t temp1; uint16_t color = 0; char linebuf[DISPLAY_BUFFER_COLS]; char *dp = linebuf; char *cp = XdrvMailbox.data; memset(linebuf, ' ', sizeof(linebuf)); linebuf[sizeof(linebuf)-1] = 0; *dp = 0; while (*cp) { if (!escape) { // check for escape if (*cp == '[') { escape = 1; cp++; // if string in buffer print it if ((uint32_t)dp - (uint32_t)linebuf) { if (!fill) { *dp = 0; } if (col > 0 && lin > 0) { // use col and lin DisplayDrawStringAt(col, lin, linebuf, color, 1); } else { // use disp_xpos, disp_ypos DisplayDrawStringAt(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, linebuf, color, 0); } memset(linebuf, ' ', sizeof(linebuf)); linebuf[sizeof(linebuf)-1] = 0; dp = linebuf; } } else { // copy chars if (dp < (linebuf + DISPLAY_BUFFER_COLS)) { *dp++ = *cp++; } } } else { // check escapes if (*cp == ']') { escape = 0; cp++; } else { // analyze escapes switch (*cp++) { case 'z': // clear display DisplayClear(); disp_xpos = 0; disp_ypos = 0; col = 0; lin = 0; break; case 'i': // init display with partial update DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_PARTIAL); break; case 'I': // init display with full refresh DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_FULL); break; case 'o': DisplayOnOff(0); break; case 'O': DisplayOnOff(1); break; case 'x': // set disp_xpos var = atoiv(cp, &disp_xpos); cp += var; break; case 'y': // set disp_ypos var = atoiv(cp, &disp_ypos); cp += var; break; case 'l': // text line lxx var = atoiv(cp, &lin); cp += var; //display.setCursor(display.getCursorX(),(lin-1)*font_y*txtsize); break; case 'c': // text column cxx var = atoiv(cp, &col); cp += var; //display.setCursor((col-1)*font_x*txtsize,display.getCursorY()); break; case 'C': // text color cxx var = atoiV(cp, &color); cp += var; break; case 'p': // pad field with spaces fxx var = atoiv(cp, &fill); cp += var; linebuf[fill] = 0; break; case 'h': // hor line to var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; if (temp < 0) { DisplayDrawHLine(disp_xpos + temp, disp_ypos, -temp, color); } else { DisplayDrawHLine(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, color); } disp_xpos += temp; break; case 'v': // vert line to var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; if (temp < 0) { DisplayDrawVLine(disp_xpos, disp_ypos + temp, -temp, color); } else { DisplayDrawVLine(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, color); } disp_ypos += temp; break; case 'L': // any line to var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; cp++; var = atoiv(cp, &temp1); cp += var; DisplayDrawLine(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, temp1, color); disp_xpos += temp; disp_ypos += temp1; break; case 'k': // circle var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; DisplayDrawCircle(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, color); break; case 'K': // filled circle var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; DisplayDrawFilledCircle(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, color); break; case 'r': // rectangle var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; cp++; var = atoiv(cp, &temp1); cp += var; DisplayDrawRectangle(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, temp1, color); break; case 'R': // filled rectangle var = atoiv(cp, &temp); cp += var; cp++; var = atoiv(cp, &temp1); cp += var; DisplayDrawFilledRectangle(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, temp, temp1, color); break; case 't': if (dp < (linebuf + DISPLAY_BUFFER_COLS) -5) { snprintf_P(dp, 6, PSTR("%02d" D_HOUR_MINUTE_SEPARATOR "%02d"), RtcTime.hour, RtcTime.minute); dp += 5; } break; case 'T': if (dp < (linebuf + DISPLAY_BUFFER_COLS) -8) { snprintf_P(dp, 9, PSTR("%02d" D_MONTH_DAY_SEPARATOR "%02d" D_YEAR_MONTH_SEPARATOR "%02d"), RtcTime.day_of_month, RtcTime.month, RtcTime.year%2000); dp += 8; } break; case 'd': // force draw grafics buffer DisplayDrawFrame(); break; case 'D': // set auto draw mode disp_autodraw = *cp&1; cp += 1; break; case 's': // size sx DisplaySetSize(*cp&3); cp += 1; break; case 'f': // font sx DisplaySetFont(*cp&3); cp += 1; break; case 'a': // rotation angle DisplaySetRotation(*cp&3); cp+=1; break; default: // unknown escape snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("Unknown Escape")); goto exit; break; } } } } exit: // now draw buffer if ((uint32_t)dp - (uint32_t)linebuf) { if (!fill) { *dp = 