/* xdsp_15_tm1637.ino - Support for TM1637- and TM1638-based seven-segment displays for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Ajith Vasudevan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_DISPLAY #if defined(USE_DISPLAY_TM1637) || defined(USE_DISPLAY_MAX7219) /*********************************************************************************************\ This driver enables the display of numbers (both integers and floats) and basic text on the inexpensive TM1637-, TM1638- and MAX7219-based seven-segment modules. Raw segments can also be displayed. In addition, it is also possible to set brightness (8 levels), clear the display, scroll text, display a rudimentary bar graph, and a Clock (12 hr and 24 hr). To use, compile Tasmota with USE_DISPLAY and USE_DISPLAY_TM1637, or build the tasmota-display env. For TM1637: Connect the TM1637 display module's pins to any free GPIOs of the ESP8266 module and assign the pins as follows from Tasmota's GUI: DIO hardware pin --> "TM1637 DIO" CLK hardware pin --> "TM1637 CLK" For TM1638: Connect the TM1638 display module's pins to any free GPIOs of the ESP8266 module and assign the pins as follows from Tasmota's GUI: DIO hardware pin --> "TM1638 DIO" CLK hardware pin --> "TM1638 CLK" STB hardware pin --> "TM1638 STB" For MAX7219: Connect the MAX7219 display module's pins to any free GPIOs of the ESP8266 module and assign the pins as follows from Tasmota's GUI: DIN hardware pin --> "MAX7219 DIN" CS hardware pin --> "MAX7219 CS" CLK hardware pin --> "MAX7219 CLK" Once the GPIO configuration is saved and the ESP8266/ESP32 module restarts, set the Display Model to 15 and Display Mode to 0 using the command "Backlog DisplayModel 15 ; DisplayMode 0" If your display is a TM1637 with 6 digits, set Display Width to the number of digits your display has, using the command "DisplayWidth 6". After the ESP8266/ESP32 module restarts again, turn ON the display with the command "Power 1" Now, the following "Display" commands can be used: DisplayClear Clears the display, command: "DisplayClear" DisplayNumber num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1))} [,leading_zeros {0|1} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] Clears and then displays number without decimal. command e.g., "DisplayNumber 1234" Control 'leading zeros', 'length' and 'position' with "DisplayNumber 1234, , , " 'leading zeros' can be 1 or 0 (default), 'length' can be 1 to Settings->display_width, 'position' can be 0 (left-most) to Settings->display_width (right-most). See function description below for more details. DisplayNumberNC num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1))} [,leading_zeros {0|1} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] Display integer number as above, but without clearing first. e.g., "DisplayNumberNC 1234". Usage is same as above. DisplayFloat num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,precision {0-Settings->display_width} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width} [,alignment {0=left 1=right}]]]] Clears and then displays float (with decimal point) command e.g., "DisplayFloat 12.34" See function description below for more details. DisplayFloatNC num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,precision {0-Settings->display_width} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width} [,alignment {0=left 1=right}]]]] Displays float (with decimal point) as above, but without clearing first. command e.g., "DisplayFloatNC 12.34" See function description below for more details. DisplayRaw position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)},length {1 to Settings->display_width}, num1 [, num2[, num3[, num4[, ...upto Settings->display_width numbers]]]]] Takes upto Settings->display_width comma-separated integers (0-255) and displays raw segments. Each number represents a 7-segment digit. Each 8-bit number represents individual segments of a digit. For example, the command "DisplayRaw 0, 4, 255, 255, 255, 255" would display "[]" DisplayText text [, position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]] Clears and then displays basic text. command e.g., "DisplayText ajith vasudevan" Control 'length' and 'position' with "DisplayText , , " 'length' can be 1 to Settings->display_width, 'position' can be 0 (left-most) to Settings->display_width-1 (right-most) A caret(^) symbol in the text input is dispayed as the degrees(°) symbol. This is useful for displaying Temperature! For example, the command "DisplayText 22.5^" will display "22.5°". DisplayTextNC text [, position {0-Settings->display_width-1} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]] Clears