/* xdrv_27_esp32_shutter.ino - Shutter/Blind support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2023 Stefan Bode This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef ESP32 #ifdef USE_SHUTTER /*********************************************************************************************\ * Shutter or Blind support using two consecutive relays * Shutters for ESP32 with max eight shutters using more RAM and Settings from filesystem \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XDRV_27 27 #ifndef SHUTTER_STEPPER #define SHUTTER_STEPPER #endif #ifndef SHUTTER_RELAY_OPERATION_TIME #define SHUTTER_RELAY_OPERATION_TIME 100 // wait for direction relay 0.1sec before power up main relay #endif //#define SHUTTER_UNITTEST #define D_SHUTTER "SHUTTER" // Allow up to 16 shutters on ESP32 #undef MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32 #define MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32 16 // Define Std Text Strings #define D_ERROR_FILESYSTEM_NOT_READY "SHT: ERROR File system not enabled" #define D_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND "SHT: ERROR File system not ready or file not found" const char HTTP_MSG_SLIDER_SHUTTER[] PROGMEM = "
" "
"; const uint16_t SHUTTER_VERSION = 0x0100; // Latest driver version (See settings deltas below) typedef struct { // depreciated 2023-04-28 int8_t pos; int8_t tilt; bool mqtt_broadcast; } tPosition_old; typedef struct { int8_t pos; int8_t tilt; bool mqtt_broadcast; int8_t pos_incrdecr; int8_t tilt_incrdecr; } tPosition; typedef struct { // depreciated 2023-04-28 bool enabled; bool mqtt_all; uint8_t shutter_number; tPosition_old position[4]; } tButtonSettings_old; typedef struct { bool enabled; bool mqtt_all; uint8_t shutter_number; tPosition position[4]; } tButtonSettings; // Global structure containing shutter saved variables struct SHUTTERSETTINGS { uint32_t crc32; // To detect file changes uint16_t version; // To detect driver function changes uint16_t spare; uint8_t shutter_accuracy; uint8_t shutter_mode; uint16_t shutter_motorstop; uint16_t open_velocity_max; int8_t shutter_tilt_config[5][MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; int8_t shutter_tilt_pos[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint16_t shutter_opentime[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint16_t shutter_closetime[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; int16_t shuttercoeff[5][MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint8_t shutter_options[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint8_t shutter_set50percent[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint8_t shutter_position[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint8_t shutter_startrelay[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint8_t shutter_motordelay[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; uint16_t shutter_pwmrange[2][MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; tButtonSettings_old shutter_button_old[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2]; // depreciated 2023-04-28 tButtonSettings shutter_button[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2]; } ShutterSettings; const uint16_t RESOLUTION = 1000; // incresed to 1000 in 8.5 to ramp servos const uint8_t STEPS_PER_SECOND = 20; // FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND const uint16_t pwm_servo_max = 500; const uint16_t pwm_servo_min = 90; uint8_t calibrate_pos[6] = {0,30,50,70,90,100}; uint16_t messwerte[5] = {30,50,70,90,100}; int32_t velocity_max = 0; int32_t velocity_change_per_step_max = 0; int32_t min_runtime_ms = 0; int32_t current_stop_way = 0; int32_t next_possible_stop_position = 0; int32_t current_real_position = 0; int32_t current_pwm_velocity = 0; const uint8_t MAX_MODES = 8; enum Shutterposition_mode {SHT_UNDEF, SHT_TIME, SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN, SHT_TIME_GARAGE, SHT_COUNTER, SHT_PWM_VALUE, SHT_PWM_TIME,SHT_AUTOCONFIG}; enum Shutterswitch_mode {SHT_SWITCH, SHT_PULSE,}; enum ShutterButtonStates { SHT_NOT_PRESSED, SHT_PRESSED_MULTI, SHT_PRESSED_HOLD, SHT_PRESSED_IMMEDIATE, SHT_PRESSED_EXT_HOLD, SHT_PRESSED_MULTI_SIMULTANEOUS, SHT_PRESSED_HOLD_SIMULTANEOUS, SHT_PRESSED_EXT_HOLD_SIMULTANEOUS,}; const char kShutterCommands[] PROGMEM = D_PRFX_SHUTTER "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPEN "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLOSE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_TOGGLE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_TOGGLEDIR "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOP "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_POSITION "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLOSETIME "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_RELAY "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_MODE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_PWMRANGE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_SETHALFWAY "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_SETCLOSE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_SETOPEN "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_INVERT "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLIBRATION "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_MOTORDELAY "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_FREQUENCY "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_BUTTON "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_LOCK "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_ENABLEENDSTOPTIME "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_INVERTWEBBUTTONS "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPOPEN "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPCLOSE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPTOGGLE "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPTOGGLEDIR "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPPOSITION "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_INCDEC "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_UNITTEST "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_TILTCONFIG "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_SETTILT "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_TILTINCDEC "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_MOTORSTOP "|" D_CMND_SHUTTER_SETUP; void (* const ShutterCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndShutterOpen, &CmndShutterClose, &CmndShutterToggle, &CmndShutterToggleDir, &CmndShutterStop, &CmndShutterPosition, &CmndShutterOpenTime, &CmndShutterCloseTime, &CmndShutterRelay, &CmndShutterMode, &CmndShutterPwmRange, &CmndShutterSetHalfway, &CmndShutterSetClose, &CmndShutterSetOpen, &CmndShutterInvert, &CmndShutterCalibration , &CmndShutterMotorDelay, &CmndShutterFrequency, &CmndShutterButton, &CmndShutterLock, &CmndShutterEnableEndStopTime, &CmndShutterInvertWebButtons, &CmndShutterStopOpen, &CmndShutterStopClose, &CmndShutterStopToggle, &CmndShutterStopToggleDir, &CmndShutterStopPosition, &CmndShutterIncDec, &CmndShutterUnitTest,&CmndShutterTiltConfig,&CmndShutterSetTilt,&CmndShutterTiltIncDec,&CmndShutterMotorStop,&CmndShutterSetup }; const char JSON_SHUTTER_POS[] PROGMEM = "\"" D_PRFX_SHUTTER "%d\":{\"Position\":%d,\"Direction\":%d,\"Target\":%d,\"Tilt\":%d}"; const char JSON_SHUTTER_BUTTON[] PROGMEM = "\"" D_PRFX_SHUTTER "%d\":{\"Button%d\":%d}"; #include Ticker TickerShutter; struct SHUTTER { uint32_t time; // operating time of the shutter in 0.05sec int32_t open_max; // max value on maximum open calculated int32_t target_position; // position to go to int32_t start_position; // position before a movement is started. init at start int32_t real_position; // value between 0 and Shutter[i].open_max uint16_t open_time; // duration to open the Shutter[i]. 112 = 11.2sec uint16_t close_time; // duration to close the Shutter[i]. 112 = 11.2sec uint16_t close_velocity; // in relation to open velocity. higher value = faster int8_t direction; // 1 == UP , 0 == stop; -1 == down int8_t lastdirection; // last direction (1 == UP , -1 == down) uint8_t switch_mode; // how to switch relays: SHT_SWITCH, SHT_PULSE int8_t motordelay; // initial motorstarttime in 0.05sec. Also uses for ramp at steppers and servos, negative if motor stops late int16_t pwm_velocity; // frequency of PWN for stepper motors or PWM duty cycle change for PWM servo uint16_t pwm_value; // dutyload of PWM 0..1023 on ESP8266 uint16_t close_velocity_max; // maximum of PWM change during closeing. Defines velocity on opening. Steppers and Servos only int32_t accelerator; // speed of ramp-up, ramp down of shutters with velocity control. Steppers and Servos only int8_t tilt_config[5]; // tilt_min, tilt_max, duration, tilt_closed_value, tilt_opened_value int8_t tilt_real_pos; // -90 to 90 int8_t tilt_target_pos; // target positon for movements of the tilt int8_t tilt_target_pos_override; // one time override of automatic calculation of tilt_target int8_t tilt_start_pos; // saved start position before shutter moves uint8_t tilt_velocity; // degree rotation per step 0.05sec int8_t tiltmoving; // 0 operating move, 1 = operating tilt uint16_t venetian_delay = 0; // Delay in steps before venetian shutter start physical moving. Based on tilt position uint16_t min_realPositionChange = 0; // minimum change of the position before the shutter operates. different for PWM and time based operations uint16_t min_TiltChange = 0; // minimum change of the tilt before the shutter operates. different for PWM and time based operations uint16_t last_reported_time = 0; // get information on skipped 50ms loop() slots uint32_t last_stop_time = 0; // record the last time the relay was switched off uint8_t button_simu_pressed = 0; // record if both button where pressed simultanously } Shutter[MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32]; struct SHUTTERGLOBAL { power_t RelayShutterMask = 0; // bit mask with 11 at the position of relays that belong to at least ONE shutter power_t RelayOldMask = 0; // bitmatrix that contain the last known state of all relays. Required to detemine the manual changed relay. power_t RelayCurrentMask = 0; // bitmatrix that contain the current state of all relays uint8_t LastChangedRelay = 0; // Relay 1..32, 0 no change uint8_t position_mode = 0; // how to calculate actual position: SHT_TIME, SHT_COUNTER, SHT_PWM_VALUE, SHT_PWM_TIME uint8_t skip_relay_change; // avoid overrun at endstops uint8_t start_reported = 0; // indicates of the shutter start was reported through MQTT JSON uint16_t open_velocity_max = RESOLUTION; // maximum of PWM change during opening. Defines velocity on opening. Steppers and Servos only bool callibration_run = false; // if true a callibration is running and additional measures are captured uint8_t stopp_armed = 0; // Count each step power usage is below limit of 1 Watt uint16_t cycle_time = 0; // used for shuttersetup to get accurate timing } ShutterGlobal; #define SHT_DIV_ROUND(__A, __B) (((__A) + (__B)/2) / (__B)) /*********************************************************************************************\ * Driver Settings load and save \*********************************************************************************************/ void ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(uint32_t device, uint32_t state, uint32_t source) { // first implementation for virtual relays. Avoid switching relay numbers that do not exist. if (device <= TasmotaGlobal.devices_present) ExecuteCommandPower(device,state,source); } void ShutterAllowPreStartProcedure(uint8_t i) { // Tricky!!! Execute command status 2 while in the 10 sec loop and you'll end up in an exception // Prestart allow e.g. to release a LOCK or something else before the movement start // Anyway, as long var1 != 99 this is skipped (luckily) #ifdef USE_RULES uint32_t uptime_Local = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Delay Start? var%d <99>=<%s>, max10s?"),i + 1, rules_vars[i]); uptime_Local = TasmotaGlobal.uptime; while (uptime_Local + 10 > TasmotaGlobal.uptime && (String)rules_vars[i] == "99") { loop(); } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Delay Start. Done")); #endif // USE_RULES } bool ShutterButtonIsSimultaneousHold(uint32_t button_index, uint32_t shutter_index) { // check for simultaneous shutter button hold // used for: Legrand button 077025 uint32 min_shutterbutton_hold_timer = -1; // -1 == max(uint32) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2 ; i++) { if ((button_index != i) && (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].enabled) && (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number == shutter_index) && (Button.hold_timer[i] < min_shutterbutton_hold_timer)) min_shutterbutton_hold_timer = Button.hold_timer[i]; } return ((-1 != min_shutterbutton_hold_timer) && (min_shutterbutton_hold_timer > (Button.hold_timer[button_index]>>1))); } bool ShutterButtonHandlerMulti(void) { uint8_t button = XdrvMailbox.payload; uint32_t button_index = XdrvMailbox.index; uint8_t shutter_index = ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].shutter_number; uint8_t button_press_counter = Button.press_counter[button_index]; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("MULTI: SHT: Shtr%d, Btn %d, hold %d, dir %d, idx %d, payload %d, last state %d, press cnt %d, window %d, simu_press %d"), shutter_index+1, button_index+1, Button.hold_timer[button_index],Shutter[shutter_index].direction,XdrvMailbox.index,XdrvMailbox.payload, Button.last_state[button_index], Button.press_counter[button_index], Button.window_timer[button_index], Shutter[shutter_index].button_simu_pressed); // multipress event handle back to main procedure if (Button.press_counter[button_index]>3) return false; if (!Shutter[shutter_index].button_simu_pressed) { uint8_t pos_press_index = Button.press_counter[button_index]-1; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Button %d = %d (single=1, double=2, tripple=3, hold=4)"), shutter_index+1, button_index+1, pos_press_index+1); XdrvMailbox.index = shutter_index +1; TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_BUTTON; XdrvMailbox.data_len = 0; char databuf[1] = ""; XdrvMailbox.data = databuf; XdrvMailbox.command = NULL; int8_t position = ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].pos; if (position == -1) { position = tmin(100, tmax(0,ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].real_position, XdrvMailbox.index - 1) + ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].pos_incrdecr)); } XdrvMailbox.payload = position; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d -> %d"), shutter_index+1, position); if (102 == position) { XdrvMailbox.payload = XdrvMailbox.index; CmndShutterToggle(); } else { if (position == ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index-1].real_position, XdrvMailbox.index-1) ) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_target_pos = position == 0 ? Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_config[0] : (position==100?Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_config[1]:Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_target_pos); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d -> Endpoint movement detected at %d. Set Tilt: %d"), shutter_index+1, position, Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_target_pos); } // set the tilt AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Target tilt %d for button %d"), ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].tilt, button_index+1); switch (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].tilt) { // No change in tilt defined case -128: break; // tilt change defined on position or (127) incr/decr case 127: Shutter[shutter_index].tilt_target_pos_override = Shutter[shutter_index].tilt_real_pos + ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].tilt_incrdecr; break; default: Shutter[shutter_index].tilt_target_pos_override = ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].tilt; } // set the tilt AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Target tilt %d for button %d"), Shutter[shutter_index].tilt_target_pos_override, button_index+1); // reset button to default Button.press_counter[button_index] = 0; CmndShutterPosition(); } if (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[pos_press_index].mqtt_broadcast) { // MQTT broadcast to grouptopic char scommand[CMDSZ]; char stopic[TOPSZ]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32; i++) { if ((i==shutter_index) || (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].mqtt_all)) { snprintf_P(scommand, sizeof(scommand),PSTR("ShutterPosition%d"), i+1); GetGroupTopic_P(stopic, scommand, SET_MQTT_GRP_TOPIC); Response_P("%d", position); MqttPublish(stopic, false); } } // for (uint32_t) } // ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].positionmatrix & ((0x01<<26)< 0 || (button != Button.last_state[button_index] || Button.window_timer[button_index] > 0)) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Button %d, hold %d, dir %d, index %d, payload %d, last state %d, press counter %d, window %d"), shutter_index+1, button_index+1, Button.hold_timer[button_index],Shutter[shutter_index].direction,XdrvMailbox.index,XdrvMailbox.payload, Button.last_state[button_index], Button.press_counter[button_index], Button.window_timer[button_index]); Shutter[shutter_index].button_simu_pressed |= ShutterButtonIsSimultaneousHold( button_index, shutter_index); if (Button.hold_timer[button_index] > 100 ) { Button.hold_timer[button_index] = 1; // Reset button hold counter to stay below hold trigger } } // handle on button release: start shutter on shortpress and stop running shutter after longpress. if (NOT_PRESSED == button && !ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index].position[3].mqtt_broadcast // do not stop on hold release if broadcast && Shutter[shutter_index].direction != 0 // only act on shutters activly moving && Button.hold_timer[button_index] > 0 // kick in on first release of botton. do not check for multipress ) { XdrvMailbox.index = shutter_index +1; XdrvMailbox.payload = -99; // reset any payload to invalid AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("Stop moving shutter")); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Button %d, hold %d, dir %d, index %d, payload %d"), shutter_index+1, button_index+1, Button.hold_timer[button_index],Shutter[shutter_index].direction,XdrvMailbox.index,XdrvMailbox.payload); CmndShutterStop(); Button.press_counter[button_index] = 0; return true; } // simulatanous press. Stop if (PRESSED == button && Shutter[shutter_index].button_simu_pressed // only if both buttons are pressed simultanously && Button.window_timer[button_index] == 0 // time for waiting for multipress window expired && Button.press_counter[button_index] > 0 // only execute if at least pressed ONCE. 0==disable ) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("Simu Hold detected")); Button.press_counter[button_index] = 0; // only execute on one of the two pressed buttons if ( button_index % 2 ) { ShutterButtonHandlerMulti(); } } //long press detected. Start moving shutter into direction if (PRESSED == button && Shutter[shutter_index].direction == 0 // shutter in STOP Position && Button.window_timer[button_index] == 0 // time for waiting for multipress window expired && Button.press_counter[button_index] > 0 // only execute if at least pressed ONCE. 0==disable ) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("Start shutter after long press")); Button.press_counter[button_index] = 4; ShutterButtonHandlerMulti(); } return false; } void ShutterCalculateAccelerator(uint8_t i) { // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_COUNTER: case SHT_PWM_VALUE: current_real_position = Shutter[i].real_position; current_pwm_velocity = Shutter[i].pwm_velocity; // calculate max velocity allowed in this direction velocity_max = Shutter[i].direction == 1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : Shutter[i].close_velocity_max; // calculate max change of velocyty based on the defined motordelay in steps velocity_change_per_step_max = velocity_max / (Shutter[i].motordelay > 0 ? Shutter[i].motordelay : 1); // minimumtime required from current velocity to stop min_runtime_ms = current_pwm_velocity * 1000 / STEPS_PER_SECOND / velocity_change_per_step_max; // decellaration way from current velocity current_stop_way = min_runtime_ms * STEPS_PER_SECOND * (current_pwm_velocity + velocity_change_per_step_max) * Shutter[i].direction / 2 / ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max - (Shutter[i].accelerator<0?Shutter[i].direction*1000*current_pwm_velocity/ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max:0); next_possible_stop_position = current_real_position + current_stop_way ; // ensure that the accelerotor kicks in at the first overrun of the target position if ( Shutter[i].accelerator < 0 || next_possible_stop_position * Shutter[i].direction > Shutter[i].target_position * Shutter[i].direction ) { // if startet to early because of 0.05sec maximum accuracy and final position is to far away (200) accelerate a bit less if (next_possible_stop_position * Shutter[i].direction + 200 < Shutter[i].target_position * Shutter[i].direction) { Shutter[i].accelerator = -velocity_change_per_step_max * 9/10; } else { // in any case increase accelleration if overrun is detected during decelleration if (next_possible_stop_position * Shutter[i].direction > Shutter[i].target_position * Shutter[i].direction && Shutter[i].accelerator < 0) { Shutter[i].accelerator = -velocity_change_per_step_max * 11/10; } else { // as long as the calculated end position is ok stay with proposed decelleration Shutter[i].accelerator = -velocity_change_per_step_max; } } // detect during the acceleration phase the point final speed is reached } else if ( Shutter[i].accelerator > 0 && current_pwm_velocity == velocity_max) { Shutter[i].accelerator = 0; } break; } } } int32_t ShutterCalculatePosition(uint32_t i) { // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_COUNTER: return ((int64_t)RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] * Shutter[i].direction * STEPS_PER_SECOND * RESOLUTION / ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max)+Shutter[i].start_position; break; case SHT_TIME: case SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN: case SHT_TIME_GARAGE: if (Shutter[i].tilt_config[2] > 0) { // the tilt time is defined and therefore the tiltposition must be calculated if (Shutter[i].time <= Shutter[i].venetian_delay+Shutter[i].motordelay) { Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos = (Shutter[i].tilt_start_pos + ((Shutter[i].direction * (int16_t)(Shutter[i].time - tmin(Shutter[i].motordelay, Shutter[i].time)) * (Shutter[i].tilt_config[1]-Shutter[i].tilt_config[0])) / Shutter[i].tilt_config[2])); } else { Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos = Shutter[i].direction == 1 ? Shutter[i].tilt_config[1] : Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]; } } return Shutter[i].start_position + ( (Shutter[i].time - tmin(Shutter[i].venetian_delay+Shutter[i].motordelay, Shutter[i].time)) * (Shutter[i].direction > 0 ? RESOLUTION : -Shutter[i].close_velocity)); break; case SHT_PWM_TIME: break; case SHT_PWM_VALUE: return Shutter[i].real_position; break; default: break; } } else { return Shutter[i].real_position; } return 0; // Never reaches here, Satisfy compiler } void ShutterDecellerateForStop(uint8_t i) { bool pwm_apply = false; // ESP32 only, do we need to apply PWM changes switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_PWM_VALUE: case SHT_COUNTER: int16_t missing_steps; Shutter[i].accelerator = -(ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max / (Shutter[i].motordelay>4 ? (Shutter[i].motordelay*11)/10 : 4) ); while (Shutter[i].pwm_velocity > -2*Shutter[i].accelerator && Shutter[i].pwm_velocity != PWM_MIN) { delay(50); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Velocity %ld, Delta %d"), Shutter[i].pwm_velocity, Shutter[i].accelerator ); // Control will be done in RTC Ticker. } if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_COUNTER){ missing_steps = ((Shutter[i].target_position-Shutter[i].start_position)*Shutter[i].direction*ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max/RESOLUTION/STEPS_PER_SECOND) - RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i]; //prepare for stop PWM Shutter[i].accelerator = 0; Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = 0; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Remain %d count %d -> target %d, dir %d"), missing_steps, RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i], (uint32_t)(Shutter[i].target_position-Shutter[i].start_position)*Shutter[i].direction*ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max/RESOLUTION/STEPS_PER_SECOND, Shutter[i].direction); while (RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] < (uint32_t)(Shutter[i].target_position-Shutter[i].start_position)*Shutter[i].direction*ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max/RESOLUTION/STEPS_PER_SECOND && missing_steps > 0) { } TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = 0; pwm_apply = true; Shutter[i].real_position = ShutterCalculatePosition(i); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Remain steps %d"), missing_steps); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Real %d, Pulsecount %d, tobe %d, Start %d"), Shutter[i].real_position,RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i], (uint32_t)(Shutter[i].target_position-Shutter[i].start_position)*Shutter[i].direction*ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max/RESOLUTION/STEPS_PER_SECOND, Shutter[i].start_position); } Shutter[i].direction = 0; Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = 0; break; } if (pwm_apply) { PwmApplyGPIO(false); } } uint16_t ShutterGetCycleTime(uint8_t i, uint8_t max_runtime) { uint32_t cycle_time = 0; bool started = false; uint32_t last_time; char time_chr[10]; last_time = millis(); while (!started && millis() - last_time < max_runtime * 1000) { loop(); if (Shutter[i].direction) { started = true; } } if (!started) return 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup. Start detected. Waiting for STOP")); while (Shutter[i].direction && millis() - last_time < max_runtime * 1000) { loop(); } if (Shutter[i].direction) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup. No stop detected... Cancel")); return 0; } cycle_time = (ShutterGlobal.cycle_time / 2) - (Shutter[i].motordelay * 10 / STEPS_PER_SECOND) ; dtostrfd((float)(cycle_time) / 10, 1, time_chr); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup. Cycletime is: %s sec"), time_chr); return cycle_time; } uint8_t ShutterGetOptions(uint8_t index) { return ShutterSettings.shutter_options[index]; } uint8_t ShutterGetRelayNoFromBitfield(power_t number) { int position = 0; while (number != 0) { position++; if (number & 1) return position; number >>= 1; } return 0; // return 0 if no relay found } uint8_t ShutterGetStartRelay(uint8_t index) { return ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index]; } int8_t ShutterGetTiltConfig(uint8_t config_idx,uint8_t index) { return Shutter[index].tilt_config[config_idx]; } void ShutterInit(void) { TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present = 0; ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask = 0; //Initialize to get relay that changed ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask = TasmotaGlobal.power; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32; i++) { // set startrelay to 1 on first init, but only to shutter 1. 