; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter, extra scripting ; Upload options: custom port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; http://docs.platformio.org/en/stable/projectconf.html ; *** Tasmota build variant selection [build_envs] default_envs = ; *** Uncomment by deleting ";" in the line(s) below to select version(s) ; tasmota ; tasmota-ircustom ; tasmota-minimal ; tasmota-lite ; tasmota-knx ; tasmota-sensors ; tasmota-display ; tasmota-zbbridge ; tasmota-ir ; tasmota-BG ; tasmota-BR ; tasmota-CN ; tasmota-CZ ; tasmota-DE ; tasmota-ES ; tasmota-FR ; tasmota-GR ; tasmota-HE ; tasmota-HU ; tasmota-IT ; tasmota-KO ; tasmota-NL ; tasmota-PL ; tasmota-PT ; tasmota-RO ; tasmota-RU ; tasmota-SE ; tasmota-SK ; tasmota-TR ; tasmota-TW ; tasmota-UK ; tasmota-VN ; ; *** Selection for Tasmota ESP32 is done in platformio_tasmota32.ini ; ; *** alternatively can be done in: platformio_override.ini ; *** See example: platformio_override_sample.ini ; ********************************************************************* [platformio] description = Provide ESP8266 / ESP32 based devices with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware src_dir = tasmota lib_dir = lib/default build_cache_dir = .cache extra_configs = platformio_tasmota32.ini platformio_tasmota_env.ini platformio_tasmota_env32.ini platformio_override.ini default_envs = ${build_envs.default_envs} [common] framework = arduino board = esp01_1m board_build.flash_mode = dout board_build.ldscript = eagle.flash.1m.ld platform = ${core.platform} platform_packages = ${core.platform_packages} build_unflags = ${core.build_unflags} build_flags = ${core.build_flags} board_build.f_cpu = 80000000L board_build.f_flash = 40000000L monitor_speed = 115200 upload_speed = 115200 ; *** Upload Serial reset method for Wemos and NodeMCU upload_resetmethod = nodemcu upload_port = COM5 extra_scripts = ${scripts_defaults.extra_scripts} lib_ldf_mode = chain+ shared_libdeps_dir = lib lib_extra_dirs = lib/lib_basic lib/lib_i2c lib/lib_display lib/lib_ssl lib/lib_audio lib/lib_rf lib/lib_div [scripts_defaults] extra_scripts = pio/strip-floats.py pio/name-firmware.py pio/gzip-firmware.py pio/override_copy.py [esp_defaults] ; *** remove undesired all warnings build_unflags = -Wall -Wdeprecated-declarations build_flags = -Wno-deprecated-declarations -D_IR_ENABLE_DEFAULT_=false -DDECODE_HASH=true -DDECODE_NEC=true -DSEND_NEC=true -DDECODE_RC5=true -DSEND_RC5=true -DDECODE_RC6=true -DSEND_RC6=true ; new mechanism to set the IRremoteESP8266 supported protocols: none except HASH, NEC, RC5, RC6 ; ********************************************************************* ; *** Use custom settings from file user_config_override.h -DUSE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE ; ********************************************************************* [esp82xx_defaults] build_flags = ${esp_defaults.build_flags} -Wl,-Map,firmware.map -D CORE_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -D NDEBUG -mtarget-align -DFP_IN_IROM -DBEARSSL_SSL_BASIC ; NONOSDK22x_190703 = 2.2.2-dev(38a443e) -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_ESPRESSIF_SDK22x_190703 ; lwIP 2 - Higher Bandwidth no Features -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH ; VTABLES in Flash -DVTABLES_IN_FLASH ; remove the 4-bytes alignment for PSTR() -DPSTR_ALIGN=1 ; restrict to minimal mime-types -DMIMETYPE_MINIMAL [irremoteesp_full] build_flags = -DUSE_IR_REMOTE_FULL -U_IR_ENABLE_DEFAULT_ -DDECODE_PRONTO=false -DSEND_PRONTO=false [core] ; *** Esp8266 Tasmota modified Arduino core based on core 2.7.4 platform = espressif8266@2.6.2 platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif8266@https://github.com/tasmota/Arduino/releases/download/ platformio/tool-esptool @ 1.413.0 build_unflags = ${esp_defaults.build_unflags} build_flags = ${esp82xx_defaults.build_flags}