first, then displays text. Usage is same as above. DisplayScrollText text [, num_loops] Displays scrolling text indefinitely, until another Display- command (other than DisplayScrollText or DisplayScrollDelay is issued). Optionally, stop scrolling after num_loops iterations. DisplayScrollDelay delay {0-15} // default = 4 Sets the speed of text scroll. Smaller delay = faster scrolling. DisplayLevel num {0-100} Display a horizontal bar graph (0-100) command e.g., "DisplayLevel 50" will display [|||| ] DisplayClock 1|2|0 Displays a clock. Commands "DisplayClock 1" // 12 hr format "DisplayClock 2" // 24 hr format "DisplayClock 0" // turn off clock In addition, setting DisplayMode to 1 shows the time, setting it to 2 shows the date and setting it to 3 alternates between time and date. \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDSP_15 15 #define CMD_MAX_LEN 55 #define LEVEL_MIN 0 #define LEVEL_MAX 100 #define SCROLL_MAX_LEN 50 #define POSITION_MIN 0 #define POSITION_MAX 8 #define LED_MIN 0 #define LED_MAX 255 #define MAX7219_ADDR 0 #include "SevenSegmentTM1637.h" #include #include SevenSegmentTM1637 *tm1637display; TM1638plus *tm1638display; LedControl *max7219display; enum display_types { TM1637, TM1638, MAX7219 }; struct { char scroll_text[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char msg[60]; char model_name[8]; uint8_t scroll_delay = 4; uint8_t scroll_index = 0; uint8_t iteration = 0; uint8_t scroll_counter = 0; uint8_t scroll_counter_max = 3; uint8_t display_type = TM1637; uint8_t digit_order[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; bool init_done = false; bool scroll = false; bool show_clock = false; bool clock_24 = false; } TM1637Data; /*********************************************************************************************\ * Init function \*********************************************************************************************/ void TM1637Init(void) { if (PinUsed(GPIO_TM1638CLK) && PinUsed(GPIO_TM1638DIO) && PinUsed(GPIO_TM1638STB)) { TM1637Data.display_type = TM1638; Settings->display_width = 8; } else if (PinUsed(GPIO_TM1637CLK) && PinUsed(GPIO_TM1637DIO)) { TM1637Data.display_type = TM1637; if ((!Settings->display_width || Settings->display_width > 6)) { Settings->display_width = 4; Settings->display_options.type = 0; } TM1637SetDigitOrder(); } else if (PinUsed(GPIO_MAX7219DIN) && PinUsed(GPIO_MAX7219CLK) && PinUsed(GPIO_MAX7219CS)) { TM1637Data.display_type = MAX7219; if (Settings->display_width) { Settings->display_width = (Settings->display_width / 8) * 8; } else { Settings->display_width = 8; } } else { return; } Settings->display_model = XDSP_15; Settings->display_cols[0] = Settings->display_width; Settings->display_height = 1; Settings->display_rows = Settings->display_height; uint8_t dimmer16 = GetDisplayDimmer16(); if(!dimmer16 || dimmer16 < 2 || dimmer16 > 15) SetDisplayDimmer(50); if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { strcpy_P(TM1637Data.model_name, PSTR("TM1637")); tm1637display = new SevenSegmentTM1637(Pin(GPIO_TM1637CLK), Pin(GPIO_TM1637DIO)); tm1637display->begin(Settings->display_width, 1); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { strcpy_P(TM1637Data.model_name, PSTR("TM1638")); tm1638display = new TM1638plus(Pin(GPIO_TM1638STB), Pin(GPIO_TM1638CLK), Pin(GPIO_TM1638DIO), true); tm1638display->displayBegin(); } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { strcpy_P(TM1637Data.model_name, PSTR("MAX7219")); max7219display = new LedControl(Pin(GPIO_MAX7219DIN), Pin(GPIO_MAX7219CLK), Pin(GPIO_MAX7219CS), Settings->display_width / 8); for (uint8_t dev_addr = 0; dev_addr < Settings->display_width / 8; dev_addr++) { max7219display->shutdown(MAX7219_ADDR + dev_addr, false); } } TM1637ClearDisplay(); TM1637Dim(); TM1637Data.init_done = true; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("DSP: %s with %d digits (type %d)"), TM1637Data.model_name, Settings->display_width, Settings->display_options.type); } // Function to display specified ascii char at specified position for MAX7219 void displayMAX7219ASCII(uint8_t pos, char c) { max7219display->setChar(MAX7219_ADDR + (pos / 8), 7 - (pos % 8), c, false); } // Function to display specified ascii char with dot at specified position for MAX7219 void displayMAX7219ASCIIwDot(uint8_t pos, char c) { max7219display->setChar(MAX7219_ADDR + (pos / 8), 7 - (pos % 8), c, true); } // Function to display raw segments at specified position for MAX7219 void displayMAX72197Seg(uint8_t pos, uint8_t seg) { bool dec_bit = seg & 128; seg = seg << 1; seg = seg | dec_bit; uint8_t