xdrv_09_timers.ino - timer support for Sonoff-Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2019 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
* Timers
* Arm a timer using one or all of the following JSON values:
* {"Arm":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"09:23","Window":0,"Days":"--TW--S","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":1}
* Arm 0 = Off, 1 = On
* Mode 0 = Schedule, 1 = Sunrise, 2 = Sunset
* Time hours:minutes
* Window minutes (0..15)
* Days 7 day character mask starting with Sunday (SMTWTFS). 0 or - = Off, any other value = On
* Repeat 0 = Execute once, 1 = Execute again
* Output 1..16
* Action 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Toggle, 3 = Blink or Rule if USE_RULES enabled
#define XDRV_09 9
enum TimerCommands { CMND_TIMER, CMND_TIMERS
const char kTimerCommands[] PROGMEM = D_CMND_TIMER "|" D_CMND_TIMERS
uint16_t timer_last_minute = 60;
int8_t timer_window[MAX_TIMERS] = { 0 };
* Sunrise and sunset (+13k code)
* https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=218280.0
* Source: C-Programm von http://lexikon.astronomie.info/zeitgleichung/neu.html
* Rewrite for Arduino by 'jurs' for German Arduino forum
const double pi2 = TWO_PI;
const double pi = PI;
const double RAD = DEG_TO_RAD;
double JulianischesDatum(void)
// Gregorianischer Kalender
int Gregor;
int Jahr = RtcTime.year;
int Monat = RtcTime.month;
int Tag = RtcTime.day_of_month;
if (Monat <= 2) {
Monat += 12;
Jahr -= 1;
Gregor = (Jahr / 400) - (Jahr / 100) + (Jahr / 4); // Gregorianischer Kalender
return 2400000.5 + 365.0*Jahr - 679004.0 + Gregor + (int)(30.6001 * (Monat +1)) + Tag + 0.5;
double InPi(double x)
int n = (int)(x / pi2);
x = x - n*pi2;
if (x < 0) x += pi2;
return x;
double eps(double T)
// Neigung der Erdachse
return RAD * (23.43929111 + (-46.8150*T - 0.00059*T*T + 0.001813*T*T*T)/3600.0);
double BerechneZeitgleichung(double *DK,double T)
double RA_Mittel = 18.71506921 + 2400.0513369*T +(2.5862e-5 - 1.72e-9*T)*T*T;
double M = InPi(pi2 * (0.993133 + 99.997361*T));
double L = InPi(pi2 * (0.7859453 + M/pi2 + (6893.0*sin(M)+72.0*sin(2.0*M)+6191.2*T) / 1296.0e3));
double e = eps(T);
double RA = atan(tan(L)*cos(e));
if (RA < 0.0) RA += pi;
if (L > pi) RA += pi;
RA = 24.0*RA/pi2;
*DK = asin(sin(e)*sin(L));
// Damit 0<=RA_Mittel<24
RA_Mittel = 24.0 * InPi(pi2*RA_Mittel/24.0)/pi2;
double dRA = RA_Mittel - RA;
if (dRA < -12.0) dRA += 24.0;
if (dRA > 12.0) dRA -= 24.0;
dRA = dRA * 1.0027379;
return dRA;
void DuskTillDawn(uint8_t *hour_up,uint8_t *minute_up, uint8_t *hour_down, uint8_t *minute_down)
double JD2000 = 2451545.0;
double JD = JulianischesDatum();
double T = (JD - JD2000) / 36525.0;
double DK;
h (D) = -0.8333 normaler SA & SU-Gang
h (D) = -6.0 civile Dämmerung
h (D) = -12.0 nautische Dämmerung
h (D) = -18.0 astronomische Dämmerung
// double h = -50/60.0*RAD;
double B = (((double)Settings.latitude)/1000000) * RAD; // geographische Breite
double GeographischeLaenge = ((double)Settings.longitude)/1000000;
// double Zeitzone = 0; //Weltzeit
// double Zeitzone = 1; //Winterzeit
// double Zeitzone = 2.0; //Sommerzeit
double Zeitzone = ((double)time_timezone) / 60;
double Zeitgleichung = BerechneZeitgleichung(&DK, T);
double Zeitdifferenz = 12.0*acos((sin(h) - sin(B)*sin(DK)) / (cos(B)*cos(DK)))/pi;
double AufgangOrtszeit = 12.0 - Zeitdifferenz - Zeitgleichung;
double UntergangOrtszeit = 12.0 + Zeitdifferenz - Zeitgleichung;
double AufgangWeltzeit = AufgangOrtszeit - GeographischeLaenge / 15.0;
double UntergangWeltzeit = UntergangOrtszeit - GeographischeLaenge / 15.0;
double Aufgang = AufgangWeltzeit + Zeitzone; // In Stunden
if (Aufgang < 0.0) {
Aufgang += 24.0;
} else {
if (Aufgang >= 24.0) Aufgang -= 24.0;
