/* xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_ZIGBEE // Below is a compilation of Strings used in Zigbee commands and converters. // Instead of using pointer to strings (4 bytes), we are using an offset (16 bits) // into an array of strings - which leads to a 1/3 more compact structure. // To generate the code below use https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util // and copy/paste the entire arrays `Z_PostProcess` and `Z_Commands` concatenated // Note: the 'C' syntax is irrelevant, the parser only looks for `Z_()` // In addition the Python3 code used is below: /*Python code to generate code below import re pat = r"Z\(([^\)]+)\)" # extract text in Z() macro def clean(s): return s.strip(" \t\n\r") def strings_to_pmem(arg): #strings = arg.split("\n") strings = re.findall(pat, arg) # do some basic cleaning strings_cleaned = [ clean(x) for x in strings if clean(x) != ""] # remove duplicates strings_cleaned = list(dict.fromkeys(strings_cleaned)) out_s = "const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM = \n" out_i = "enum Z_offsets {\n" index = 0; # add a first empty string out_s += " \"\\x00\"\n" out_i += " Zo_ = " + str(index) + ",\n" index += 1 for s in strings_cleaned: out_s += " \"" + s + "\" \"\\x00\"\n" out_i += " Zo_" + s + " = " + str(index) + ",\n" index += len(s) + 1 # add one for null char out_s += " \"\\x00\";" out_i += "};" return ("", out_s, out_i) */ /* DO NOT EDIT */ const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM = "\x00" "00" "\x00" "00190200" "\x00" "00xx0A00" "\x00" "00xxxx000000000000" "\x00" "01" "\x00" "01190200" "\x00" "01xx0A00" "\x00" "01xxxx" "\x00" "01xxxx000000000000" "\x00" "01xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" "03xx0A00" "\x00" "03xxxx000000000000" "\x00" "03xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00" "AccelerationTimeLift" "\x00" "ActivePower" "\x00" "ActuatorEnabled" "\x00" "AddGroup" "\x00" "AddScene" "\x00" "AlarmCount" "\x00" "AnalogApplicationType" "\x00" "AnalogDescription" "\x00" "AnalogEngineeringUnits" "\x00" "AnalogInApplicationType" "\x00" "AnalogInDescription" "\x00" "AnalogInEngineeringUnits" "\x00" "AnalogInMaxValue" "\x00" "AnalogInMinValue" "\x00" "AnalogInOutOfService" "\x00" "AnalogInReliability" "\x00" "AnalogInResolution" "\x00" "AnalogInStatusFlags" "\x00" "AnalogOutApplicationType" "\x00" "AnalogOutDescription" "\x00" "AnalogOutEngineeringUnits" "\x00" "AnalogOutMaxValue" "\x00" "AnalogOutMinValue" "\x00" "AnalogOutOfService" "\x00" "AnalogOutOutOfService" "\x00" "AnalogOutReliability" "\x00" "AnalogOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "AnalogOutResolution" "\x00" "AnalogOutStatusFlags" "\x00" "AnalogOutValue" "\x00" "AnalogPriorityArray" "\x00" "AnalogReliability" "\x00" "AnalogRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "AnalogStatusFlags" "\x00" "AnalogValue" "\x00" "AppVersion" "\x00" "ApparentPower" "\x00" "AqaraAccelerometer" "\x00" "AqaraRotate" "