/* xdrv_10_rules.ino - rule support for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2019 ESP Easy Group and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_RULES #ifndef USE_SCRIPT /*********************************************************************************************\ * Rules based heavily on ESP Easy implementation * * Inspiration: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy * * Add rules using the following, case insensitive, format: * on do endon on do endon .. * * Examples: * on System#Boot do Color 001000 endon * on INA219#Current>0.100 do Dimmer 10 endon * on INA219#Current>0.100 do Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 10,0,0 endon * on INA219#Current>0.100 do Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 100000 endon on System#Boot do color 001000 endon * on ds18b20#temperature>23 do power off endon on ds18b20#temperature<22 do power on endon * on mqtt#connected do color 000010 endon * on mqtt#disconnected do color 00100C endon * on time#initialized do color 001000 endon * on time#initialized>120 do color 001000 endon * on time#set do color 001008 endon * on clock#timer=3 do color 080800 endon * on rules#timer=1 do color 080800 endon * on mqtt#connected do color 000010 endon on mqtt#disconnected do color 001010 endon on time#initialized do color 001000 endon on time#set do backlog color 000810;ruletimer1 10 endon on rules#timer=1 do color 080800 endon * on event#anyname do color 100000 endon * on event#anyname do color %value% endon * on power1#state=1 do color 001000 endon * on button1#state do publish cmnd/ring2/power %value% endon on button2#state do publish cmnd/strip1/power %value% endon * on switch1#state do power2 %value% endon * on analog#a0div10 do publish cmnd/ring2/dimmer %value% endon * * Notes: * Spaces after , around and before are mandatory * System#Boot is initiated after MQTT is connected due to command handling preparation * Control rule triggering with command: * Rule 0 = Rules disabled (Off) * Rule 1 = Rules enabled (On) * Rule 2 = Toggle rules state * Rule 4 = Perform commands as long as trigger is met (Once OFF) * Rule 5 = Perform commands once until trigger is not met (Once ON) * Rule 6 = Toggle Once state * Execute an event like: * Event anyname=001000 * Set a RuleTimer to 100 seconds like: * RuleTimer2 100 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_10 10 #define D_CMND_RULE "Rule" #define D_CMND_RULETIMER "RuleTimer" #define D_CMND_EVENT "Event" #define D_CMND_VAR "Var" #define D_CMND_MEM "Mem" #define D_CMND_ADD "Add" #define D_CMND_SUB "Sub" #define D_CMND_MULT "Mult" #define D_CMND_SCALE "Scale" #define D_CMND_CALC_RESOLUTION "CalcRes" #define D_CMND_SUBSCRIBE "Subscribe" #define D_CMND_UNSUBSCRIBE "Unsubscribe" #define D_JSON_INITIATED "Initiated" #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_NONE -1 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_EQUAL 0 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_BIGGER 1 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_SMALLER 2 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_EXACT_DIVISION 3 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_NUMBER_EQUAL 4 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL 5 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_BIGGER_EQUAL 6 #define COMPARE_OPERATOR_SMALLER_EQUAL 7 #define MAXIMUM_COMPARE_OPERATOR COMPARE_OPERATOR_SMALLER_EQUAL const char kCompareOperators[] PROGMEM = "=\0>\0<\0|\0==!=>=<="; #ifdef USE_EXPRESSION #include // Import LinkedList library const char kExpressionOperators[] PROGMEM = "+-*/%^"; #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_ADD 0 #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_SUBTRACT 1 #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY 2 #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_DIVIDEDBY 3 #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_MODULO 4 #define EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_POWER 5 const uint8_t kExpressionOperatorsPriorities[] PROGMEM = {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4}; #define MAX_EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_PRIORITY 4 #endif // USE_EXPRESSION const char kRulesCommands[] PROGMEM = "|" // No prefix D_CMND_RULE "|" D_CMND_RULETIMER "|" D_CMND_EVENT "|" D_CMND_VAR "|" D_CMND_MEM "|" D_CMND_ADD "|" D_CMND_SUB "|" D_CMND_MULT "|" D_CMND_SCALE "|" D_CMND_CALC_RESOLUTION #ifdef SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT "|" D_CMND_SUBSCRIBE "|" D_CMND_UNSUBSCRIBE #endif ; void (* const RulesCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndRule, &CmndRuleTimer, &CmndEvent, &CmndVariable, &CmndMemory, &CmndAddition, &CmndSubtract, &CmndMultiply, &CmndScale, &CmndCalcResolution #ifdef SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT , &CmndSubscribe, &CmndUnsubscribe #endif }; #ifdef SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT #include // Import LinkedList library typedef struct { String Event; String Topic; String Key; } MQTT_Subscription; LinkedList subscriptions; #endif // SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT struct RULES { String event_value; unsigned long timer[MAX_RULE_TIMERS] = { 0 }; uint32_t triggers[MAX_RULE_SETS] = { 0 }; uint8_t trigger_count[MAX_RULE_SETS] = { 0 }; long new_power = -1; long old_power = -1; long old_dimm = -1; uint16_t last_minute = 60; uint16_t vars_event = 0; uint8_t mems_event = 0; bool teleperiod = false; char event_data[100]; } Rules; char rules_vars[MAX_RULE_VARS][33] = {{ 0 }}; #if (MAX_RULE_VARS>16) #error MAX_RULE_VARS is bigger than 16 #endif #if (MAX_RULE_MEMS>5) #error MAX_RULE_MEMS is bigger than 5 #endif /*******************************************************************************************/ bool RulesRuleMatch(uint8_t rule_set, String &event, String &rule) { // event = {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089}} // event = {"System":{"Boot":1}} // rule = "INA219#CURRENT>0.100" bool match = false; char stemp[10]; // Step1: Analyse rule int pos = rule.indexOf('#'); if (pos == -1) { return false; } // No # sign in rule String rule_task = rule.substring(0, pos); // "INA219" or "SYSTEM" if (Rules.teleperiod) { int ppos = rule_task.indexOf("TELE-"); // "TELE-INA219" or "INA219" if (ppos == -1) { return false; } // No pre-amble in rule rule_task = rule.substring(5, pos); // "INA219" or "SYSTEM" } String rule_name = rule.substring(pos +1); // "CURRENT>0.100" or "BOOT" or "%var1%" or "MINUTE|5" char compare_operator[3]; int8_t compare = COMPARE_OPERATOR_NONE; for (int32_t i = MAXIMUM_COMPARE_OPERATOR; i >= 0; i--) { snprintf_P(compare_operator, sizeof(compare_operator), kCompareOperators + (i *2)); if ((pos = rule_name.indexOf(compare_operator)) > 0) { compare = i; break; } } char rule_svalue[CMDSZ] = { 0 }; float rule_value = 0; if (compare != COMPARE_OPERATOR_NONE) { String rule_param = rule_name.substring(pos + strlen(compare_operator)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_VARS; i++) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%VAR%d%%"), i +1); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = rules_vars[i]; break; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_MEMS; i++) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%MEM%d%%"), i +1); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = Settings.mems[i]; break; } } snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%TIME%%")); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = String(MinutesPastMidnight()); } snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%UPTIME%%")); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = String(MinutesUptime()); } snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%TIMESTAMP%%")); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = GetDateAndTime(DT_LOCAL).c_str(); } #if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_SUNRISE) snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%SUNRISE%%")); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = String(SunMinutes(0)); } snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%SUNSET%%")); if (rule_param.startsWith(stemp)) { rule_param = String(SunMinutes(1)); } #endif // USE_TIMERS and USE_SUNRISE rule_param.toUpperCase(); strlcpy(rule_svalue, rule_param.c_str(), sizeof(rule_svalue)); int temp_value = GetStateNumber(rule_svalue); if (temp_value > -1) { rule_value = temp_value; } else { rule_value = CharToFloat((char*)rule_svalue); // 0.1 - This saves 9k code over toFLoat()! } rule_name = rule_name.substring(0, pos); // "CURRENT" } // Step2: Search rule_task and rule_name StaticJsonBuffer<1024> jsonBuf; JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(event); if (!root.success()) { return false; } // No valid JSON data float value = 0; const char* str_value = root[rule_task][rule_name]; //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Task %s, Name %s, Value |%s|, TrigCnt %d, TrigSt %d, Source %s, Json %s"), // rule_task.c_str(), rule_name.c_str(), rule_svalue, Rules.trigger_count[rule_set], bitRead(Rules.triggers[rule_set], Rules.trigger_count[rule_set]), event.c_str(), (str_value) ? str_value : "none"); if (!root[rule_task][rule_name].success()) { return false; } // No value but rule_name is ok Rules.event_value = str_value; // Prepare %value% // Step 3: Compare rule (value) if (str_value) { value = CharToFloat((char*)str_value); int int_value = int(value); int int_rule_value = int(rule_value); switch (compare) { case COMPARE_OPERATOR_EXACT_DIVISION: match = (int_rule_value && (int_value % int_rule_value) == 0); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_EQUAL: match = (!strcasecmp(str_value, rule_svalue)); // Compare strings - this also works for hexadecimals break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_BIGGER: match = (value > rule_value); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_SMALLER: match = (value < rule_value); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_NUMBER_EQUAL: match = (value == rule_value); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL: match = (value != rule_value); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_BIGGER_EQUAL: match = (value >= rule_value); break; case COMPARE_OPERATOR_SMALLER_EQUAL: match = (value <= rule_value); break; default: match = true; } } else match = true; if (bitRead(Settings.rule_once, rule_set)) { if (match) { // Only allow match state changes if (!bitRead(Rules.triggers[rule_set], Rules.trigger_count[rule_set])) { bitSet(Rules.triggers[rule_set], Rules.trigger_count[rule_set]); } else { match = false; } } else { bitClear(Rules.triggers[rule_set], Rules.trigger_count[rule_set]); } } return match; } /*******************************************************************************************/ bool RuleSetProcess(uint8_t rule_set, String &event_saved) { bool serviced = false; char stemp[10]; delay(0); // Prohibit possible loop software watchdog //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Event = %s, Rule = %s"), event_saved.c_str(), Settings.rules[rule_set]); String