double Untergang = UntergangWeltzeit + Zeitzone;
if (Untergang < 0.0) {
Untergang += 24.0;
} else {
if (Untergang >= 24.0) Untergang -= 24.0;
int AufgangMinuten = (int)(60.0*(Aufgang - (int)Aufgang)+0.5);
int AufgangStunden = (int)Aufgang;
if (AufgangMinuten >= 60.0) {
AufgangMinuten -= 60.0;
} else {
if (AufgangMinuten < 0.0) {
AufgangMinuten += 60.0;
if (AufgangStunden < 0.0) AufgangStunden += 24.0;
int UntergangMinuten = (int)(60.0*(Untergang - (int)Untergang)+0.5);
int UntergangStunden = (int)Untergang;
if (UntergangMinuten >= 60.0) {
UntergangMinuten -= 60.0;
} else {
if (UntergangMinuten<0) {
UntergangMinuten += 60.0;
if (UntergangStunden < 0.0) UntergangStunden += 24.0;
*hour_up = AufgangStunden;
*minute_up = AufgangMinuten;
*hour_down = UntergangStunden;
*minute_down = UntergangMinuten;
void ApplyTimerOffsets(Timer *duskdawn)
uint8_t hour[2];
uint8_t minute[2];
Timer stored = (Timer)*duskdawn;
// replace hours, minutes by sunrise
DuskTillDawn(&hour[0], &minute[0], &hour[1], &minute[1]);
uint8_t mode = (duskdawn->mode -1) &1;
duskdawn->time = (hour[mode] *60) + minute[mode];
// apply offsets, check for over- and underflows
uint16_t timeBuffer;
if ((uint16_t)stored.time > 719) {
// negative offset, time after 12:00
timeBuffer = (uint16_t)stored.time - 720;
// check for underflow
if (timeBuffer > (uint16_t)duskdawn->time) {
timeBuffer = 1440 - (timeBuffer - (uint16_t)duskdawn->time);
duskdawn->days = duskdawn->days >> 1;
duskdawn->days |= (stored.days << 6);
} else {
timeBuffer = (uint16_t)duskdawn->time - timeBuffer;
} else {
// positive offset
timeBuffer = (uint16_t)duskdawn->time + (uint16_t)stored.time;
// check for overflow
if (timeBuffer > 1440) {
timeBuffer -= 1440;
duskdawn->days = duskdawn->days << 1;
duskdawn->days |= (stored.days >> 6);
duskdawn->time = timeBuffer;
String GetSun(uint8_t dawn)
char stime[6];
uint8_t hour[2];
uint8_t minute[2];
DuskTillDawn(&hour[0], &minute[0], &hour[1], &minute[1]);
dawn &= 1;
snprintf_P(stime, sizeof(stime), PSTR("%02d:%02d"), hour[dawn], minute[dawn]);
return String(stime);
uint16_t SunMinutes(uint8_t dawn)
uint8_t hour[2];
uint8_t minute[2];
DuskTillDawn(&hour[0], &minute[0], &hour[1], &minute[1]);
dawn &= 1;
return (hour[dawn] *60) + minute[dawn];
#endif // USE_SUNRISE
void TimerSetRandomWindow(uint8_t index)
timer_window[index] = 0;
if (Settings.timer[index].window) {
timer_window[index] = (random(0, (Settings.timer[index].window << 1) +1)) - Settings.timer[index].window; // -15 .. 15
void TimerSetRandomWindows(void)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++) { TimerSetRandomWindow(i); }
void TimerEverySecond(void)
if (RtcTime.valid) {
if (!RtcTime.hour && !RtcTime.minute && !RtcTime.second) { TimerSetRandomWindows(); } // Midnight
if (Settings.flag3.timers_enable && (uptime > 60) && (RtcTime.minute != timer_last_minute)) { // Execute from one minute after restart every minute only once
timer_last_minute = RtcTime.minute;
int16_t time = (RtcTime.hour *60) + RtcTime.minute;
uint8_t days = 1 << (RtcTime.day_of_week -1);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++) {
// if (Settings.timer[i].device >= devices_present) Settings.timer[i].data = 0; // Reset timer due to change in devices present
Timer xtimer = Settings.timer[i];
uint16_t set_time = xtimer.time;
if ((1 == xtimer.mode) || (2 == xtimer.mode)) { // Sunrise or Sunset
set_time = xtimer.time;
if (xtimer.arm) {
set_time += timer_window[i]; // Add random time offset
if (set_time < 0) { set_time = 0; } // Stay today;
if (set_time > 1439) { set_time = 1439; }
if (time == set_time) {
if (xtimer.days & days) {
Settings.timer[i].arm = xtimer.repeat;
#ifdef USE_RULES
if (3 == xtimer.power) { // Blink becomes Rule disregarding device and allowing use of Backlog commands