\x00" "AqaraVibration505" "\x00" "AqaraVibrationMode" "\x00" "AqaraVibrationsOrAngle" "\x00" "Aqara_FF05" "\x00" "ArrowClick" "\x00" "ArrowHold" "\x00" "ArrowRelease" "\x00" "AvailablePower" "\x00" "BatteryPercentage" "\x00" "BatteryVoltage" "\x00" "BinaryActiveText" "\x00" "BinaryApplicationType" "\x00" "BinaryDescription" "\x00" "BinaryInActiveText" "\x00" "BinaryInApplicationType" "\x00" "BinaryInDescription" "\x00" "BinaryInInactiveText" "\x00" "BinaryInOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryInPolarity" "\x00" "BinaryInReliability" "\x00" "BinaryInStatusFlags" "\x00" "BinaryInValue" "\x00" "BinaryInactiveText" "\x00" "BinaryMinimumOffTime" "\x00" "BinaryMinimumOnTime" "\x00" "BinaryOutActiveText" "\x00" "BinaryOutApplicationType" "\x00" "BinaryOutDescription" "\x00" "BinaryOutInactiveText" "\x00" "BinaryOutMinimumOffTime" "\x00" "BinaryOutMinimumOnTime" "\x00" "BinaryOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryOutOutOfService" "\x00" "BinaryOutPolarity" "\x00" "BinaryOutReliability" "\x00" "BinaryOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "BinaryOutStatusFlags" "\x00" "BinaryOutValue" "\x00" "BinaryReliability" "\x00" "BinaryRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "BinaryStatusFlags" "\x00" "BinaryValue" "\x00" "CIE" "\x00" "CO" "\x00" "CT" "\x00" "CheckinInterval" "\x00" "CheckinIntervalMin" "\x00" "ClosedLimit" "\x00" "Color" "\x00" "ColorMode" "\x00" "ColorMove" "\x00" "ColorPointBIntensity" "\x00" "ColorPointBX" "\x00" "ColorPointBY" "\x00" "ColorPointGIntensity" "\x00" "ColorPointGX" "\x00" "ColorPointGY" "\x00" "ColorPointRIntensity" "\x00" "ColorPointRX" "\x00" "ColorPointRY" "\x00" "ColorStep" "\x00" "ColorTempMove" "\x00" "ColorTempMoveDown" "\x00" "ColorTempMoveStop" "\x00" "ColorTempMoveUp" "\x00" "ColorTempStep" "\x00" "ColorTempStepDown" "\x00" "ColorTempStepUp" "\x00" "CompanyName" "\x00" "CompensationText" "\x00" "ConfigStatus" "\x00" "Contact" "\x00" "ControlSequenceOfOperation" "\x00" "CurrentGroup" "\x00" "CurrentPositionLift" "\x00" "CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" "\x00" "CurrentPositionTilt" "\x00" "CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" "\x00" "CurrentScene" "\x00" "CurrentTemperature" "\x00" "CurrentTemperatureSetPoint" "\x00" "CustomerName" "\x00" "DataQualityID" "\x00" "DateCode" "\x00" "DecelerationTimeLift" "\x00" "Dimmer" "\x00" "DimmerDown" "\x00" "DimmerMove" "\x00" "DimmerOptions" "\x00" "DimmerRemainingTime" "\x00" "DimmerStep" "\x00" "DimmerStepDown" "\x00" "DimmerStepUp" "\x00" "DimmerStop" "\x00" "DimmerUp" "\x00" "DoorClosedEvents" "\x00" "DoorOpenEvents" "\x00" "DoorState" "\x00" "DriftCompensation" "\x00" "DstEnd" "\x00" "DstShift" "\x00" "DstStart" "\x00" "EnergyFormatting" "\x00" "EnergyRemote" "\x00" "EnergyTotal" "\x00" "EurotronicErrors" "\x00" "EurotronicHostFlags" "\x00" "FastPollTimeout" "\x00" "FastPollTimeoutMax" "\x00" "Fire" "\x00" "FlowMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