rules = Settings.rules[rule_set]; Rules.trigger_count[rule_set] = 0; int plen = 0; int plen2 = 0; bool stop_all_rules = false; while (true) { rules = rules.substring(plen); // Select relative to last rule rules.trim(); if (!rules.length()) { return serviced; } // No more rules String rule = rules; rule.toUpperCase(); // "ON INA219#CURRENT>0.100 DO BACKLOG DIMMER 10;COLOR 100000 ENDON" if (!rule.startsWith("ON ")) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - Nothing to start on int pevt = rule.indexOf(" DO "); if (pevt == -1) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - Nothing to do String event_trigger = rule.substring(3, pevt); // "INA219#CURRENT>0.100" plen = rule.indexOf(" ENDON"); plen2 = rule.indexOf(" BREAK"); if ((plen == -1) && (plen2 == -1)) { return serviced; } // Bad syntax - No ENDON neither BREAK if (plen == -1) { plen = 9999; } if (plen2 == -1) { plen2 = 9999; } plen = tmin(plen, plen2); if (plen == plen2) { stop_all_rules = true; } // If BREAK was used, Stop execution of this rule set String commands = rules.substring(pevt +4, plen); // "Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 100000" plen += 6; Rules.event_value = ""; String event = event_saved; //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Event |%s|, Rule |%s|, Command(s) |%s|"), event.c_str(), event_trigger.c_str(), commands.c_str()); if (RulesRuleMatch(rule_set, event, event_trigger)) { commands.trim(); String ucommand = commands; ucommand.toUpperCase(); // if (!ucommand.startsWith("BACKLOG")) { commands = "backlog " + commands; } // Always use Backlog to prevent power race exception if (ucommand.indexOf("EVENT ") != -1) { commands = "backlog " + commands; } // Always use Backlog with event to prevent rule event loop exception commands.replace(F("%value%"), Rules.event_value); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_VARS; i++) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%var%d%%"), i +1); commands.replace(stemp, rules_vars[i]); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_MEMS; i++) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%%mem%d%%"), i +1); commands.replace(stemp, Settings.mems[i]); } commands.replace(F("%time%"), String(MinutesPastMidnight())); commands.replace(F("%uptime%"), String(MinutesUptime())); commands.replace(F("%timestamp%"), GetDateAndTime(DT_LOCAL).c_str()); #if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_SUNRISE) commands.replace(F("%sunrise%"), String(SunMinutes(0))); commands.replace(F("%sunset%"), String(SunMinutes(1))); #endif // USE_TIMERS and USE_SUNRISE char command[commands.length() +1]; strlcpy(command, commands.c_str(), sizeof(command)); AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("RUL: %s performs \"%s\""), event_trigger.c_str(), command); // Response_P(S_JSON_COMMAND_SVALUE, D_CMND_RULE, D_JSON_INITIATED); // MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_CMND_RULE)); ExecuteCommand(command, SRC_RULE); serviced = true; if (stop_all_rules) { return serviced; } // If BREAK was used, Stop execution of this rule set } Rules.trigger_count[rule_set]++; } return serviced; } /*******************************************************************************************/ bool RulesProcessEvent(char *json_event) { bool serviced = false; #ifdef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER ShowFreeMem(PSTR("RulesProcessEvent")); #endif String event_saved = json_event; // json_event = {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089}} // json_event = {"System":{"Boot":1}} // json_event = {"SerialReceived":"on"} - invalid but will be expanded to {"SerialReceived":{"Data":"on"}} char *p = strchr(json_event, ':'); if ((p != NULL) && !(strchr(++p, ':'))) { // Find second colon event_saved.replace(F(":"), F(":{\"Data\":")); event_saved += F("}"); // event_saved = {"SerialReceived":{"Data":"on"}} } event_saved.toUpperCase(); //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Event %s"), event_saved.c_str()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_SETS; i++) { if (strlen(Settings.rules[i]) && bitRead(Settings.rule_enabled, i)) { if (RuleSetProcess(i, event_saved)) { serviced = true; } } } return serviced; } bool RulesProcess(void) { return RulesProcessEvent(mqtt_data); } void RulesInit(void) { rules_flag.data = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_SETS; i++) { if (Settings.rules[i][0] == '\0') { bitWrite(Settings.rule_enabled, i, 0); bitWrite(Settings.rule_once, i, 0); } } Rules.teleperiod = false; } void RulesEvery50ms(void) { if (Settings.rule_enabled) { // Any rule enabled char json_event[120]; if (-1 == Rules.new_power) { Rules.new_power = power; } if (Rules.new_power != Rules.old_power) { if (Rules.old_power != -1) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < devices_present; i++) { uint8_t new_state = (Rules.new_power >> i) &1; if (new_state != ((Rules.old_power >> i) &1)) { snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Power%d\":{\"State\":%d}}"), i +1, new_state); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } } } else { // Boot time POWER OUTPUTS (Relays) Status for (uint32_t i = 0; i < devices_present; i++) { uint8_t new_state = (Rules.new_power >> i) &1; snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Power%d\":{\"Boot\":%d}}"), i +1, new_state); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } // Boot time SWITCHES Status for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SWITCHES; i++) { #ifdef USE_TM1638 if ((pin[GPIO_SWT1 +i] < 