# # The scipt sets the missing "LDSCRIPT_PATH" when using the command `pio run -t nobuild` # Adopted from https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32/issues/861#issuecomment-1241871437 # Possible now to upload the firmware or the filesystem with (when builded already!): # # `pio run -t nobuild -t upload` and `pio run -t nobuild -t uploadfs` # Import("env") import os from SCons.Script import COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS board_config = env.BoardConfig() if "nobuild" in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: if env["PIOPLATFORM"] != "espressif32": framework_dir = env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir("framework-arduinoespressif8266") assert os.path.isdir(framework_dir) env.Replace( LDSCRIPT_PATH=os.path.join( framework_dir, "tools", "sdk", "ld", board_config.get("build.arduino.ldscript"), ) ) # print("Set LDSCRIPT_PATH to: ", os.path.join(framework_dir,"tools","sdk","ld",board_config.get("build.arduino.ldscript"))) # # For ESP32 sets the missing "PARTITIONS_TABLE_CSV" when using the command `pio run -t nobuild` # else: env.Replace( PARTITIONS_TABLE_CSV=os.path.join( board_config.get("build.partitions"), ) ) # print("Set PARTITIONS_TABLE_CSV to: ", os.path.join(board_config.get("build.partitions")))