// Copyright 2019 David Conran /// @file /// @brief Support for Neoclima protocols. /// Analysis by crankyoldgit & AndreyShpilevoy /// @see https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/issues/764 /// @see https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kjYk4zS9NQcMQhFkak-L4mp4UuaAIesW/view // Supports: // Brand: Neoclima, Model: NS-09AHTI A/C // Brand: Neoclima, Model: ZH/TY-01 remote // Brand: Soleus Air, Model: TTWM1-10-01 A/C // Brand: Soleus Air, Model: ZCF/TL-05 remote #ifndef IR_NEOCLIMA_H_ #define IR_NEOCLIMA_H_ #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #ifndef UNIT_TEST #include #endif #include "IRremoteESP8266.h" #include "IRsend.h" #ifdef UNIT_TEST #include "IRsend_test.h" #endif /// Native representation of a Neoclima A/C message. union NeoclimaProtocol { uint8_t raw[kNeoclimaStateLength]; ///< State of the remote in code. struct { // Byte 0 uint8_t :8; // Byte 1 uint8_t :1; uint8_t CHeat :1; uint8_t Ion :1; uint8_t :5; // Byte 2 uint8_t :8; // Byte 3 uint8_t Light :1; uint8_t :1; uint8_t Hold :1; uint8_t Turbo :1; uint8_t Econo :1; uint8_t :1; uint8_t Eye :1; uint8_t :1; // Byte 4 uint8_t :8; // Byte 5 uint8_t Button :5; uint8_t :2; uint8_t Fresh :1; // Byte 6 uint8_t :8; // Byte 7 uint8_t Sleep :1; uint8_t Power :1; uint8_t SwingV :2; uint8_t SwingH :1; uint8_t Fan :2; uint8_t UseFah :1; // Byte 8 uint8_t Follow :8; // Byte 9 uint8_t Temp :5; uint8_t Mode :3; // Byte 10 uint8_t :8; // Byte 11 uint8_t Sum :8; }; }; // Constants const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonPower = 0x00; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonMode = 0x01; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonTempUp = 0x02; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonTempDown = 0x03; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonSwing = 0x04; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonFanSpeed = 0x05; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonAirFlow = 0x07; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonHold = 0x08; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonSleep = 0x09; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonTurbo = 0x0A; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonLight = 0x0B; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonEcono = 0x0D; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonEye = 0x0E; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonFollow = 0x13; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonIon = 0x14; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonFresh = 0x15; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButton8CHeat = 0x1D; const uint8_t kNeoclimaButtonTempUnit = 0x1E; const uint8_t kNeoclimaSwingVOn = 0b01; const uint8_t kNeoclimaSwingVOff = 0b10; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFanAuto = 0b00; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFanHigh = 0b01; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFanMed = 0b10; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFanLow = 0b11; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFollowMe = 0x5D; // Also 0x5F const uint8_t kNeoclimaMinTempC = 16; // 16C const uint8_t kNeoclimaMaxTempC = 32; // 32C const uint8_t kNeoclimaMinTempF = 61; // 61F const uint8_t kNeoclimaMaxTempF = 90; // 90F const uint8_t kNeoclimaAuto = 0b000; const uint8_t kNeoclimaCool = 0b001; const uint8_t kNeoclimaDry = 0b010; const uint8_t kNeoclimaFan = 0b011; const uint8_t kNeoclimaHeat = 0b100; // Classes /// Class for handling detailed Neoclima A/C messages. class IRNeoclimaAc { public: explicit IRNeoclimaAc(const uint16_t pin, const bool inverted = false, const bool use_modulation = true); void stateReset(void); #if SEND_NEOCLIMA void send(const uint16_t repeat = kNeoclimaMinRepeat); /// Run the calibration to calculate uSec timing offsets for this platform. /// @return The uSec timing offset needed per modulation of the IR Led. /// @note This will produce a 65ms IR signal pulse at 38kHz. /// Only ever needs to be run once per object instantiation, if at all. int8_t calibrate(void) { return _irsend.calibrate(); } #endif // SEND_NEOCLIMA void begin(void); void setButton(const uint8_t button); uint8_t getButton(void) const; void on(void); void off(void); void setPower(const bool on); bool getPower(void) const; void setMode(const uint8_t mode); uint8_t getMode(void) const; void setTemp(const uint8_t temp, const bool celsius = true); uint8_t getTemp(void) const; void setFan(const uint8_t speed); uint8_t getFan(void) const; void setSwingV(const bool on); bool getSwingV(void) const; void setSwingH(const bool on); bool getSwingH(void) const; void setSleep(const bool on); bool getSleep(void) const; void setTurbo(const bool on); bool getTurbo(void) const; void setEcono(const bool on); bool getEcono(void) const; void setFresh(const bool on); bool getFresh(void) const; void setHold(const bool on); bool getHold(void) const; void setIon(const bool on); bool getIon(void) const; void setLight(const bool on); bool getLight(void) const; void set8CHeat(const bool on); bool get8CHeat(void) const; void setEye(const bool on); bool getEye(void) const; bool getTempUnits(void) const; // DISABLED: See TODO in ir_Neoclima.cpp // void setFollow(const bool on); bool getFollow(void) const; uint8_t* getRaw(void); void setRaw(const uint8_t new_code[], const uint16_t length = kNeoclimaStateLength); static bool validChecksum(const uint8_t state[], const uint16_t length = kNeoclimaStateLength); static uint8_t calcChecksum(const uint8_t state[], const uint16_t length = kNeoclimaStateLength); String toString(void) const; static uint8_t convertMode(const stdAc::opmode_t mode); static uint8_t convertFan(const stdAc::fanspeed_t speed); static stdAc::opmode_t toCommonMode(const uint8_t mode); static stdAc::fanspeed_t toCommonFanSpeed(const uint8_t speed); stdAc::state_t toCommon(void) const; #ifndef UNIT_TEST private: IRsend _irsend; ///< Instance of the IR send class #else // UNIT_TEST /// @cond IGNORE IRsendTest _irsend; ///< Instance of the testing IR send class /// @endcond #endif // UNIT_TEST NeoclimaProtocol _; void checksum(const uint16_t length = kNeoclimaStateLength); }; #endif // IR_NEOCLIMA_H_