90% usecase if (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] && (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] <= 32 )) { bool relay_in_interlock = false; TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present++; // Add the two relays to the mask to knaw they belong to shutters ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask |= 3 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] -1) ; // All shutters must have same mode. Switch OR Pulse. N switch (Settings->pulse_timer[i]) { case 0: Shutter[i].switch_mode = SHT_SWITCH; break; default: Shutter[i].switch_mode = SHT_PULSE; break; } // Check if the relay is in an INTERLOCK group. required to set the right mode or // verify that on SHT_TIME INTERLOCK is set for (uint32_t j = 0; j < MAX_INTERLOCKS * Settings->flag.interlock; j++) { // CMND_INTERLOCK - Enable/disable interlock //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Interlock state i=%d %d, flag %d, Shuttermask %d, MaskedIL %d"),i, ShutterSettings.interlock[i], ShutterSettings.flag.interlock,ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask, ShutterSettings.interlock[i]&ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask); if (Settings->interlock[j] && (Settings->interlock[j] & ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask)) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Relay in Interlock group")); relay_in_interlock = true; } } if (ShutterSettings.shutter_mode == SHT_AUTOCONFIG || ShutterSettings.shutter_mode == SHT_UNDEF) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Mode undef.. calculate...")); ShutterGlobal.position_mode = SHT_TIME; if (!relay_in_interlock) { // temporary to maintain old functionality if (ShutterSettings.shutter_mode == SHT_UNDEF) { ShutterGlobal.position_mode = SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN; } if (PinUsed(GPIO_PWM1, i) && PinUsed(GPIO_CNTR1, i)) { ShutterGlobal.position_mode = SHT_COUNTER; } } } else { ShutterGlobal.position_mode = ShutterSettings.shutter_mode; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: ShutterMode: %d"), ShutterGlobal.position_mode); // main function for stepper and servos to control velocity and acceleration. TickerShutter.attach_ms(50, ShutterRtc50mS ); // default the 50 percent should not have any impact without changing it. set to 60 ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] = (ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] > 0) ? ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] : 50; // use 10 sec. as default to allow everybody to play without deep initialize Shutter[i].open_time = ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i] = (ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i] > 0) ? ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i] : 100; Shutter[i].close_time = ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i] = (ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i] > 0) ? ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i] : 100; // Update Calculation 20 because time interval is 0.05 sec ans time is in 0.1sec Shutter[i].open_max = STEPS_PER_SECOND * RESOLUTION * Shutter[i].open_time / 10; Shutter[i].close_velocity = Shutter[i].open_max / Shutter[i].close_time / 2 ; // calculate a ramp slope at the first 5 percent to compensate that shutters move with down part later than the upper part if (ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] != 50) { ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][i] = Shutter[i].open_max/10 * (100 - ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] ) / 5000 ; ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][i] = Shutter[i].open_max/100 - (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][i] * 10); ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][i] = (int32_t)(ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][i] * 10 + 5 * ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][i]) / 5; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Shutter[i].open_max %d, 50perc:%d, 0:%d, 1:%d 2:%d"), i, Shutter[i].open_max, ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][i],ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][i],ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][i]); } ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask |= 3 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] - 1); Shutter[i].real_position = ShutterPercentToRealPosition(ShutterSettings.shutter_position[i], i); Shutter[i].start_position = Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; Shutter[i].motordelay = ShutterSettings.shutter_motordelay[i]; Shutter[i].lastdirection = (50 < ShutterSettings.shutter_position[i]) ? 1 : -1; // Venetian Blind // ensure min is smaller than max ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[2][i] = ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[0][i] >= ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[1][i]?0:ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[2][i]; //copy config to shutter for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 5; k++) { Shutter[i].tilt_config[k] = ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[k][i]; } // wipe open/close position if duration is 0 if (Shutter[i].tilt_config[2] == 0) { Shutter[i].tilt_config[3] = Shutter[i].tilt_config[4] = 0; } switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_PWM_VALUE: // Initiate pwm range with defaults if not already set. ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i] = ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i] > 0 ? ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i] : pwm_servo_min; ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] = ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] > 0 ? ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] : pwm_servo_max; Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange = 0; Shutter[i].min_TiltChange = 0; // set pwm to actual position. This may cause fast movements if not in sync Shutter[i].pwm_value = SHT_DIV_ROUND((ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] - ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i]) * Shutter[i].target_position , Shutter[i].open_max)+ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i]; TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = Shutter[i].pwm_value; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d pwmset: %d -> %d"), i+1, TasmotaGlobal.pwm_cur_value[i], TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i]); PwmApplyGPIO(false); break; case SHT_TIME: // Test is the relays are in interlock mode. Disable shuttermode if error if (!relay_in_interlock) { TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present = 0, AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ERROR: Shtr%d Relays are not in INTERLOCK. Pls read documentation. Shutter DISABLE. Fix and REBOOT"), i+1); return; } break; case SHT_COUNTER: ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max = ShutterSettings.open_velocity_max; // Limit the numbers of shutter to 4 because only 4 counters can be defined TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present = tmin(TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present, 4); break; } Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos = Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos = ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_pos[i]; Shutter[i].tilt_velocity = Shutter[i].tilt_config[2] > 0 ? ((Shutter[i].tilt_config[1] - Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]) / Shutter[i].tilt_config[2]) + 1 : 1; Shutter[i].close_velocity_max = ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max*Shutter[i].open_time / Shutter[i].close_time; Shutter[i].min_TiltChange = 2 * Shutter[i].tilt_velocity; //servo can make any movement without time restriction Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange = 2 * tmax(ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max, Shutter[i].close_velocity_max); switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_PWM_VALUE: Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange = 0; break; case SHT_COUNTER: Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange = SHT_DIV_ROUND(Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange, Shutter[i].motordelay); break; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d min realpos_chg: %d, min tilt_chg %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange, Shutter[i].min_TiltChange); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Openvel %d, Closevel: %d"), i+1, ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max, Shutter[i].close_velocity_max); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Init. Pos %d, Inv %d, Locked %d, Endstop enab %d, webButt inv %d, Motordel: %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].real_position, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 1) ? 1 : 0, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 2) ? 1 : 0, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 4) ? 1 : 0, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 8) ? 1 : 0, Shutter[i].motordelay); } else { // terminate loop at first INVALID Shutter[i]. break; } ShutterLimitRealAndTargetPositions(i); ShutterSettings.shutter_accuracy = 1; ShutterSettings.shutter_mode = ShutterGlobal.position_mode; // initialize MotorStop time with 500ms if not set // typical not set start values are 0 and 65535 if (ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop > 5000 || ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop == 0) { ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop = 500; } } } void ShutterLimitRealAndTargetPositions(uint32_t i) { if (Shutter[i].real_position<0) Shutter[i].real_position = 0; if (Shutter[i].real_position>Shutter[i].open_max) Shutter[i].real_position = Shutter[i].open_max; if (Shutter[i].target_position<0) Shutter[i].target_position = 0; if (Shutter[i].target_position>Shutter[i].open_max) Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].open_max; } void ShutterLogPos(uint32_t i) { char stemp2[10]; dtostrfd((float)Shutter[i].time / STEPS_PER_SECOND, 2, stemp2); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Real %d, Start %d, Stop %d, Dir %d, Delay %d, Rtc %s [s], Freq %d, PWM %d, Tilt %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].real_position, Shutter[i].start_position, Shutter[i].target_position, Shutter[i].direction, Shutter[i].motordelay, stemp2, Shutter[i].pwm_velocity, Shutter[i].pwm_value,Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos); } void ShutterOptionsSetHelper(uint16_t option) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 0) { ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index -1] &= ~(option); } else if (XdrvMailbox.payload == 1) { ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index -1] |= (option); } ResponseCmndIdxNumber((ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index -1] & option) ? 1 : 0); } } int32_t ShutterPercentToRealPosition(int16_t percent, uint32_t index) { if (ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[index] != 50) { return (percent <= 5) ? ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][index] * percent*10 : (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][index] * percent + (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][index]*10))*10; } else { int64_t realpos; // check against DIV 0 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (0 == ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index]) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: RESET/INIT CALIBRATION MATRIX DIV 0")); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < 5; k++) { ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index] = SHT_DIV_ROUND(calibrate_pos[k+1] * 1000, calibrate_pos[5]); } } } for (uint32_t k = 0; k < 5; k++) { if ((percent * 10) >= ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index]) { realpos = SHT_DIV_ROUND(Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[k + 1], 100); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Realposition TEMP1: %d, %d %%, coeff %d"), realpos, percent, ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index]); } else { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Shutter[%d].open_max: %d"),index, Shutter[index].open_max); if (0 == k) { realpos = SHT_DIV_ROUND((int64_t)percent * Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[k + 1], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index]*10 ); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Realposition TEMP3: %d, %d %%, coeff %d"), realpos, percent, ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index]); } else { //uint32_t addon = ( percent*10 - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k-1][index] ) * Shutter[index].open_max * (calibrate_pos[k+1] - calibrate_pos[k]) / (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index] -ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k-1][index]) / 100; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Realposition TEMP2: %d, %d %%, coeff %d"), addon, (calibrate_pos[k+1] - calibrate_pos[k]), (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index] -ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k-1][index])); realpos += SHT_DIV_ROUND(((int64_t)percent * 10 - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k - 1][index] ) * Shutter[index].open_max * (calibrate_pos[k + 1] - calibrate_pos[k]), (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k][index] - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[k - 1][index]) * 100); } break; } } return realpos < 0 ? 0 : realpos; } } void ShutterPowerOff(uint8_t i) { bool pwm_apply = false; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Stop %d Mode %d time %d, last source %d"), i+1,Shutter[i].switch_mode, Shutter[i].time, TasmotaGlobal.last_source); // fix log to indicate correct shutter number ShutterDecellerateForStop(i); uint8_t cur_relay = ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] + (Shutter[i].direction == 1 ? 0 : (uint8_t)(ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_TIME)) ; if (Shutter[i].direction !=0) { Shutter[i].direction = 0; } if (Shutter[i].real_position == Shutter[i].start_position) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Update target tilt shutter %d from %d to %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos , Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos); Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos = Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos; } TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moved = 1; switch (Shutter[i].switch_mode) { case SHT_SWITCH: for (int8_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if ((1 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] + k - 1)) & TasmotaGlobal.power) { ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] + k, 0, SRC_SHUTTER); } } break; case SHT_PULSE: // we have a momentary switch here. Needs additional pulse on same relay after the end switch (TasmotaGlobal.last_source) { case SRC_PULSETIMER: case SRC_SHUTTER: case SRC_WEBGUI: ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(cur_relay, 1, SRC_SHUTTER); // switch off direction relay to make it power less if (((1 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i])) & TasmotaGlobal.power) && ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] + 1 != cur_relay) { ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] + 1, 0, SRC_SHUTTER); } break; default: TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_SHUTTER; } break; } // Store current PWM value to ensure proper position after reboot. switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_PWM_VALUE: TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = Shutter[i].pwm_value; pwm_apply = true; char scmnd[20]; #ifdef SHUTTER_CLEAR_PWM_ONSTOP // free the PWM servo lock on stop. TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = 0; #endif break; } if (pwm_apply) { PwmApplyGPIO(false); } // restore save_data behavior if all shutters are in stopped state bool shutter_all_stopped = true; for (uint8_t j = 0 ; j < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present ; j++) { if (Shutter[j].direction != 0) shutter_all_stopped = false; } if (shutter_all_stopped) TasmotaGlobal.save_data_counter = Settings->save_data; Shutter[i].last_stop_time = millis(); } uint8_t ShutterRealToPercentPosition(int32_t realpos, uint32_t index) { int64_t realpercent; if (realpos == -9999) { realpos = Shutter[index].real_position; } if (ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[index] != 50) { realpercent = (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][index] * 5 > realpos / 10) ? SHT_DIV_ROUND(realpos / 10, ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][index]) : SHT_DIV_ROUND(realpos / 10 - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][index] * 10, ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][index]); } else { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (realpos >= Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j + 1] / 100) { realpercent = SHT_DIV_ROUND(ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index], 10); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Realpercent TEMP1: %d %%, %d, coeff %d"), realpercent, realpos, Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j+1] / 100); } else { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Shutter[%d].open_max: %d"),index, Shutter[index].open_max); if (0 == j) { realpercent = SHT_DIV_ROUND(((int64_t)realpos - SHT_DIV_ROUND(Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j], 100)) * ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index], calibrate_pos[j + 1] / 10 * Shutter[index].open_max); } else { //uint16_t addon = ( realpos - (Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j] / 100) ) * 10 * (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index] - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j-1][index]) / (calibrate_pos[j+1] - calibrate_pos[j])/Shutter[index].open_max; //uint16_t addon = ( realpercent*10 - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j-1][index] ) * Shutter[index].open_max * (calibrate_pos[j+1] - calibrate_pos[j]) / (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index] -ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j-1][index]) / 100; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Realpercent TEMP2: %d %%, delta %d, %d, coeff %d"), addon,( realpos - (Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j] / 100) ) , (calibrate_pos[j+1] - calibrate_pos[j])* Shutter[index].open_max/100, (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index] -ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j-1][index])); realpercent += SHT_DIV_ROUND(((int64_t)realpos - SHT_DIV_ROUND(Shutter[index].open_max * calibrate_pos[j], 100)) * (ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][index] - ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j - 1][index]), (calibrate_pos[j + 1] - calibrate_pos[j]) / 10 * Shutter[index].open_max) ; } break; } } } realpercent = realpercent < 0 ? 0 : realpercent; return realpercent; } void ShutterRelayChanged(void) { // ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask = binary relay that was recently changed and cause an Action // powerstate_local = binary powermatrix and relays from shutter: 0..3 // relays_changed = bool if one of the relays that belong to the shutter changed not by shutter or pulsetimer char stemp1[10]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) { power_t powerstate_local = (TasmotaGlobal.power >> (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] - 1)) & 3; // SRC_IGNORE added because INTERLOCK function bite causes this as last source for changing the relay. //uint8 manual_relays_changed = ((ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask >> (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] -1)) & 3) && SRC_IGNORE != TasmotaGlobal.last_source && SRC_SHUTTER != TasmotaGlobal.last_source && SRC_PULSETIMER != TasmotaGlobal.last_source ; uint8 manual_relays_changed = ((ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask >> (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] - 1)) & 3) && SRC_SHUTTER != TasmotaGlobal.last_source && SRC_PULSETIMER != TasmotaGlobal.last_source ; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Source %s, Powerstate %ld, RelayMask %d, ManualChange %d"), // i+1, GetTextIndexed(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), TasmotaGlobal.last_source, kCommandSource), powerstate_local,ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask,manual_relays_changed); if (manual_relays_changed) { ShutterLimitRealAndTargetPositions(i); switch (Shutter[i].switch_mode ) { case SHT_PULSE: if (Shutter[i].direction != 0 && powerstate_local) { Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; powerstate_local = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Switch OFF motor. Target %ld, Source %s, Powerstate %ld, RelayMask %d, ManualChange %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].target_position, GetTextIndexed(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), TasmotaGlobal.last_source, kCommandSource), powerstate_local,ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask,manual_relays_changed); } break; default: TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_SHUTTER; // avoid switch off in the next loop if (Shutter[i].direction != 0 ) Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; } if (powerstate_local > 0) { Shutter[i].tiltmoving = 0; } switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { // enum Shutterposition_mode {SHT_TIME, SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN, SHT_TIME_GARAGE, SHT_COUNTER, SHT_PWM_VALUE, SHT_PWM_TIME,}; case SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN: case SHT_COUNTER: case SHT_PWM_VALUE: case SHT_PWM_TIME: ShutterPowerOff(i); case SHT_TIME: { // powerstate_local == 0 => direction=0, stop // powerstate_local == 1 => direction=1, target=Shutter[i].open_max // powerstate_local == 2 => direction=-1, target=0 // only happen on SHT_TIME // powerstate_local == 3 => direction=-1, target=0 // only happen if NOT SHT_TIME int8_t direction = (powerstate_local == 0) ? 0 : (powerstate_local == 1) ? 1 : -1; int32_t target = (powerstate_local == 1) ? Shutter[i].open_max : 0; if (direction != 0) { ShutterStartInit(i, direction, target); } else { Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; Shutter[i].last_stop_time = millis(); } break; } case SHT_TIME_GARAGE: switch (powerstate_local) { case 1: ShutterStartInit(i, Shutter[i].lastdirection * -1, Shutter[i].lastdirection == 1 ? 0 : Shutter[i].open_max); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Garage. NewTarget %d"), i, Shutter[i].target_position); break; default: Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; } } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d, Target %ld, Power: %d, tiltmv: %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].target_position, powerstate_local,Shutter[i].tiltmoving); } // if (manual_relays_changed) } // for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) } void ShutterReportPosition(bool always, uint32_t index) { Response_P(PSTR("{")); uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t n = TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; uint8_t shutter_running = 0; for (i; i < n; i++) { if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { shutter_running++; } } // Allow function exit if nothing to report (99.9% use case) if (!always && !shutter_running) return; if( index != MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32) { i = index; n = index+1; } else { i = 0; } for (i; i < n; i++) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Real Pos %d"), i+1,Shutter[i].real_position); if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { ShutterLogPos(i); shutter_running++; } if (i && index == MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } uint32_t position = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[i].real_position, i); uint32_t target = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[i].target_position, i); ResponseAppend_P(JSON_SHUTTER_POS, i + 1, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 1) ? 100 - position : position, Shutter[i].direction,(ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 1) ? 