0; } if (col > 0 && lin > 0) { // use col and lin DisplayDrawStringAt(col, lin, linebuf, color, 1); } else { // use disp_xpos, disp_ypos DisplayDrawStringAt(disp_xpos, disp_ypos, linebuf, color, 0); } } // draw buffer if (disp_autodraw) { DisplayDrawFrame(); } } /*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 void DisplayClearScreenBuffer(void) { if (disp_screen_buffer_cols) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < disp_screen_buffer_rows; i++) { memset(disp_screen_buffer[i], 0, disp_screen_buffer_cols); } } } void DisplayFreeScreenBuffer(void) { if (disp_screen_buffer != NULL) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < disp_screen_buffer_rows; i++) { if (disp_screen_buffer[i] != NULL) { free(disp_screen_buffer[i]); } } free(disp_screen_buffer); disp_screen_buffer_cols = 0; disp_screen_buffer_rows = 0; } } void DisplayAllocScreenBuffer(void) { if (!disp_screen_buffer_cols) { disp_screen_buffer_rows = Settings.display_rows; disp_screen_buffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(*disp_screen_buffer) * disp_screen_buffer_rows); if (disp_screen_buffer != NULL) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < disp_screen_buffer_rows; i++) { disp_screen_buffer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*disp_screen_buffer[i]) * (Settings.display_cols[0] +1)); if (disp_screen_buffer[i] == NULL) { DisplayFreeScreenBuffer(); break; } } } if (disp_screen_buffer != NULL) { disp_screen_buffer_cols = Settings.display_cols[0] +1; DisplayClearScreenBuffer(); } } } void DisplayReAllocScreenBuffer(void) { DisplayFreeScreenBuffer(); DisplayAllocScreenBuffer(); } void DisplayFillScreen(uint8_t line) { uint8_t len = disp_screen_buffer_cols - strlen(disp_screen_buffer[line]); if (len) { memset(disp_screen_buffer[line] + strlen(disp_screen_buffer[line]), 0x20, len); disp_screen_buffer[line][disp_screen_buffer_cols -1] = 0; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayClearLogBuffer(void) { if (disp_log_buffer_cols) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS; i++) { memset(disp_log_buffer[i], 0, disp_log_buffer_cols); } } } void DisplayFreeLogBuffer(void) { if (disp_log_buffer != NULL) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS; i++) { if (disp_log_buffer[i] != NULL) { free(disp_log_buffer[i]); } } free(disp_log_buffer); disp_log_buffer_cols = 0; } } void DisplayAllocLogBuffer(void) { if (!disp_log_buffer_cols) { disp_log_buffer = (char**)malloc(sizeof(*disp_log_buffer) * DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS); if (disp_log_buffer != NULL) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS; i++) { disp_log_buffer[i] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(*disp_log_buffer[i]) * (Settings.display_cols[0] +1)); if (disp_log_buffer[i] == NULL) { DisplayFreeLogBuffer(); break; } } } if (disp_log_buffer != NULL) { disp_log_buffer_cols = Settings.display_cols[0] +1; DisplayClearLogBuffer(); } } } void DisplayReAllocLogBuffer(void) { DisplayFreeLogBuffer(); DisplayAllocLogBuffer(); } void DisplayLogBufferAdd(char* txt) { if (disp_log_buffer_cols) { strlcpy(disp_log_buffer[disp_log_buffer_idx], txt, disp_log_buffer_cols); // This preserves the % sign where printf won't disp_log_buffer_idx++; if (DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS == disp_log_buffer_idx) { disp_log_buffer_idx = 0; } } } char* DisplayLogBuffer(char temp_code) { char* result = NULL; if (disp_log_buffer_cols) { if (disp_log_buffer_idx != disp_log_buffer_ptr) { result = disp_log_buffer[disp_log_buffer_ptr]; disp_log_buffer_ptr++; if (DISPLAY_LOG_ROWS == disp_log_buffer_ptr) { disp_log_buffer_ptr = 0; } char *pch = strchr(result, '~'); // = 0x7E (~) Replace degrees character (276 octal) if (pch != NULL) { result[pch - result] = temp_code; } } } return result; } void DisplayLogBufferInit(void) { if (Settings.display_mode) { disp_log_buffer_idx = 0; disp_log_buffer_ptr = 0; disp_refresh = Settings.display_refresh; snprintf_P(disp_temp, sizeof(disp_temp), PSTR("%c"), TempUnit()); DisplayReAllocLogBuffer(); char buffer[40]; snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR(D_VERSION " %s%s"), my_version, my_image); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("Display mode %d"), Settings.display_mode); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR(D_CMND_HOSTNAME " %s"), my_hostname); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR(D_JSON_SSID " %s"), Settings.sta_ssid[Settings.sta_active]); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR(D_JSON_MAC " %s"), WiFi.macAddress().c_str()); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); if (!global_state.wifi_down) { snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("IP %s"), WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR(D_JSON_RSSI " %d%%"), WifiGetRssiAsQuality(WiFi.RSSI())); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Sensors \*********************************************************************************************/ enum SensorQuantity { JSON_TEMPERATURE, JSON_HUMIDITY, JSON_LIGHT, JSON_NOISE, JSON_AIRQUALITY, JSON_PRESSURE, JSON_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL, JSON_ILLUMINANCE, JSON_GAS, JSON_YESTERDAY, JSON_TOTAL, JSON_TODAY, JSON_PERIOD, JSON_POWERFACTOR, JSON_COUNTER, JSON_ANALOG_INPUT, JSON_UV_LEVEL, JSON_CURRENT, JSON_VOLTAGE, JSON_POWERUSAGE, JSON_CO2, JSON_FREQUENCY }; const char kSensorQuantity[] PROGMEM = D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "|" // degrees D_JSON_HUMIDITY "|" D_JSON_LIGHT "|" D_JSON_NOISE "|" D_JSON_AIRQUALITY "|" // percentage D_JSON_PRESSURE "|" D_JSON_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL "|" // hPa D_JSON_ILLUMINANCE "|" // lx D_JSON_GAS "|" // kOhm D_JSON_YESTERDAY "|" D_JSON_TOTAL "|" D_JSON_TODAY "|" // kWh D_JSON_PERIOD "|" // Wh D_JSON_POWERFACTOR "|" D_JSON_COUNTER "|" D_JSON_ANALOG_INPUT "|" D_JSON_UV_LEVEL "|" // No unit D_JSON_CURRENT "|" // Ampere D_JSON_VOLTAGE "|" // Volt D_JSON_POWERUSAGE "|" // Watt D_JSON_CO2 "|" // ppm D_JSON_FREQUENCY ; // Hz void DisplayJsonValue(const char* topic, const char* device, const char* mkey, const char* value) { char quantity[TOPSZ]; char buffer[Settings.display_cols[0] +1]; char spaces[Settings.display_cols[0]]; char source[Settings.display_cols[0] - Settings.display_cols[1]]; char svalue[Settings.display_cols[1] +1]; #ifdef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER ShowFreeMem(PSTR("DisplayJsonValue")); #endif memset(spaces, 0x20, sizeof(spaces)); spaces[sizeof(spaces) -1] = '\0'; snprintf_P(source, sizeof(source), PSTR("%s%s%s%s"), topic, (strlen(topic))?"/":"", mkey, spaces); // pow1/Voltage or Voltage if topic is empty (local sensor) int quantity_code = GetCommandCode(quantity, sizeof(quantity), mkey, kSensorQuantity); if ((-1 == quantity_code) || !strcmp_P(mkey, S_RSLT_POWER)) { // Ok: Power, Not ok: POWER return; } if (JSON_TEMPERATURE == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s~%s"), value, disp_temp); } else if ((quantity_code >= JSON_HUMIDITY) && (quantity_code <= JSON_AIRQUALITY)) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s%%"), value); } else if ((quantity_code >= JSON_PRESSURE) && (quantity_code <= JSON_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL)) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_PRESSURE), value); } else if (JSON_ILLUMINANCE == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_LUX), value); } else if (JSON_GAS == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_KILOOHM), value); } else if ((quantity_code >= JSON_YESTERDAY) && (quantity_code <= JSON_TODAY)) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_KILOWATTHOUR), value); } else if (JSON_PERIOD == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_WATTHOUR), value); } else if ((quantity_code >= JSON_POWERFACTOR) && (quantity_code <= JSON_UV_LEVEL)) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s"), value); } else if (JSON_CURRENT == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_AMPERE), value); } else if (JSON_VOLTAGE == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_VOLT), value); } else if (JSON_POWERUSAGE == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_WATT), value); } else if (JSON_CO2 == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_PARTS_PER_MILLION), value); } else if (JSON_FREQUENCY == quantity_code) { snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR("%s" D_UNIT_HERTZ), value); } snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s %s"), source, svalue); // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_DEBUG "mkey [%s], source [%s], value [%s], quantity_code %d, log_buffer [%s]"), mkey, source, value, quantity_code, buffer); DisplayLogBufferAdd(buffer); } void DisplayAnalyzeJson(char *topic, char *json) { // //tele/pow2/STATE {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:03", "Uptime":10, "Vcc":3.123, "POWER":"ON", "Wifi":{"AP":2, "SSId":"indebuurt2", "RSSI":68, "APMac":"00:22:6B:FE:8E:20"}} // //tele/pow2/ENERGY {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:03", "Total":6.522, "Yesterday":0.150, "Today":0.073, "Period":0.5, "Power":12.1, "Factor":0.56, "Voltage":210.1, "Current":0.102} // tele/pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-01-02T17:13:17","ENERGY":{"Total":13.091,"Yesterday":0.060,"Today":0.046,"Period":0.2,"Power":9.8,"Factor":0.49,"Voltage":206.8,"Current":0.096}} // tele/dual/STATE {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:03","Uptime":25,"Vcc":3.178,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":2,"SSId":"indebuurt2","RSSI":100,"APMac":"00:22:6B:FE:8E:20"}} // tele/sc/SENSOR {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:09","Temperature":24.0,"Humidity":16.0,"Light":30,"Noise":20,"AirQuality":100,"TempUnit":"C"} // tele/rf1/SENSOR {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:23","BH1750":{"Illuminance":57}} // tele/wemos5/SENSOR {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:53:53","SHT1X":{"Temperature":20.1,"Humidity":58.9},"HTU21":{"Temperature":20.7,"Humidity":58.5},"BMP280":{"Temperature":21.6,"Pressure":1020.3},"TempUnit":"C"} // tele/th1/SENSOR {"Time":"2017-09-20T11:54:48","DS18B20":{"Temperature":49.7},"TempUnit":"C"} const char *tempunit; // char jsonStr[MESSZ]; // strlcpy(jsonStr, json, sizeof(jsonStr)); // Save original before destruction by JsonObject String jsonStr = json; // Move from stack to heap to fix watchdogs (20180626) StaticJsonBuffer<1024> jsonBuf; JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(jsonStr); if (root.success()) { tempunit = root[D_JSON_TEMPERATURE_UNIT]; if (tempunit) { snprintf_P(disp_temp, sizeof(disp_temp), PSTR("%s"), tempunit); // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, disp_temp); } for (JsonObject::iterator it = root.begin(); it != root.end(); ++it) { JsonVariant value = it->value; if (value.is()) { JsonObject& Object2 = value; for (JsonObject::iterator it2 = Object2.begin(); it2 != Object2.end(); ++it2) { JsonVariant value2 = it2->value; if (value2.is()) { JsonObject& Object3 = value2; for (JsonObject::iterator it3 = Object3.begin(); it3 != Object3.end(); ++it3) { const char* value = it3->value; if (value != nullptr) { // "DHT11":{"Temperature":null,"Humidity":null} - ignore null as it will raise exception 28 DisplayJsonValue(topic, it->key, it3->key, value); // Sensor 56% } } } else { const char* value = it2->value; if (value != nullptr) { DisplayJsonValue(topic, it->key, it2->key, value); // Sensor 56% } } } } else { const char* value = it->value; if (value != nullptr) { DisplayJsonValue(topic, it->key, it->key, value); // Topic 56% } } } } } void DisplayMqttSubscribe(void) { /* Subscribe to tele messages only * Supports the following FullTopic formats * - %prefix%/%topic% * - home/%prefix%/%topic% * - home/level2/%prefix%/%topic% etc. */ // if (Settings.display_mode &0x04) { if (Settings.display_model) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; char ntopic[TOPSZ]; ntopic[0] = '\0'; strlcpy(stopic, Settings.mqtt_fulltopic, sizeof(stopic)); char *tp = strtok(stopic, "/"); while (tp != NULL) { if (!strcmp_P(tp, PSTR(MQTT_TOKEN_PREFIX))) { break; } strncat_P(ntopic, PSTR("+/"), sizeof(ntopic) - strlen(ntopic) -1); // Add single-level wildcards tp = strtok(NULL, "/"); } strncat(ntopic, Settings.mqtt_prefix[2], sizeof(ntopic) - strlen(ntopic) -1); // Subscribe to tele messages strncat_P(ntopic, PSTR("/#"), sizeof(ntopic) - strlen(ntopic) -1); // Add multi-level wildcard MqttSubscribe(ntopic); disp_subscribed = 1; } else { disp_subscribed = 0; } } bool DisplayMqttData(void) { if (disp_subscribed) { char stopic[TOPSZ]; snprintf_P(stopic, sizeof(stopic) , PSTR("%s/"), Settings.mqtt_prefix[2]); // tele/ char *tp = strstr(XdrvMailbox.topic, stopic); if (tp) { // tele/sonoff/SENSOR if (Settings.display_mode &0x04) { tp = tp + strlen(stopic); // sonoff/SENSOR char *topic = strtok(tp, "/"); // sonoff DisplayAnalyzeJson(topic, XdrvMailbox.data); } return true; } } return false; } void DisplayLocalSensor(void) { if ((Settings.display_mode &0x02) && (0 == tele_period)) { char no_topic[1] = { 0 }; // DisplayAnalyzeJson(mqtt_topic, mqtt_data); // Add