  xdrv_23_zigbee_converters.ino - zigbee support for Sonoff-Tasmota

  Copyright (C) 2019  Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger

  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


 * ZCL

typedef union ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t {
  struct {
    uint8_t frame_type : 2;           // 00 = across entire profile, 01 = cluster specific
    uint8_t manuf_specific : 1;       // Manufacturer Specific Sub-field
    uint8_t direction : 1;            // 0 = tasmota to zigbee, 1 = zigbee to tasmota
    uint8_t disable_def_resp : 1;     // don't send back default response
    uint8_t reserved : 3;
  } b;
  uint32_t d8;                         // raw 8 bits field
} ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t;

class ZCLFrame {

  ZCLFrame(uint8_t frame_control, uint16_t manuf_code, uint8_t transact_seq, uint8_t cmd_id,
    const char *buf, size_t buf_len, uint16_t clusterid = 0, uint16_t groupid = 0):
    _cmd_id(cmd_id), _manuf_code(manuf_code), _transact_seq(transact_seq),
    _payload(buf_len ? buf_len : 250),      // allocate the data frame from source or preallocate big enough
    _cluster_id(clusterid), _group_id(groupid)
      _frame_control.d8 = frame_control;
      _payload.addBuffer(buf, buf_len);

  void publishMQTTReceived(uint16_t groupid, uint16_t clusterid, Z_ShortAddress srcaddr,
                           uint8_t srcendpoint, uint8_t dstendpoint, uint8_t wasbroadcast,
                           uint8_t linkquality, uint8_t securityuse, uint8_t seqnumber,
                           uint32_t timestamp) {
    char hex_char[_payload.len()*2+2];
		ToHex_P((unsigned char*)_payload.getBuffer(), _payload.len(), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char));
    Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEEZCL_RECEIVED "\":{"
                    "\"groupid\":%d," "\"clusterid\":%d," "\"srcaddr\":\"0x%04X\","
                    "\"srcendpoint\":%d," "\"dstendpoint\":%d," "\"wasbroadcast\":%d,"
                    "\"linkquality\":%d," "\"securityuse\":%d," "\"seqnumber\":%d,"
                    groupid, clusterid, srcaddr,
                    srcendpoint, dstendpoint, wasbroadcast,
                    linkquality, securityuse, seqnumber,
                    _frame_control, _manuf_code, _transact_seq, _cmd_id,

    ResponseJsonEnd();      // append '}'
    ResponseJsonEnd();      // append '}'

  static ZCLFrame parseRawFrame(const SBuffer &buf, uint8_t offset, uint8_t len, uint16_t clusterid, uint16_t groupid) { // parse a raw frame and build the ZCL frame object
    uint32_t i = offset;
    ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t frame_control;
    uint16_t manuf_code = 0;
    uint8_t transact_seq;
    uint8_t cmd_id;

    frame_control.d8 = buf.get8(i++);
    if (frame_control.b.manuf_specific) {
      manuf_code = buf.get16(i);
      i += 2;
    transact_seq = buf.get8(i++);
    cmd_id = buf.get8(i++);
    ZCLFrame zcl_frame(frame_control.d8, manuf_code, transact_seq, cmd_id,
                       (const char *)(buf.buf() + i), len + offset - i,
                       clusterid, groupid);
    return zcl_frame;

  bool isClusterSpecificCommand(void) {
    return _frame_control.b.frame_type & 1;

  void parseRawAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
  void parseReadAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
  void parseClusterSpecificCommand(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset = 0);
  void postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json);

  inline void setGroupId(uint16_t groupid) {
    _group_id = groupid;

  inline void setClusterId(uint16_t clusterid) {
    _cluster_id = clusterid;

  inline uint8_t getCmdId(void) const {
    return _cmd_id;

  inline uint16_t getClusterId(void) const {
    return _cluster_id;

  const SBuffer &getPayload(void) const {
    return _payload;

  ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t _frame_control = { .d8 = 0 };
  uint16_t                _manuf_code = 0;      // optional
  uint8_t                 _transact_seq = 0;    // transaction sequence number
  uint8_t                 _cmd_id = 0;
  uint16_t                _cluster_id = 0;
  uint16_t                _group_id = 0;
  SBuffer                 _payload;