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"Clock\":{\"Timer\":%d}}"), i +1);
} else
#endif // USE_RULES
if (devices_present) { ExecuteCommandPower(xtimer.device +1, xtimer.power, SRC_TIMER); }
void PrepShowTimer(uint8_t index)
char days[8] = { 0 };
char sign[2] = { 0 };
char soutput[80];
Timer xtimer = Settings.timer[index -1];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
uint8_t mask = 1 << i;
snprintf(days, sizeof(days), "%s%d", days, ((xtimer.days & mask) > 0));
soutput[0] = '\0';
if (devices_present) {
snprintf_P(soutput, sizeof(soutput), PSTR(",\"" D_JSON_TIMER_OUTPUT "\":%d"), xtimer.device +1);
int16_t hour = xtimer.time / 60;
if ((1 == xtimer.mode) || (2 == xtimer.mode)) { // Sunrise or Sunset
if (hour > 11) {
hour -= 12;
sign[0] = '-';
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s\"" D_CMND_TIMER "%d\":{\"" D_JSON_TIMER_ARM "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_MODE "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_TIME "\":\"%s%02d:%02d\",\"" D_JSON_TIMER_WINDOW "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_DAYS "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_TIMER_REPEAT "\":%d%s,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_ACTION "\":%d}"),
mqtt_data, index, xtimer.arm, xtimer.mode, sign, hour, xtimer.time % 60, xtimer.window, days, xtimer.repeat, soutput, xtimer.power);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s\"" D_CMND_TIMER "%d\":{\"" D_JSON_TIMER_ARM "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_TIME "\":\"%02d:%02d\",\"" D_JSON_TIMER_WINDOW "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_DAYS "\":\"%s\",\"" D_JSON_TIMER_REPEAT "\":%d%s,\"" D_JSON_TIMER_ACTION "\":%d}"),
mqtt_data, index, xtimer.arm, xtimer.time / 60, xtimer.time % 60, xtimer.window, days, xtimer.repeat, soutput, xtimer.power);
#endif // USE_SUNRISE
* Commands
bool TimerCommand(void)
char command[CMDSZ];
char dataBufUc[XdrvMailbox.data_len];
bool serviced = true;
uint8_t index = XdrvMailbox.index;
UpperCase(dataBufUc, XdrvMailbox.data);
int command_code = GetCommandCode(command, sizeof(command), XdrvMailbox.topic, kTimerCommands);
if (-1 == command_code) {
serviced = false; // Unknown command
else if ((CMND_TIMER == command_code) && (index > 0) && (index <= MAX_TIMERS)) {
uint8_t error = 0;
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= MAX_TIMERS)) {
if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0) {
Settings.timer[index -1].data = 0; // Clear timer
} else {
Settings.timer[index -1].data = Settings.timer[XdrvMailbox.payload -1].data; // Copy timer
} else {
#ifndef USE_RULES
if (devices_present) {
StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(dataBufUc);
if (!root.success()) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_TIMER "%d\":\"" D_JSON_INVALID_JSON "\"}"), index); // JSON decode failed
error = 1;
else {
char parm_uc[10];
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_ARM))].success()) {
Settings.timer[index].arm = (root[parm_uc] != 0);
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_MODE))].success()) {
Settings.timer[index].mode = (uint8_t)root[parm_uc] & 0x03;
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_TIME))].success()) {
uint16_t itime = 0;
int8_t value = 0;
uint8_t sign = 0;
char time_str[10];
snprintf(time_str, sizeof(time_str), root[parm_uc]);
const char *substr = strtok(time_str, ":");
if (substr != NULL) {
if (strchr(substr, '-')) {
sign = 1;
value = atoi(substr);
if (sign) { value += 12; } // Allow entering timer offset from -11:59 to -00:01 converted to 12:01 to 23:59
if (value > 23) { value = 23; }
itime = value * 60;
substr = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (substr != NULL) {
value = atoi(substr);
