// Copyright 2015 chaeplin // Copyright 2017 xpokor22 // This is based on: // https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote/blob/master/examples/LGACSendDemo/LGACSendDemo.ino #include #include IRsend irsend(14); // An IR LED is controlled by GPIO pin 14 (D5) // 0 : TOWER // 1 : WALL const unsigned int kAc_Type = 1; // 0 : cooling // 1 : heating unsigned int ac_heat = 1; // 0 : off // 1 : on unsigned int ac_power_on = 0; // 0 : off // 1 : on --> power on unsigned int ac_air_clean_state = 0; // temperature : 18 ~ 30 unsigned int ac_temperature = 24; // 0 : low // 1 : mid // 2 : high // if kAc_Type = 1, 3 : change unsigned int ac_flow = 0; const uint8_t kAc_Flow_Tower[3] = {0, 4, 6}; const uint8_t kAc_Flow_Wall[4] = {0, 2, 4, 5}; uint32_t ac_code_to_sent; void Ac_Send_Code(uint32_t code) { Serial.print("code to send : "); Serial.print(code, BIN); Serial.print(" : "); Serial.println(code, HEX); irsend.sendLG(code, 28); } void Ac_Activate(unsigned int temperature, unsigned int air_flow, unsigned int heat) { ac_heat = heat; unsigned int ac_msbits1 = 8; unsigned int ac_msbits2 = 8; unsigned int ac_msbits3 = 0; unsigned int ac_msbits4; if (ac_heat == 1) ac_msbits4 = 4; // heating else ac_msbits4 = 0; // cooling unsigned int ac_msbits5 = (temperature < 15) ? 0 : temperature - 15; unsigned int ac_msbits6; if (0 <= air_flow && air_flow <= 2) { if (kAc_Type == 0) ac_msbits6 = kAc_Flow_Tower[air_flow]; else ac_msbits6 = kAc_Flow_Wall[air_flow]; } // calculating using other values unsigned int ac_msbits7 = (ac_msbits3 + ac_msbits4 + ac_msbits5 + ac_msbits6) & B00001111; ac_code_to_sent = ac_msbits1 << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits2) << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits3) << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits4) << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits5) << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits6) << 4; ac_code_to_sent = (ac_code_to_sent + ac_msbits7); Ac_Send_Code(ac_code_to_sent); ac_power_on = 1; ac_temperature = temperature; ac_flow = air_flow; } void Ac_Change_Air_Swing(int air_swing) { if (kAc_Type == 0) { if (air_swing == 1) ac_code_to_sent = 0x881316B; else ac_code_to_sent = 0x881317C; } else { if (air_swing == 1) ac_code_to_sent = 0x8813149; else ac_code_to_sent = 0x881315A; } Ac_Send_Code(ac_code_to_sent); } void Ac_Power_Down() { ac_code_to_sent = 0x88C0051; Ac_Send_Code(ac_code_to_sent); ac_power_on = 0; } void Ac_Air_Clean(int air_clean) { if (air_clean == '1') ac_code_to_sent = 0x88C000C; else ac_code_to_sent = 0x88C0084; Ac_Send_Code(ac_code_to_sent); ac_air_clean_state = air_clean; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(1000); irsend.begin(); } void loop() { char b; Serial.println("# a : mode or temp b : air_flow, temp, swing, clean," " cooling/heating"); Serial.println("# 0 : off 0"); Serial.println("# 1 : on 0"); Serial.println("# 2 : air_swing 0 or 1"); Serial.println("# 3 : air_clean 0 or 1"); Serial.println("# 4 : air_flow 0 ~ 2 : flow"); Serial.println("# + : temp + 1"); Serial.println("# - : temp - 1"); Serial.println("# c : cooling"); Serial.println("# h : heating"); Serial.println("# m : change cooling to air clean, air clean to cooling"); Serial.println("a="); // Prompt User for input while (Serial.available() == 0) { // Wait for user input } char a = Serial.read(); // Read user input into a switch (a) { case '0': case '1': case '+': case '-': case 'c': case 'h': case 'm': break; default: Serial.println("b="); // Prompt User for input while (Serial.available() == 0) {} char b = Serial.read(); } /* # a : mode or temp b : air_flow, temp, swing, clean, cooling/heating # 18 ~ 30 : temp 0 ~ 2 : flow // on # 0 : off 0 # 1 : on 0 # 2 : air_swing 0 or 1 # 3 : air_clean 0 or 1 # 4 : air_flow 0 ~ 3 : flow # + : temp + 1 # - : temp - 1 # c : cooling # h : heating # m : change cooling to air clean, air clean to cooling */ Serial.print("a : "); Serial.print(a); Serial.print(" b : "); Serial.println(b); switch (a) { case '0': // off Ac_Power_Down(); break; case '1': // on Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, ac_flow, ac_heat); break; case '2': if (b == '0') Ac_Change_Air_Swing(0); else Ac_Change_Air_Swing(1); break; case '3': // 1 : clean on, power on if (b == '0' | b == '1') Ac_Air_Clean(b); break; case '4': switch (b) { case '1': Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, 1, ac_heat); break; case '2': Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, 2, ac_heat); break; case '3': Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, 3, ac_heat); break; default: Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, 0, ac_heat); } break; case '+': if (18 <= ac_temperature && ac_temperature <= 29) Ac_Activate((ac_temperature + 1), ac_flow, ac_heat); break; case '-': if (19 <= ac_temperature && ac_temperature <= 30) Ac_Activate((ac_temperature - 1), ac_flow, ac_heat); break; case 'c': ac_heat = 0; Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, ac_flow, ac_heat); break; case 'h': ac_heat = 1; Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, ac_flow, ac_heat); break; case 'm': /* if ac is on, 1) turn off, 2) turn on Ac_Air_Clean(1) if ac is off, 1) turn on, 2) turn off Ac_Air_Clean(0) */ if (ac_power_on == 1) { Ac_Power_Down(); delay(100); Ac_Air_Clean(1); } else { if (ac_air_clean_state == 1) { Ac_Air_Clean(0); delay(100); } Ac_Activate(ac_temperature, ac_flow, ac_heat); } break; } delay(100); Serial.println("ac_temperature"); Serial.println(ac_temperature); Serial.println("ac_flow"); Serial.println(ac_flow); Serial.println("ac_heat"); Serial.println(ac_heat); Serial.println("ac_power_on"); Serial.println(ac_power_on); }