// Zigbee ZCL converters

// from https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-shepherd-converters/blob/638d29f0cace6343052b9a4e7fd60980fa785479/converters/fromZigbee.js#L55
// Input voltage in mV, i.e. 3000 = 3.000V
// Output percentage from 0 to 100 as int
uint8_t toPercentageCR2032(uint32_t voltage) {
  uint32_t percentage;
  if (voltage < 2100) {
      percentage = 0;
  } else if (voltage < 2440) {
      percentage = 6 - ((2440 - voltage) * 6) / 340;
  } else if (voltage < 2740) {
      percentage = 18 - ((2740 - voltage) * 12) / 300;
  } else if (voltage < 2900) {
      percentage = 42 - ((2900 - voltage) * 24) / 160;
  } else if (voltage < 3000) {
      percentage = 100 - ((3000 - voltage) * 58) / 100;
  } else if (voltage >= 3000) {
      percentage = 100;
  return percentage;

uint32_t parseSingleAttribute(JsonObject& json, char *attrid_str, class SBuffer &buf,
                              uint32_t offset, uint32_t len) {

  uint32_t i = offset;
  uint32_t attrtype = buf.get8(i++);

  // fallback - enter a null value
  json[attrid_str] = (char*) nullptr;

  // now parse accordingly to attr type
  switch (attrtype) {
    case 0x00:      // nodata
    case 0xFF:      // unk
    case 0x10:      // bool
        uint8_t val_bool = buf.get8(i++);
        if (0xFF != val_bool) {
          json[attrid_str] = (bool) (val_bool ? true : false);
    case 0x20:      // uint8
        uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
        i += 1;
        if (0xFF != uint8_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = uint8_val;
    case 0x21:      // uint16
        uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
        i += 2;
        if (0xFFFF != uint16_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = uint16_val;
    case 0x23:      // uint32
        uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
        i += 4;
        if (0xFFFFFFFF != uint32_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = uint32_val;
    // Note: uint40, uint48, uint56, uint64 are not used in ZCL, so they are not implemented (yet)
    case 0x24:    // int40
    case 0x25:    // int48
    case 0x26:    // int56
    case 0x27:    // int64
      i += attrtype - 0x1F;   // 5 - 8;
    case 0x28:      // uint8
        int8_t int8_val = buf.get8(i);
        i += 1;
        if (0x80 != int8_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = int8_val;
    case 0x29:      // uint16
        int16_t int16_val = buf.get16(i);
        i += 2;
        if (0x8000 != int16_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = int16_val;
    case 0x2B:      // uint16
        int32_t int32_val = buf.get32(i);
        i += 4;
        if (0x80000000 != int32_val) {
          json[attrid_str] = int32_val;
    // Note: int40, int48, int56, int64 are not used in ZCL, so they are not implemented (yet)
    case 0x2C:    // int40
    case 0x2D:    // int48
    case 0x2E:    // int56
    case 0x2F:    // int64
      i += attrtype - 0x27;   // 5 - 8;

    case 0x41:      // octet string, 1 byte len
    case 0x42:      // char string, 1 byte len
    case 0x43:      // octet string, 2 bytes len
    case 0x44:      // char string, 2 bytes len
      // For strings, default is to try to do a real string, but reverts to octet stream if null char is present or on some exceptions
        bool parse_as_string = true;
        uint32_t len = (attrtype <= 0x42) ? buf.get8(i) : buf.get16(i);    // len is 8 or 16 bits
        i += (attrtype <= 0x42) ? 1 : 2;                                   // increment pointer

        // check if we can safely use a string
        if ((0x41 == attrtype) || (0x43 == attrtype)) { parse_as_string = false; }
        else {
          for (uint32_t j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            if (0x00 == buf.get8(i+j)) {
              parse_as_string = false;

        if (parse_as_string) {
          char str[len+1];
          strncpy(str, buf.charptr(i), len);
          str[len] = 0x00;
          json[attrid_str] = str;
        } else {
          // print as HEX
          char hex[2*len+1];
          ToHex_P(buf.buf(i), len, hex, sizeof(hex));
          json[attrid_str] = hex;

        i += len;
      i += buf.get8(i) + 1;

    case 0x08:      // data8
    case 0x18:      // map8
        uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
        i += 1;
        json[attrid_str] = uint8_val;
    case 0x09:      // data16
    case 0x19:      // map16
        uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
        i += 2;
        json[attrid_str] = uint16_val;
    case 0x0B:      // data32
    case 0x1B:      // map32
        uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
        i += 4;
        json[attrid_str] = uint32_val;
    // enum
    case 0x30:      // enum8
    case 0x31:      // enum16
      i += attrtype - 0x2F;

