/* support_esp8266.ino - ESP8266 specific support for Tasmota SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Theo Arends SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ #ifdef ESP8266 /*********************************************************************************************\ * ESP8266 and ESP8285 Support \*********************************************************************************************/ extern "C" { extern struct rst_info resetInfo; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Core overrides executed by core \*********************************************************************************************/ // Add below line to tasmota_globals.h // extern "C" void resetPins(); // // This function overrules __resetPins() which is executed by core init() as initPins() in core_esp8266_wiring.cpp // // 20221229 - (v12.3.1.2) Enabled with additional check to execute on power on only to fix relay clicks on power on // 20200321 - (v8.2.0.1) Disable core functionality to fix relay clicks on restart after OTA - make function return without setting pinMode void resetPins() { if ((resetInfo.reason == REASON_DEFAULT_RST) || (resetInfo.reason == REASON_EXT_SYS_RST)) { // Only perform at power on for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { pinMode(i, INPUT); } // pins 6-11 are used for the SPI flash interface ESP8266 for (int i = 12; i <= 16; ++i) { pinMode(i, INPUT); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Hardware related \*********************************************************************************************/ void HwWdtDisable(void) { *((volatile uint32_t*) 0x60000900) &= ~(1); // Hardware WDT OFF } void HwWdtEnable(void) { *((volatile uint32_t*) 0x60000900) |= 1; // Hardware WDT ON } void WdtDisable(void) { ESP.wdtDisable(); HwWdtDisable(); } void WdtEnable(void) { HwWdtEnable(); ESP.wdtEnable(0); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * ESP8266 specifics \*********************************************************************************************/ uint32_t ESP_ResetInfoReason(void) { return resetInfo.reason; } String ESP_getResetReason(void) { return ESP.getResetReason(); } uint32_t ESP_getChipId(void) { return ESP.getChipId(); } uint32_t ESP_getFreeSketchSpace(void) { return ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(); } uint32_t ESP_getSketchSize(void) { return ESP.getSketchSize(); } uint32_t ESP_getHeapSize(void) { return 32768; // Using default heap (No PIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_MMU_CACHE16_IRAM48_SECHEAP_SHARED) } uint32_t ESP_getFreeHeap(void) { return ESP.getFreeHeap(); } uint32_t ESP_getFreeHeap1024(void) { return ESP_getFreeHeap() / 1024; } /* float ESP_getFreeHeap1024(void) { return ((float)ESP_getFreeHeap()) / 1024; } */ uint32_t ESP_getMaxAllocHeap(void) { return ESP.getFreeHeap(); } uint32_t ESP_getFlashChipId(void) { return ESP.getFlashChipId(); } uint32_t ESP_getFlashChipRealSize(void) { return ESP.getFlashChipRealSize(); } uint32_t ESP_getFlashChipSize(void) { return ESP.getFlashChipSize(); } uint32_t ESP_getPsramSize(void) { return 0; } uint32_t ESP_getFreePsram(void) { return 0; } uint32_t ESP_getMaxAllocPsram(void) { return 0; } void ESP_Restart(void) { // ESP.restart(); // This results in exception 3 on restarts on core 2.3.0 ESP.reset(); } uint32_t FlashWriteStartSector(void) { return (ESP.getSketchSize() / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) + 2; // Stay on the safe side } uint32_t FlashWriteMaxSector(void) { return (((uint32_t)&_FS_start - 0x40200000) / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) - 2; } uint8_t* FlashDirectAccess(void) { return (uint8_t*)(0x40200000 + (FlashWriteStartSector() * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)); } void *special_malloc(uint32_t