if (value < 0) { value = 0; }
if (value > 59) { value = 59; }
itime += value;
Settings.timer[index].time = itime;
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_WINDOW))].success()) {
Settings.timer[index].window = (uint8_t)root[parm_uc] & 0x0F;
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_DAYS))].success()) {
// SMTWTFS = 1234567 = 0011001 = 00TW00S = --TW--S
Settings.timer[index].days = 0;
const char *tday = root[parm_uc];
uint8_t i = 0;
char ch = *tday++;
while ((ch != '\0') && (i < 7)) {
if (ch == '-') { ch = '0'; }
uint8_t mask = 1 << i++;
Settings.timer[index].days |= (ch == '0') ? 0 : mask;
ch = *tday++;
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_REPEAT))].success()) {
Settings.timer[index].repeat = (root[parm_uc] != 0);
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_OUTPUT))].success()) {
uint8_t device = ((uint8_t)root[parm_uc] -1) & 0x0F;
Settings.timer[index].device = (device < devices_present) ? device : 0;
if (root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_TIMER_ACTION))].success()) {
uint8_t action = (uint8_t)root[parm_uc] & 0x03;
Settings.timer[index].power = (devices_present) ? action : 3; // If no devices than only allow rules
#ifndef USE_RULES
} else {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_TIMER "%d\":\"" D_JSON_TIMER_NO_DEVICE "\"}"), index); // No outputs defined so nothing to control
error = 1;
if (!error) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{"));
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data);
else if (CMND_TIMERS == command_code) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) {
Settings.flag3.timers_enable = XdrvMailbox.payload;
if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 2) {
Settings.flag3.timers_enable = !Settings.flag3.timers_enable;
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, GetStateText(Settings.flag3.timers_enable));
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, command);
uint8_t jsflg = 0;
uint8_t lines = 1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++) {
if (!jsflg) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_TIMERS "%d\":{"), lines++);
} else {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,"), mqtt_data);
PrepShowTimer(i +1);
if (jsflg > 3) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}}"), mqtt_data);
jsflg = 0;
mqtt_data[0] = '\0';
else if (CMND_LONGITUDE == command_code) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
Settings.longitude = (int)(CharToDouble(XdrvMailbox.data) *1000000);
char lbuff[33];
dtostrfd(((double)Settings.longitude) /1000000, 6, lbuff);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, lbuff);
else if (CMND_LATITUDE == command_code) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
Settings.latitude = (int)(CharToDouble(XdrvMailbox.data) *1000000);
char lbuff[33];
dtostrfd(((double)Settings.latitude) /1000000, 6, lbuff);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, command, lbuff);
else serviced = false; // Unknown command
return serviced;
* Presentation
#define WEB_HANDLE_TIMER "tm"
"var pt=[],ct=99;"
"function qs(s){" // Alias to save code space
"return document.querySelector(s);"
"function ce(i,q){" // Create select option
"var o=document.createElement('option');"
"function gt(){" // Set hours and minutes according to mode
"var m,p,q;"
"m=qs('input[name=\"rd\"]:checked').value;" // Get mode
"p=pt[ct]&0x7FF;" // Get time
"if(m==0){" // Time is set
"so(0);" // Hide offset span and allow Hour 00..23
"q=Math.floor(p/60);if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#ho').value=q;" // Set hours
"q=p%60;if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#mi').value=q;" // Set minutes
"if((m==1)||(m==2)){" // Sunrise or sunset is set