100 - target : target, Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos ); } ResponseJsonEnd(); if (always || shutter_running) { MqttPublishPrefixTopicRulesProcess_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER)); // RulesProcess() now re-entry protected } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: rules_flag.shutter_moving: %d, moved %d"), TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moving, TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moved); } void ShutterRtc50mS(void) { bool pwm_apply = false; // No Logging allowed. RTC Timer for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) { if (Shutter[i].direction) { // update position data before increasing counter Shutter[i].real_position = ShutterCalculatePosition(i); Shutter[i].time++; ShutterCalculateAccelerator(i); switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_PWM_VALUE: ShutterUpdateVelocity(i); Shutter[i].real_position += Shutter[i].direction > 0 ? Shutter[i].pwm_velocity : (Shutter[i].direction < 0 ? -Shutter[i].pwm_velocity : 0); Shutter[i].pwm_value = SHT_DIV_ROUND((ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] - ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i]) * Shutter[i].real_position , Shutter[i].open_max) + ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i]; TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = Shutter[i].pwm_value; pwm_apply = true; break; case SHT_COUNTER: if (Shutter[i].accelerator) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Accelerator i=%d -> %d"),i, Shutter[i].accelerator); ShutterUpdateVelocity(i); digitalWrite(Pin(GPIO_PWM1, i), LOW); analogWriteFreq(Shutter[i].pwm_velocity,Pin(GPIO_PWM1, i)); TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = 512; pwm_apply = true; } break; } } // if (Shutter[i].direction) } if (pwm_apply) { PwmApplyGPIO(false); } } void ShutterSetPosition(uint32_t device, uint32_t position) { char svalue[32]; // Command and number parameter snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_POSITION "%d %d"), device, position); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); } void ShutterSettingsDefault(void) { // Init default values in case file is not found AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: " D_USE_DEFAULTS)); memset(&ShutterSettings, 0x00, sizeof(ShutterSettings)); ShutterSettings.version = SHUTTER_VERSION; // Init any other parameter in struct ShutterSettings ShutterSettings.open_velocity_max = ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max; ShutterSettings.shutter_accuracy = Settings->shutter_accuracy; ShutterSettings.shutter_mode = Settings->shutter_mode; ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop = Settings->shutter_motorstop; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS; i++) { // copy values from settings for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (j<2) ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[j][i] = Settings->shutter_pwmrange[j][i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[j][i] = Settings->shutter_tilt_config[j][i]; ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[j][i] = Settings->shuttercoeff[j][i]; } ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_pos[i] = Settings->shutter_tilt_pos[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i] = Settings->shutter_opentime[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i] = Settings->shutter_closetime[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] = Settings->shutter_options[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] = Settings->shutter_set50percent[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_position[i] = Settings->shutter_position[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] = Settings->shutter_startrelay[i]; ShutterSettings.shutter_motordelay[i] = Settings->shutter_motordelay[i]; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTER_KEYS; i++) { ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number = Settings->shutter_button[i] & 0x03; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].enabled = Settings->shutter_button[i] &(1<<31); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) { ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].pos = (((Settings->shutter_button[i]>> (2+6*j))&(0x3f))-1)<<1; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].tilt = -128; // -128 == DISBALED ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].mqtt_broadcast = ((Settings->shutter_button[i]>>(26+j))&(0x01)!=0); } } for (uint32_t i = MAX_SHUTTERS; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32; i++) { ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i] = 50; ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i] = 100; ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i] = 100; ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][i] = pwm_servo_min; ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][i] = pwm_servo_max; } } void ShutterSettingsDelta(void) { // Fix possible setting deltas if (ShutterSettings.version != SHUTTER_VERSION) { // Fix version dependent changes if (ShutterSettings.version < 0x0100) { for (uint8_t i=0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32; i++){ if (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] == 0) continue; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: %s SHT%d:%d"),D_CMND_SHUTTER_RELAY,i+1,ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i]); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: %s: %d"),D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME,ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i]); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: %s: %d"),D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLOSETIME,ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i]); } for (uint8_t i=0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2; i++){ ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].enabled = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].enabled; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].mqtt_all = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].mqtt_all; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].shutter_number; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++){ ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].pos = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].position[j].pos; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].tilt = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].position[j].tilt; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j].mqtt_broadcast = ShutterSettings.shutter_button_old[i].position[j].mqtt_broadcast; } } } // Set current version and save settings ShutterSettings.version = SHUTTER_VERSION; ShutterSettingsSave(); } } void ShutterSettingsLoad(bool erase) { // Called from FUNC_PRE_INIT once at restart // Init default values in case file is not found ShutterSettingsDefault(); // Try to load file /.drvset027 char filename[20]; // Use for drivers: snprintf_P(filename, sizeof(filename), PSTR(TASM_FILE_DRIVER), XDRV_27); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: About to load settings from file %s"), filename); #ifdef USE_UFILESYS if (erase) { TfsDeleteFile(filename); // Use defaults } else if (TfsLoadFile(filename, (uint8_t*)&ShutterSettings, sizeof(ShutterSettings))) { // Fix possible setting deltas ShutterSettingsDelta(); } else { // File system not ready: No flash space reserved for file system AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } #else AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, D_ERROR_FILESYSTEM_NOT_READY); #endif // USE_UFILESYS } bool ShutterSettingsRestore(void) { XdrvMailbox.data = (char*)&ShutterSettings; XdrvMailbox.index = sizeof(ShutterSettings); return true; } void ShutterSettingsSave(void) { // Called from FUNC_SAVE_SETTINGS every SaveData second and at restart uint32_t crc32 = GetCfgCrc32((uint8_t*)&ShutterSettings +4, sizeof(ShutterSettings) -4); // Skip crc32 if (crc32 != ShutterSettings.crc32 && ShutterSettings.version > 0) { // Try to save file /.drvset027 ShutterSettings.crc32 = crc32; char filename[20]; // Use for drivers: snprintf_P(filename, sizeof(filename), PSTR(TASM_FILE_DRIVER), XDRV_27); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: About to save settings to file %s"), filename); #ifdef USE_UFILESYS if (!TfsSaveFile(filename, (const uint8_t*)&ShutterSettings, sizeof(ShutterSettings))) { // File system not ready: No flash space reserved for file system AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, D_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } #else AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, D_ERROR_FILESYSTEM_NOT_READY); #endif // USE_UFILESYS } } void ShutterShow() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) { WSContentSend_P(HTTP_MSG_SLIDER_SHUTTER, (ShutterGetOptions(i) & 1) ? D_OPEN : D_CLOSE,(ShutterGetOptions(i) & 1) ? D_CLOSE : D_OPEN, (ShutterGetOptions(i) & 1) ? (100 - ShutterRealToPercentPosition(-9999, i)) : ShutterRealToPercentPosition(-9999, i), i+1); } } void ShutterStartInit(uint32_t i, int32_t direction, int32_t target_pos) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: dir %d, delta1 %d, delta2 %d"),direction, (Shutter[i].open_max - Shutter[i].real_position) / Shutter[i].close_velocity, Shutter[i].real_position / Shutter[i].close_velocity); if ( ( ( (1 == direction) && ((Shutter[i].open_max - Shutter[i].real_position) <= Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange)) || ( (-1 == direction) && (Shutter[i].real_position <= Shutter[i].min_realPositionChange)) ) && abs(Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos-Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos) <= Shutter[i].min_TiltChange) { ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change = 1; } else { Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = 0; ShutterWaitForMotorStart(i); switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { #ifdef SHUTTER_STEPPER case SHT_COUNTER: //analogWriteFreq(PWM_MIN,Pin(GPIO_PWM1, i)); TasmotaGlobal.pwm_value[i] = 0; PwmApplyGPIO(false); RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i] = 0; break; #endif } Shutter[i].accelerator = ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max / (Shutter[i].motordelay>0 ? Shutter[i].motordelay : 1); Shutter[i].target_position = target_pos; Shutter[i].start_position = Shutter[i].real_position; TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moving = 1; ShutterAllowPreStartProcedure(i); Shutter[i].time = Shutter[i].last_reported_time = 0; ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change = 0; TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moved = 0; ShutterGlobal.start_reported = 0; Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos = tmax(tmin(Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos,Shutter[i].tilt_config[1]),Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]); Shutter[i].tilt_start_pos = Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos; if (Shutter[i].tilt_config[1] - Shutter[i].tilt_config[0] != 0) { Shutter[i].venetian_delay = SHT_DIV_ROUND((direction > 0 ? Shutter[i].tilt_config[1]-Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos : Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos-Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]) * Shutter[i].tilt_config[2], Shutter[i].tilt_config[1]-Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: real %d, start %d, counter %d,freq_max %d, dir %d, freq %d"),Shutter[i].real_position, Shutter[i].start_position ,RtcSettings.pulse_counter[i],ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max , direction ,ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max ); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: VenetianDelay: %d, Pos: %d, Dir: %d, Delta: %d, Dur: %d, StartP: %d, TgtP: %d"), Shutter[i].venetian_delay, Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos,direction,(Shutter[i].tilt_config[1]-Shutter[i].tilt_config[0]), Shutter[i].tilt_config[2],Shutter[i].tilt_start_pos,Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos); } // avoid file system writes during move to minimize missing steps. 15min diabled. Will re renabled on full stop TasmotaGlobal.save_data_counter = 900; } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Start shtr%d from %d to %d in dir: %d"), i, Shutter[i].start_position, Shutter[i].target_position, direction); Shutter[i].direction = direction; // Last action. This causes RTC to start. } bool ShutterState(uint32_t device) { if (device > 4) { return false; } device--; device &= 3; return (Settings->flag3.shutter_mode && // SetOption80 - Enable shutter support (ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask & (1 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[device]-1))) ); } bool ShutterStatus(void) { if (Settings->flag3.shutter_mode) { // SetOption80 - (Shutter) Enable shutter support (1) Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_STATUS D_STATUS13_SHUTTER "\":{")); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32; i++) { if (0 == ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i]) { break; } if (i > 0) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",")); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_STATUS13_SHUTTER "%d\":{\"Relay1\":%d,\"Relay2\":%d,\"Open\":%d,\"Close\":%d," "\"50perc\":%d,\"Delay\":%d,\"Opt\":\"%s\"," "\"Calib\":[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]," "\"Mode\":\"%d\"," "\"TiltConfig\":[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]}"), i, ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i], ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i] +1, ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[i], ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[i], ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[i], ShutterSettings.shutter_motordelay[i], GetBinary8(ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i], 4).c_str(), ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][i], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][i], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][i], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[3][i], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[4][i], ShutterSettings.shutter_mode, ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[0][i], ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[1][i], ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[2][i], ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[3][i], ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[4][i] ); } ResponseJsonEndEnd(); return true; } return false; } void ShutterToggle(bool dir) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Toggle: %d, i %d, dir %d, lastdir %d"), XdrvMailbox.payload, XdrvMailbox.index, dir, Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index-1].lastdirection); if ((1 == XdrvMailbox.index) && (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99)) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { uint32_t index = XdrvMailbox.index-1; if (dir) { XdrvMailbox.payload = (Shutter[index].direction==0 ? ((Shutter[index].lastdirection > 0) ? 