    // TODO
    case 0x39:      // float
      i += 4;

    case 0xE0:      // ToD
    case 0xE1:      // date
    case 0xE2:      // UTC
      i += 4;

    case 0xE8:      // clusterId
    case 0xE9:      // attribId
      i += 2;
    case 0xEA:      // bacOID
      i += 4;

    case 0xF0:      // EUI64
      i += 8;
    case 0xF1:      // key128
      i += 16;

    // Other un-implemented data types
    case 0x0A:      // data24
    case 0x0C:      // data40
    case 0x0D:      // data48
    case 0x0E:      // data56
    case 0x0F:      // data64
      i += attrtype - 0x07;   // 2-8
    // map<x>
    case 0x1A:      // map24
    case 0x1C:      // map40
    case 0x1D:      // map48
    case 0x1E:      // map56
    case 0x1F:      // map64
      i += attrtype - 0x17;
    // semi
    case 0x38:      // semi (float on 2 bytes)
      i += 2;
    case 0x3A:      // double precision
      i += 8;

  // String pp;    // pretty print
  // json[attrid_str].prettyPrintTo(pp);
  // // now store the attribute
  // AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("ZIG: ZCL attribute decoded, id %s, type 0x%02X, val=%s"),
  //                                attrid_str, attrtype, pp.c_str());
  return i - offset;    // how much have we increased the index

// First pass, parse all attributes in their native format
void ZCLFrame::parseRawAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
  uint32_t i = offset;
  uint32_t len = _payload.len();

  while (len - i >= 3) {
    uint16_t attrid = _payload.get16(i);
    i += 2;

    char key[16];
    snprintf_P(key, sizeof(key), PSTR("%04X_%02X_%04X"),
                _cluster_id, _cmd_id, attrid);

    // exception for Xiaomi lumi.weather - specific field to be treated as octet and not char
    if ((0x0000 == _cluster_id) && (0xFF01 == attrid)) {
      if (0x42 == _payload.get8(i)) {
        _payload.set8(i, 0x41);   // change type from 0x42 to 0x41
    i += parseSingleAttribute(json, key, _payload, i, len);

void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributes(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
  uint32_t i = offset;
  uint32_t len = _payload.len();

  while (len - i >= 4) {
    uint16_t attrid = _payload.get16(i);
    i += 2;
    uint8_t status = _payload.get8(i++);

    if (0 == status) {
      char key[16];
      snprintf_P(key, sizeof(key), PSTR("%04X_%02X_%04X"),
                  _cluster_id, _cmd_id, attrid);

      i += parseSingleAttribute(json, key, _payload, i, len);

// Parse non-normalized attributes
// The key is "s_" followed by 16 bits clusterId, "_" followed by 8 bits command id
void ZCLFrame::parseClusterSpecificCommand(JsonObject& json, uint8_t offset) {
  uint32_t i = offset;
  uint32_t len = _payload.len();

  char attrid_str[12];
  snprintf_P(attrid_str, sizeof(attrid_str), PSTR("%04X!%02X"), _cmd_id, _cluster_id);

  char hex_char[_payload.len()*2+2];
  ToHex_P((unsigned char*)_payload.getBuffer(), _payload.len(), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char));

  json[attrid_str] = hex_char;

// return value:
// 0 = keep initial value
// 1 = remove initial value
typedef int32_t (*Z_AttrConverter)(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param);
typedef struct Z_AttributeConverter {
  const char * filter;
  const char * name;
  Z_AttrConverter func;
  void * param;
} Z_AttributeConverter;

const float Z_100 PROGMEM = 100.0f;
const float Z_10  PROGMEM =  10.0f;

