/* xdrv_89_esp32_dali.ino - DALI support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2022 Andrei Kazmirtsuk aka eeak This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version yyyymmdd Action Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20221027 publish - initial version */ #ifdef ESP32 #ifdef USE_DALI /*********************************************************************************************\ * DALI support for Tasmota \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_89 89 #ifndef DALI_TIMER #define DALI_TIMER 0 // Default timer #endif #define BROADCAST_DP 0b11111110 // 0xFE #define DALI_TOPIC "DALI" enum { DALI_NO_ACTION, DALI_SENDING_DATA, DALI_RECEIVING_DATA, DALI_ERROR }; // http and json defines #define D_NAME_DALI "DALI" const char S_JSON_DALI_COMMAND_NVALUE[] PROGMEM = "{\"" D_NAME_DALI "\":{\"%s\":%d}}"; const char kDALI_Commands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_DALI_POWER "|" D_CMND_DALI_DIMMER; enum DALI_Commands { // commands for Console CMND_DALI_PWR, CMND_DALI_DIM, }; struct DALI { uint16_t send_dali_data; // data to send to DALI bus uint16_t received_dali_data; // data received from DALI bus uint8_t flag; // DALI status flag uint8_t bit_count; // nr of rec/send bits uint16_t tick_count; // nr of ticks of the timer bool former_val; // bit value in previous tick of timer hw_timer_t *timer; // hardware timer } *Dali = nullptr; /*********************************************************************************************\ * DALI low level \*********************************************************************************************/ /** * @brief This function handles hardware timer Handler. * @param None * @retval None */ void IRAM_ATTR DALI_Tick_Handler(void) { if (getDaliFlag() == DALI_RECEIVING_DATA) { receive_tick(); } else if (getDaliFlag() == DALI_SENDING_DATA) { send_tick(); } } /** * @brief This function enable data transfer start interrupt. * @param None * @retval None */ void enableDaliRxInterrupt() { Dali->flag = DALI_NO_ACTION; timerAlarmDisable(Dali->timer); attachInterrupt(Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX), receiveDaliData, FALLING); } /** * @brief This function disable data transfer start interrupt. * @param None * @retval None */ void disableRxInterrupt() { timerAlarmEnable(Dali->timer); detachInterrupt(Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX)); } /** * @brief receiving flag status * @param None * @retval uint8_t flag */ uint8_t getDaliFlag(void) { return Dali->flag; } /** * @brief DALI data received callback * @param None * @retval uint8_t flag */ void DataReceivedCallback() { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("DLI: Received: %d %d"), Dali->received_dali_data>>9, Dali->received_dali_data&0xff); } /*************** R E C E I V E * P R O C E D U R E S *******/ /** * @brief receive data from DALI bus * @param None * @retval None */ void receiveDaliData() { // null variables Dali->received_dali_data = 0; Dali->bit_count = 0; Dali->tick_count = 0; Dali->former_val = true; Dali->flag = DALI_RECEIVING_DATA; disableRxInterrupt(); } /** * @brief Get state of DALIIN pin * @param None * @retval bool status */ bool get_DALIIN(void) { bool dali_read = digitalRead(Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX)); return (false == DALI_IN_INVERT) ? dali_read : !dali_read; } /** * @brief receiving data from DALI bus * @param None * @retval None * * |--------|----|---------------------------|----| * 0 24 32 160 176 * wait start data stop */ void receive_tick(void) { // four ticks per bit bool actual_val = get_DALIIN(); Dali->tick_count++; // edge detected if(actual_val != Dali->former_val) { switch(Dali->bit_count) { case 0: if (Dali->tick_count > 2) { Dali->tick_count = 0; Dali->bit_count = 1; // start bit } break; case 17: // 1st stop bit if(Dali->tick_count > 6) { // stop bit error, no edge should exist Dali->flag = DALI_ERROR; } break; default: // other bits if(Dali->tick_count > 6) { Dali->received_dali_data |= (actual_val << (16-Dali->bit_count)); Dali->bit_count++; Dali->tick_count = 0; } break; } }else // voltage level stable { switch(Dali->bit_count) { case 0: if(Dali->tick_count==8) { // too long start bit Dali->flag = DALI_ERROR; } break; case 17: // First stop bit if (Dali->tick_count==8) { if (actual_val==0) // wrong level of stop bit { Dali->flag = DALI_ERROR; } else { Dali->bit_count++; Dali->tick_count = 0; } } break; case 18: // Second stop bit if (Dali->tick_count==8) { enableDaliRxInterrupt(); DataReceivedCallback(); } break; default: // normal bits if(Dali->tick_count==10) { // too long delay before edge Dali->flag = DALI_ERROR; } break; } } Dali->former_val = actual_val; if(getDaliFlag() == DALI_ERROR) { enableDaliRxInterrupt(); } } /*************** S E N D * P R O C E D U R E S *************/ /** * @brief Set value to the DALIOUT pin * @param bool * @retval None */ void set_DALIOUT(bool pin_value) { digitalWrite(Pin(GPIO_DALI_TX), pin_value == DALI_OUT_INVERT ? LOW : HIGH); } /** * @brief gets state of the DALIOUT pin * @param None * @retval bool state of the DALIOUT pin */ bool get_DALIOUT(void) { bool dali_read = digitalRead(Pin(GPIO_DALI_TX)); return (false == DALI_OUT_INVERT) ? dali_read : !dali_read; } /** * @brief Send data to DALI bus * @param byteToSend * @retval None */ void sendDaliData(uint8_t firstByte, uint8_t secondByte) { Dali->send_dali_data = firstByte << 8; Dali->send_dali_data += secondByte & 0xff; Dali->bit_count = 0; Dali->tick_count = 0; Dali->flag = DALI_SENDING_DATA; disableRxInterrupt(); } /** * @brief DALI protocol physical layer for slave device * @param None * @retval None * * |--------|----|---------------------------|----| * 0 24 32 160 176 * wait start data stop */ void send_tick(void) { // access to the routine just every 4 ticks = every half bit if ((Dali->tick_count & 0x03) == 0) { if (Dali->tick_count < 160) { // settling time between forward and backward frame if (Dali->tick_count < 24) { Dali->tick_count++; return; } // start of the start bit if (Dali->tick_count == 24) { // GPIOB->ODR ^= GPIO_ODR_7; set_DALIOUT(false); Dali->tick_count++; return; } // edge of the start bit // 28 ticks = 28/9600 = 2,92ms = delay between forward and backward message frame if (Dali->tick_count == 28) { set_DALIOUT(true); Dali->tick_count++; return; } // bit value (edge) selection bool bit_value = (bool)((Dali->send_dali_data >> (15 - Dali->bit_count)) & 0x01); // Every half bit -> Manchester coding if (!((Dali->tick_count - 24) & 0x0007)) { // div by 8 if (get_DALIOUT() == bit_value) // former value of bit = new value of bit set_DALIOUT((bool)(1 - bit_value)); } // Generate edge for actual bit if (!((Dali->tick_count - 28) & 0x0007)) { set_DALIOUT(bit_value); Dali->bit_count++; } } else { // end of data byte, start of stop bits if (Dali->tick_count == 160) { set_DALIOUT(true); // start of stop bit } // end of stop bits, no settling time if (Dali->tick_count == 176) { enableDaliRxInterrupt(); } } } Dali->tick_count++; return; } /***********************************************************/ void DaliPreInit() { if (!PinUsed(GPIO_DALI_TX) || !PinUsed(GPIO_DALI_RX)) { return; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("DLI: Init - RX-pin: %d, TX-pin: %d"), Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX), Pin(GPIO_DALI_TX)); // pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(Pin(GPIO_DALI_TX), OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Pin(GPIO_DALI_TX), HIGH); pinMode(Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX), INPUT); Dali = (DALI*)calloc(1,sizeof(DALI)); if (!Dali) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("DLI: Memory allocation error")); return; } Dali->timer = timerBegin(DALI_TIMER, 13, true); timerAttachInterrupt(Dali->timer, &DALI_Tick_Handler, true); timerAlarmWrite(Dali->timer, 641, true); attachInterrupt(Pin(GPIO_DALI_RX), receiveDaliData, FALLING); enableDaliRxInterrupt(); } void DaliPwr(uint8_t val){ sendDaliData(BROADCAST_DP, val); } bool DaliCmd(void) { char command[CMDSZ]; uint8_t name_len = strlen(D_NAME_DALI); if (!strncasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.topic, PSTR(D_NAME_DALI), name_len)) { uint32_t command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic + name_len, kDALI_Commands); switch (command_code) { case CMND_DALI_PWR: if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { if (254 >= XdrvMailbox.payload) { DaliPwr(XdrvMailbox.payload); } } Response_P(S_JSON_DALI_COMMAND_NVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; default: return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool DaliMqtt() { char stopic[TOPSZ]; strncpy(stopic, XdrvMailbox.topic, TOPSZ); XdrvMailbox.topic[TOPSZ - 1] = 0; char *items[10]; char *p = stopic; int cnt = 0; do { items[cnt] = strtok(p, "/"); cnt++; p = nullptr; } while (items[cnt - 1]); cnt--; // repreents the number of items if (cnt < 3) { // not for us? AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("cnt: %d < 3"), cnt); return false; } int DALIindex = 0; int ADRindex = 0; int CMDindex = 0; uint8_t DALIaddr = BROADCAST_DP; if (strcasecmp_P(items[cnt - 3], PSTR(DALI_TOPIC)) != 0) { if (strcasecmp_P(items[cnt - 2], PSTR(DALI_TOPIC)) != 0) { if (strcasecmp_P(items[cnt - 1], PSTR(DALI_TOPIC)) != 0) { return false; // not for us } else { if (true == DaliJsonParse()) { return true; } } } else { DALIindex = cnt - 2; CMDindex = cnt - 1; } } else { DALIindex = cnt - 3; CMDindex = cnt - 2; ADRindex = cnt - 1; DALIaddr = ((int)CharToFloat(items[ADRindex])) << 1; } uint8_t level; uint8_t value = (uint8_t)CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data); if (strcasecmp_P(items[CMDindex], PSTR("percent")) == 0) { float percent = (float)(254 * value * 0.01); level = (uint8_t)percent; } else if (strcasecmp_P(items[CMDindex], PSTR("level")) == 0) { level = value; } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("command not recognized: %s"), items[CMDindex]); return false; // not for us } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("Dali value %d on address %d"), value, DALIaddr); sendDaliData(DALIaddr, level); return true; } bool DaliJsonParse() { bool served = false; JsonParser parser((char *)XdrvMailbox.data); JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject(); if (root) { int DALIindex = 0; int ADRindex = 0; int8_t DALIdim = -1; uint8_t DALIaddr = BROADCAST_DP; JsonParserToken val = root[PSTR("cmd")]; if (val) { uint8_t cmd = val.getUInt(); val = root[PSTR("addr")]; if (val) { uint8_t addr = val.getUInt(); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("DLI: cmd = %d, addr = %d"), cmd, addr); sendDaliData(addr, cmd); return true; } else { return false; } } val = root[PSTR("addr")]; if (val) { uint8_t addr = val.getUInt(); if ((addr >= 0) && (addr < 64)) DALIaddr = addr << 1; } val = root[PSTR("dim")]; if (val) { uint8_t dim = val.getUInt(); if (dim < 255) DALIdim = dim; } sendDaliData(DALIaddr, DALIdim); served = true; } return served; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv89(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; if (FUNC_INIT == function) { DaliPreInit(); } else if (Dali) { switch (function) { case FUNC_MQTT_DATA: result = DaliMqtt(); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DaliCmd(); break; case FUNC_ACTIVE: result = true; break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_DALI #endif // ESP32