/*! * @file Adafruit_SSD1331.h */ #include "Arduino.h" #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Tasmota change: use custom version of Adafruit_SPITFT which extends Renderer instead of Adafruit_GFX #include <Adafruit_SPITFT_Renderer.h> #include <Adafruit_SPITFT_Macros.h> #include <SPI.h> /*! * @brief Select one of these defines to set the pixel color order */ #define SSD1331_COLORORDER_RGB // #define SSD1331_COLORORDER_BGR #if defined SSD1331_COLORORDER_RGB && defined SSD1331_COLORORDER_BGR #error "RGB and BGR can not both be defined for SSD1331_COLORODER." #endif // Timing Delays #define SSD1331_DELAYS_HWFILL (3) //!< Fill delay #define SSD1331_DELAYS_HWLINE (1) //!< Line delay // SSD1331 Commands #define SSD1331_CMD_DRAWLINE 0x21 //!< Draw line #define SSD1331_CMD_DRAWRECT 0x22 //!< Draw rectangle #define SSD1331_CMD_FILL 0x26 //!< Fill enable/disable #define SSD1331_CMD_SETCOLUMN 0x15 //!< Set column address #define SSD1331_CMD_SETROW 0x75 //!< Set row adress #define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTA 0x81 //!< Set contrast for color A #define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTB 0x82 //!< Set contrast for color B #define SSD1331_CMD_CONTRASTC 0x83 //!< Set contrast for color C #define SSD1331_CMD_MASTERCURRENT 0x87 //!< Master current control #define SSD1331_CMD_SETREMAP 0xA0 //!< Set re-map & data format #define SSD1331_CMD_STARTLINE 0xA1 //!< Set display start line #define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYOFFSET 0xA2 //!< Set display offset #define SSD1331_CMD_NORMALDISPLAY 0xA4 //!< Set display to normal mode #define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYALLON 0xA5 //!< Set entire display ON #define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYALLOFF 0xA6 //!< Set entire display OFF #define SSD1331_CMD_INVERTDISPLAY 0xA7 //!< Invert display #define SSD1331_CMD_SETMULTIPLEX 0xA8 //!< Set multiplex ratio #define SSD1331_CMD_SETMASTER 0xAD //!< Set master configuration #define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYOFF 0xAE //!< Display OFF (sleep mode) #define SSD1331_CMD_DISPLAYON 0xAF //!< Normal Brightness Display ON #define SSD1331_CMD_POWERMODE 0xB0 //!< Power save mode #define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGE 0xB1 //!< Phase 1 and 2 period adjustment #define SSD1331_CMD_CLOCKDIV \ 0xB3 //!< Set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency #define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEA 0x8A //!< Set second pre-charge speed for color A #define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEB 0x8B //!< Set second pre-charge speed for color B #define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGEC 0x8C //!< Set second pre-charge speed for color C #define SSD1331_CMD_PRECHARGELEVEL 0xBB //!< Set pre-charge voltage #define SSD1331_CMD_VCOMH 0xBE //!< Set Vcomh voltge /// Class to manage hardware interface with SSD1331 chipset class Adafruit_SSD1331 : public Adafruit_SPITFT_Renderer { public: Adafruit_SSD1331(int8_t cs, int8_t dc, int8_t mosi, int8_t sclk, int8_t rst); Adafruit_SSD1331(int8_t cs, int8_t dc, int8_t rst); // 3-4 args using hardware SPI (must specify peripheral) (reset optional) Adafruit_SSD1331(SPIClass *spi, int8_t cs, int8_t dc, int8_t rst = -1); // commands void begin(uint32_t begin = 8000000); void setAddrWindow(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h); void enableDisplay(boolean enable); static const int16_t TFTWIDTH = 96; ///< The width of the display static const int16_t TFTHEIGHT = 64; ///< The height of the display private: };