// list of post-processing directives
const Z_AttributeConverter Z_PostProcess[] = {
  { "0000_0?_0004",  nullptr,                &Z_ManufKeep,           nullptr },    // record Manufacturer
  { "0000_0?_0005",  nullptr,                &Z_ModelKeep,           nullptr },    // record Model

  { "0000_0?_0000",  "ZCLVersion",           &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0001",  "AppVersion",           &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0002",  "StackVersion",         &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0003",  "HWVersion",            &Z_Copy,                nullptr }, 
  { "0000_0?_0004",  "Manufacturer",         &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0005",  D_JSON_MODEL D_JSON_ID, &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0006",  "DateCode",             &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_0007",  "PowerSource",          &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_4000",  "SWBuildID",            &Z_Copy,                nullptr },
  { "0000_0?_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // Remove all other values

  { "0400_0A_0000",  D_JSON_ILLUMINANCE,     &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // Illuminance (in Lux)
  { "0400_0A_0004",  "LightSensorType",      &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // LightSensorType
  { "0400_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // Remove all other values

  { "0401_0A_0000",  "LevelStatus",          &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // Illuminance (in Lux)
  { "0401_0A_0001",  "LightSensorType",      &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // LightSensorType
  { "0401_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // Remove all other values

  { "0402_0A_0000",  D_JSON_TEMPERATURE,     &Z_ConvFloatDivider,    (void*) &Z_100 },   // Temperature
  { "0402_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },     // Remove all other values

  { "0403_0A_0000",  D_JSON_PRESSURE_UNIT,   &Z_Const_Keep,          (void*) D_UNIT_PRESSURE},     // Pressure Unit
  { "0403_0A_0000",  D_JSON_PRESSURE,        &Z_Copy,                nullptr },     // Pressure
  { "0403_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },     // Remove all other Pressure values

  { "0404_0A_0000",  D_JSON_FLOWRATE,        &Z_ConvFloatDivider,    (void*) &Z_10 },    // Flow (in m3/h)
  { "0404_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // Remove all other values

  { "0405_0A_0000",  D_JSON_HUMIDITY,        &Z_ConvFloatDivider,    (void*) &Z_100 },   // Humidity
  { "0405_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },     // Remove all other values

  { "0406_0A_0000",  "Occupancy",            &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // Occupancy (map8)
  { "0406_0A_0001",  "OccupancySensorType",  &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // OccupancySensorType
  { "0406_0A_????",  nullptr,                &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // Remove all other values

  // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0000, attribute 0xFF01 - proprietary
  { "0000_0A_FF01",  nullptr,                &Z_AqaraSensor,         nullptr },    // Occupancy (map8)
  // // 0x0b04 Electrical Measurement
  // { "0B04_0100",  "DCVoltage",            &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // 
  // { "0B04_0001",  "OccupancySensorType",  &Z_Copy,                nullptr },    // 
  // { "0B04_????",  "",                     &Z_Remove,              nullptr },    // 

// ======================================================================
// Record Manuf
int32_t Z_ManufKeep(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  zigbee_devices.setManufId(shortaddr, value.as<const char*>());
  return 0;   // keep original key
int32_t Z_ModelKeep(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  zigbee_devices.setModelId(shortaddr, value.as<const char*>());
  return 0;   // keep original key

// ======================================================================
// Remove attribute
int32_t Z_Remove(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  return 1;   // remove original key

// Copy value as-is
int32_t Z_Copy(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  json[new_name] = value;
  return 1;   // remove original key

// Copy value as-is
int32_t Z_Const_Keep(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  json[new_name] = (char*)param;
  return 0;   // keep original key

// Convert int to float with divider
int32_t Z_ConvFloatDivider(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  float f_value = value;
  float *divider = (float*) param;
  json[new_name] = f_value / *divider;
  return 1;   // remove original key

int32_t Z_AqaraSensor(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json, const char *name, JsonVariant& value, const char *new_name, void * param) {
  String hex = value;
  SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
  uint32_t i = 0;
  uint32_t len = buf2.len();
  char tmp[] = "tmp";   // for obscure reasons, it must be converted from const char* to char*, otherwise ArduinoJson gets confused