99) || ((pin[GPIO_TM16CLK] < 99) && (pin[GPIO_TM16DIO] < 99) && (pin[GPIO_TM16STB] < 99))) { #else if (pin[GPIO_SWT1 +i] < 99) { #endif // USE_TM1638 bool swm = ((FOLLOW_INV == Settings.switchmode[i]) || (PUSHBUTTON_INV == Settings.switchmode[i]) || (PUSHBUTTONHOLD_INV == Settings.switchmode[i])); snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_SWITCH "%d\":{\"Boot\":%d}}"), i +1, (swm ^ SwitchLastState(i))); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } } } Rules.old_power = Rules.new_power; } else if (Rules.old_dimm != Settings.light_dimmer) { if (Rules.old_dimm != -1) { snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Dimmer\":{\"State\":%d}}"), Settings.light_dimmer); } else { // Boot time DIMMER VALUE snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Dimmer\":{\"Boot\":%d}}"), Settings.light_dimmer); } RulesProcessEvent(json_event); Rules.old_dimm = Settings.light_dimmer; } else if (Rules.event_data[0]) { char *event; char *parameter; event = strtok_r(Rules.event_data, "=", ¶meter); // Rules.event_data = fanspeed=10 if (event) { event = Trim(event); if (parameter) { parameter = Trim(parameter); } else { parameter = event + strlen(event); // '\0' } snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Event\":{\"%s\":\"%s\"}}"), event, parameter); Rules.event_data[0] ='\0'; RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } else { Rules.event_data[0] ='\0'; } } else if (Rules.vars_event || Rules.mems_event){ if (Rules.vars_event) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_VARS; i++) { if (bitRead(Rules.vars_event, i)) { bitClear(Rules.vars_event, i); snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Var%d\":{\"State\":%s}}"), i+1, rules_vars[i]); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); break; } } } if (Rules.mems_event) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_MEMS; i++) { if (bitRead(Rules.mems_event, i)) { bitClear(Rules.mems_event, i); snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Mem%d\":{\"State\":%s}}"), i+1, Settings.mems[i]); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); break; } } } } else if (rules_flag.data) { uint16_t mask = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULES_FLAG; i++) { if (rules_flag.data & mask) { rules_flag.data ^= mask; json_event[0] = '\0'; switch (i) { case 0: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"System\":{\"Boot\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; case 1: snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Time\":{\"Initialized\":%d}}"), MinutesPastMidnight()); break; case 2: snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Time\":{\"Set\":%d}}"), MinutesPastMidnight()); break; case 3: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"MQTT\":{\"Connected\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; case 4: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"MQTT\":{\"Disconnected\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; case 5: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"WIFI\":{\"Connected\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; case 6: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"WIFI\":{\"Disconnected\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; case 7: strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"HTTP\":{\"Initialized\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); break; } if (json_event[0]) { RulesProcessEvent(json_event); break; // Only service one event within 50mS } } mask <<= 1; } } } } uint8_t rules_xsns_index = 0; void RulesEvery100ms(void) { if (Settings.rule_enabled && (uptime > 4)) { // Any rule enabled and allow 4 seconds start-up time for sensors (#3811) mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; int tele_period_save = tele_period; tele_period = 2; // Do not allow HA updates during next function call XsnsNextCall(FUNC_JSON_APPEND, rules_xsns_index); // ,"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089} tele_period = tele_period_save; if (strlen(mqtt_data)) { mqtt_data[0] = '{'; // {"INA219":{"Voltage":4.494,"Current":0.020,"Power":0.089} ResponseJsonEnd(); RulesProcess(); } } } void RulesEverySecond(void) { if (Settings.rule_enabled) { // Any rule enabled char json_event[120]; if (RtcTime.valid) { if ((uptime > 60) && (RtcTime.minute != Rules.last_minute)) { // Execute from one minute after restart every minute only once Rules.last_minute = RtcTime.minute; snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Time\":{\"Minute\":%d}}"), MinutesPastMidnight()); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_TIMERS; i++) { if (Rules.timer[i] != 0L) { // Timer active? if (TimeReached(Rules.timer[i])) { // Timer finished? Rules.timer[i] = 0L; // Turn off this timer snprintf_P(json_event, sizeof(json_event), PSTR("{\"Rules\":{\"Timer\":%d}}"), i +1); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } } } } } void RulesSaveBeforeRestart(void) { if (Settings.rule_enabled) { // Any rule enabled char json_event[32]; strncpy_P(json_event, PSTR("{\"System\":{\"Save\":1}}"), sizeof(json_event)); RulesProcessEvent(json_event); } } void RulesSetPower(void) { Rules.new_power = XdrvMailbox.index; } void RulesTeleperiod(void) { Rules.teleperiod = true; RulesProcess(); Rules.teleperiod = false; } #ifdef SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Rules: Process received MQTT message. * If the message is in our subscription list, trigger an event with the value parsed from MQTT data * Input: * void - We are going to access XdrvMailbox data