/* tasmota_template_ESP32.h - template settings for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2020 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef _TASMOTA_TEMPLATE_ESP32_H_ #define _TASMOTA_TEMPLATE_ESP32_H_ #ifdef ESP32 // Hardware has no ESP32 #undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER #undef USE_PWM_DIMMER #undef USE_EXS_DIMMER #undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS #undef USE_SONOFF_RF #undef USE_SONOFF_SC #undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN #undef USE_SONOFF_L1 #undef USE_SONOFF_D1 #undef USE_RF_FLASH // Not ported (yet) #undef USE_DISCOVERY #undef USE_ADC_VCC // Needs to be ported #undef USE_DEEPSLEEP #undef USE_MY92X1 #undef USE_TUYA_MCU #undef USE_PS_16_DZ /********************************************************************************************/ // Supported hardware modules enum SupportedModules { WEMOS, ESP32_CAM_AITHINKER, MAXMODULE}; const char kModuleNames[] PROGMEM = "ESP32-DevKit|ESP32 Cam AiThinker"; // Default module settings const uint8_t kModuleNiceList[MAXMODULE] PROGMEM = { WEMOS, ESP32_CAM_AITHINKER }; const mytmplt kModules PROGMEM = { // WEMOS - Espressif ESP32-DevKitC - Any ESP32 device like WeMos and NodeMCU hardware (ESP32) GPIO_USER, //0 (I)O GPIO0, ADC2_CH1, TOUCH1, RTC_GPIO11, CLK_OUT1, EMAC_TX_CLK GPIO_USER, //1 IO TXD0 GPIO1, U0TXD, CLK_OUT3, EMAC_RXD2 GPIO_USER, //2 IO GPIO2, ADC2_CH2, TOUCH2, RTC_GPIO12, HSPIWP, HS2_DATA0, SD_DATA0 GPIO_USER, //3 IO RXD0 GPIO3, U0RXD, CLK_OUT2 GPIO_USER, //4 IO GPIO4, ADC2_CH0, TOUCH0, RTC_GPIO10, HSPIHD, HS2_DATA1, SD_DATA1, EMAC_TX_ER GPIO_USER, //5 IO GPIO5, VSPICS0, HS1_DATA6, EMAC_RX_CLK //6 IO GPIO6, Flash CLK //7 IO GPIO7, Flash D0 //8 IO GPIO8, Flash D1 //9 IO GPIO9, Flash D2 //10 IO GPIO10, Flash D3 //11 IO GPIO11, Flash CMD GPIO_USER, //12 (I)O GPIO12, ADC2_CH5, TOUCH5, RTC_GPIO15, MTDI, HSPIQ, HS2_DATA2, SD_DATA2, EMAC_TXD3 (If driven High, flash voltage (VDD_SDIO) is 1.8V not default 3.3V. Has internal pull-down, so unconnected = Low = 3.3V. May prevent flashing and/or booting if 3.3V flash is connected and pulled high. See ESP32 datasheet for more details.) GPIO_USER, //13 IO GPIO13, ADC2_CH4, TOUCH4, RTC_GPIO14, MTCK, HSPID, HS2_DATA3, SD_DATA3, EMAC_RX_ER GPIO_USER, //14 IO GPIO14, ADC2_CH6, TOUCH6, RTC_GPIO16, MTMS, HSPICLK, HS2_CLK, SD_CLK, EMAC_TXD2 GPIO_USER, //15 (I)O GPIO15, ADC2_CH3, TOUCH3, MTDO, HSPICS0, RTC_GPIO13, HS2_CMD, SD_CMD, EMAC_RXD3 (If driven Low, silences boot messages from normal boot. Has internal pull-up, so unconnected = High = normal output.) GPIO_USER, //16 IO GPIO16, HS1_DATA4, U2RXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT GPIO_USER, //17 IO GPIO17, HS1_DATA5, U2TXD, EMAC_CLK_OUT_180 GPIO_USER, //18 IO GPIO18, VSPICLK, HS1_DATA7 GPIO_USER, //19 IO GPIO19, VSPIQ, U0CTS, EMAC_TXD0 0, //20 GPIO_USER, //21 IO GPIO21, VSPIHD, EMAC_TX_EN GPIO_USER, //22 IO LED GPIO22, VSPIWP, U0RTS, EMAC_TXD1 GPIO_USER, //23 IO GPIO23, VSPID, HS1_STROBE 0, //24 GPIO_USER, //25 IO GPIO25, DAC_1, ADC2_CH8, RTC_GPIO6, EMAC_RXD0 GPIO_USER, //26 IO GPIO26, DAC_2, ADC2_CH9, RTC_GPIO7, EMAC_RXD1 GPIO_USER, //27 IO GPIO27, ADC2_CH7, TOUCH7, RTC_GPIO17, EMAC_RX_DV 0, //28 0, //29 0, //30 0, //31 GPIO_USER, //32 IO GPIO32, XTAL_32K_P (32.768 kHz crystal oscillator input), ADC1_CH4, TOUCH9, RTC_GPIO9 GPIO_USER, //33 IO GPIO33, XTAL_32K_N (32.768 kHz crystal oscillator output), ADC1_CH5, TOUCH8, RTC_GPIO8 GPIO_USER, //34 I NO PULLUP GPIO34, ADC1_CH6, RTC_GPIO4 GPIO_USER, //35 I NO PULLUP GPIO35, ADC1_CH7, RTC_GPIO5 GPIO_USER, //36 I NO PULLUP GPIO36, SENSOR_VP, ADC_H, ADC1_CH0, RTC_GPIO0 0, //37 NO PULLUP 0, //38 NO PULLUP GPIO_USER, //39 I NO PULLUP GPIO39, SENSOR_VN, ADC1_CH3, ADC_H, RTC_GPIO3 0 // Flag }; #endif // ESP32 #endif // _TASMOTA_TEMPLATE_ESP32_H_