NO_OF_BITS = 8; uint8_t reverse_num = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NO_OF_BITS; i++) { if ((seg & (1 << i))) reverse_num |= 1 << ((NO_OF_BITS - 1) - i); } seg = reverse_num; max7219display->setRow(MAX7219_ADDR + (pos / 8), 7 - (pos % 8), seg); } // Function to fix order of hardware digits for different TM1637 variants void TM1637SetDigitOrder(void) { if (0 == Settings->display_options.type) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TM1637Data.digit_order[i] = i; } } else if (1 == Settings->display_options.type) { TM1637Data.digit_order[0] = 2; TM1637Data.digit_order[1] = 1; TM1637Data.digit_order[2] = 0; TM1637Data.digit_order[3] = 5; TM1637Data.digit_order[4] = 4; TM1637Data.digit_order[5] = 3; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Displays number without decimal, with/without leading zeros, specifying start-position * and length, optionally skipping clearing display before displaying the number. * commands: DisplayNumber num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,leading_zeros {0|1} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] * DisplayNumberNC num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,leading_zeros {0|1} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] // "NC" --> "No Clear" \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Number(bool clear) { char sNum[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sLeadingzeros[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sPosition[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sLength[CMD_MAX_LEN]; uint8_t length = 0; bool leadingzeros = false; uint8_t position = 0; uint32_t num = 0; switch (ArgC()) { case 4: subStr(sLength, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4); length = atoi(sLength); case 3: subStr(sLeadingzeros, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3); leadingzeros = atoi(sLeadingzeros); case 2: subStr(sPosition, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2); position = atoi(sPosition); case 1: subStr(sNum, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1); num = CharToFloat(sNum); } if ((position < 0) || (position > (Settings->display_width - 1))) position = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: num %d, pos %d, lead %d, len %d"), num, position, leadingzeros, length); if (clear) TM1637ClearDisplay(); char txt[30]; snprintf_P(txt, sizeof(txt), PSTR("%d"), num); if (!length) length = strlen(txt); if ((length < 0) || (length > Settings->display_width)) length = Settings->display_width; char pad = (leadingzeros ? '0' : ' '); uint32_t i = position; uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (; i < position + (length - strlen(txt)); i++) { if (i > Settings->display_width) break; if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(pad); tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) tm1638display->displayASCII(i, pad); else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { if (i > Settings->display_width - 1) break; displayMAX7219ASCII(i, pad); } } for (uint32_t j = 0; i < position + length; i++, j++) { if (i > Settings->display_width) break; if (txt[j] == 0) break; if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(txt[j]); tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) tm1638display->displayASCII(i, txt[j]); else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { if (i > Settings->display_width - 1) break; if (txt[j] == 0) break; displayMAX7219ASCII(i, txt[j]); } } return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Displays number with decimal, specifying position, precision and length, * optionally skipping clearing display before displaying the number. * commands: DisplayFloat num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,precision {0-Settings->display_width} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] * DisplayFloatNC num [,position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,precision {0-Settings->display_width} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]]] // "NC" --> "No Clear" \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Float(bool clear) { char sNum[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sPrecision[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sPosition[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sLength[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sAlignment[CMD_MAX_LEN]; uint8_t length = 0; uint8_t precision = Settings->display_width; uint8_t position = 0; uint8_t alignment = 0; float fnum = 0.0f; switch (ArgC()) { case 5: subStr(sAlignment, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 