directly. * Return: * true - The message is consumed. * false - The message is not in our list. */ bool RulesMqttData(void) { bool serviced = false; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len < 1 || XdrvMailbox.data_len > 128) { return false; } String sTopic = XdrvMailbox.topic; String sData = XdrvMailbox.data; //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: MQTT Topic %s, Event %s"), XdrvMailbox.topic, XdrvMailbox.data); MQTT_Subscription event_item; //Looking for matched topic for (uint32_t index = 0; index < subscriptions.size(); index++) { event_item = subscriptions.get(index); //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Match MQTT message Topic %s with subscription topic %s"), sTopic.c_str(), event_item.Topic.c_str()); if (sTopic.startsWith(event_item.Topic)) { //This topic is subscribed by us, so serve it serviced = true; String value; if (event_item.Key.length() == 0) { //If did not specify Key value = sData; } else { //If specified Key, need to parse Key/Value from JSON data StaticJsonBuffer<400> jsonBuf; JsonObject& jsonData = jsonBuf.parseObject(sData); String key1 = event_item.Key; String key2; if (!jsonData.success()) break; //Failed to parse JSON data, ignore this message. int dot; if ((dot = key1.indexOf('.')) > 0) { key2 = key1.substring(dot+1); key1 = key1.substring(0, dot); if (!jsonData[key1][key2].success()) break; //Failed to get the key/value, ignore this message. value = (const char *)jsonData[key1][key2]; } else { if (!jsonData[key1].success()) break; value = (const char *)jsonData[key1]; } } value.trim(); //Create an new event. Cannot directly call RulesProcessEvent(). snprintf_P(Rules.event_data, sizeof(Rules.event_data), PSTR("%s=%s"), event_item.Event.c_str(), value.c_str()); } } return serviced; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Subscribe a MQTT topic (with or without key) and assign an event name to it * Command Subscribe format: * Subscribe , [, ] * This command will subscribe a and give it an event name . * The optional parameter is for parse the specified key/value from MQTT message * payload with JSON format. * Subscribe * Subscribe command without any parameter will list all topics currently subscribed. * Input: * XdrvMailbox.data - A char buffer with all the parameters * XdrvMailbox.data_len - Length of the parameters * Return: * A string include subscribed event, topic and key. */ void CmndSubscribe(void) { MQTT_Subscription subscription_item; String events; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { char parameters[XdrvMailbox.data_len+1]; memcpy(parameters, XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len); parameters[XdrvMailbox.data_len] = '\0'; String event_name, topic, key; char * pos = strtok(parameters, ","); if (pos) { event_name = Trim(pos); pos = strtok(nullptr, ","); if (pos) { topic = Trim(pos); pos = strtok(nullptr, ","); if (pos) { key = Trim(pos); } } } //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: Subscribe command with parameters: %s, %s, %s."), event_name.c_str(), topic.c_str(), key.c_str()); event_name.toUpperCase(); if (event_name.length() > 0 && topic.length() > 0) { //Search all subscriptions for (uint32_t index=0; index < subscriptions.size(); index++) { if (subscriptions.get(index).Event.equals(event_name)) { //If find exists one, remove it. String stopic = subscriptions.get(index).Topic + "/#"; MqttUnsubscribe(stopic.c_str()); subscriptions.remove(index); break; } } //Add "/#" to the topic if (!topic.endsWith("#")) { if (topic.endsWith("/")) { topic.concat("#"); } else { topic.concat("/#"); } } //AddLog_P2(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("RUL: New topic: %s."), topic.c_str()); //MQTT Subscribe subscription_item.Event = event_name; subscription_item.Topic = topic.substring(0, topic.length() - 2); //Remove "/#" so easy to match subscription_item.Key = key; subscriptions.add(subscription_item); MqttSubscribe(topic.c_str()); events.concat(event_name + "," + topic + (key.length()>0 ? "," : "") + key); } else { events = D_JSON_WRONG_PARAMETERS; } } else { //If did not specify the event name, list all subscribed event for (uint32_t index=0; index < subscriptions.size(); index++) { subscription_item = subscriptions.get(index); events.concat(subscription_item.Event + "," + subscription_item.Topic + (subscription_item.Key.length()>0 ? "," : "") + subscription_item.Key + "; "); } } ResponseCmndChar(events.c_str()); } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Unsubscribe specified MQTT event. If no event specified, Unsubscribe all. * Command Unsubscribe format: * UnSubscribe [] * Input: * XdrvMailbox.data - Event name * XdrvMailbox.data_len - Length of the parameters * Return: * list all the events unsubscribed. */ void CmndUnsubscribe(void) { MQTT_Subscription subscription_item; String events; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { for (uint32_t index = 0; index < subscriptions.size(); index++) { subscription_item = subscriptions.get(index); if (subscription_item.Event.equalsIgnoreCase(XdrvMailbox.data)) { String stopic = subscription_item.Topic + "/#"; MqttUnsubscribe(stopic.c_str()); events = subscription_item.Event; subscriptions.remove(index); break; } } } else { // If did not specify the event name, unsubscribe all event String stopic; while (subscriptions.size() > 0) { events.concat(subscriptions.get(0).Event + "; "); stopic = subscriptions.get(0).Topic + "/#"; MqttUnsubscribe(stopic.c_str()); subscriptions.remove(0); } } ResponseCmndChar(events.c_str()); } #endif // SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT #ifdef USE_EXPRESSION /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Parse a number value * Input: * pNumber - A char pointer point to a digit started string (guaranteed) * value - Reference a float variable used to accept the result * Output: * pNumber - Pointer forward to next character after the number * value - float type, the result value * Return: * true - succeed * false - failed */ bool findNextNumber(char * &pNumber, float &value) { bool bSucceed = false; String sNumber = ""; while (*pNumber) { if (isdigit(*pNumber) || (*pNumber == '.')) { sNumber += *pNumber; pNumber++; } else { break; } } if (sNumber.length() > 0) { value = CharToFloat(sNumber.c_str()); bSucceed = true; } return bSucceed; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Parse a variable (like VAR1, MEM3) and get its value (float type) * Input: * pVarname - A char pointer point to a variable name string * value - Reference a float variable used to accept the result * Output: * pVarname - Pointer forward to next character after the variable * value - float type, the result value * Return: * true - succeed * false - failed */ bool findNextVariableValue(char * &pVarname, float &value) { bool succeed = true; value = 0; String sVarName = ""; while (*pVarname) { if (isalpha(*pVarname) || isdigit(*pVarname)) { sVarName.concat(*pVarname); pVarname++; } else { break; } } sVarName.toUpperCase(); if (sVarName.startsWith(F("VAR"))) { int index = sVarName.substring(3).toInt(); if (index > 0 && index <= MAX_RULE_VARS) { value = CharToFloat(rules_vars[index -1]); } } else if (sVarName.startsWith(F("MEM"))) { int index = sVarName.substring(3).toInt(); if (index > 0 && index <= MAX_RULE_MEMS) { value = CharToFloat(Settings.mems[index -1]); } } else if (sVarName.equals(F("TIME"))) { value = MinutesPastMidnight(); } else if (sVarName.equals(F("UPTIME"))) { value = MinutesUptime(); } else if (sVarName.equals(F("UTCTIME"))) { value = UtcTime(); } else if (sVarName.equals(F("LOCALTIME"))) { value = LocalTime(); #if defined(USE_TIMERS) && defined(USE_SUNRISE) } else if (sVarName.equals(F("SUNRISE"))) { value = SunMinutes(0); } else if (sVarName.equals(F("SUNSET"))) { value = SunMinutes(1); #endif } else { succeed = false; } return succeed; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Find next object in expression and evaluate it * An object could be: * - A float number start with a digit, like 0.787 * - A variable name, like VAR1, MEM3 * - An expression enclosed with a pair of round brackets, (.....) * Input: * pointer - A char pointer point to a place of the expression string * value - Reference a float variable used to accept the result * Output: * pointer - Pointer forward to next character after next object * value - float type, the result value * Return: * true - succeed * false - failed */ bool findNextObjectValue(char * &pointer, float &value) { bool bSucceed = false; while (*pointer) { if (isspace(*pointer)) { //Skip leading spaces pointer++; continue; } if (isdigit(*pointer)) { //This object is a number bSucceed = findNextNumber(pointer, value); break; } else if (isalpha(*pointer)) { //Should be a variable like VAR12, MEM1 bSucceed = findNextVariableValue(pointer, value); break; } else if (*pointer == '(') { //It is a sub expression bracketed with () pointer++; char * sub_exp_start = pointer; //Find out the sub expression between a pair of parenthesis. "()" unsigned int sub_exp_len = 0; //Look for the matched closure parenthesis.")" bool bFindClosures = false; uint8_t matchClosures = 1; while (*pointer) { if (*pointer == ')') { matchClosures--; if (matchClosures == 0) { sub_exp_len = pointer - sub_exp_start; bFindClosures = true; break; } } else if (*pointer == '(') { matchClosures++; } pointer++; } if (bFindClosures) { value = evaluateExpression(sub_exp_start, sub_exp_len); bSucceed = true; } break; } else { //No number, no variable, no expression, then invalid object. break; } } return bSucceed; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Find next operator in expression * An operator could be: +, - , * , / , %, ^ * Input: * pointer - A char pointer point to a place of the expression string * op - Reference to a variable used to accept the result * Output: * pointer - Pointer forward to next character after next operator * op - The operator. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 * Return: * true - succeed * false - failed */ bool findNextOperator(char * &pointer, int8_t &op) { bool bSucceed = false; while (*pointer) { if (isspace(*pointer)) { //Skip leading spaces pointer++; continue; } if (char *pch = strchr(kExpressionOperators, *pointer)) { //If it is an operator op = (int8_t)(pch - kExpressionOperators); pointer++; bSucceed = true; } break; } return bSucceed; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Calculate a simple expression composed by 2 value and 1 operator, like 2 * 3 * Input: * pointer - A char pointer point to a place of the expression string * value - Reference a float variable used to accept the result * Output: * pointer - Pointer forward to next character after next object * value - float type, the result value * Return: * true - succeed * false - failed */ float calculateTwoValues(float v1, float v2, uint8_t op) { switch (op) { case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_ADD: return v1 + v2; case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_SUBTRACT: return v1 - v2; case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY: return v1 * v2; case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_DIVIDEDBY: return (0 == v2) ? 