/* xdrv_19_ps16dz_dimmer.ino - PS_16_DZ dimmer support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 Joel Stein and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_LIGHT #ifdef USE_PS_16_DZ #define XDRV_19 19 #define PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE 80 #define PS16DZ_TYPE_ACK 0 #define PS16DZ_TYPE_PWR 1 #define PS16DZ_TYPE_DIM 2 #include TasmotaSerial *PS16DZSerial = nullptr; bool ps16dz_ignore_dim = false; // Flag to skip serial send to prevent looping when processing inbound states from the faceplate interaction //uint64_t ps16dz_seq = 0; char *ps16dz_tx_buffer = nullptr; // Serial transmit buffer char *ps16dz_rx_buffer = nullptr; // Serial receive buffer int ps16dz_byte_counter = 0; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Internal Functions \*********************************************************************************************/ void printTimestamp(void) { snprintf_P(ps16dz_tx_buffer, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE, PSTR( "%s%d%03d"), ps16dz_tx_buffer, LocalTime(), millis()%1000); } void PS16DZSendCommand(char type = 0, uint8_t value = 0) { switch(type){ case PS16DZ_TYPE_ACK: snprintf_P(ps16dz_tx_buffer, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE, PSTR( "AT+SEND=ok")); break; case PS16DZ_TYPE_PWR: case PS16DZ_TYPE_DIM: snprintf_P(ps16dz_tx_buffer, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE, PSTR( "AT+UPDATE=\"sequence\":\"")); printTimestamp(); if ( type == PS16DZ_TYPE_PWR) { snprintf_P(ps16dz_tx_buffer, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE, PSTR( "%s\",\"switch\":\"%s\""), ps16dz_tx_buffer, value?"on":"off"); } else if ( type == PS16DZ_TYPE_DIM) { snprintf_P(ps16dz_tx_buffer, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE, PSTR( "%s\",\"bright\":%d"), ps16dz_tx_buffer, round(value * (100. / 255.))); } break; } AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: Send serial command: %s"), ps16dz_tx_buffer ); PS16DZSerial->print(ps16dz_tx_buffer); PS16DZSerial->write(0x1B); PS16DZSerial->flush(); } bool PS16DZSetPower(void) { bool status = false; uint8_t rpower = XdrvMailbox.index; int16_t source = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (source != SRC_SWITCH && PS16DZSerial) { // ignore to prevent loop from pushing state from faceplate interaction PS16DZSendCommand(PS16DZ_TYPE_PWR, rpower); status = true; } return status; } bool PS16DZSetChannels(void) { PS16DZSerialDuty(((uint8_t*)XdrvMailbox.data)[0]); return true; } void PS16DZSerialDuty(uint8_t duty) { if (duty > 0 && !ps16dz_ignore_dim && PS16DZSerial) { if (duty < 25) { duty = 25; // dimming acts odd below 25(10%) - this mirrors the threshold set on the faceplate itself } PS16DZSendCommand(PS16DZ_TYPE_DIM, duty); } else { ps16dz_ignore_dim = false; // reset flag AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: Send Dim Level skipped due to 0 or already set. Value=%d"), duty); } } void PS16DZResetWifi(void) { if (!Settings.flag.button_restrict) { char scmnd[20]; snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), D_CMND_WIFICONFIG " %d", 2); ExecuteCommand(scmnd, SRC_BUTTON); } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * API Functions \*********************************************************************************************/ bool PS16DZModuleSelected(void) { light_type = LT_SERIAL1; return true; } void PS16DZInit(void) { ps16dz_tx_buffer = (char*)(malloc(PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE)); if (ps16dz_tx_buffer != nullptr) { ps16dz_rx_buffer = (char*)(malloc(PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE)); if (ps16dz_rx_buffer != nullptr) { PS16DZSerial = new TasmotaSerial(pin[GPIO_RXD], pin[GPIO_TXD], 2); if (PS16DZSerial->begin(19200)) { if (PS16DZSerial->hardwareSerial()) { ClaimSerial(); } } } } } void PS16DZSerialInput(void) { char scmnd[20]; while (PS16DZSerial->available()) { yield(); uint8_t serial_in_byte = PS16DZSerial->read(); if (serial_in_byte != 0x1B){ if (ps16dz_byte_counter >= PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { memset(ps16dz_rx_buffer, 0, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE); ps16dz_byte_counter = 0; } if (ps16dz_byte_counter || (!ps16dz_byte_counter && serial_in_byte == 'A')) { ps16dz_rx_buffer[ps16dz_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte; } } else { ps16dz_rx_buffer[ps16dz_byte_counter++] = 0x00; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: command received: %s"), ps16dz_rx_buffer); if(!strncmp(ps16dz_rx_buffer+3, "UPDATE", 6) || !strncmp(ps16dz_rx_buffer+3, "RESULT", 6)) { char *end_str; char *string = ps16dz_rx_buffer+10; char* token = strtok_r(string, ",", &end_str); while (token != nullptr) { char* end_token; char* token2 = strtok_r(token, ":", &end_token); char* token3 = strtok_r(nullptr, ":", &end_token); if(!strncmp(token2, "\"switch\"", 8)){ bool ps16dz_power = !strncmp(token3, "\"on\"", 4)?true:false; AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: power received: %s"), token3); if((power || Settings.light_dimmer > 0) && (power !=ps16dz_power)) { ExecuteCommandPower(1, ps16dz_power, SRC_SWITCH); // send SRC_SWITCH? to use as flag to prevent loop from inbound states from faceplate interaction } } else if(!strncmp(token2, "\"bright\"", 8)){ uint8_t ps16dz_bright = atoi(token3); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: brightness received: %d"), ps16dz_bright); if(power && ps16dz_bright > 0 && ps16dz_bright != Settings.light_dimmer) { snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), PSTR(D_CMND_DIMMER " %d"), ps16dz_bright ); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: Send CMND_DIMMER_STR=%s"), scmnd ); ps16dz_ignore_dim = true; ExecuteCommand(scmnd, SRC_SWITCH); } } else if(!strncmp(token2, "\"sequence\"", 10)){ //ps16dz_seq = strtoull(token3+1, nullptr, 10); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: sequence received: %s"), token3); } token = strtok_r(nullptr, ",", &end_str); } } else if(!strncmp(ps16dz_rx_buffer+3, "SETTING", 7)) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("PSZ: Reset")); PS16DZResetWifi(); } memset(ps16dz_rx_buffer, 0, PS16DZ_BUFFER_SIZE); ps16dz_byte_counter = 0; PS16DZSendCommand(); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv19(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; if (PS_16_DZ == my_module_type) { switch (function) { case FUNC_LOOP: if (PS16DZSerial) { PS16DZSerialInput(); } break; case FUNC_MODULE_INIT: result = PS16DZModuleSelected(); break; case FUNC_INIT: PS16DZInit(); break; case FUNC_SET_DEVICE_POWER: result = PS16DZSetPower(); break; case FUNC_SET_CHANNELS: result = PS16DZSetChannels(); break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_PS_16_DZ #endif // USE_LIGHT