" "FlowMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" "FlowRate" "\x00" "FlowTolerance" "\x00" "GenericDeviceClass" "\x00" "GenericDeviceType" "\x00" "GetAllGroups" "\x00" "GetGroup" "\x00" "GetSceneMembership" "\x00" "GlassBreak" "\x00" "GroupNameSupport" "\x00" "HWVersion" "\x00" "Hue" "\x00" "HueMove" "\x00" "HueSat" "\x00" "HueStep" "\x00" "HueStepDown" "\x00" "HueStepUp" "\x00" "Humidity" "\x00" "HumidityMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" "HumidityMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" "HumidityTolerance" "\x00" "Identify" "\x00" "IdentifyQuery" "\x00" "IdentifyTime" "\x00" "Illuminance" "\x00" "IlluminanceLevelStatus" "\x00" "IlluminanceLightSensorType" "\x00" "IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" "IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" "IlluminanceTargetLevel" "\x00" "IlluminanceTolerance" "\x00" "InstalledClosedLimitLift" "\x00" "InstalledClosedLimitTilt" "\x00" "InstalledOpenLimitLift" "\x00" "InstalledOpenLimitTilt" "\x00" "IntermediateSetpointsLift" "\x00" "IntermediateSetpointsTilt" "\x00" "LastMessageLQI" "\x00" "LastMessageRSSI" "\x00" "LastSetTime" "\x00" "LidlPower" "\x00" "LocalTemperature" "\x00" "LocalTemperatureCalibration" "\x00" "LocalTime" "\x00" "LocationAge" "\x00" "LocationMethod" "\x00" "LocationType" "\x00" "LockState" "\x00" "LockType" "\x00" "LongPollInterval" "\x00" "LongPollIntervalMin" "\x00" "MainsFrequency" "\x00" "MainsVoltage" "\x00" "Manufacturer" "\x00" "MaxTempExperienced" "\x00" "MeterTypeID" "\x00" "MinTempExperienced" "\x00" "Mode" "\x00" "Model" "\x00" "ModelId" "\x00" "MotorStepSize" "\x00" "Movement" "\x00" "MullerLightMode" "\x00" "MultiApplicationType" "\x00" "MultiDescription" "\x00" "MultiInApplicationType" "\x00" "MultiInDescription" "\x00" "MultiInNumberOfStates" "\x00" "MultiInOutOfService" "\x00" "MultiInReliability" "\x00" "MultiInStatusFlags" "\x00" "MultiInValue" "\x00" "MultiNumberOfStates" "\x00" "MultiOutApplicationType" "\x00" "MultiOutDescription" "\x00" "MultiOutNumberOfStates" "\x00" "MultiOutOfService" "\x00" "MultiOutOutOfService" "\x00" "MultiOutReliability" "\x00" "MultiOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "MultiOutStatusFlags" "\x00" "MultiOutValue" "\x00" "MultiReliability" "\x00" "MultiRelinquishDefault" "\x00" "MultiStatusFlags" "\x00" "MultiValue" "\x00" "MultipleScheduling" "\x00" "NumberOfDevices" "\x00" "NumberOfPrimaries" "\x00" "NumberOfResets" "\x00" "NumberofActuationsLift" "\x00" "NumberofActuationsTilt" "\x00" "Occupancy" "\x00" "OccupancySensorType" "\x00" "OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00" "OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00" "OnOffTransitionTime" "\x00" "OpenPeriod" "\x00" "OppleMode" "\x00" "OutdoorTemperature" "\x00" "OverTempTotalDwell" "\x00" "PICoolingDemand" "\x00" "PIHeatingDemand" "\x00" "POD" "\x00" "Panic" "\x00" "PartNumber" "\x00" "PersistentMemoryWrites" "