0 : 100) : (Shutter[index].direction > 0) ? 0 : 100); } else { XdrvMailbox.payload = (50 < ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[index].real_position, index)) ? 0 : 100; } XdrvMailbox.data_len = 0; TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_WEBGUI; CmndShutterPosition(); } } void ShutterUpdatePosition(void) { char scommand[CMDSZ]; char stopic[TOPSZ]; // Iterate through all available shutters for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) { // Check if the shutter is in motion if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { // Report the position of the shutter if not already done if (!ShutterGlobal.start_reported) { ShutterReportPosition(true, i); ShutterGlobal.start_reported = 1; } // Update time information int32_t deltatime = Shutter[i].time - Shutter[i].last_reported_time; Shutter[i].last_reported_time = Shutter[i].time + 1; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Shtr%d Time %d(%d), cStop %d, cVelo %d, mVelo %d, aVelo %d, mRun %d, aPos %d, aPos2 %d, nStop %d, Trgt %d, mVelo %d, Dir %d, Tilt %d, TrgtTilt: %d, Tiltmove: %d, PWM: %d"), i+1, Shutter[i].time, deltatime, current_stop_way, current_pwm_velocity, velocity_max, Shutter[i].accelerator, min_runtime_ms, current_real_position,Shutter[i].real_position, next_possible_stop_position, Shutter[i].target_position, velocity_change_per_step_max, Shutter[i].direction,Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos, Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos, Shutter[i].tiltmoving, Shutter[i].pwm_value); // Check calibration mode and energy information // only execute every second step to remove some stress from the current sensor. if (ShutterGlobal.callibration_run && Shutter[i].time%2 == 0) { // update energy consumption on every loop to dectect stop of the shutter XnrgCall(FUNC_ENERGY_EVERY_SECOND); // fency calculation with direction gives index 0 and 1 of the energy meter // stop if endpoint is reached if (Energy->active_power[0] + Energy->active_power[1] < 1.0 && Shutter[i].time > 100){ ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed++; if (ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed == 1) { ShutterGlobal.cycle_time = Shutter[i].time; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: %d stopp_armed:%d"),Shutter[i].time, ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed); if (ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed > 5) { Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; } } else { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: %d stopp_armed:%d, power:%.3f"),Shutter[i].time, ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed,Energy->active_power[0] + Energy->active_power[1]); ShutterGlobal.stopp_armed = 0; } } // Check if shutter reached its target position or if the speed falls below the minimum value if ( ((Shutter[i].real_position * Shutter[i].direction >= Shutter[i].target_position * Shutter[i].direction && Shutter[i].tiltmoving==0) || ((int16_t)Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos * Shutter[i].direction * Shutter[i].tilt_config[2] >= (int16_t)Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos * Shutter[i].direction * Shutter[i].tilt_config[2] && Shutter[i].tiltmoving==1)) || (ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_COUNTER && Shutter[i].accelerator < 0 && Shutter[i].pwm_velocity + Shutter[i].accelerator %d, moving: %d"),Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos,Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos,Shutter[i].tiltmoving); // Check if the tilt position doesn't match the target tilt position and the shutter is not currently tilting if (abs(Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos - Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos) > Shutter[i].min_TiltChange && Shutter[i].tiltmoving == 0) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Tilt not match %d -> %d"),Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos,Shutter[i].tilt_target_pos); // Prepare the command to update the shutter position char databuf[1] = ""; XdrvMailbox.data = databuf; XdrvMailbox.payload = -99; XdrvMailbox.index = i + 1; // Set the shutter to tilting mode Shutter[i].tiltmoving = 1; CmndShutterPosition(); return; } else { // Update the shutter tilt position setting to the current real tilt position ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_pos[i] = Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos; } ShutterLogPos(i); if (!Settings->flag4.only_json_message) { // SetOption90 - Disable non-json MQTT response // sending MQTT result to broker snprintf_P(scommand, sizeof(scommand),PSTR(D_SHUTTER "%d"), i + 1); GetTopic_P(stopic, STAT, TasmotaGlobal.mqtt_topic, scommand); Response_P("%d", ShutterSettings.shutter_position[i]); MqttPublish(stopic, Settings->flag.mqtt_power_retain); // CMND_POWERRETAIN } // Report the shutter position ShutterReportPosition(true, i); TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.shutter_moved = 1; } } } } void ShutterUpdateVelocity(uint8_t i) { // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer // will be calles through RTC every 50ms. // do not allow accellerator to stop movement Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(velocity_change_per_step_max, Shutter[i].pwm_velocity+Shutter[i].accelerator); Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : Shutter[i].close_velocity_max,Shutter[i].pwm_velocity); // respect hard coded SDK limit of PWM_MIN on PWM frequency. if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_COUNTER) { Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(PWM_MIN,Shutter[i].pwm_velocity); } } void ShutterWaitForMotorStart(uint8_t i) { while (millis() < Shutter[i].last_stop_time + ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop) { loop(); } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Stoptime done")); } void ShutterWaitForMotorStop(uint8_t i) { Shutter[i].last_stop_time = millis(); ShutterWaitForMotorStart(i); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Commands \*********************************************************************************************/ void CmndShutterButton(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32)) { tButtonSettings setting; memset(&setting, 0x00, sizeof(setting)); // (setting>>31)&(0x01) : enabled // (setting>>30)&(0x01) : mqtt broadcast to all index // (setting>>29)&(0x01) : mqtt broadcast hold // (setting>>28)&(0x01) : mqtt broadcast tripple press // (setting>>27)&(0x01) : mqtt broadcast double press // (setting>>26)&(0x01) : mqtt broadcast single press // (setting>>20)&(0x3f) : shutter_position hold; 0 disabled, 1..101 == 0..100%, 102 == toggle // (setting>>14)&(0x3f) : shutter_position tripple press 0 disabled, 1..101 == 0..100%, 102 == toggle // (setting>> 8)&(0x3f) : shutter_position double press 0 disabled, 1..101 == 0..100%, 102 == toggle // (setting>> 2)&(0x3f) : shutter_position single press 0 disabled, 1..101 == 0..100%, 102 == toggle // (setting>> 0)&(0x03) : shutter_index if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { uint32_t i = 0; // tokencount on " " uint32_t button_index = 0; bool done = false; bool isShortCommand = false; char *str_ptr; char *str_ptr2; char data_copy[strlen(XdrvMailbox.data) +1]; strncpy(data_copy, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(data_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on ' ' seperators. for (char *str = strtok_r(data_copy, " ,", &str_ptr); str && i < (1+4+4+1); str = strtok_r(nullptr, " ,", &str_ptr), i++) { int field = -1; int tilt = -128; int pos_incrdecr = 0; int tilt_incrdecr = 0; int j = 0; // tokencount on "/" char field_copy[strlen(str) + 1]; strncpy(field_copy, str, sizeof(field_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on '/' seperators. Syntax position[0..100]/tilt[-90..90] for (char *str2 = strtok_r(field_copy, "/", &str_ptr2); str2 && j < 2; str2 = strtok_r(nullptr, "/", &str_ptr2), j++) { switch (j) { case 0: switch (str2[0]) { case 't': // toggle the tilt. currently not implemented field = 102; break; case '-': case '+': field = -1; // check for trigger -- or ++ for incremental change if (str2[1] == '-' || str2[1] == '+') { str2[0] = ' '; pos_incrdecr = atoi(str2); } break; default: field = atoi(str2); break; } if (i>0) AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: FINAL: pos:%d, inc:%d, string:%s"), field, pos_incrdecr, str2); break; case 1: switch (str2[0]) { case 't': tilt = 127; break; case '-': // special handling to seperate a - from a negative number. e.g. -90 case '+': if (strlen(str2)==1 && str2[0] == '-') { tilt = -128; } else { if (str2[1] == '-' || str2[1] == '+') { str2[0] = ' '; tilt = 127; tilt_incrdecr = atoi(str2); } else { tilt = atoi(str2); } } break; default: tilt = atoi(str2); break; } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: FINAL: tilt:%d, inc:%d, string:%s"), tilt, tilt_incrdecr, str2); break; } } // end scanning "++10/-90" tokens switch (i) { case 0: if ((field >= -1) && (field<=MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2)) { button_index = (field <= 0)?(-1):field; done = (button_index == -1); } else done = true; break; case 1: if (!strcmp_P(str, PSTR("up"))) { setting.position[0].pos = 100; setting.position[1].pos = 50; setting.position[2].pos = 75; setting.position[3].pos = 100; isShortCommand = true; break; } else if (!strcmp_P(str, PSTR("down"))) { setting.position[0].pos = 0; setting.position[1].pos = 50; setting.position[2].pos = 25; setting.position[3].pos = 0; isShortCommand = true; break; } else if (!strcmp_P(str, PSTR("updown"))) { setting.position[0].pos = 100; setting.position[1].pos = 0; setting.position[2].pos = 50; isShortCommand = true; break; } else if (!strcmp_P(str, PSTR("toggle"))) { setting.position[0].pos = 102; setting.position[1].pos = 50; isShortCommand = true; break; } case 2: /* Currently not supported if (isShortCommand) { if ((field==1) && (setting & (0x3F<<(2+6*3)))) // if short command up or down (hold press position set) then also enable MQTT broadcast setting |= (0x3<<29); done = true; break; } */ case 3: case 4: AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: CASE4: pos:%d, tilt:%d, incpos:%d, inctilt:%d"), field, tilt, pos_incrdecr, tilt_incrdecr); if ((field >= -1) && (field <= 102)) setting.position[i-1].pos = field; if ((tilt >= -128) && (tilt <= 127)) setting.position[i-1].tilt = tilt; if ((pos_incrdecr >= -100) && (pos_incrdecr <= 100)) setting.position[i-1].pos_incrdecr = pos_incrdecr; if ((tilt_incrdecr >= -90) && (tilt_incrdecr <= 90)) setting.position[i-1].tilt_incrdecr = tilt_incrdecr; break; case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: if (field==1) setting.position[i-6].mqtt_broadcast = true; break; } if (isShortCommand) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) setting.position[j].tilt = -128; } if (done) break; } if (button_index) { if (button_index == -1) { // remove all buttons for this shutter for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2 ; i++) if (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number == XdrvMailbox.index - 1) ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].enabled = false; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number = 0; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].position[j] = {-1, -128, 0}; } else { setting.enabled = true; setting.shutter_number = XdrvMailbox.index - 1; ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index-1] = setting; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: ENABLE SHT:%d -> %d"),XdrvMailbox.index-1,ShutterSettings.shutter_button[button_index-1]); } } } char setting_chr[30*MAX_SHUTTER_KEYS] = "-", *setting_chr_ptr = setting_chr; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2 ; i++) { setting = ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i]; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Setting: SHT on BTN:%d, index:%d"),ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number,XdrvMailbox.index-1); if ((setting.enabled) && (ShutterSettings.shutter_button[i].shutter_number == XdrvMailbox.index - 1)) { if (*setting_chr_ptr == 0) setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR("|")); setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 3, PSTR("%d"), i + 1); for (uint32_t j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) { int8_t pos = setting.position[j].pos; int8_t postilt = setting.position[j].tilt; int8_t pos_incrdecr = setting.position[j].pos_incrdecr; int8_t tilt_incrdecr = setting.position[j].tilt_incrdecr; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Merging: pos:%d, tilt:%d, incpos:%d, inctilt:%d"), pos, postilt, pos_incrdecr, tilt_incrdecr); if (0 <= pos) if (102 == pos) { setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR(" t")); } else { setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 5, PSTR(" %d"), pos); } else { switch (pos_incrdecr) { case 0: setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR(" -")); break; default: if (pos_incrdecr > 0) setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 6, PSTR(" ++%d"), pos_incrdecr); else setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 6, PSTR(" -%d"), pos_incrdecr); break; } } if (-128 != postilt || tilt_incrdecr !