  JsonVariant sub_value;

  while (len - i >= 2) {
    uint8_t attrid = buf2.get8(i++);

    i += parseSingleAttribute(json, tmp, buf2, i, len);
    float val = json[tmp];
    if (0x64 == attrid) {
      json[F(D_JSON_TEMPERATURE)] = val / 100.0f;
    } else if (0x65 == attrid) {
      json[F(D_JSON_HUMIDITY)] = val / 100.0f;
    } else if (0x66 == attrid) {
      json[F(D_JSON_PRESSURE)] = val / 100.0f;
      json[F(D_JSON_PRESSURE_UNIT)] = F(D_UNIT_PRESSURE);   // hPa
    } else if (0x01 == attrid) {
      json[F(D_JSON_VOLTAGE)] = val / 1000.0f;
      json[F("Battery")] = toPercentageCR2032(val);
  return 1;   // remove original key
// ======================================================================

// #define ZCL_MODELID         "A_0000_0005"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0000, attribute 0x05
// #define ZCL_TEMPERATURE     "A_0402_0000"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0402, attribute 0x00
// #define ZCL_PRESSURE        "A_0403_0000"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0403, attribute 0x00
// #define ZCL_PRESSURE_SCALED "A_0403_0010"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0403, attribute 0x10
// #define ZCL_PRESSURE_SCALE  "A_0403_0014"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0403, attribute 0x14
// #define ZCL_HUMIDITY        "A_0405_0000"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0403, attribute 0x00
// #define ZCL_LUMI_WEATHER    "A_0000_FF01"     // Cmd 0x0A - Cluster 0x0000, attribute 0xFF01 - proprietary

// Cluster Specific commands
#define ZCL_OO_OFF          "s_0006_00"       // Cluster 0x0006, cmd 0x00 - On/Off - Off
#define ZCL_OO_ON           "s_0006_01"       // Cluster 0x0006, cmd 0x01 - On/Off - On
#define ZCL_COLORTEMP_MOVE  "s_0300_0A"       // Cluster 0x0300, cmd 0x0A, Move to Color Temp
#define ZCL_LC_MOVE         "s_0008_00"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x00, Level Control Move to Level
#define ZCL_LC_MOVE_1       "s_0008_01"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x01, Level Control Move
#define ZCL_LC_STEP         "s_0008_02"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x02, Level Control Step
#define ZCL_LC_STOP         "s_0008_03"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x03, Level Control Stop
#define ZCL_LC_MOVE_WOO     "s_0008_04"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x04, Level Control Move to Level, with On/Off
#define ZCL_LC_MOVE_1_WOO   "s_0008_05"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x05, Level Control Move, with On/Off
#define ZCL_LC_STEP_WOO     "s_0008_06"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x05, Level Control Step, with On/Off
#define ZCL_LC_STOP_WOO     "s_0008_07"       // Cluster 0x0008, cmd 0x07, Level Control Stop

// inspired from https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/lib/glob.c
bool mini_glob_match(char const *pat, char const *str) {
	for (;;) {
		unsigned char c = *str++;
		unsigned char d = *pat++;

		switch (d) {
		case '?':	/* Wildcard: anything but nul */
			if (c == '\0')
				return false;
		case '\\':
			d = *pat++;
		default:	/* Literal character */
			if (c == d) {
				if (d == '\0')
					return true;
			return false;	/* No point continuing */

void ZCLFrame::postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, JsonObject& json) {
  // iterate on json elements
  for (auto kv : json) {
    String key = kv.key;
    JsonVariant& value = kv.value;

    // Iterate on filter
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Z_PostProcess) / sizeof(Z_PostProcess[0]); i++) {
      const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];

      if (mini_glob_match(converter->filter, key.c_str())) {
        int32_t drop = (*converter->func)(shortaddr, json, key.c_str(), value, converter->name, converter->param);
        if (drop) {