\x00" "PersonalAlarm" "\x00" "PhysicalClosedLimit" "\x00" "PhysicalClosedLimitLift" "\x00" "PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" "\x00" "Power" "\x00" "Power2" "\x00" "Power3" "\x00" "Power4" "\x00" "PowerOffEffect" "\x00" "PowerOnRecall" "\x00" "PowerOnTimer" "\x00" "PowerSource" "\x00" "PowerThreshold" "\x00" "Pressure" "\x00" "PressureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" "PressureMaxScaledValue" "\x00" "PressureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" "PressureMinScaledValue" "\x00" "PressureScale" "\x00" "PressureScaledTolerance" "\x00" "PressureScaledValue" "\x00" "PressureTolerance" "\x00" "Primary1Intensity" "\x00" "Primary1X" "\x00" "Primary1Y" "\x00" "Primary2Intensity" "\x00" "Primary2X" "\x00" "Primary2Y" "\x00" "Primary3Intensity" "\x00" "Primary3X" "\x00" "Primary3Y" "\x00" "ProductCode" "\x00" "ProductRevision" "\x00" "ProductURL" "\x00" "QualityMeasure" "\x00" "RGB" "\x00" "RGBb" "\x00" "RMSCurrent" "\x00" "RMSVoltage" "\x00" "ReactivePower" "\x00" "RecallScene" "\x00" "RemainingTime" "\x00" "RemoteSensing" "\x00" "RemoveAllGroups" "\x00" "RemoveAllScenes" "\x00" "RemoveGroup" "\x00" "RemoveScene" "\x00" "ResetAlarm" "\x00" "ResetAllAlarms" "\x00" "SWBuildID" "\x00" "Sat" "\x00" "SatMove" "\x00" "SatStep" "\x00" "SceneCount" "\x00" "SceneValid" "\x00" "ScheduleMode" "\x00" "SeaPressure" "\x00" "ShortPollInterval" "\x00" "Shutter" "\x00" "ShutterClose" "\x00" "ShutterLift" "\x00" "ShutterOpen" "\x00" "ShutterStop" "\x00" "ShutterTilt" "\x00" "SoftwareRevision" "\x00" "StackVersion" "\x00" "StandardTime" "\x00" "StartUpOnOff" "\x00" "Status" "\x00" "StoreScene" "\x00" "SwitchType" "\x00" "SystemMode" "\x00" "TRVBoost" "\x00" "TRVChildProtection" "\x00" "TRVMirrorDisplay" "\x00" "TRVMode" "\x00" "TRVWindowOpen" "\x00" "TempTarget" "\x00" "Temperature" "\x00" "TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00" "TemperatureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00" "TemperatureTolerance" "\x00" "TerncyDuration" "\x00" "TerncyRotate" "\x00" "ThSetpoint" "\x00" "Time" "\x00" "TimeEpoch" "\x00" "TimeStatus" "\x00" "TimeZone" "\x00" "TotalProfileNum" "\x00" "TuyaAutoLock" "\x00" "TuyaAwayDays" "\x00" "TuyaAwayTemp" "\x00" "TuyaBattery" "\x00" "TuyaBoostTime" "\x00" "TuyaChildLock" "\x00" "TuyaComfortTemp" "\x00" "TuyaEcoTemp" "\x00" "TuyaFanMode" "\x00" "TuyaForceMode" "\x00" "TuyaMaxTemp" "\x00" "TuyaMinTemp" "\x00" "TuyaPreset" "\x00" "TuyaScheduleHolidays" "\x00" "TuyaScheduleWorkdays" "\x00" "TuyaTempTarget" "\x00" "TuyaValveDetection" "\x00" "TuyaValvePosition" "\x00" "TuyaWeekSelect" "\x00" "TuyaWindowDetection" "\x00" "UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00" "UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00" "UtilityName" "\x00" "ValidUntilTime" "\x00" "ValvePosition" "\x00" "VelocityLift" "\x00" "ViewGroup" "\x00" "ViewScene" "\x00" "Water" "\x00" "WhitePointX" "\x00" "WhitePointY" "\x00" "WindowCoveringType