/* xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino - Support for I2C MCP23008/MCP23017 GPIO Expander (INPUT ONLY!) Copyright (C) 2018 Andre Thomas and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_MCP230xx /*********************************************************************************************\ MCP23008/17 - I2C GPIO EXPANDER Docs at https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/MCP23008 https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/MCP23017 I2C Address: 0x20 - 0x27 \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_29 29 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS1 0x20 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS2 0x21 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS3 0x22 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS4 0x23 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS5 0x24 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS6 0x25 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS7 0x26 #define MCP230xx_ADDRESS8 0x27 /* Default register locations for MCP23008 - They change for MCP23017 in default bank mode */ uint8_t MCP230xx_IODIR = 0x00; uint8_t MCP230xx_GPINTEN = 0x02; uint8_t MCP230xx_IOCON = 0x05; uint8_t MCP230xx_GPPU = 0x06; uint8_t MCP230xx_INTF = 0x07; uint8_t MCP230xx_INTCAP = 0x08; uint8_t MCP230xx_GPIO = 0x09; uint8_t mcp230xx_type = 0; uint8_t mcp230xx_address; uint8_t mcp230xx_addresses[] = { MCP230xx_ADDRESS1, MCP230xx_ADDRESS2, MCP230xx_ADDRESS3, MCP230xx_ADDRESS4, MCP230xx_ADDRESS5, MCP230xx_ADDRESS6, MCP230xx_ADDRESS7, MCP230xx_ADDRESS8 }; uint8_t mcp280xx_pincount = 0; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_displaymain const char HTTP_SNS_MCP230xx_GPIO[] PROGMEM = "%s{s}%s MCP230XX D%d{m}%d{e}"; // {s} = , {m} = , {e} = #endif // USE_MCP230xx_displaymain #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_webconfig const char HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX_T[] PROGMEM = ""; const char HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX_TE[] PROGMEM = "
"; const char HTTP_FORM_MCP230XX[] PROGMEM = "
 MCP230xx settings  
"; const char HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX[] PROGMEM = "{b0
" "Enable Pullup" "" ""; void handleMCP230xx() { if (HttpUser()) { return; } AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_HTTP D_CONFIGURE_MCP230XX)); String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD); page.replace(F("{v}"), D_CONFIGURE_MCP230XX); page += FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_STYLE); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_MCP230XX); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX_T); for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < mcp280xx_pincount; idx++) { page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX); page.replace(F("{b0"), "MCP230XX D" + String(idx)); page.replace(F("{b1"), "D" + String(idx)); // determine correct dropdown state uint8_t bitsetting = 0; // Default to disabled if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable) { bitsetting = 1; // Default to normal enable (floating without interrupt) if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten) { // Int choice bitsetting = 2; // Default to INT on Change (LOW to HIGH, and HIGH to LOW) if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intmode) { // On comparison bitsetting = 3; // On comparison default to LOW if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp) { bitsetting = 4; // On comparison default to HIGH } } } } switch (bitsetting) { case 0 : page.replace(F("{s0"), PSTR(" selected")); break; case 1 : page.replace(F("{s1"), PSTR(" selected")); break; case 2 : page.replace(F("{s2"), PSTR(" selected")); break; case 3 : page.replace(F("{s3"), PSTR(" selected")); break; case 4 : page.replace(F("{s4"), PSTR(" selected")); break; } // replace remaining unselected options - if one was replaced above it will be ignored page.replace(F("{s0"), PSTR("")); page.replace(F("{s1"), PSTR("")); page.replace(F("{s2"), PSTR("")); page.replace(F("{s3"), PSTR("")); page.replace(F("{s4"), PSTR("")); if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].pullup) { page.replace(F("{b2"), PSTR(" checked")); } else { page.replace(F("{b2"), PSTR("")); } } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_I2C_MCP230XX_TE); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_BTN_CONF); ShowPage(page); } void MCP230xx_SaveSettings() { char stemp[8]; for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < mcp280xx_pincount; idx++) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("D%d"), idx); uint8_t _pinvalue = (!strlen(WebServer->arg(stemp).c_str() )) ? 