=0) { setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR("/")); if (127 == postilt) { switch (tilt_incrdecr) { case 0: setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR("t")); break; default: if (tilt_incrdecr > 0) setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 5, PSTR("++%d"), tilt_incrdecr); else setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 5, PSTR("-%d"), tilt_incrdecr); break; } } else { setting_chr_ptr += snprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, 5, PSTR("%d"), postilt); } } } for (uint32_t j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) { if (setting.position[j].mqtt_broadcast) setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR(" 1")); else setting_chr_ptr += sprintf_P(setting_chr_ptr, PSTR(" -")); } } } ShutterSettingsSave(); ResponseCmndIdxChar(setting_chr); } } void CmndShutterCalibration(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { uint8_t i = 0; char *str_ptr; char data_copy[strlen(XdrvMailbox.data) + 1]; strncpy(data_copy, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(data_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on ' ' seperators. for (char *str = strtok_r(data_copy, " ,", &str_ptr); str && i < 5; str = strtok_r(nullptr, " ,", &str_ptr), i++) { int field = atoi(str); // The fields in a data string can only range from 1-30000. // and following value must be higher than previous one if ((field <= 0) || (field > 30000) || ( (i>0) && (field <= messwerte[i-1]) ) ) { break; } messwerte[i] = field; } ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = 50; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[i][XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = SHT_DIV_ROUND((uint32_t)messwerte[i] * 1000, messwerte[4]); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shuttercoeff %d, i %d, Value %d, MeasuredValue %d"), i, XdrvMailbox.index - 1, ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[i][XdrvMailbox.index - 1], messwerte[i]); } ShutterInit(); ResponseCmndIdxChar(XdrvMailbox.data); } else { char setting_chr[30] = "0"; snprintf_P(setting_chr, sizeof(setting_chr), PSTR("%d %d %d %d %d"), ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][XdrvMailbox.index -1], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][XdrvMailbox.index - 1], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][XdrvMailbox.index - 1], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[3][XdrvMailbox.index - 1], ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[4][XdrvMailbox.index - 1]); ResponseCmndIdxChar(setting_chr); } } } void CmndShutterClose(void) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Payload close: %d, i %d"), XdrvMailbox.payload, XdrvMailbox.index); if ((!XdrvMailbox.usridx) && (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99)) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } XdrvMailbox.payload = 0; TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_WEBGUI; CmndShutterPosition(); } void CmndShutterCloseTime(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = (uint16_t)(10 * CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data)); ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndIdxFloat((float)(ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[XdrvMailbox.index -1]) / 10, 1); } } void CmndShutterEnableEndStopTime(void) { ShutterOptionsSetHelper(4); } void CmndShutterFrequency(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 20000)) { ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max = XdrvMailbox.payload; ShutterSettings.open_velocity_max = ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max; ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndNumber(ShutterSettings.open_velocity_max); } void CmndShutterIncDec(void) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Change in: payload %s (%d), payload %d, idx %d, src %d"), XdrvMailbox.data , XdrvMailbox.data_len, XdrvMailbox.payload , XdrvMailbox.index, TasmotaGlobal.last_source ); if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { XdrvMailbox.payload = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].target_position, XdrvMailbox.index - 1) + XdrvMailbox.payload; // limit position to boundaries XdrvMailbox.payload = XdrvMailbox.payload < 0 ? 0 : (XdrvMailbox.payload > 100 ? 100 : XdrvMailbox.payload); CmndShutterPosition(); } } } void CmndShutterInvert(void) { ShutterOptionsSetHelper(1); } void CmndShutterInvertWebButtons(void) { ShutterOptionsSetHelper(8); } void CmndShutterLock(void) { ShutterOptionsSetHelper(2); } void CmndShutterMode(void) { if (!XdrvMailbox.usridx) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= MAX_MODES)) { ShutterSettings.shutter_mode = ShutterGlobal.position_mode = XdrvMailbox.payload; ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndNumber(ShutterGlobal.position_mode); } } void CmndShutterMotorDelay(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { ShutterSettings.shutter_motordelay[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = (uint8_t)(STEPS_PER_SECOND * CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data)); ShutterInit(); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Shtr Init1. realdelay %d"),Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].motordelay); } ResponseCmndIdxFloat((float)(Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].motordelay) / STEPS_PER_SECOND, 2); } } void CmndShutterMotorStop(void) { if (!XdrvMailbox.usridx) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) ) { ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop = XdrvMailbox.payload; ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndNumber(ShutterSettings.shutter_motorstop); } } void CmndShutterOpen(void) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Payload open: %d, i %d"), XdrvMailbox.payload, XdrvMailbox.index); if ((!XdrvMailbox.usridx) && (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99)) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } XdrvMailbox.payload = 100; TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_WEBGUI; CmndShutterPosition(); } void CmndShutterOpenTime(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = (uint16_t)(10 * CharToFloat(XdrvMailbox.data)); ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndIdxFloat((float)(ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[XdrvMailbox.index - 1]) / 10, 1); } } void CmndShutterPosition(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (!(ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] & 2)) { uint32_t index = XdrvMailbox.index - 1; //limit the payload AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Pos. payload <%s> (%d), payload %d, idx %d (%d), src %d"), XdrvMailbox.data , XdrvMailbox.data_len, XdrvMailbox.payload , XdrvMailbox.index, XdrvMailbox.usridx, TasmotaGlobal.last_source ); if (XdrvMailbox.data_len >= 3) { // check if input is of format "position,tilt" uint32_t i = 0; char *str_ptr; char data_copy[strlen(XdrvMailbox.data) + 1]; strncpy(data_copy, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(data_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on ',' seperators. for (char *str = strtok_r(data_copy, ",", &str_ptr); str && i < 2; str = strtok_r(nullptr, ",", &str_ptr), i++) { switch(i) { case 0: XdrvMailbox.payload = atoi(str); break; case 1: Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos_override = atoi(str); break; } } } // value 0 with data_len > 0 can mean Open // special handling fo UP,DOWN,TOGGLE,STOP command comming with payload -99 // STOP will come with payload 0 because predefined value in TASMOTA if ((XdrvMailbox.data_len > 3) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 0)) { // set len to 0 to avoid loop on close where payload is 0 XdrvMailbox.data_len = 0; if (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_UP) || !strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPEN) || ((Shutter[index].direction==0) && !strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPOPEN))) { CmndShutterOpen(); return; } if (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_DOWN) || !strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLOSE) || ((Shutter[index].direction==0) && !strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPCLOSE))) { CmndShutterClose(); return; } if (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_TOGGLE)) { CmndShutterToggle(); return; } if (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_TOGGLEDIR)) { CmndShutterToggleDir(); return; } if (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOP) || ((Shutter[index].direction) && (!strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPOPEN) || !strcasecmp(XdrvMailbox.data,D_CMND_SHUTTER_STOPCLOSE)))) { // Back to normal: all -99 if not a clear position XdrvMailbox.payload = -99; CmndShutterStop(); return; } } int8_t target_pos_percent = (XdrvMailbox.payload < 0) ? (XdrvMailbox.payload == -99 ? ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[index].real_position, index) : 0) : ((XdrvMailbox.payload > 100) ? 100 : XdrvMailbox.payload); target_pos_percent = ((ShutterSettings.shutter_options[index] & 1) && ((SRC_MQTT != TasmotaGlobal.last_source) // 1 && (SRC_SERIAL != TasmotaGlobal.last_source) // 6 && (SRC_WEBGUI != TasmotaGlobal.last_source) // 7 && (SRC_WEBCOMMAND != TasmotaGlobal.last_source) // 8 )) ? 100 - target_pos_percent : target_pos_percent; // if position is either 0 or 100 reset the tilt to avoid tilt moving at the end if (target_pos_percent == 0 && ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[index].real_position, index) > 0 ) {Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos = Shutter[index].tilt_config[4];} if (target_pos_percent == 100 && ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[index].real_position, index) < 100) {Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos = Shutter[index].tilt_config[3];} //override tiltposition if explicit set (shutterbutton) if (Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos_override != -128) { Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos = tmin(tmax( Shutter[index].tilt_config[0],Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos_override ), Shutter[index].tilt_config[1]); Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos_override = -128; } if (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99) { Shutter[index].target_position = ShutterPercentToRealPosition(target_pos_percent, index); //Shutter[i].accelerator[index] = ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max / ((Shutter[i].motordelay[index] > 0) ? Shutter[i].motordelay[index] : 1); //Shutter[i].target_position[index] = XdrvMailbox.payload < 5 ? ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[2][index] * XdrvMailbox.payload : ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[1][index] * XdrvMailbox.payload + ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0,index]; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: lastsource %d:, real %d, target %d, tiltreal: %d, tilttarget: %d, payload %d"), TasmotaGlobal.last_source, Shutter[index].real_position ,Shutter[index].target_position,Shutter[index].tilt_real_pos, Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos,target_pos_percent); } if ( (target_pos_percent >= 0) && (target_pos_percent <= 100) && (abs(Shutter[index].target_position - Shutter[index].real_position ) > Shutter[index].min_realPositionChange || abs(Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos - Shutter[index].tilt_real_pos ) > Shutter[index].min_TiltChange) ) { if (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[index] & 4) { if (0 == target_pos_percent && Shutter[index].real_position > 0) Shutter[index].target_position -= 1 * RESOLUTION * STEPS_PER_SECOND; if (100 == target_pos_percent && Shutter[index].real_position < Shutter[index].open_max) Shutter[index].target_position += 1 * RESOLUTION * STEPS_PER_SECOND; } int8_t new_shutterdirection; if (abs(Shutter[index].target_position - Shutter[index].real_position ) > Shutter[index].min_realPositionChange) { new_shutterdirection = Shutter[index].real_position < Shutter[index].target_position ? 1 : -1; Shutter[index].tiltmoving = 0; } else { new_shutterdirection = Shutter[index].tilt_real_pos < Shutter[index].tilt_target_pos ? 