5); alignment = atoi(sAlignment); case 4: subStr(sLength, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4); length = atoi(sLength); case 3: subStr(sPrecision, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3); precision = atoi(sPrecision); case 2: subStr(sPosition, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2); position = atoi(sPosition); case 1: subStr(sNum, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1); fnum = CharToFloat(sNum); } if ((position < 0) || (position > (Settings->display_width - 1))) position = 0; if ((precision < 0) || (precision > Settings->display_width)) precision = Settings->display_width; if (clear) TM1637ClearDisplay(); char txt[30]; ext_snprintf_P(txt, sizeof(txt), PSTR("%*_f"), precision, &fnum); if (!length) length = strlen(txt); if ((length <= 0) || (length > Settings->display_width)) length = Settings->display_width; // Add leading spaces before value if txt is shorter than length if ((alignment == 1) && (strlen(txt) < length + 1)) { char tmptxt[30]; ext_snprintf_P(tmptxt, sizeof(tmptxt), "%*s%s", strlen(txt)-(length+1), "", txt); strcpy (txt, tmptxt); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: num %4_f, prec %d, len %d"), &fnum, precision, length); if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < length; i++, j++) { if (txt[i] == 0) break; rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(txt[i]); if (txt[i + 1] == '.') { rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; i++; length++; } if ((j + position) > Settings->display_width) break; tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[j + position]); } } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < length; i++, j++) { if ((j + position) > 7) break; if (txt[i] == 0) break; if (txt[i + 1] == '.') { tm1638display->displayASCIIwDot(j + position, txt[i]); i++; length++; } else tm1638display->displayASCII(j + position, txt[i]); } } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < length; i++, j++) { if ((j + position) > Settings->display_width - 1) break; if (txt[i] == 0) break; if (txt[i + 1] == '.') { displayMAX7219ASCIIwDot(j + position, txt[i]); i++; length++; } else displayMAX7219ASCII(j + position, txt[i]); } } return true; } // /*********************************************************************************************\ // * Clears the display // * Command: DisplayClear // \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Clear(void) { TM1637ClearDisplay(); sprintf(TM1637Data.msg, PSTR("Cleared")); XdrvMailbox.data = TM1637Data.msg; return true; } // /*********************************************************************************************\ // * Clears the display // \*********************************************************************************************/ void TM1637ClearDisplay(void) { if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { unsigned char arr[] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < Settings->display_width; i++) tm1637display->printRaw(arr, 1, i); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (int i = 0; i < Settings->display_width; i++) tm1638display->display7Seg(i, 0); } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint8_t dev_addr = 0; dev_addr < Settings->display_width / 8; dev_addr++) { max7219display->clearDisplay(MAX7219_ADDR + dev_addr); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Display scrolling text * Command: DisplayTM1637Data.scroll_text text \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637ScrollText(void) { char sString[SCROLL_MAX_LEN + 1]; char sMaxLoopCount[CMD_MAX_LEN]; uint8_t maxLoopCount = 0; switch (ArgC()) { case 2: subStr(sMaxLoopCount, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2); maxLoopCount = atoi(sMaxLoopCount); case 1: subStr(sString, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1); } if (maxLoopCount < 0) maxLoopCount = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: sString %s, maxLoopCount %d"), sString, maxLoopCount); TM1637Data.scroll_counter_max = maxLoopCount; if (strlen(sString) > SCROLL_MAX_LEN) { snprintf(TM1637Data.msg, sizeof(TM1637Data.msg), PSTR("Text too long. Length should be less than %d"), SCROLL_MAX_LEN); XdrvMailbox.data = TM1637Data.msg; return false; } else { snprintf(TM1637Data.scroll_text, sizeof(TM1637Data.scroll_text), PSTR(" ")); snprintf(TM1637Data.scroll_text, Settings->display_width + sizeof(TM1637Data.scroll_text), PSTR(" %s"), &sString); TM1637Data.scroll_text[strlen(sString) + Settings->display_width] = 0; TM1637Data.scroll_index = 0; TM1637Data.scroll = true; TM1637Data.scroll_counter = 0; return true; } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Sets the scroll delay for scrolling text. * Command: DisplayTM1637Data.scroll_delay delay {0-15} // default = 4 \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637ScrollDelay(void) { if (ArgC() == 0) { XdrvMailbox.payload = TM1637Data.scroll_delay; return true; } if (TM1637Data.scroll_delay < 0) TM1637Data.scroll_delay = 0; TM1637Data.scroll_delay = XdrvMailbox.payload; return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Scrolls a given string. Called every 50ms \*********************************************************************************************/ void TM1637ScrollText(void) { if(!TM1637Data.scroll) return; TM1637Data.iteration++; if (TM1637Data.scroll_delay) TM1637Data.iteration = TM1637Data.iteration % TM1637Data.scroll_delay; else TM1637Data.iteration = 0; if (TM1637Data.iteration) return; if (TM1637Data.scroll_index > strlen(TM1637Data.scroll_text)) { TM1637Data.scroll_index = 0; TM1637Data.scroll_counter++; if(TM1637Data.scroll_counter_max != 0 && (TM1637Data.scroll_counter >= TM1637Data.scroll_counter_max)) { TM1637Data.scroll = false; return; } } uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (uint32_t i = 0, j = TM1637Data.scroll_index; i < 1 + strlen(TM1637Data.scroll_text); i++, j++) { if (i > (Settings->display_width - 1)) { break; } rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(TM1637Data.scroll_text[j]); bool dotSkipped = false; if (TM1637Data.scroll_text[j + 1] == '.') { dotSkipped = true; rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; j++; } else if (TM1637Data.scroll_text[j] == '^') { rawBytes[0] = 1 | 2 | 32 | 64; } if (!dotSkipped && TM1637Data.scroll_text[j] == '.') { j++; TM1637Data.scroll_index++; rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(TM1637Data.scroll_text[j]); } if (TM1637Data.scroll_text[j + 1] == '.') { rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; } if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { tm1638display->display7Seg(i, rawBytes[0]); } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { displayMAX72197Seg(i, rawBytes[0]); } } TM1637Data.scroll_index++; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Displays a horizontal bar graph. Takes a percentage number (0-100) as input * Command: DisplayLevel level {0-100} \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Level(void) { uint16_t val = XdrvMailbox.payload; if ((val < LEVEL_MIN) || (val > LEVEL_MAX)) { Response_P(PSTR("{\"Error\":\"Level should be a number in the range [%d, %d]\"}"), LEVEL_MIN, LEVEL_MAX); return false; } uint8_t totalBars = 2 * Settings->display_width; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: TM1637Data.model_name %s CmndTM1637Level totalBars=%d"), TM1637Data.model_name, totalBars); float barsToDisplay = totalBars * val / 100.0f; char txt[5]; ext_snprintf_P(txt, sizeof(txt), PSTR("%*_f"), 1, &barsToDisplay); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: TM1637Data.model_name %s CmndTM1637Level barsToDisplay=%s"), TM1637Data.model_name, txt); char s[4]; ext_snprintf_P(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("%0_f"), &barsToDisplay); uint8_t numBars = atoi(s); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: CmndTM1637Level numBars %d"), numBars); TM1637ClearDisplay(); uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (int i = 1; i <= numBars; i++) { uint8_t digit = (i - 1) / 2; uint8_t value = (((i % 2) == 0) ? 54 : 48); if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { rawBytes[0] = value; tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[digit]); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { tm1638display->display7Seg(digit, value); } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { displayMAX72197Seg(digit, value); } } return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Display arbitrary data on the display module * Command: DisplayRaw position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)},length {1 to Settings->display_width}, a [, b[, c[, d[...upto Settings->display_width]]]] * where a,b,c,d... are upto Settings->display_width numbers in the range 0-255, each number (byte) * corresponding to a single 7-segment digit. Within each byte, bit 0 is segment A, * bit 1 is segment B etc. The function may either set the entire display * or any desired part using the length and position parameters. \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Raw(void) { uint8_t DATA[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char as[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char bs[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char