################################################################################# # # class `sonoff_zb_pro_flasher` # ################################################################################# class sonoff_zb_pro_flasher static CCFG_address = 0x057FD8 static CCFG_reference = 0xC5FE08C5 ################################################################################# # Flashing from Intel HEX files ################################################################################# var filename # filename of hex file var f # file object var file_checked # was the file already parsed. It cannot be flashed if not previously parsed and validated var file_validated # was the file already validated. It cannot be flashed if not previously parsed and validated var file_hex # intelhex object var flasher # low-level flasher object (cc2652_flasher instance) def init() self.file_checked = false self.file_validated = false end def load(filename) import intelhex if type(filename) != 'string' raise "value_error", "invalid file name" end self.filename = filename self.file_hex = intelhex(filename) # prepare the parser object self.file_checked = false self.file_validated = false end ################################################################################# # check that the HEX file is valid # parse it completely once, and verify some values ################################################################################# def check() self.file_hex.parse(/ -> self._check_pre(), / address, len, data, offset -> self._check_cb(address, len, data, offset), / -> self._check_post() ) end ################################################################################# # Flash the firmware to the device # ################################################################################# def flash() if !self.file_checked print("FLH: firmware not checked, use `cc.check()`") raise "flash_error", "firmware not checked" end if !self.file_validated print("FLH: firmware not validated, use `cc.check()`") raise "flash_error", "firmware not validated" end import cc2652_flasher # this stops zigbee and configures serial self.flasher = cc2652_flasher try self.file_hex.parse(/ -> self._flash_pre(), / address, len, data, offset -> self._flash_cb(address, len, data, offset), / -> self._flash_post() ) except .. as e, m self.file_checked = false self.file_validated = false raise e, m end end ################################################################################# # Dump firmware to local file # ################################################################################# def dump_to_file(filename) import cc2652_flasher # this stops zigbee and configures serial self.flasher = cc2652_flasher print("FLH: Dump started (takes 3 minutes during which Tasmota is unresponsive)") self.flasher.start() self.flasher.ping() self.flasher.flash_dump_to_file(filename, 0x000000, 0x58000) print("FLH: Dump completed") end ################################################################################# # low-level ################################################################################# def _flash_pre() print("FLH: Flashing started (takes 5-8 minutes during which Tasmota is unresponsive)") self.flasher.start() self.flasher.ping() # erase flash self.flasher.flash_erase() end def _flash_post() print("FLH: Flashing completed: OK") var flash_crc = self.flasher.cmd_crc32(0x0,0x30000) print("FLH: Flash crc32 0x000000 - 0x2FFFF = " + str(flash_crc)); # tasmota.log("FLH: Verification of HEX file OK", 2) end def _flash_cb(addr, sz, data, offset) var payload = data[offset .. offset + sz - 1] # final check if size(payload) != sz raise "flash_error", "incomplete payload" end self.flasher.flash_write(addr, payload) end # start verification (log only) def _check_pre() print("FLH: Starting verification of HEX file") # tasmota.log("FLH: Starting verification of HEX file", 2) end # don't flash so ignore data # check CCFG at location 0x57FD8 (4 bytes) def _check_cb(addr, sz, data, offset) # print(format("> addr=0x%06X sz=0x%02X data=%s", addr, sz, data[offset..offset+sz-1])) var CCFG = self.CCFG_address if addr <= CCFG && addr+sz > CCFG+4 # we have CCFG in the buffer var ccfg_bytes = data.get(4 + CCFG - addr, 4) if ccfg_bytes != self.CCFG_reference raise "value_error", format("incorrect CCFG, BSL is not set to DIO_8 LOW (0x%08X expected 0x%08X)", ccfg_bytes, self.CCFG_reference) end self.file_validated = true # if we are here, it means that the file looks correct end end def _check_post() print("FLH: Verification of HEX file OK") # tasmota.log("FLH: Verification of HEX file OK", 2) self.file_checked = true end end return sonoff_zb_pro_flasher() #- # Flash local firmware import sonoff_zb_pro_flasher as cc cc.load("SonoffZBPro_coord_20230507.hex") cc.check() cc.flash() import sonoff_zb_pro_flasher as cc cc.load("SonoffZBPro_coord_20220219.hex") cc.check() cc.flash() -# #- # Dump local firmware import sonoff_zb_pro_flasher as cc cc.dump_to_file("SonoffZBPro_dump.bin") -#