/* xsns_103_sen5x.ino - SEN5X gas and air quality sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2022 Tyeth Gundry This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_SEN5X /*********************************************************************************************\ * SEN5X - Gas (VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds / NOx - Nitrous Oxides) and Particulates (PM) * * Source: Sensirion SEN5X Driver + Example, and Tasmota Driver 98 by Jean-Pierre Deschamps * Adaption for TASMOTA: Tyeth Gundry * * I2C Address: 0x69 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_103 103 #define XI2C_76 76 // See I2CDEVICES.md #define SEN5X_ADDRESS 0x69 #include #include SensirionI2CSen5x *sen5x = nullptr; struct SEN5XDATA_s { bool sen5x_ready; float massConcentrationPm1p0; float massConcentrationPm2p5; float massConcentrationPm4p0; float massConcentrationPm10p0; float ambientHumidity; float ambientTemperature; float vocIndex; float noxIndex; } *SEN5XDATA = nullptr; /********************************************************************************************/ void sen5x_Init(void) { if(!TasmotaGlobal.i2c_enabled){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("I2C Not enabled, so not loading SEN5X driver.")); return; } int usingI2cBus = 0; #ifdef ESP32 if (!I2cSetDevice(SEN5X_ADDRESS, 0)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X not found, i2c bus 0")); if (TasmotaGlobal.i2c_enabled_2 ){ if(!I2cSetDevice(SEN5X_ADDRESS, 1)){ DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X not found, i2c bus 1")); return; } usingI2cBus = 1; } else { return; } } #else if (!I2cSetDevice(SEN5X_ADDRESS)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X not found, i2c bus 0")); return; } #endif if (SEN5XDATA == nullptr) SEN5XDATA = (SEN5XDATA_s *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct SEN5XDATA_s)); SEN5XDATA->sen5x_ready = false; if(sen5x == nullptr) sen5x = new SensirionI2CSen5x(); if(usingI2cBus==1){ #ifdef ESP32 sen5x->begin(Wire1); #else sen5x->begin(Wire); #endif } else { sen5x->begin(Wire); } int error_stop = sen5x->deviceReset(); if (error_stop != 0) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X failed to reset device (I2C Bus %d)"), usingI2cBus); return; } // Wait 1 second for sensors to start recording + 100ms for reset command delay(1100); int error_start = sen5x->startMeasurement(); if (error_start != 0) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X failed to start measurement (I2C Bus %d)"), usingI2cBus); return; } SEN5XDATA->sen5x_ready = true; I2cSetActiveFound(SEN5X_ADDRESS, "SEN5X", usingI2cBus); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Sensirion SEN5X found, i2c bus %d"), usingI2cBus); } // #define POW_FUNC pow #define POW_FUNC FastPrecisePow float sen5x_AbsoluteHumidity(float temperature, float humidity) { // taken from https://carnotcycle.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/how-to-convert-relative-humidity-to-absolute-humidity/ // precision is about 0.1°C in range -30 to 35°C // August-Roche-Magnus 6.1094 exp(17.625 x T)/(T + 243.04) // Buck (1981) 6.1121 exp(17.502 x T)/(T + 240.97) // reference https://www.eas.ualberta.ca/jdwilson/EAS372_13/Vomel_CIRES_satvpformulae.html float temp = NAN; const float mw = 18.01534f; // molar mass of water g/mol const float r = 8.31447215f; // Universal gas constant J/mol/K if (isnan(temperature) || isnan(humidity)) { return NAN; } temp = POW_FUNC(2.718281828f, (17.67f * temperature) / (temperature + 243.5f)); // return (6.112 * temp * humidity * 2.1674) / (273.15 + temperature); //simplified version return (6.112f * temp * humidity * mw) / ((273.15f + temperature) * r); // long version } #define SAVE_PERIOD 30 void SEN5XUpdate(void) // Perform every second to ensure proper operation of the baseline compensation algorithm { uint16_t error; char errorMessage[256]; DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Running readMeasuredValues for SEN5X...")); error = sen5x->readMeasuredValues( SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm1p0, SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm2p5, SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm4p0, SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm10p0, SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity, SEN5XDATA->ambientTemperature, SEN5XDATA->vocIndex, SEN5XDATA->noxIndex); if (error) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("Failed to retrieve SEN5X readings.")); #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("Error trying to execute readMeasuredValues(): \n")); errorToString(error, errorMessage, 256); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(errorMessage); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("SEN5x readings:-")); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MassConcentrationPm1p0: %1_f\n"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm1p0); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MassConcentrationPm2p5: %1_f\n"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm2p5); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MassConcentrationPm4p0: %1_f\n"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm4p0); DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("MassConcentrationPm10p0: %1_f\n"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm10p0); if (isnan(SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("AmbientHumidity: n/a\n")); } else { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("AmbientHumidity: %*_f\n"), 2, &SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity); } if (isnan(SEN5XDATA->ambientTemperature)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("AmbientTemperature: n/a\n")); } else { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("AmbientTemperature: %*_f\n"), 2, &SEN5XDATA->ambientTemperature); } if (isnan(SEN5XDATA->vocIndex)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("VocIndex: n/a\n")); } else { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("VocIndex: %*_f\n"), 0, &SEN5XDATA->vocIndex); } if (isnan(SEN5XDATA->noxIndex)) { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NoxIndex: n/a\n")); } else { DEBUG_SENSOR_LOG(PSTR("NoxIndex: %*_f\n"), 0, &SEN5XDATA->noxIndex); } #endif } } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITS[] PROGMEM = "{s}SEN5X %s{m}%*_f %s{e}"; const char HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITLESS[] PROGMEM = "{s}SEN5X %s{m}%*_f{e}"; // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = const char HTTP_SNS_AHUMSEN5X[] PROGMEM = "{s}SEN5X Abs Humidity{m}%s g/m³{e}"; #endif #define D_JSON_AHUM "aHumidity" void SEN5XShow(bool json) { float convertedTemp = 0; float convertedHum = 0; if (SEN5XDATA->sen5x_ready) { char sen5x_abs_hum[13]; bool ahum_available = !isnan(SEN5XDATA->ambientTemperature) && !isnan(SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity) && SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity > 0; if (ahum_available) { convertedTemp = ConvertTempToFahrenheit(SEN5XDATA->ambientTemperature); convertedHum = ConvertHumidity(SEN5XDATA->ambientHumidity); dtostrfd(sen5x_AbsoluteHumidity(convertedTemp,convertedHum), 4, sen5x_abs_hum); } if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"SEN5X\":{")); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "1\":%1_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm1p0); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "2.5\":%1_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm2p5); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "4\":%1_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm4p0); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "10\":%1_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm10p0); if (!isnan(SEN5XDATA->noxIndex)) ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"NOx\":%0_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->noxIndex); if (!isnan(SEN5XDATA->vocIndex)) ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"VOC\":%0_f,"), &SEN5XDATA->vocIndex); if (ahum_available) ResponseAppendTHD(convertedTemp, convertedHum); ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_AHUM "\":%s"), sen5x_abs_hum); ResponseJsonEnd(); } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITS, PSTR(D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "1"), 1, &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm1p0, D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITS, PSTR(D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "2.5"), 1, &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm2p5, D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITS, PSTR(D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "4"), 1, &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm4p0, D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITS, PSTR(D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION "10"), 1, &SEN5XDATA->massConcentrationPm10p0, D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER); if (!isnan(SEN5XDATA->noxIndex)) WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITLESS, "NOx", 0, &SEN5XDATA->noxIndex); if (!isnan(SEN5XDATA->vocIndex)) WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_SEN5X_UNITLESS, "VOC", 0, &SEN5XDATA->vocIndex); if (ahum_available) WSContentSend_THD(PSTR("SEN5X"), convertedTemp, convertedHum); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_AHUMSEN5X, sen5x_abs_hum); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns103(uint32_t function) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_76)) { return false; } bool result = false; if (FUNC_INIT == function) { sen5x_Init(); } else if (SEN5XDATA != nullptr) { switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: SEN5XUpdate(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: SEN5XShow(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: SEN5XShow(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_SEN5X #endif // USE_I2C