cs[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char ds[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char es[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char fs[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sLength[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sPos[CMD_MAX_LEN]; uint32_t position = 0; uint32_t length = 0; switch (ArgC()) { case 8: subStr(fs, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 8); DATA[5] = atoi(fs); case 7: subStr(es, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 7); DATA[4] = atoi(es); case 6: subStr(ds, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 6); DATA[3] = atoi(ds); case 5: subStr(cs, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 5); DATA[2] = atoi(cs); case 4: subStr(bs, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4); DATA[1] = atoi(bs); case 3: subStr(as, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3); DATA[0] = atoi(as); case 2: subStr(sLength, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2); length = atoi(sLength); case 1: subStr(sPos, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1); position = atoi(sPos); } if (!length) length = ArgC() - 2; if (length < 0 || length > Settings->display_width) length = Settings->display_width; if (position < 0 || position > (Settings->display_width - 1)) position = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: a %d, b %d, c %d, d %d, e %d, f %d, len %d, pos %d"), DATA[0], DATA[1], DATA[2], DATA[3], DATA[4], DATA[5], length, position); if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (uint32_t i = position; i < position + length; i++) { if (i > (Settings->display_width - 1)) break; rawBytes[0] = DATA[i - position]; tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = position; i < position + length; i++) { if (i > 7) break; tm1638display->display7Seg(i, DATA[i - position]); } } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = position; i < position + length; i++) { if (i > Settings->display_width - 1) break; displayMAX72197Seg(i, DATA[i - position]); } } return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Display a given string. * Text can be placed at arbitrary location on the display using the length and * position parameters without affecting the rest of the display. * Command: DisplayText text [, position {0-(Settings->display_width-1)} [,length {1 to Settings->display_width}]] \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Text(bool clear) { char sString[CMD_MAX_LEN + 1]; char sPosition[CMD_MAX_LEN]; char sLength[CMD_MAX_LEN]; uint8_t length = 0; uint8_t position = 0; switch (ArgC()) { case 3: subStr(sLength, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3); length = atoi(sLength); case 2: subStr(sPosition, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2); position = atoi(sPosition); case 1: subStr(sString, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1); } if ((position < 0) || (position > (Settings->display_width - 1))) position = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: sString %s, pos %d, len %d"), sString, position, length); if (clear) TM1637ClearDisplay(); if (!length) length = strlen(sString); if ((length < 0) || (length > Settings->display_width)) length = Settings->display_width; uint32_t i = position; if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (uint32_t j = 0; i < position + length; i++, j++) { if (i > (Settings->display_width - 1)) break; if (sString[j] == 0) break; rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(sString[j]); bool dotSkipped = false; if (sString[j + 1] == '.') { dotSkipped = true; rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; j++; } else if (sString[j] == '^') { rawBytes[0] = 1 | 2 | 32 | 64; } if (!dotSkipped && sString[j] == '.') rawBytes[0] = 128; tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t j = 0; i < position + length; i++, j++) { if (i > 7) break; if (sString[j] == 0) break; if (sString[j + 1] == '.') { tm1638display->displayASCIIwDot(i, sString[j]); j++; } else if (sString[j] == '^') { tm1638display->display7Seg(i, (1 | 2 | 32 | 64)); } else tm1638display->displayASCII(i, sString[j]); } } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t rawBytes[1]; for (uint32_t j = 0; i < position + length; i++, j++) { if (i > Settings->display_width - 1) break; if (sString[j] == 0) break; rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(sString[j]); bool dotSkipped = false; if (sString[j + 1] == '.') { dotSkipped = true; rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; j++; } else if (sString[j] == '^') { rawBytes[0] = 1 | 2 | 32 | 