local topic DisplayAnalyzeJson(no_topic, mqtt_data); // Discard any topic } } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Public \*********************************************************************************************/ void DisplayInitDriver(void) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT_DRIVER); // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_DEBUG "Display model %d"), Settings.display_model); if (Settings.display_model) { devices_present++; disp_device = devices_present; #ifndef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 Settings.display_mode = 0; #else DisplayLogBufferInit(); #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } } void DisplaySetPower(void) { disp_power = bitRead(XdrvMailbox.index, disp_device -1); if (Settings.display_model) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_POWER); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ bool DisplayCommand(void) { char command [CMDSZ]; bool serviced = true; uint8_t disp_len = strlen(D_CMND_DISPLAY); // Prep for string length change if (!strncasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.topic, PSTR(D_CMND_DISPLAY), disp_len)) { // Prefix int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic +disp_len, kDisplayCommands); if (-1 == command_code) { serviced = false; // Unknown command } else if (CMND_DISPLAY == command_code) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_DISPLAY "\":{\"" D_CMND_DISP_MODEL "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_MODE "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_DIMMER "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_SIZE "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_FONT "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_ROTATE "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_REFRESH "\":%d,\"" D_CMND_DISP_COLS "\":[%d,%d],\"" D_CMND_DISP_ROWS "\":%d}}"), Settings.display_model, Settings.display_mode, Settings.display_dimmer, Settings.display_size, Settings.display_font, Settings.display_rotate, Settings.display_refresh, Settings.display_cols[0], Settings.display_cols[1], Settings.display_rows); } else if (CMND_DISP_MODEL == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload < DISPLAY_MAX_DRIVERS)) { uint8_t last_display_model = Settings.display_model; Settings.display_model = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_MODEL)) { restart_flag = 2; // Restart to re-init interface and add/Remove MQTT subscribe } else { Settings.display_model = last_display_model; } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_model); } else if (CMND_DISP_MODE == command_code) { #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 /* Matrix LCD / Oled TFT * 1 = Text up and time Time * 2 = Date Local sensors Local sensors * 3 = Day Local sensors and time Local sensors and time * 4 = Mqtt left and time Mqtt (incl local) sensors Mqtt (incl local) sensors * 5 = Mqtt up and time Mqtt (incl local) sensors and time Mqtt (incl local) sensors and time */ if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 5)) { uint8_t last_display_mode = Settings.display_mode; Settings.display_mode = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (!disp_subscribed) { restart_flag = 2; // Restart to Add/Remove MQTT subscribe } else { if (last_display_mode && !Settings.display_mode) { // Switch to mode 0 DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_MODE); DisplayClear(); } else { // if (!last_display_mode && Settings.display_mode) { // Switch to non mode 0 DisplayLogBufferInit(); DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_MODE); } } } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_mode); } else if (CMND_DISP_DIMMER == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 100)) { Settings.display_dimmer = ((XdrvMailbox.payload +1) * 100) / 666; // Correction for Domoticz (0 - 15) if (Settings.display_dimmer && !