/* xdrv_04_snfbridge.ino - sonoff RF bridge 433 support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************\ Sonoff RF Bridge 433 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define SFB_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE 2000 // Milliseconds enum SonoffBridgeCommands { CMND_RFSYNC, CMND_RFLOW, CMND_RFHIGH, CMND_RFHOST, CMND_RFCODE, CMND_RFKEY }; const char kSonoffBridgeCommands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_RFSYNC "|" D_CMND_RFLOW "|" D_CMND_RFHIGH "|" D_CMND_RFHOST "|" D_CMND_RFCODE "|" D_CMND_RFKEY ; uint8_t sonoff_bridge_receive_flag = 0; uint8_t sonoff_bridge_learn_key = 1; uint8_t sonoff_bridge_learn_active = 0; uint8_t sonoff_bridge_expected_bytes = 0; uint32_t sonoff_bridge_last_received_id = 0; uint32_t sonoff_bridge_last_send_code = 0; unsigned long sonoff_bridge_last_time = 0; unsigned long sonoff_bridge_last_learn_time = 0; void SonoffBridgeLearnFailed() { sonoff_bridge_learn_active = 0; snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, D_CMND_RFKEY, sonoff_bridge_learn_key, D_JSON_LEARN_FAILED); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_RFKEY)); } void SonoffBridgeReceived() { uint16_t sync_time = 0; uint16_t low_time = 0; uint16_t high_time = 0; uint32_t received_id = 0; char rfkey[8]; AddLogSerial(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); if (0xA2 == serial_in_buffer[0]) { // Learn timeout SonoffBridgeLearnFailed(); } else if (0xA3 == serial_in_buffer[0]) { // Learned A3 20 F8 01 18 03 3E 2E 1A 22 55 sonoff_bridge_learn_active = 0; low_time = serial_in_buffer[3] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[4]; // Low time in uSec high_time = serial_in_buffer[5] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[6]; // High time in uSec if (low_time && high_time) { for (byte i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Settings.rf_code[sonoff_bridge_learn_key][i] = serial_in_buffer[i +1]; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, D_CMND_RFKEY, sonoff_bridge_learn_key, D_JSON_LEARNED); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_RFKEY)); } else { SonoffBridgeLearnFailed(); } } else if (0xA4 == serial_in_buffer[0]) { // Received RF data A4 20 EE 01 18 03 3E 2E 1A 22 55 if (sonoff_bridge_learn_active) { SonoffBridgeLearnFailed(); } else { sync_time = serial_in_buffer[1] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[2]; // Sync time in uSec low_time = serial_in_buffer[3] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[4]; // Low time in uSec high_time = serial_in_buffer[5] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[6]; // High time in uSec received_id = serial_in_buffer[7] << 16 | serial_in_buffer[8] << 8 | serial_in_buffer[9]; unsigned long now = millis(); if (!((received_id == sonoff_bridge_last_received_id) && (now - sonoff_bridge_last_time < SFB_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE))) { sonoff_bridge_last_received_id = received_id; sonoff_bridge_last_time = now; strncpy_P(rfkey, PSTR("\"" D_JSON_NONE "\""), sizeof(rfkey)); for (byte i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { if (Settings.rf_code[i][0]) { uint32_t send_id = Settings.rf_code[i][6] << 16 | Settings.rf_code[i][7] << 8 | Settings.rf_code[i][8]; if (send_id == received_id) { snprintf_P(rfkey, sizeof(rfkey), PSTR("%d"), i); break; } } } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_RFRECEIVED "\":{\"" D_JSON_SYNC "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_LOW "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_HIGH "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_DATA "\":\"%06X\",\"" D_CMND_RFKEY "\":%s}}"), sync_time, low_time, high_time, received_id, rfkey); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_TELE, PSTR(D_JSON_RFRECEIVED)); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ DomoticzSensor(DZ_COUNT, received_id); // Send rid as Domoticz Counter value #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ } } } } boolean SonoffBridgeSerialInput() { // iTead Rf Universal Transceiver Module Serial Protocol Version 1.0 (20170420) if (sonoff_bridge_receive_flag) { if (!((0 == serial_in_byte_counter) && (0 == serial_in_byte))) { // Skip leading 0 if (0 == serial_in_byte_counter) { sonoff_bridge_expected_bytes = 2; // 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2 if (serial_in_byte >= 0xA3) { sonoff_bridge_expected_bytes = 11; // 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5 } } serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte; if ((sonoff_bridge_expected_bytes == serial_in_byte_counter) && (0x55 == serial_in_byte)) { // 0x55 - End of text SonoffBridgeReceived(); sonoff_bridge_receive_flag = 0; return 1; } } serial_in_byte = 0; } if (0xAA == serial_in_byte) { // 0xAA - Start of text serial_in_byte_counter = 0; serial_in_byte = 0; sonoff_bridge_receive_flag = 1; } return 0; } void SonoffBridgeSendAck() { Serial.write(0xAA); // Start of Text Serial.write(0xA0); // Acknowledge Serial.write(0x55); // End of Text } void SonoffBridgeSendCode(uint32_t code) { Serial.write(0xAA); // Start of Text Serial.write(0xA5); // Send following code for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Serial.write(Settings.rf_code[0][i]); } Serial.write((code >> 16) & 0xff); Serial.write((code >> 8) & 0xff); Serial.write(code & 0xff); Serial.write(0x55); // End of Text Serial.flush(); } void SonoffBridgeSend(uint8_t idx, uint8_t key) { uint8_t code; key--; // Support 1 to 16 Serial.write(0xAA); // Start of Text Serial.write(0xA5); // Send following code