0 : atoi(WebServer->arg(stemp).c_str() ); if (_pinvalue) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable = 1; if (_pinvalue >= 2) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten = 1; if (_pinvalue >= 3) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intmode = 1; if (_pinvalue >= 4) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp = 1; } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].intcomp = 0; } Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].b5 = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].b6 = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].b7 = 0; if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable) { snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("epuD%d"), idx); Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].pullup = (!strlen(WebServer->arg(stemp).c_str() )) ? 0 : atoi(WebServer->arg(stemp).c_str() ); } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].pullup = 0; } } MCP230xx_ApplySettings(); } #endif // USE_MCP230xx_webconfig #endif // USE_WEBSERVER uint8_t MCP230xx_Type(void) { return mcp230xx_type; } uint8_t MCP230xx_readGPIO(uint8_t port) { return I2cRead8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_GPIO + port); } void MCP230xx_ApplySettings(void) { uint8_t reg_gppu = 0; uint8_t reg_gpinten = 0; for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++) { if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable) { if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten) { // Int is enabled in some form or another reg_gpinten |= (1 << idx); } if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].pullup) { reg_gppu |= (1 << idx); } } } I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_GPPU, reg_gppu); I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_GPINTEN, reg_gpinten); if (mcp230xx_type == 2) { // We have a MCP23017 reg_gppu = 0; reg_gpinten = 0; for (uint8_t idx = 8; idx < 16; idx++) { if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].enable) { if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].inten) { // Int is enabled in some form or another reg_gpinten |= (1 << idx - 8); } if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[idx].pullup) { reg_gppu |= (1 << idx - 8); } } } I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_GPPU + 1, reg_gppu); I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_GPINTEN + 1, reg_gpinten); } } void MCP230xx_Detect() { uint8_t buffer; if (mcp230xx_type) { return; } for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(mcp230xx_addresses); i++) { mcp230xx_address = mcp230xx_addresses[i]; I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_IOCON, 0x80); // attempt to set bank mode - this will only work on MCP23017, so its the best way to detect the different chips 23008 vs 23017 if (I2cValidRead8(&buffer, mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_IOCON)) { if (buffer == 0x00) { mcp230xx_type = 1; // We have a MCP23008 snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), S_LOG_I2C_FOUND_AT, "MCP23008", mcp230xx_address); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); mcp280xx_pincount = 8; MCP230xx_ApplySettings(); } else { if (buffer == 0x80) { mcp230xx_type = 2; // We have a MCP23017 snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), S_LOG_I2C_FOUND_AT, "MCP23017", mcp230xx_address); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); mcp280xx_pincount = 16; // Reset bank mode to 0 I2cWrite8(mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_IOCON, 0x00); // Update register locations for MCP23017 MCP230xx_GPINTEN = 0x04; MCP230xx_GPPU = 0x0C; MCP230xx_INTF = 0x0E; MCP230xx_INTCAP = 0x10; MCP230xx_GPIO = 0x12; MCP230xx_ApplySettings(); } } break; } } } bool MCP230xx_CheckForInterrupt(void) { uint8_t intf; uint8_t mcp230xx_intcap = 0; uint8_t report_int; if (I2cValidRead8(&intf, mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_INTF)) { if (intf > 0) { if (I2cValidRead8(&mcp230xx_intcap, mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_INTCAP)) { for (uint8_t intp = 0; intp < 8; intp++) { if ((intf >> intp) & 0x01) { // we know which pin caused interrupt report_int = 0; if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[intp].intmode) { // change on INT if (((mcp230xx_intcap >> intp) & 0x01) == Settings.mcp230xx_config[intp].intcomp) report_int = 1; } else { report_int = 1; } if (report_int) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_TIME "\":\"%s\""), GetDateAndTime(DT_LOCAL).c_str()); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,\"MCP230XX_INT\":{\"Pin\":\"D%i\", \"State\":%i}"), mqtt_data, intp, ((mcp230xx_intcap >> intp) & 0x01)); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, mqtt_data); } } } } } } if (mcp230xx_type == 2) { // We have a MCP23017 so we need to check the other 8 bits also if (I2cValidRead8(&intf, mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_INTF+1)) { if (intf > 0) { if (I2cValidRead8(&mcp230xx_intcap, mcp230xx_address, MCP230xx_INTCAP+1)) { for (uint8_t intp = 0; intp < 8; intp++) { if ((intf >> intp) & 0x01) { // we know which pin caused interrupt report_int = 0; if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[intp+8].intmode) { // change on INT if (((mcp230xx_intcap >> intp) & 0x01) == Settings.mcp230xx_config[intp+8].intcomp) report_int = 1; } else { report_int = 1; } if (report_int) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_TIME "\":\"%s\""), GetDateAndTime(DT_LOCAL).c_str()); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,\"MCP230XX_INT\":{\"Pin\":\"D%i\", \"State\":%i}"), mqtt_data, intp+8, ((mcp230xx_intcap >> intp) & 0x01)); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s}"), mqtt_data); MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, mqtt_data); } } } } } } } } void MCP230xx_Show(boolean json) { if (mcp230xx_type) { if (json) { if (mcp230xx_type == 1) { uint8_t gpio = MCP230xx_readGPIO(0); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,\"MCP23008\":{\"D0\":%i,\"D1\":%i,\"D2\":%i,\"D3\":%i,\"D4\":%i,\"D5\":%i,\"D6\":%i,\"D7\":%i}"), mqtt_data,(gpio>>0)&1,(gpio>>1)&1,(gpio>>2)&1,(gpio>>3)&1,(gpio>>4)&1,(gpio>>5)&1,(gpio>>6)&1,(gpio>>7)&1); } if (mcp230xx_type == 2) { uint8_t gpio1 = MCP230xx_readGPIO(0); uint8_t gpio2 = MCP230xx_readGPIO(1); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s,\"MCP23017\":{\"D0\":%i,\"D1\":%i,\"D2\":%i,\"D3\":%i,\"D4\":%i,\"D5\":%i,\"D6\":%i,\"D7\":%i,\"D8\":%i,\"D9\":%i,\"D10\":%i,\"D11\":%i,\"D12\":%i,\"D13\":%i,\"D14\":%i,\"D15\":%i}"), mqtt_data, (gpio1>>0)&1,(gpio1>>1)&1,(gpio1>>2)&1,(gpio1>>3)&1,(gpio1>>4)&1,(gpio1>>5)&1,(gpio1>>6)&1,(gpio1>>7)&1,(gpio2>>0)&1,(gpio2>>1)&1,(gpio2>>2)&1,(gpio2>>3)&1,(gpio2>>4)&1,(gpio2>>5)&1,(gpio2>>6)&1,(gpio2>>7)&1); } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_displaymain } else { uint8_t gpio1 = MCP230xx_readGPIO(0); uint8_t gpio2 = 0; if (mcp230xx_type == 2) { gpio2=MCP230xx_readGPIO(1); } uint16_t gpio = (gpio2 << 8) + gpio1; for (uint8_t pin = 0; pin < mcp280xx_pincount; pin++) { if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].enable) { snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), HTTP_SNS_MCP230xx_GPIO, mqtt_data, "", pin, (gpio>>pin)&1); } } #endif // USE_MCP230xx_displaymain #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } } bool MCP230xx_Command(void) { boolean serviced = true; uint8_t _a, _b = 0; uint8_t pin, pinmode, pullup = 0; String data = XdrvMailbox.data; _a = data.indexOf(","); _b = data.indexOf(",", _a + 1); if (_a < XdrvMailbox.data_len) { if (_b < XdrvMailbox.data_len) { pin = data.substring(0, _a).toInt(); pinmode = data.substring(_a+1, _b).toInt(); pullup = data.substring(_b+1, XdrvMailbox.data_len).toInt(); data = "MCP D" + String(pin) + " mode=" + String(pinmode) + " pullup=" + String(pullup); if (pinmode) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].enable = 1; if (pinmode >= 2) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].inten = 1; if (pinmode >= 3) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intmode = 1; if (pinmode >= 4) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intcomp = 1; } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].inten = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intcomp = 0; } } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].enable = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].inten = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intmode = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].intcomp = 0; } Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].b5 = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].b6 = 0; Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].b7 = 0; if (Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].enable) { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].pullup = pullup; } else { Settings.mcp230xx_config[pin].pullup = 0; } MCP230xx_ApplySettings(); snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_SENSOR_INDEX_SVALUE, XSNS_29, data.c_str()); } else { serviced = false; } } else { serviced = false; } return serviced; } /*********************************************************************************************\ Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ boolean Xsns29(byte function) { boolean result = false; if (i2c_flg) { switch (function) { case FUNC_PREP_BEFORE_TELEPERIOD: MCP230xx_Detect(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: MCP230xx_CheckForInterrupt(); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: MCP230xx_Show(1); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: if (XSNS_29 == XdrvMailbox.index) { result = MCP230xx_Command(); } break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER #ifdef USE_MCP230xx_displaymain case FUNC_WEB_APPEND: MCP230xx_Show(0); break; #endif // USE_MCP230xx_displaymain #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_MCP230xx #endif // USE_I2C