64; } if (!dotSkipped && sString[j] == '.') rawBytes[0] = 128; displayMAX72197Seg(i, rawBytes[0]); } } return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Displays a clock. * Command: DisplayClock 1 // 12-hour format * DisplayClock 2 // 24-hour format * DisplayClock 0 // turn off clock and clear \*********************************************************************************************/ bool CmndTM1637Clock(void) { TM1637Data.show_clock = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (ArgC() == 0) XdrvMailbox.payload = 1; if (XdrvMailbox.payload > 1) { TM1637Data.clock_24 = true; XdrvMailbox.payload = 2; } else { TM1637Data.clock_24 = false; XdrvMailbox.payload = 1; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TM7: TM1637Data.show_clock %d, TM1637Data.clock_24 %d"), TM1637Data.show_clock, TM1637Data.clock_24); TM1637ClearDisplay(); return true; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * refreshes the time if clock is displayed \*********************************************************************************************/ void TM1637ShowTime() { struct TIME_T t = RtcTime; BreakNanoTime(Rtc.local_time, Rtc.nanos + (millis() - Rtc.millis) * 1000000, t); uint8_t hr = t.hour; uint8_t mn = t.minute; uint8_t sc = t.second; uint16_t ms = t.nanos / 1000000; if (!TM1637Data.clock_24) { if (hr > 12) hr -= 12; if (hr == 0) hr = 12; } char tm[7]; snprintf_P(tm, sizeof(tm), PSTR("%02d%02d%02d"), hr, mn, sc); if (!TM1637Data.clock_24 && tm[0] == '0') { tm[0] = ' '; } if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t colon = ms > 500? 0: 128; uint8_t rawBytes[1]; uint8_t width = Settings->display_width >= 6? 6: 4; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < width; i++) { rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(tm[i]); if (i == 1 || (i == 3 && width > 4)) rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | colon; tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((millis() % 1000) > 500 && (i == 1)) tm1638display->displayASCIIwDot(i, tm[i]); else tm1638display->displayASCII(i, tm[i]); } } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //if ((millis() % 1000) > 500 && (i == 3)) if ((i == 1) || (i == 3)) displayMAX7219ASCIIwDot(i, tm[i]); else displayMAX7219ASCII(i, tm[i]); } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * This function is called for all Display functions. \*********************************************************************************************/ bool TM1637MainFunc(uint8_t fn) { bool result = false; if(fn != FUNC_DISPLAY_SCROLLDELAY) TM1637Data.scroll = false; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > CMD_MAX_LEN) { Response_P(PSTR("{\"Error\":\"Command text too long. Please limit it to %d characters\"}"), CMD_MAX_LEN); return false; } switch (fn) { case FUNC_DISPLAY_CLEAR: result = CmndTM1637Clear(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_NUMBER: result = CmndTM1637Number(true); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_NUMBERNC: result = CmndTM1637Number(false); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_FLOAT: result = CmndTM1637Float(true); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_FLOATNC: result = CmndTM1637Float(false); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_RAW: result = CmndTM1637Raw(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG_TEXT: result = CmndTM1637Text(true); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG_TEXTNC: result = CmndTM1637Text(false); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_LEVEL: result = CmndTM1637Level(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_SCROLLTEXT: result = CmndTM1637ScrollText(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_SCROLLDELAY: result = CmndTM1637ScrollDelay(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_CLOCK: result = CmndTM1637Clock(); break; } return result; } void TM1637Dim(void) { // GetDisplayDimmer16() = 0 - 15 uint8_t brightness = GetDisplayDimmer16() >> 1; // 0 - 7 if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { tm1637display->setBacklight(brightness * 12); // 0 - 84 } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { tm1638display->brightness(brightness); // 0 - 7 } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { for (uint8_t dev_addr = 0; dev_addr < Settings->display_width / 8; dev_addr++) { max7219display->setIntensity(MAX7219_ADDR, brightness); // 0 - 7 } } } /*********************************************************************************************/ #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 void TM1637Print(char *txt) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Settings->display_cols[0]; i++) { if (TM1637 == TM1637Data.display_type) { uint8_t rawBytes[1]; rawBytes[0] = tm1637display->encode(txt[i]); // if ((millis() % 1000) > 500 && (i == 1)) { rawBytes[0] = rawBytes[0] | 128; } tm1637display->printRaw(rawBytes, 1, TM1637Data.digit_order[i]); } else if (TM1638 == TM1637Data.display_type) { // if ((millis() % 1000) > 500 && (i == 1)) { tm1638display->displayASCIIwDot(i, txt[i]); } tm1638display->displayASCII(i, txt[i]); } else if (MAX7219 == TM1637Data.display_type) { // if ((millis() % 1000) > 500 && (i == 1)) { tm1638display->displayASCIIwDot(i, txt[i]); } displayMAX7219ASCII(i, txt[i]); } } } void TM1637Center(char *txt) { char line[Settings->display_cols[0] + 2]; int len = strlen(txt); int offset = 0; if (len >= Settings->display_cols[0]) { len = Settings->display_cols[0]; } else { offset = (Settings->display_cols[0] - len) / 2; } memset(line, 0x20, Settings->display_cols[0]); line[Settings->display_cols[0]] = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { line[offset + i] = txt[i]; } TM1637Print(line); } /* bool TM1637PrintLog(void) { bool result = false; disp_refresh--; if (!disp_refresh) { disp_refresh = Settings->display_refresh; if (!disp_screen_buffer_cols) { DisplayAllocScreenBuffer(); } char* txt = DisplayLogBuffer('\337'); if (txt != nullptr) { uint8_t last_row = Settings->display_rows -1; strlcpy(disp_screen_buffer[last_row], txt, disp_screen_buffer_cols); DisplayFillScreen(last_row); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_DEBUG "[%s]"), disp_screen_buffer[last_row]); TM1637Print(disp_screen_buffer[last_row]); result = true; } } return result; } */ void TM1637Time(void) { char line[Settings->display_cols[0] + 1]; if (Settings->display_cols[0] >= 8) { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d %02d %02d"), RtcTime.hour, RtcTime.minute, RtcTime.second); } else if (Settings->display_cols[0] >= 6) { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d%02d%02d"), RtcTime.hour, RtcTime.minute, RtcTime.second); } else { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d%02d"), RtcTime.hour, RtcTime.minute); } TM1637Center(line); } void TM1637Date(void) { char line[Settings->display_cols[0] + 1]; if (Settings->display_cols[0] >= 8) { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d-%02d-%02d"), RtcTime.day_of_month, RtcTime.month, RtcTime.year - 2000); } else if (Settings->display_cols[0] >= 6) { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d%02d%02d"), RtcTime.day_of_month, RtcTime.month, RtcTime.year - 2000); } else { snprintf_P(line, sizeof(line), PSTR("%02d%02d"), RtcTime.day_of_month, RtcTime.month); } TM1637Center(line); } void TM1637Refresh(void) { // Every second if (!disp_power || !Settings->display_mode) { return; } // Mode 0 is User text switch (Settings->display_mode) { case 1: // Time TM1637Time(); break; case 2: // Date TM1637Date(); break; case 3: // Time if (TasmotaGlobal.uptime % Settings->display_refresh) { TM1637Time(); } else { TM1637Date(); } break; /* case 4: // Mqtt TM1637PrintLog(); break; case 5: { // Mqtt if (!TM1637PrintLog()) { TM1637Time(); } break; } */ } } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdsp15(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; if (FUNC_DISPLAY_INIT_DRIVER == function) { TM1637Init(); } else if (TM1637Data.init_done && (XDSP_15 == Settings->display_model)) { switch (function) { case FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_50_MSECOND: if (disp_power && !Settings->display_mode) { if (TM1637Data.scroll) { TM1637ScrollText(); } if (TM1637Data.show_clock) { TM1637ShowTime(); } } break; #ifdef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 case FUNC_DISPLAY_EVERY_SECOND: TM1637Refresh(); break; #endif // USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 case FUNC_DISPLAY_MODEL: result = true; break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG_TEXT: case FUNC_DISPLAY_CLEAR: case FUNC_DISPLAY_NUMBER: case FUNC_DISPLAY_FLOAT: case FUNC_DISPLAY_NUMBERNC: case FUNC_DISPLAY_FLOATNC: case FUNC_DISPLAY_RAW: case FUNC_DISPLAY_LEVEL: case FUNC_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG_TEXTNC: case FUNC_DISPLAY_SCROLLTEXT: case FUNC_DISPLAY_SCROLLDELAY: case FUNC_DISPLAY_CLOCK: if (disp_power && !Settings->display_mode) { TM1637Data.show_clock = false; result = TM1637MainFunc(function); } break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_DIM: TM1637Dim(); break; case FUNC_DISPLAY_POWER: if (!disp_power) { TM1637ClearDisplay(); } break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_DISPLAY_TM1637 #endif // USE_DISPLAY