size) { return malloc(size); } void *special_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) { return realloc(ptr, size); } void *special_calloc(size_t num, size_t size) { return calloc(num, size); } String GetDeviceHardware(void) { /* ESP8266 SoCs - 32-bit MCU & 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi - High-performance 160 MHz single-core CPU - +19.5 dBm output power ensures a good physical range - Sleep current is less than 20 μA, making it suitable for battery-powered and wearable-electronics applications - Peripherals include UART, GPIO, I2C, I2S, SDIO, PWM, ADC and SPI */ // esptool.py get_efuses uint32_t efuse0 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF00050); // uint32_t efuse1 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF00054); uint32_t efuse2 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF00058); uint32_t efuse3 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF0005C); bool r0_4 = efuse0 & (1 << 4); // ESP8285 bool r2_16 = efuse2 & (1 << 16); // ESP8285 if (r0_4 || r2_16) { // ESP8285 // 1M 2M 2M 4M flash size // r0_4 1 1 0 0 bool r3_25 = efuse3 & (1 << 25); // flash matrix 0 0 1 1 bool r3_26 = efuse3 & (1 << 26); // flash matrix 0 1 0 1 bool r3_27 = efuse3 & (1 << 27); // flash matrix 0 0 0 0 uint32_t pkg_version = 0; if (!r3_27) { if (r0_4 && !r3_25) { pkg_version = (r3_26) ? 2 : 1; } else if (!r0_4 && r3_25) { pkg_version = (r3_26) ? 4 : 2; } } bool max_temp = efuse0 & (1 << 5); // Max flash temperature (0 = 85C, 1 = 105C) switch (pkg_version) { case 1: if (max_temp) { return F("ESP8285H08"); } // 1M flash else { return F("ESP8285N08"); } case 2: if (max_temp) { return F("ESP8285H16"); } // 2M flash else { return F("ESP8285N16"); } case 4: if (max_temp) { return F("ESP8285H32"); } // 4M flash else { return F("ESP8285N32"); } } return F("ESP8285"); } return F("ESP8266EX"); } String GetDeviceHardwareRevision(void) { // No known revisions for ESP8266/85 return GetDeviceHardware(); } String GetCodeCores(void) { return F(""); } uint32_t ESP_getChipCores(void) { return 1; } uint32_t ESP_getChipRevision(void) { return 1; } String ESP_getEfuseMac(void) { uint32_t mac0 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF00050); uint32_t mac1 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF00054); uint32_t mac3 = *(uint32_t*)(0x3FF0005C); uint32_t mach = 0; uint32_t macl = 0; if (mac3 != 0) { macl = (mac3 >> 16) & 0xFF; macl |= ((mac3 >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8; macl |= (mac3 & 0xFF) << 16; } else if (((mac1 >> 16) & 0xFF) == 0) { macl = 0x34FE18; } else if (((mac1 >> 16) & 0xFF) == 1) { macl = 0x74D0AC; } String macStr = ""; if (macl > 0) { mach = (mac1 >> 8) & 0xFF; mach |= (mac1 & 0xFF) << 8; mach |= ((mac0 >> 24) & 0xFF) << 16; uint64_t maca = ((uint64_t)mach << 24) | macl; // Need uint64ToString with base 10 as ESP8266 WStrings does not support uint64_t while (maca > 0) { macStr = String((uint32_t)(maca % 10), 10) + macStr; maca /= 10; } } return String(macStr); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * High entropy hardware random generator * Thanks to DigitalAlchemist \*********************************************************************************************/ // Based on code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/esp-idf/master/components/esp32/hw_random.c uint32_t HwRandom(void) { // https://web.archive.org/web/20160922031242/http://esp8266-re.foogod.com/wiki/Random_Number_Generator #define _RAND_ADDR 0x3FF20E44UL static uint32_t last_ccount = 0; uint32_t ccount; uint32_t result = 0; do { ccount = ESP.getCycleCount(); result ^= *(volatile uint32_t *)_RAND_ADDR; } while (ccount - last_ccount < 64); last_ccount = ccount; return result ^ *(volatile uint32_t *)_RAND_ADDR; #undef _RAND_ADDR } #endif // ESP8266