"so(1);" // Show offset span and allow Hour 00..11
"q=Math.floor(p/60);" // Parse hours
"if(q>=12){q-=12;qs('#dr').selectedIndex=1;}" // Negative offset
"if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#ho').value=q;" // Set offset hours
"q=p%60;if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#mi').value=q;" // Set offset minutes
"function so(b){" // Hide or show offset items
"if(e>12){for(i=12;i<=23;i++){o.removeChild(o.lastElementChild);}}" // Create offset hours select options
"if(e<23){for(i=12;i<=23;i++){ce(i,o);}}" // Create hours select options
"function st(){" // Save parameters to hidden area
"var i,l,m,n,p,s;"
"n=1<<31;if(eb('a0').checked){s|=n;}" // Get arm
"n=1<<15;if(eb('r0').checked){s|=n;}" // Get repeat
"for(i=0;i<7;i++){n=1<<(16+i);if(eb('w'+i).checked){s|=n;}}" // Get weekdays
"m=qs('input[name=\"rd\"]:checked').value;" // Check mode
"s|=(qs('input[name=\"rd\"]:checked').value<<29);" // Get mode
"i=qs('#d1').selectedIndex;if(i>=0){s|=(i<<23);}" // Get output
"s|=(qs('#p1').selectedIndex<<27);" // Get action
"s|=3<<27;" // Get action (rule)
"if(m==0){s|=l;}" // Get time
"if(qs('#dr').selectedIndex>0){l+=720;}" // If negative offset, add 12h to given offset time
"s|=l&0x7FF;" // Save offset instead of time
"s|=((qs('#mw').selectedIndex)&0x0F)<<11;" // Get window minutes
"eb('t0').value=pt.join();" // Save parameters from array to hidden area
"function ot(t,e){" // Select tab and update elements
"var i,n,o,p,q,s;"
"if(ct<99){st();}" // Save changes
"o=document.getElementsByClassName('tl');" // Restore style to all tabs/buttons
"for(i=0;i>29)&3;eb('b'+p).checked=1;" // Set mode
"gt();" // Set hours and minutes according to mode
"p=s&0x7FF;" // Get time
"q=Math.floor(p/60);if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#ho').value=q;" // Set hours
"q=p%60;if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#mi').value=q;" // Set minutes
"q=(s>>11)&0xF;if(q<10){q='0'+q;}qs('#mw').value=q;" // Set window minutes
"for(i=0;i<7;i++){p=(s>>(16+i))&1;eb('w'+i).checked=p;}" // Set weekdays
"p=(s>>23)&0xF;qs('#d1').value=p+1;" // Set output
"p=(s>>27)&3;qs('#p1').selectedIndex=p;" // Set action
"p=(s>>15)&1;eb('r0').checked=p;" // Set repeat
"p=(s>>31)&1;eb('a0').checked=p;" // Set arm
"function it(){" // Initialize elements and select first tab
"var b,i,o,s;"
"pt=eb('t0').value.split(',').map(Number);" // Get parameters from hidden area to array
"s='';for(i=0;i<" STR(MAX_TIMERS) ";i++){b='';if(0==i){b=\" id='dP'\";}s+=\"\"}"
"eb('bt').innerHTML=s;" // Create tabs
"if(}1>0){" // Create Output and Action drop down boxes
"eb('oa').innerHTML=\"" D_TIMER_OUTPUT "" D_TIMER_ACTION " \";"
"o=qs('#p1');ce('" D_OFF "',o);ce('" D_ON "',o);ce('" D_TOGGLE "',o);" // Create offset direction select options
#ifdef USE_RULES
"ce('" D_RULE "',o);"
"ce('" D_BLINK "',o);"
"eb('oa').innerHTML=\"" D_TIMER_ACTION " " D_RULE "\";" // No outputs but rule is allowed
"o=qs('#dr');ce('+',o);ce('-',o);" // Create offset direction select options
"o=qs('#ho');for(i=0;i<=23;i++){ce((i<10)?('0'+i):i,o);}" // Create hours select options
"o=qs('#mi');for(i=0;i<=59;i++){ce((i<10)?('0'+i):i,o);}" // Create minutes select options
"o=qs('#mw');for(i=0;i<=15;i++){ce((i<10)?('0'+i):i,o);}" // Create window minutes select options
"o=qs('#d1');for(i=0;i<}1;i++){ce(i+1,o);}" // Create outputs
"var a='" D_DAY3LIST "';"
"s='';for(i=0;i<7;i++){s+=\"\"+a.substring(i*3,(i*3)+3)+\" \"}"
"eb('ds').innerHTML=s;" // Create weekdays
"eb('dP').click();" // Get the element with id='dP' and click on it
".tl{float:left;border-radius:0;border:1px solid #f2f2f2;padding:1px;width:6.25%;}" // Border color needs to be the same as Fieldset background color from HTTP_HEAD_STYLE (transparent won't work)