(disp_power)) { ExecuteCommandPower(disp_device, POWER_ON, SRC_DISPLAY); } else if (!Settings.display_dimmer && disp_power) { ExecuteCommandPower(disp_device, POWER_OFF, SRC_DISPLAY); } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_dimmer); } else if (CMND_DISP_SIZE == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 4)) { Settings.display_size = XdrvMailbox.payload; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_size); } else if (CMND_DISP_FONT == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 4)) { Settings.display_font = XdrvMailbox.payload; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_font); } else if (CMND_DISP_ROTATE == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload < 4)) { if (Settings.display_rotate != XdrvMailbox.payload) { /* // Needs font info regarding height and width if ((Settings.display_rotate &1) != (XdrvMailbox.payload &1)) { uint8_t temp_rows = Settings.display_rows; Settings.display_rows = Settings.display_cols[0]; Settings.display_cols[0] = temp_rows; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 DisplayReAllocScreenBuffer(); #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } */ Settings.display_rotate = XdrvMailbox.payload; DisplayInit(DISPLAY_INIT_MODE); #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 DisplayLogBufferInit(); #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_rotate); } else if (CMND_DISP_TEXT == command_code) { mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; if (disp_device && XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { #ifndef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 DisplayText(); #else if (!Settings.display_mode) { DisplayText(); } else { DisplayLogBufferAdd(XdrvMailbox.data); } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } else { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("No Text")); } if (mqtt_data[0] == '\0') { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_VALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.data); } } else if ((CMND_DISP_ADDRESS == command_code) && (XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= 8)) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 255)) { Settings.display_address[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = XdrvMailbox.payload; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_INDEX_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, Settings.display_address[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } else if (CMND_DISP_REFRESH == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 1) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 7)) { Settings.display_refresh = XdrvMailbox.payload; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_refresh); } else if ((CMND_DISP_COLS == command_code) && (XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= 2)) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= DISPLAY_MAX_COLS)) { Settings.display_cols[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = XdrvMailbox.payload; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 if (1 == XdrvMailbox.index) { DisplayLogBufferInit(); DisplayReAllocScreenBuffer(); } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_INDEX_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, Settings.display_cols[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } else if (CMND_DISP_ROWS == command_code) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS)) { Settings.display_rows = XdrvMailbox.payload; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 DisplayLogBufferInit(); DisplayReAllocScreenBuffer(); #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_DISPLAY_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, Settings.display_rows); } else serviced = false; // Unknown command } else serviced = false; // Unknown command return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv13(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if ((i2c_flg || spi_flg || soft_spi_flg) && XdspPresent()) { switch (function) { case FUNC_PRE_INIT: DisplayInitDriver(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: if (Settings.display_model) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_50_MSECOND); } break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DisplayCommand(); break; case FUNC_SET_POWER: DisplaySetPower(); break; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: if (Settings.display_model && Settings.display_mode) { XdspCall(FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_SECOND); } break; case FUNC_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE: DisplayMqttSubscribe(); break; case FUNC_MQTT_DATA: result = DisplayMqttData(); break; case FUNC_SHOW_SENSOR: DisplayLocalSensor(); break; #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 } } return result; } #endif // USE_DISPLAY #endif // USE_I2C or USE_SPI