" "\x00" "X" "\x00" "Y" "\x00" "ZCLVersion" "\x00" "ZoneState" "\x00" "ZoneStatus" "\x00" "ZoneStatusChange" "\x00" "ZoneType" "\x00" "xx" "\x00" "xx000A00" "\x00" "xx0A" "\x00" "xx0A00" "\x00" "xx19" "\x00" "xx190A" "\x00" "xx190A00" "\x00" "xxxx" "\x00" "xxxx00" "\x00" "xxxx0A00" "\x00" "xxxxyy" "\x00" "xxxxyyyy" "\x00" "xxxxyyyy0A00" "\x00" "xxxxyyzz" "\x00" "xxyy" "\x00" "xxyy0A00" "\x00" "xxyyyy" "\x00" "xxyyyy000000000000" "\x00" "xxyyyy0A0000000000" "\x00" "xxyyyyzz" "\x00" "xxyyyyzzzz" "\x00" "xxyyzzzz" "\x00" ; enum Z_offsets { Zo_ = 0, Zo_00 = 1, Zo_00190200 = 4, Zo_00xx0A00 = 13, Zo_00xxxx000000000000 = 22, Zo_01 = 41, Zo_01190200 = 44, Zo_01xx0A00 = 53, Zo_01xxxx = 62, Zo_01xxxx000000000000 = 69, Zo_01xxxx0A0000000000 = 88, Zo_03xx0A00 = 107, Zo_03xxxx000000000000 = 116, Zo_03xxxx0A0000000000 = 135, Zo_AccelerationTimeLift = 154, Zo_ActivePower = 175, Zo_ActuatorEnabled = 187, Zo_AddGroup = 203, Zo_AddScene = 212, Zo_AlarmCount = 221, Zo_AnalogApplicationType = 232, Zo_AnalogDescription = 254, Zo_AnalogEngineeringUnits = 272, Zo_AnalogInApplicationType = 295, Zo_AnalogInDescription = 319, Zo_AnalogInEngineeringUnits = 339, Zo_AnalogInMaxValue = 364, Zo_AnalogInMinValue = 381, Zo_AnalogInOutOfService = 398, Zo_AnalogInReliability = 419, Zo_AnalogInResolution = 439, Zo_AnalogInStatusFlags = 458, Zo_AnalogOutApplicationType = 478, Zo_AnalogOutDescription = 503, Zo_AnalogOutEngineeringUnits = 524, Zo_AnalogOutMaxValue = 550, Zo_AnalogOutMinValue = 568, Zo_AnalogOutOfService = 586, Zo_AnalogOutOutOfService = 605, Zo_AnalogOutReliability = 627, Zo_AnalogOutRelinquishDefault = 648, Zo_AnalogOutResolution = 675, Zo_AnalogOutStatusFlags = 695, Zo_AnalogOutValue = 716, Zo_AnalogPriorityArray = 731, Zo_AnalogReliability = 751, Zo_AnalogRelinquishDefault = 769, Zo_AnalogStatusFlags = 793, Zo_AnalogValue = 811, Zo_AppVersion = 823, Zo_ApparentPower = 834, Zo_AqaraAccelerometer = 848, Zo_AqaraRotate = 867, Zo_AqaraVibration505 = 879, Zo_AqaraVibrationMode = 897, Zo_AqaraVibrationsOrAngle = 916, Zo_Aqara_FF05 = 939, Zo_ArrowClick = 950, Zo_ArrowHold = 961, Zo_ArrowRelease = 971, Zo_AvailablePower = 984, Zo_BatteryPercentage = 999, Zo_BatteryVoltage = 1017, Zo_BinaryActiveText = 1032, Zo_BinaryApplicationType = 1049, Zo_BinaryDescription = 1071, Zo_BinaryInActiveText = 1089, Zo_BinaryInApplicationType = 1108, Zo_BinaryInDescription = 1132, Zo_BinaryInInactiveText = 1152, Zo_BinaryInOutOfService = 1173, Zo_BinaryInPolarity = 1194, Zo_BinaryInReliability = 1211, Zo_BinaryInStatusFlags = 1231, Zo_BinaryInValue = 1251, Zo_BinaryInactiveText = 1265, Zo_BinaryMinimumOffTime = 1284, Zo_BinaryMinimumOnTime = 1305, Zo_BinaryOutActiveText = 1325, Zo_BinaryOutApplicationType = 1345, Zo_BinaryOutDescription = 1370, Zo_BinaryOutInactiveText = 1391, Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOffTime = 1413, Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOnTime = 1437, Zo_BinaryOutOfService = 1460, Zo_BinaryOutOutOfService = 1479, Zo_BinaryOutPolarity = 1501, Zo_BinaryOutReliability = 1519, Zo_BinaryOutRelinquishDefault = 1540, Zo_BinaryOutStatusFlags = 1567, Zo_BinaryOutValue = 1588, Zo_BinaryReliability = 1603, Zo_BinaryRelinquishDefault = 1621, Zo_BinaryStatusFlags = 1645, Zo_BinaryValue = 1663, Zo_CIE = 1675, Zo_CO = 1679, Zo_CT = 1682, Zo_CheckinInterval = 1685, Zo_CheckinIntervalMin = 1701, Zo_ClosedLimit = 1720, Zo_Color = 1732, Zo_ColorMode = 1738, Zo_ColorMove = 1748, Zo_ColorPointBIntensity = 1758, Zo_ColorPointBX = 1779, Zo_ColorPointBY = 1792, Zo_ColorPointGIntensity = 1805, Zo_ColorPointGX = 1826, Zo_ColorPointGY = 1839, Zo_ColorPointRIntensity = 1852, Zo_ColorPointRX = 1873, Zo_ColorPointRY = 1886, Zo_ColorStep = 1899, Zo_ColorTempMove = 1909, Zo_ColorTempMoveDown = 1923, Zo_ColorTempMoveStop = 1941, Zo_ColorTempMoveUp = 1959, Zo_ColorTempStep = 1975, Zo_ColorTempStepDown = 1989, Zo_ColorTempStepUp = 2007, Zo_CompanyName = 2023, Zo_CompensationText = 2035, Zo_ConfigStatus = 2052, Zo_Contact = 2065, Zo_ControlSequenceOfOperation = 2073, Zo_CurrentGroup = 2100, Zo_CurrentPositionLift = 2113, Zo_CurrentPositionLiftPercentage = 2133, Zo_CurrentPositionTilt = 2163, Zo_CurrentPositionTiltPercentage = 2183, Zo_CurrentScene = 2213, Zo_CurrentTemperature = 2226, Zo_CurrentTemperatureSetPoint = 2245, Zo_CustomerName = 2272, Zo_DataQualityID = 2285, Zo_DateCode = 2299, Zo_DecelerationTimeLift = 2308, Zo_Dimmer = 2329, Zo_DimmerDown = 2336, Zo_DimmerMove = 2347, Zo_DimmerOptions = 2358, Zo_DimmerRemainingTime = 2372, Zo_DimmerStep = 2392, Zo_DimmerStepDown = 2403, Zo_DimmerStepUp = 2418, Zo_DimmerStop = 2431, Zo_DimmerUp = 2442, Zo_DoorClosedEvents = 2451, Zo_DoorOpenEvents = 2468, Zo_DoorState = 2483, Zo_DriftCompensation = 2493, Zo_DstEnd = 2511, Zo_DstShift = 2518, Zo_DstStart = 2527, Zo_EnergyFormatting = 2536, Zo_EnergyRemote = 2553, Zo_EnergyTotal = 2566, Zo_EurotronicErrors = 2578, Zo_EurotronicHostFlags = 2595, Zo_FastPollTimeout = 2615, Zo_FastPollTimeoutMax = 2631, Zo_Fire = 2650, Zo_FlowMaxMeasuredValue = 2655, Zo_FlowMinMeasuredValue = 2676, Zo_FlowRate = 2697, Zo_FlowTolerance = 2706, Zo_GenericDeviceClass = 2720, Zo_GenericDeviceType = 2739, Zo_GetAllGroups = 2757, Zo_GetGroup = 2770, Zo_GetSceneMembership = 2779, Zo_GlassBreak = 2798, Zo_GroupNameSupport = 2809, Zo_HWVersion = 2826, Zo_Hue = 2836, Zo_HueMove = 2840, Zo_HueSat = 2848, Zo_HueStep = 2855, Zo_HueStepDown = 2863, Zo_HueStepUp = 2875, Zo_Humidity = 2885, Zo_HumidityMaxMeasuredValue = 2894, Zo_HumidityMinMeasuredValue = 2919, Zo_HumidityTolerance = 2944, Zo_Identify = 2962, Zo_IdentifyQuery = 2971, Zo_IdentifyTime = 2985, Zo_Illuminance = 2998, Zo_IlluminanceLevelStatus = 3010, Zo_IlluminanceLightSensorType = 3033, Zo_IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue = 3060, Zo_IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue = 3088, Zo_IlluminanceTargetLevel = 3116, Zo_IlluminanceTolerance = 3139, Zo_InstalledClosedLimitLift = 