/* xsns_20_novasds.ino - Nova SDS011/SDS021 particle concentration sensor support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_NOVA_SDS /*********************************************************************************************\ * Nova Fitness SDS011 (and possibly SDS021) particle concentration sensor * For background information see http://aqicn.org/sensor/sds011/ * For protocol specification see * https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/parts/1/2/2/7/5/Laser_Dust_Sensor_Control_Protocol_V1.3.pdf * * Hardware Serial will be selected if GPIO3 = [SDS0X01] \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_20 20 #include #ifndef WORKING_PERIOD #define WORKING_PERIOD 5 // NodaSDS sleep working period in minutes #endif #ifndef NOVA_SDS_REINIT_CHECK #define NOVA_SDS_REINIT_CHECK 80 // NodaSDS reinitalized check in seconds #endif #ifndef NOVA_SDS_QUERY_INTERVAL #define NOVA_SDS_QUERY_INTERVAL 3 // NodaSDS query interval in seconds #endif #ifndef NOVA_SDS_RECDATA_TIMEOUT #define NOVA_SDS_RECDATA_TIMEOUT 150 // NodaSDS query data timeout in ms #endif #ifndef NOVA_SDS_DEVICE_ID #define NOVA_SDS_DEVICE_ID 0xFFFF // NodaSDS all sensor response #endif TasmotaSerial *NovaSdsSerial; uint8_t novasds_type = 1; uint8_t novasds_valid = 0; struct sds011data { uint16_t pm100; uint16_t pm25; } novasds_data; // NovaSDS commands #define NOVA_SDS_REPORTING_MODE 2 // Cmnd "data reporting mode" #define NOVA_SDS_QUERY_DATA 4 // Cmnd "Query data" #define NOVA_SDS_SET_DEVICE_ID 5 // Cmnd "Set Device ID" #define NOVA_SDS_SLEEP_AND_WORK 6 // Cmnd "sleep and work mode" #define NOVA_SDS_WORKING_PERIOD 8 // Cmnd "working period" #define NOVA_SDS_CHECK_FIRMWARE_VER 7 // Cmnd "Check firmware version" #define NOVA_SDS_QUERY_MODE 0 // Subcmnd "query mode" #define NOVA_SDS_SET_MODE 1 // Subcmnd "set mode" #define NOVA_SDS_REPORT_ACTIVE 0 // Subcmnd "report active mode" - Sensor received query data command to report a measurement data #define NOVA_SDS_REPORT_QUERY 1 // Subcmnd "report query mode" - Sensor automatically reports a measurement data in a work period #define NOVA_SDS_WORK 0 // Subcmnd "work mode" #define NOVA_SDS_SLEEP 1 // Subcmnd "sleep mode" bool NovaSdsCommand(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3, uint16_t sensorid, byte *buffer) { uint8_t novasds_cmnd[19] = {0xAA, 0xB4, byte1, byte2, byte3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (uint8_t)(sensorid & 0xFF), (uint8_t)((sensorid>>8) & 0xFF), 0x00, 0xAB}; // calc crc for (byte i = 2; i < 17; i++) { novasds_cmnd[17] += novasds_cmnd[i]; } //~ snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("SDS: Send %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X"), //~ novasds_cmnd[0],novasds_cmnd[1],novasds_cmnd[2],novasds_cmnd[3],novasds_cmnd[4],novasds_cmnd[5],novasds_cmnd[6],novasds_cmnd[7],novasds_cmnd[8],novasds_cmnd[9], //~ novasds_cmnd[10],novasds_cmnd[11],novasds_cmnd[12],novasds_cmnd[13],novasds_cmnd[14],novasds_cmnd[15],novasds_cmnd[16],novasds_cmnd[17],novasds_cmnd[18]); //~ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); // send cmnd NovaSdsSerial->write(novasds_cmnd, sizeof(novasds_cmnd)); NovaSdsSerial->flush(); // wait for any response unsigned long cmndtime = millis(); while ( (TimePassedSince(cmndtime) < NOVA_SDS_RECDATA_TIMEOUT) && ( ! NovaSdsSerial->available() ) ); if ( ! NovaSdsSerial->available() ) { // timeout return false; } byte recbuf[10]; memset(recbuf, 0, sizeof(recbuf)); // sync to 0xAA header while ( (TimePassedSince(cmndtime) < NOVA_SDS_RECDATA_TIMEOUT) && ( NovaSdsSerial->available() > 