//void ZCLFrame::postProcessAttributes2(JsonObject& json) {
// void postProcessAttributes2(JsonObject& json) {
//   const __FlashStringHelper *key;
//   // Osram Mini Switch
//   key = F(ZCL_OO_OFF);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("Off");
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_OO_ON);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("On");
//   }
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint16_t color_temp = buf2.get16(0);
//     uint16_t transition_time = buf2.get16(2);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("ColorTemp")] = color_temp;
//     json[F("TransitionTime")] = transition_time / 10.0f;
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_MOVE_WOO);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t level = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint16_t transition_time = buf2.get16(1);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Dimmer")] = changeUIntScale(level, 0, 255, 0, 100);  // change to percentage
//     json[F("TransitionTime")] = transition_time / 10.0f;
//     if (0 == level) {
//       json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("Off");
//     } else {
//       json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("On");
//     }
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_MOVE);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t level = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint16_t transition_time = buf2.get16(1);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Dimmer")] = changeUIntScale(level, 0, 255, 0, 100);  // change to percentage
//     json[F("TransitionTime")] = transition_time / 10.0f;
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_MOVE_1);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t move_mode = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint8_t move_rate = buf2.get8(1);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Move")] = move_mode ? F("Down") : F("Up");
//     json[F("Rate")] = move_rate;
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_MOVE_1_WOO);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t move_mode = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint8_t move_rate = buf2.get8(1);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Move")] = move_mode ? F("Down") : F("Up");
//     json[F("Rate")] = move_rate;
//     if (0 == move_mode) {
//       json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("On");
//     }
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_STEP);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t step_mode = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint8_t step_size = buf2.get8(1);
//     uint16_t transition_time = buf2.get16(2);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Step")] = step_mode ? F("Down") : F("Up");
//     json[F("StepSize")] = step_size;
//     json[F("TransitionTime")] = transition_time / 10.0f;
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_STEP_WOO);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     uint8_t step_mode = buf2.get8(0);
//     uint8_t step_size = buf2.get8(1);
//     uint16_t transition_time = buf2.get16(2);
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Step")] = step_mode ? F("Down") : F("Up");
//     json[F("StepSize")] = step_size;
//     json[F("TransitionTime")] = transition_time / 10.0f;
//     if (0 == step_mode) {
//       json[F(D_CMND_POWER)] = F("On");
//     }
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_STOP);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Stop")] = 1;
//   }
//   key = F(ZCL_LC_STOP_WOO);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     json.remove(key);
//     json[F("Stop")] = 1;
//   }
//   // Lumi.weather proprietary field
//   key = F(ZCL_LUMI_WEATHER);
//   if (json.containsKey(key)) {
//     String hex = json[key];
//     SBuffer buf2 = SBuffer::SBufferFromHex(hex.c_str(), hex.length());
//     DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
//     JsonObject& json_lumi = jsonBuffer.createObject();
//     uint32_t i = 0;
//     uint32_t len = buf2.len();
//     char shortaddr[8];
//     while (len - i >= 2) {
//       uint8_t attrid = buf2.get8(i++);
//       snprintf_P(shortaddr, sizeof(shortaddr), PSTR("0x%02X"), attrid);
//       //json[shortaddr] = parseSingleAttribute(json_lumi, buf2, i, len, nullptr, 0);
//     }
//     // parse output
//     if (json_lumi.containsKey("0x64")) {    // Temperature
//       int32_t temperature = json_lumi["0x64"];
//       json[F(D_JSON_TEMPERATURE)] = temperature / 100.0f;
//     }
//     if (json_lumi.containsKey("0x65")) {    // Humidity
//       uint32_t humidity = json_lumi["0x65"];
//       json[F(D_JSON_HUMIDITY)] = humidity / 100.0f;
//     }
//     if (json_lumi.containsKey("0x66")) {    // Pressure
//       int32_t pressure = json_lumi["0x66"];
//       json[F(D_JSON_PRESSURE)] = pressure / 100.0f;
//       json[F(D_JSON_PRESSURE_UNIT)] = F(D_UNIT_PRESSURE);   // hPa
//     }
//     if (json_lumi.containsKey("0x01")) {    // Battery Voltage
//       uint32_t voltage = json_lumi["0x01"];
//       json[F(D_JSON_VOLTAGE)] = voltage / 1000.0f;
//       json[F("Battery")] = toPercentageCR2032(voltage);
//     }
//     json.remove(key);
//   }
// }

#endif // USE_ZIGBEE