3160, Zo_InstalledClosedLimitTilt = 3185, Zo_InstalledOpenLimitLift = 3210, Zo_InstalledOpenLimitTilt = 3233, Zo_IntermediateSetpointsLift = 3256, Zo_IntermediateSetpointsTilt = 3282, Zo_LastMessageLQI = 3308, Zo_LastMessageRSSI = 3323, Zo_LastSetTime = 3339, Zo_LidlPower = 3351, Zo_LocalTemperature = 3361, Zo_LocalTemperatureCalibration = 3378, Zo_LocalTime = 3406, Zo_LocationAge = 3416, Zo_LocationMethod = 3428, Zo_LocationType = 3443, Zo_LockState = 3456, Zo_LockType = 3466, Zo_LongPollInterval = 3475, Zo_LongPollIntervalMin = 3492, Zo_MainsFrequency = 3512, Zo_MainsVoltage = 3527, Zo_Manufacturer = 3540, Zo_MaxTempExperienced = 3553, Zo_MeterTypeID = 3572, Zo_MinTempExperienced = 3584, Zo_Mode = 3603, Zo_Model = 3608, Zo_ModelId = 3614, Zo_MotorStepSize = 3622, Zo_Movement = 3636, Zo_MullerLightMode = 3645, Zo_MultiApplicationType = 3661, Zo_MultiDescription = 3682, Zo_MultiInApplicationType = 3699, Zo_MultiInDescription = 3722, Zo_MultiInNumberOfStates = 3741, Zo_MultiInOutOfService = 3763, Zo_MultiInReliability = 3783, Zo_MultiInStatusFlags = 3802, Zo_MultiInValue = 3821, Zo_MultiNumberOfStates = 3834, Zo_MultiOutApplicationType = 3854, Zo_MultiOutDescription = 3878, Zo_MultiOutNumberOfStates = 3898, Zo_MultiOutOfService = 3921, Zo_MultiOutOutOfService = 3939, Zo_MultiOutReliability = 3960, Zo_MultiOutRelinquishDefault = 3980, Zo_MultiOutStatusFlags = 4006, Zo_MultiOutValue = 4026, Zo_MultiReliability = 4040, Zo_MultiRelinquishDefault = 4057, Zo_MultiStatusFlags = 4080, Zo_MultiValue = 4097, Zo_MultipleScheduling = 4108, Zo_NumberOfDevices = 4127, Zo_NumberOfPrimaries = 4143, Zo_NumberOfResets = 4161, Zo_NumberofActuationsLift = 4176, Zo_NumberofActuationsTilt = 4199, Zo_Occupancy = 4222, Zo_OccupancySensorType = 4232, Zo_OccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 4252, Zo_OccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 4276, Zo_OnOffTransitionTime = 4300, Zo_OpenPeriod = 4320, Zo_OppleMode = 4331, Zo_OutdoorTemperature = 4341, Zo_OverTempTotalDwell = 4360, Zo_PICoolingDemand = 4379, Zo_PIHeatingDemand = 4395, Zo_POD = 4411, Zo_Panic = 4415, Zo_PartNumber = 4421, Zo_PersistentMemoryWrites = 4432, Zo_PersonalAlarm = 4455, Zo_PhysicalClosedLimit = 4469, Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitLift = 4489, Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitTilt = 4513, Zo_Power = 4537, Zo_Power2 = 4543, Zo_Power3 = 4550, Zo_Power4 = 4557, Zo_PowerOffEffect = 4564, Zo_PowerOnRecall = 4579, Zo_PowerOnTimer = 4593, Zo_PowerSource = 4606, Zo_PowerThreshold = 4618, Zo_Pressure = 4633, Zo_PressureMaxMeasuredValue = 4642, Zo_PressureMaxScaledValue = 4667, Zo_PressureMinMeasuredValue = 4690, Zo_PressureMinScaledValue = 4715, Zo_PressureScale = 4738, Zo_PressureScaledTolerance = 4752, Zo_PressureScaledValue = 4776, Zo_PressureTolerance = 4796, Zo_Primary1Intensity = 4814, Zo_Primary1X = 4832, Zo_Primary1Y = 4842, Zo_Primary2Intensity = 4852, Zo_Primary2X = 4870, Zo_Primary2Y = 4880, Zo_Primary3Intensity = 4890, Zo_Primary3X = 4908, Zo_Primary3Y = 4918, Zo_ProductCode = 4928, Zo_ProductRevision = 4940, Zo_ProductURL = 4956, Zo_QualityMeasure = 4967, Zo_RGB = 4982, Zo_RGBb = 4986, Zo_RMSCurrent = 4991, Zo_RMSVoltage = 5002, Zo_ReactivePower = 5013, Zo_RecallScene = 5027, Zo_RemainingTime = 5039, Zo_RemoteSensing = 5053, Zo_RemoveAllGroups = 5067, Zo_RemoveAllScenes = 5083, Zo_RemoveGroup = 5099, Zo_RemoveScene = 5111, Zo_ResetAlarm = 5123, Zo_ResetAllAlarms = 5134, Zo_SWBuildID = 5149, Zo_Sat = 5159, Zo_SatMove = 5163, Zo_SatStep = 5171, Zo_SceneCount = 5179, Zo_SceneValid = 5190, Zo_ScheduleMode = 5201, Zo_SeaPressure = 5214, Zo_ShortPollInterval = 5226, Zo_Shutter = 5244, Zo_ShutterClose = 5252, Zo_ShutterLift = 5265, Zo_ShutterOpen = 5277, Zo_ShutterStop = 5289, Zo_ShutterTilt = 5301, Zo_SoftwareRevision = 5313, Zo_StackVersion = 5330, Zo_StandardTime = 5343, Zo_StartUpOnOff = 5356, Zo_Status = 5369, Zo_StoreScene = 5376, Zo_SwitchType = 5387, Zo_SystemMode = 5398, Zo_TRVBoost = 5409, Zo_TRVChildProtection = 5418, Zo_TRVMirrorDisplay = 5437, Zo_TRVMode = 5454, Zo_TRVWindowOpen = 5462, Zo_TempTarget = 5476, Zo_Temperature = 5487, Zo_TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue = 5499, Zo_TemperatureMinMeasuredValue = 5527, Zo_TemperatureTolerance = 5555, Zo_TerncyDuration = 5576, Zo_TerncyRotate = 5591, Zo_ThSetpoint = 5604, Zo_Time = 5615, Zo_TimeEpoch = 5620, Zo_TimeStatus = 5630, Zo_TimeZone = 5641, Zo_TotalProfileNum = 5650, Zo_TuyaAutoLock = 5666, Zo_TuyaAwayDays = 5679, Zo_TuyaAwayTemp = 5692, Zo_TuyaBattery = 5705, Zo_TuyaBoostTime = 5717, Zo_TuyaChildLock = 5731, Zo_TuyaComfortTemp = 5745, Zo_TuyaEcoTemp = 5761, Zo_TuyaFanMode = 5773, Zo_TuyaForceMode = 5785, Zo_TuyaMaxTemp = 5799, Zo_TuyaMinTemp = 5811, Zo_TuyaPreset = 5823, Zo_TuyaScheduleHolidays = 5834, Zo_TuyaScheduleWorkdays = 5855, Zo_TuyaTempTarget = 5876, Zo_TuyaValveDetection = 5891, Zo_TuyaValvePosition = 5910, Zo_TuyaWeekSelect = 5928, Zo_TuyaWindowDetection = 5943, Zo_UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 5963, Zo_UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 5989, Zo_UtilityName = 6015, Zo_ValidUntilTime = 6027, Zo_ValvePosition = 6042, Zo_VelocityLift = 6056, Zo_ViewGroup = 6069, Zo_ViewScene = 6079, Zo_Water = 6089, Zo_WhitePointX = 6095, Zo_WhitePointY = 6107, Zo_WindowCoveringType = 6119, Zo_X = 6138, Zo_Y = 6140, Zo_ZCLVersion = 6142, Zo_ZoneState = 6153, Zo_ZoneStatus = 6163, Zo_ZoneStatusChange = 6174, Zo_ZoneType = 6191, Zo_xx = 6200, Zo_xx000A00 = 6203, Zo_xx0A = 6212, Zo_xx0A00 = 6217, Zo_xx19 = 6224, Zo_xx190A = 6229, Zo_xx190A00 = 6236, Zo_xxxx = 6245, Zo_xxxx00 = 6250, Zo_xxxx0A00 = 6257, Zo_xxxxyy = 6266, Zo_xxxxyyyy = 6273, Zo_xxxxyyyy0A00 = 6282, Zo_xxxxyyzz = 6295, Zo_xxyy = 6304, Zo_xxyy0A00 = 6309, Zo_xxyyyy = 6318, Zo_xxyyyy000000000000 = 6325, Zo_xxyyyy0A0000000000 = 6344, Zo_xxyyyyzz = 6363, Zo_xxyyyyzzzz = 6372, Zo_xxyyzzzz = 6383, }; /* DO NOT EDIT */ #endif // USE_ZIGBEE