0 : (v1 / v2); case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_MODULO: return (0 == v2) ? 0 : (int(v1) % int(v2)); case EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_POWER: return FastPrecisePow(v1, v2); } return 0; } /********************************************************************************************/ /* * Parse and evaluate an expression. * For example: "10 * ( MEM2 + 1) / 2" * Right now, only support operators listed here: (order by priority) * Priority 4: ^ (power) * Priority 3: % (modulo, always get integer result) * Priority 2: *, / * Priority 1: +, - * Input: * expression - The expression to be evaluated * len - Length of the expression * Return: * float - result. * 0 - if the expression is invalid * An example: * MEM1 = 3, MEM2 = 6, VAR2 = 15, VAR10 = 80 * At beginning, the expression might be complicated like: 3.14 * (MEM1 * (10 + VAR2 ^2) - 100) % 10 + VAR10 / (2 + MEM2) * We are going to scan the whole expression, evaluate each object. * Finally we will have a value list:. * Order Object Value * 0 3.14 3.14 * 1 (MEM1 * (10 + VAR2 ^2) - 100) 605 * 2 10 10 * 3 VAR10 80 * 4 (2 + MEM2) 8 * And an operator list: * Order Operator Priority * 0 * 2 * 1 % 3 * 2 + 1 * 3 / 2 */ float evaluateExpression(const char * expression, unsigned int len) { char expbuf[len + 1]; memcpy(expbuf, expression, len); expbuf[len] = '\0'; char * scan_pointer = expbuf; LinkedList object_values; LinkedList operators; int8_t op; float va; //Find and add the value of first object if (findNextObjectValue(scan_pointer, va)) { object_values.add(va); } else { return 0; } while (*scan_pointer) { if (findNextOperator(scan_pointer, op) && *scan_pointer && findNextObjectValue(scan_pointer, va)) { operators.add(op); object_values.add(va); } else { //No operator followed or no more object after this operator, we done. break; } } //Going to evaluate the whole expression //Calculate by order of operator priorities. Looking for all operators with specified priority (from High to Low) for (int32_t priority = MAX_EXPRESSION_OPERATOR_PRIORITY; priority>0; priority--) { int index = 0; while (index < operators.size()) { if (priority == kExpressionOperatorsPriorities[(operators.get(index))]) { //need to calculate the operator first //get current object value and remove the next object with current operator va = calculateTwoValues(object_values.get(index), object_values.remove(index + 1), operators.remove(index)); //Replace the current value with the result object_values.set(index, va); } else { index++; } } } return object_values.get(0); } #endif // USE_EXPRESSION /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ void CmndRule(void) { uint8_t index = XdrvMailbox.index; if ((index > 0) && (index <= MAX_RULE_SETS)) { if ((XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.data_len < sizeof(Settings.rules[index -1]))) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 10)) { switch (XdrvMailbox.payload) { case 0: // Off case 1: // On bitWrite(Settings.rule_enabled, index -1, XdrvMailbox.payload); break; case 2: // Toggle bitWrite(Settings.rule_enabled, index -1, bitRead(Settings.rule_enabled, index -1) ^1); break; case 4: // Off case 5: // On bitWrite(Settings.rule_once, index -1, XdrvMailbox.payload &1); break; case 6: // Toggle bitWrite(Settings.rule_once, index -1, bitRead(Settings.rule_once, index -1) ^1); break; case 8: // Off case 9: // On bitWrite(Settings.rule_stop, index -1, XdrvMailbox.payload &1); break; case 10: // Toggle bitWrite(Settings.rule_stop, index -1, bitRead(Settings.rule_stop, index -1) ^1); break; } } else { int offset = 0; if ('+' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) { offset = strlen(Settings.rules[index -1]); if (XdrvMailbox.data_len < (sizeof(Settings.rules[index -1]) - offset -1)) { // Check free space XdrvMailbox.data[0] = ' '; // Remove + and make sure at least one space is inserted } else { offset = -1; // Not enough space so skip it } } if (offset != -1) { strlcpy(Settings.rules[index -1] + offset, ('"' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) ? "" : XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(Settings.rules[index -1])); } } Rules.triggers[index -1] = 0; // Reset once flag } snprintf_P (mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"%s%d\":\"%s\",\"Once\":\"%s\",\"StopOnError\":\"%s\",\"Free\":%d,\"Rules\":\"%s\"}"), XdrvMailbox.command, index, GetStateText(bitRead(Settings.rule_enabled, index -1)), GetStateText(bitRead(Settings.rule_once, index -1)), GetStateText(bitRead(Settings.rule_stop, index -1)), sizeof(Settings.rules[index -1]) - strlen(Settings.rules[index -1]) -1, Settings.rules[index -1]); } } void CmndRuleTimer(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_TIMERS)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { #ifdef USE_EXPRESSION float timer_set = evaluateExpression(XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len); Rules.timer[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = (timer_set > 0) ? millis() + (1000 * timer_set) : 0; #else Rules.timer[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = (XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) ? millis() + (1000 * XdrvMailbox.payload) : 0; #endif // USE_EXPRESSION } mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_TIMERS; i++) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%c\"T%d\":%d"), (i) ? ',' : '{', i +1, (Rules.timer[i]) ? (Rules.timer[i] - millis()) / 