for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Serial.write(Settings.rf_code[idx][i]); } if (0 == idx) { code = (0x10 << (key >> 2)) | (1 << (key & 3)); // 11,12,14,18,21,22,24,28,41,42,44,48,81,82,84,88 } else { code = Settings.rf_code[idx][8]; } Serial.write(code); Serial.write(0x55); // End of Text Serial.flush(); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ // uint32_t rid = Settings.rf_code[idx][6] << 16 | Settings.rf_code[idx][7] << 8 | code; // DomoticzSensor(DZ_COUNT, rid); // Send rid as Domoticz Counter value #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ } void SonoffBridgeLearn(uint8_t key) { sonoff_bridge_learn_key = key; sonoff_bridge_learn_active = 1; sonoff_bridge_last_learn_time = millis(); Serial.write(0xAA); // Start of Text Serial.write(0xA1); // Start learning Serial.write(0x55); // End of Text } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ boolean SonoffBridgeCommand() { char command [CMDSZ]; boolean serviced = true; int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic, kSonoffBridgeCommands); if ((command_code >= CMND_RFSYNC) && (command_code <= CMND_RFCODE)) { // RfSync, RfLow, RfHigh, RfHost and RfCode char *p; char stemp [10]; uint32_t code = 0; uint8_t radix = 10; uint8_t set_index = command_code *2; if (XdrvMailbox.data[0] == '#') { XdrvMailbox.data++; XdrvMailbox.data_len--; radix = 16; } if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) { code = strtol(XdrvMailbox.data, &p, radix); if (code) { if (CMND_RFCODE == command_code) { sonoff_bridge_last_send_code = code; SonoffBridgeSendCode(code); } else { if (1 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { code = pgm_read_byte(kDefaultRfCode + set_index) << 8 | pgm_read_byte(kDefaultRfCode + set_index +1); } uint8_t msb = code >> 8; uint8_t lsb = code & 0xFF; if ((code > 0) && (code < 0x7FFF) && (msb != 0x55) && (lsb != 0x55)) { // Check for End of Text codes Settings.rf_code[0][set_index] = msb; Settings.rf_code[0][set_index +1] = lsb; } } } } if (CMND_RFCODE == command_code) { code = sonoff_bridge_last_send_code; } else { code = Settings.rf_code[0][set_index] << 8 | Settings.rf_code[0][set_index +1]; } if (10 == radix) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%d"), code); } else { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("\"#%X\""), code); } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_XVALUE, command, stemp); } else if ((CMND_RFKEY == command_code) && (XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= 16)) { unsigned long now = millis(); if ((!sonoff_bridge_learn_active) || (now - sonoff_bridge_last_learn_time > 60100)) { sonoff_bridge_learn_active = 0; if (2 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { // Learn RF data SonoffBridgeLearn(XdrvMailbox.index); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, D_JSON_START_LEARNING); } else if (3 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { // Unlearn RF data Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][0] = 0; // Reset sync_time MSB snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, D_JSON_SET_TO_DEFAULT); } else if (4 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { // Save RF data provided by RFSync, RfLow, RfHigh and last RfCode for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][i] = Settings.rf_code[0][i]; } Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][6] = (sonoff_bridge_last_send_code >> 16) & 0xff; Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][7] = (sonoff_bridge_last_send_code >> 8) & 0xff; Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][8] = sonoff_bridge_last_send_code & 0xff; snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, D_JSON_SAVED); } else if (5 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { // Show default or learned RF data uint8_t key = XdrvMailbox.index; uint8_t index = (0 == Settings.rf_code[key][0]) ? 0 : key; // Use default if sync_time MSB = 0 uint16_t sync_time = (Settings.rf_code[index][0] << 8) | Settings.rf_code[index][1]; uint16_t low_time = (Settings.rf_code[index][2] << 8) | Settings.rf_code[index][3]; uint16_t high_time = (Settings.rf_code[index][4] << 8) | Settings.rf_code[index][5]; uint32_t code = (Settings.rf_code[index][6] << 16) | (Settings.rf_code[index][7] << 8); if (0 == index) { key--; code |= (uint8_t)((0x10 << (key >> 2)) | (1 << (key & 3))); } else { code |= Settings.rf_code[index][8]; } snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"%s%d\":{\"" D_JSON_SYNC "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_LOW "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_HIGH "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_DATA "\":\"%06X\"}}"), command, XdrvMailbox.index, sync_time, low_time, high_time, code); } else { if ((1 == XdrvMailbox.payload) || (0 == Settings.rf_code[XdrvMailbox.index][0])) { // Test sync_time MSB SonoffBridgeSend(0, XdrvMailbox.index); // Send default RF data snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, D_JSON_DEFAULT_SENT); } else { SonoffBridgeSend(XdrvMailbox.index, 0); // Send learned RF data snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, XdrvMailbox.index, D_JSON_LEARNED_SENT); } } } else { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_SVALUE, command, sonoff_bridge_learn_key, D_JSON_LEARNING_ACTIVE); } } else serviced = false; return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_04 boolean Xdrv04(byte function) { boolean result = false; if (SONOFF_BRIDGE == Settings.module) { switch (function) { case FUNC_COMMAND: result = SonoffBridgeCommand(); break; } } return result; }