0) && (0xAA != (recbuf[0] = NovaSdsSerial->read())) ); if ( 0xAA != recbuf[0] ) { // no head found return false; } // read rest (9 of 10 bytes) of message NovaSdsSerial->readBytes(&recbuf[1], 9); AddLogSerial(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, recbuf, sizeof(recbuf)); if ( NULL != buffer ) { // return data to buffer memcpy(buffer, recbuf, sizeof(recbuf)); } // checksum & tail check if ((0xAB != recbuf[9] ) || (recbuf[8] != ((recbuf[2] + recbuf[3] + recbuf[4] + recbuf[5] + recbuf[6] + recbuf[7]) & 0xFF))) { AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SDS: " D_CHECKSUM_FAILURE)); return false; } return true; } void NovaSdsSetWorkPeriod(void) { // set sensor working period NovaSdsCommand(NOVA_SDS_WORKING_PERIOD, NOVA_SDS_SET_MODE, WORKING_PERIOD, NOVA_SDS_DEVICE_ID, NULL); // set sensor report only on query NovaSdsCommand(NOVA_SDS_REPORTING_MODE, NOVA_SDS_SET_MODE, NOVA_SDS_REPORT_QUERY, NOVA_SDS_DEVICE_ID, NULL); } bool NovaSdsReadData(void) { byte d[10]; if ( ! NovaSdsCommand(NOVA_SDS_QUERY_DATA, 0, 0, NOVA_SDS_DEVICE_ID, d) ) { return false; } novasds_data.pm25 = (d[2] + 256 * d[3]); novasds_data.pm100 = (d[4] + 256 * d[5]); return true; } /*********************************************************************************************/ void NovaSdsSecond(void) // Every second { if (0 == (uptime % NOVA_SDS_REINIT_CHECK)) { if (!novasds_valid) { NovaSdsSetWorkPeriod(); } } else if (0 == (uptime % NOVA_SDS_QUERY_INTERVAL)) { if (NovaSdsReadData()) { novasds_valid = 10; } else { if (novasds_valid) { novasds_valid--; } } } } /*********************************************************************************************/ void NovaSdsInit(void) { novasds_type = 0; if (pin[GPIO_SDS0X1_RX] < 99 && pin[GPIO_SDS0X1_TX] < 99) { NovaSdsSerial = new TasmotaSerial(pin[GPIO_SDS0X1_RX], pin[GPIO_SDS0X1_TX], 1); if (NovaSdsSerial->begin(9600)) { if (NovaSdsSerial->hardwareSerial()) { ClaimSerial(); } novasds_type = 1; NovaSdsSetWorkPeriod(); } } } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_SDS0X1_SNS[] PROGMEM = "%s" "{s}SDS0X1 " D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION " 2.5 " D_UNIT_MICROMETER "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER "{e}" "{s}SDS0X1 " D_ENVIRONMENTAL_CONCENTRATION " 10 " D_UNIT_MICROMETER "{m}%s " D_UNIT_MICROGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METER "{e}"; // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = #endif // USE_WEBSERVER void NovaSdsShow(boolean json) { if (novasds_valid) { float pm10f = (float)(novasds_data.pm100) / 10.0f; float pm2_5f = (float)(novasds_data.pm25) / 10.0f; char pm10[33]; dtostrfd(pm10f, 1, pm10); char pm2_5[33]; dtostrfd(pm2_5f, 1, pm2_5); if (json) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,\"SDS0X1\":{\"PM2.5\":%s,\"PM10\":%s}"), mqtt_data, pm2_5, pm10); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ if (0 == tele_period) { DomoticzSensor(DZ_VOLTAGE, pm2_5); // PM2.5 DomoticzSensor(DZ_CURRENT, pm10); // PM10 } #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HTTP_SDS0X1_SNS, mqtt_data, pm2_5, pm10); #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ boolean Xsns20(byte function) { boolean result = false; if (novasds_type) { switch (function) { case FUNC_INIT: NovaSdsInit(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: NovaSdsSecond(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: NovaSdsShow(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_APPEND: NovaSdsShow(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_NOVA_SDS