1000 : 0); } ResponseJsonEnd(); } } void CmndEvent(void) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { strlcpy(Rules.event_data, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(Rules.event_data)); } ResponseCmndDone(); } void CmndVariable(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_VARS)) { if (!XdrvMailbox.usridx) { mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_VARS; i++) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%c\"Var%d\":\"%s\""), (i) ? ',' : '{', i +1, rules_vars[i]); } ResponseJsonEnd(); } else { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { #ifdef USE_EXPRESSION dtostrfd(evaluateExpression(XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len), Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); #else strlcpy(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1], ('"' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) ? "" : XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1])); #endif // USE_EXPRESSION bitSet(Rules.vars_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } } void CmndMemory(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_MEMS)) { if (!XdrvMailbox.usridx) { mqtt_data[0] = '\0'; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_RULE_MEMS; i++) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%c\"Mem%d\":\"%s\""), (i) ? ',' : '{', i +1, Settings.mems[i]); } ResponseJsonEnd(); } else { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { #ifdef USE_EXPRESSION dtostrfd(evaluateExpression(XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len), Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, Settings.mems[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); #else strlcpy(Settings.mems[XdrvMailbox.index -1], ('"' == XdrvMailbox.data[0]) ? "" : XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(Settings.mems[XdrvMailbox.index -1])); #endif // USE_EXPRESSION bitSet(Rules.mems_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar(Settings.mems[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } } void CmndCalcResolution(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 7)) { Settings.flag2.calc_resolution = XdrvMailbox.payload; } ResponseCmndNumber(Settings.flag2.calc_resolution); } void CmndAddition(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_VARS)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { float tempvar = CharToFloat(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]) + CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data); dtostrfd(tempvar, Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); bitSet(Rules.vars_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } void CmndSubtract(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_VARS)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { float tempvar = CharToFloat(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]) - CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data); dtostrfd(tempvar, Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); bitSet(Rules.vars_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } void CmndMultiply(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_VARS)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { float tempvar = CharToFloat(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]) * CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data); dtostrfd(tempvar, Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); bitSet(Rules.vars_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } ResponseCmndIdxChar(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } void CmndScale(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_RULE_VARS)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { if (strstr(XdrvMailbox.data, ",") != nullptr) { // Process parameter entry char sub_string[XdrvMailbox.data_len +1]; float valueIN = CharToFloat(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 1)); float fromLow = CharToFloat(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 2)); float fromHigh = CharToFloat(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 3)); float toLow = CharToFloat(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 4)); float toHigh = CharToFloat(subStr(sub_string, XdrvMailbox.data, ",", 5)); float value = map_double(valueIN, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh); dtostrfd(value, Settings.flag2.calc_resolution, rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); bitSet(Rules.vars_event, XdrvMailbox.index -1); } } ResponseCmndIdxChar(rules_vars[XdrvMailbox.index -1]); } } float map_double(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) { return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv10(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_PRE_INIT: RulesInit(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: RulesEvery50ms(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_100_MSECOND: RulesEvery100ms(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: RulesEverySecond(); break; case FUNC_SET_POWER: RulesSetPower(); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DecodeCommand(kRulesCommands, RulesCommand); break; case FUNC_RULES_PROCESS: result = RulesProcess(); break; case FUNC_SAVE_BEFORE_RESTART: RulesSaveBeforeRestart(); break; #ifdef SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT case FUNC_MQTT_DATA: result = RulesMqttData(); break; #endif // SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT } return result; } #endif // Do not USE_SCRIPT #endif // USE_RULES