1 : -1; Shutter[index].tiltmoving = 1; } if (Shutter[index].direction == -new_shutterdirection) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Stop shutter to reverse direction")); ShutterPowerOff(index); } if (Shutter[index].direction != new_shutterdirection) { ShutterStartInit(index, new_shutterdirection, Shutter[index].target_position); uint8_t save_direction = Shutter[index].direction; Shutter[index].direction = 0; // set temporary direction = 0 to avoid RTC timer sarting. Some delay may happen before shutter starts moving switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) { case SHT_COUNTER: case SHT_PWM_TIME: case SHT_PWM_VALUE: case SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN: if (!ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change) { // Code for shutters with circuit safe configuration, switch the direction Relay ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index] +1, new_shutterdirection == 1 ? 0 : 1, SRC_SHUTTER); delay(SHUTTER_RELAY_OPERATION_TIME); // power on ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index], 1, SRC_SHUTTER); } //if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode != SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN) ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index]+2, 1, SRC_SHUTTER); break; case SHT_TIME: if (!ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change) { if ( (TasmotaGlobal.power >> (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index] - 1)) & 3 > 0 ) { ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index] + (new_shutterdirection == 1 ? 1 : 0), Shutter[index].switch_mode == SHT_SWITCH ? 0 : 1, SRC_SHUTTER); } ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index] + (new_shutterdirection == 1 ? 0 : 1), 1, SRC_SHUTTER); } break; case SHT_TIME_GARAGE: //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Garage Skip Relay: %d"), ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change); if (!ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change) { if (new_shutterdirection == Shutter[index].lastdirection) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: Garage not move in this direction: %d"), Shutter[index].switch_mode == SHT_PULSE); for (uint8_t k = 0 ; k <= (uint8_t)(Shutter[index].switch_mode == SHT_PULSE) ; k++) { ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index], 1, SRC_SHUTTER); ShutterWaitForMotorStop(index); ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index], 0, SRC_SHUTTER); ShutterWaitForMotorStop(index); } // reset shutter time to avoid 2 seconds above count as runtime Shutter[index].time = 0; } // if (new_shutterdirection == Shutter[i].lastdirection[index]) ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[index], 1, SRC_SHUTTER); } // if (!ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change) break; } // switch (ShutterGlobal.position_mode) Shutter[index].direction = save_direction; ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask = 0; } // if (Shutter[i].direction[index] != new_shutterdirection) } else { target_pos_percent = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[index].real_position, index); } index = (!XdrvMailbox.usridx && !XdrvMailbox.data_len)?MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32:index; ShutterReportPosition(true, index); ShutterGlobal.start_reported = 1; XdrvMailbox.index = index + 1; // Fix random index for ShutterClose } else { ShutterReportPosition(true, MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32); if (XdrvMailbox.command) ResponseCmndIdxChar("Locked"); } } } void CmndShutterPwmRange(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { uint8_t i = 0; char *str_ptr; char data_copy[strlen(XdrvMailbox.data) +1]; strncpy(data_copy, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(data_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on ' ' seperators. for (char *str = strtok_r(data_copy, " ,", &str_ptr); str && i < 2; str = strtok_r(nullptr, " ,", &str_ptr), i++) { uint16_t field = atoi(str); // The fields in a data string can only range from 1-30000. // and following value must be higher than previous one if ((field <= 0) || (field > 1023)) { break; } ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[i][XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = field; } ShutterInit(); } char setting_chr[30] = "0"; snprintf_P(setting_chr, sizeof(setting_chr), PSTR("SHT %d: pwmmin:%d pwmmax:%d"), XdrvMailbox.index, ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[0][XdrvMailbox.index -1], ShutterSettings.shutter_pwmrange[1][XdrvMailbox.index -1]); ResponseCmndIdxChar(setting_chr); } } void CmndShutterRelay(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 32) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32)) { //ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] = XdrvMailbox.payload; if (XdrvMailbox.payload > 0) { ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask |= 3 << (XdrvMailbox.payload - 1); } else { ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask ^= 3 << (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] - 1); } AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: relold:%d index:%d, mode:%d, relaymask: %ld"), ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] , XdrvMailbox.index ,ShutterSettings.shutter_mode, ShutterGlobal.RelayShutterMask ); if (ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index -1] == 0 && XdrvMailbox.index == 1 && ShutterSettings.shutter_mode == SHT_UNDEF) { // first shutter was not defined, maybe init ShutterSettings.shutter_mode = SHT_AUTOCONFIG; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Autoconfig")); } ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = XdrvMailbox.payload; ShutterInit(); // if payload is 0 to disable the relay there must be a reboot. Otherwhise does not work } uint32_t start = (!XdrvMailbox.usridx && !XdrvMailbox.data_len)?0:XdrvMailbox.index - 1; uint32_t end = (!XdrvMailbox.usridx && !XdrvMailbox.data_len)?TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present:XdrvMailbox.index; // {"ShutterRelay1":"1","ShutterRelay2":"3","ShutterRelay3":"5"} Response_P(PSTR("{")); for (uint32_t i = start; i < end; i++) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("%s\"" D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_RELAY "%d\":%d"), (i>start)?",":"", i+1, ShutterSettings.shutter_startrelay[i]); } ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("}")); } void CmndShutterSetClose(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].real_position = 0; Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_real_pos = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[0]; Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].lastdirection = -1; ShutterStartInit(XdrvMailbox.index -1, 0, 0); ShutterSettings.shutter_position[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = 0; ResponseCmndIdxChar(D_CONFIGURATION_RESET); } } void CmndShutterSetHalfway(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 100)) { ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index -1] & 1) ? 100 - XdrvMailbox.payload : XdrvMailbox.payload; ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][XdrvMailbox.index -1 ] = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.payload == ShutterSettings.shutter_position[XdrvMailbox.index -1]){ ShutterSettings.shutter_position[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = 50; } // Init calculates the realposition from the %-Position ShutterInit(); } ResponseCmndIdxNumber((ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] & 1) ? 100 - ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] : ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[XdrvMailbox.index - 1]); } } void CmndShutterSetOpen(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].real_position = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].open_max; Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_real_pos = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[1]; Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].lastdirection = 1; ShutterStartInit(XdrvMailbox.index -1, 0, Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].open_max); ShutterSettings.shutter_position[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = 100; ResponseCmndIdxChar(D_CONFIGURATION_RESET); } } void CmndShutterSetTilt(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99 ) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_target_pos = tmin(tmax(XdrvMailbox.payload, Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[0]), Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_config[1]); } // assuming OPEN=100=tilt_config[3]/CLOSE=0=tilt_config[4] if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 3 && XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0 ) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_target_pos = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[XdrvMailbox.payload ? 3 : 4]; } } XdrvMailbox.data[0] = '\0'; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: TiltTarget %d, payload %d"), Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_target_pos,XdrvMailbox.payload); Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tiltmoving = 1; // Avoid shutterposition try to interpret "open/close or payload" XdrvMailbox.data_len = 0; XdrvMailbox.payload = -99; CmndShutterPosition(); } void CmndShutterSetup(void) { uint8_t index_no; char time_chr[10]; uint32_t new_opentime; uint32_t new_closetime; uint8_t max_runtime = 120; // max 120 seconds runtime float daily_kWh[ENERGY_MAX_PHASES]; // 123.123 kWh if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { index_no = XdrvMailbox.index-1; // save, because will be changed in following operations // init shutter to default settings ShutterGlobal.callibration_run = true; ShutterSettings.shutter_position[index_no] = 0; ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[index_no] = max_runtime * 10; ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[index_no] = max_runtime * 10; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; i++) { daily_kWh[i] = Energy->daily_kWh[i]; } ShutterInit(); if (Energy->phase_count > 1) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup: Ensure shutter is close. Now open, autostop detect. max duration is 2min Phase:%d"),Energy->phase_count); ShutterWaitForMotorStop(index_no); CmndShutterOpen(); } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup: Ensure shutter is close. Now open and stop when open. max duration is 2min")); } new_opentime = ShutterGetCycleTime(index_no, max_runtime); if (new_opentime) { ShutterSettings.shutter_position[index_no] = 100; ShutterInit(); if (Energy->phase_count > 1) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup: Now close, autostop detect. max duration is 2min")); ShutterWaitForMotorStop(index_no); CmndShutterClose(); }else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Setup: Now close and stop when closed. max duration is 2min")); } new_closetime = ShutterGetCycleTime(index_no, max_runtime); ShutterSettings.shutter_position[index_no] = 0; if (new_closetime) { ShutterSettings.shutter_opentime[index_no] = new_opentime; ShutterSettings.shutter_closetime[index_no] = new_closetime; //good default value for normal european shutters. Setting here because Position == 0 ShutterSettings.shutter_set50percent[index_no] = 70; ShutterInit(); } } ShutterGlobal.callibration_run = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ENERGY_MAX_PHASES; i++) { Energy->daily_kWh[i] = daily_kWh[i]; } } else { // print out help instructions // will only work without TILT configuration } return; } void CmndShutterStop(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Try Stop %d: dir: %d"), XdrvMailbox.index, Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].direction); if (!(ShutterSettings.shutter_options[XdrvMailbox.index - 1] & 2)) { if ((!XdrvMailbox.usridx) && (XdrvMailbox.payload != -99)) { XdrvMailbox.index = XdrvMailbox.payload; } uint32_t i = XdrvMailbox.index - 1; if (Shutter[i].direction != 0) { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SHT: Stop %d: dir: %d"), XdrvMailbox.index, Shutter[i].direction); Shutter[i].target_position = Shutter[i].real_position; TasmotaGlobal.last_source = SRC_SHUTTER; } if (XdrvMailbox.command) ResponseCmndDone(); ShutterUpdatePosition(); } else { if (XdrvMailbox.command) ResponseCmndIdxChar("Locked"); } } } void CmndShutterStopClose(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].direction) { CmndShutterStop(); } else { CmndShutterClose(); } } } void CmndShutterStopOpen(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].direction) { CmndShutterStop(); } else { CmndShutterOpen(); } } } void CmndShutterStopPosition(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].direction) { XdrvMailbox.payload = -99; CmndShutterStop(); } else { CmndShutterPosition(); } } } void CmndShutterStopToggle(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].direction) { CmndShutterStop(); } else { CmndShutterToggle(); } } } void CmndShutterStopToggleDir(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].direction) { CmndShutterStop(); } else { CmndShutterToggleDir(); } } } void CmndShutterTiltConfig(void) { if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present)) { if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { uint8_t i = 0; char *str_ptr; char data_copy[strlen(XdrvMailbox.data) +1]; strncpy(data_copy, XdrvMailbox.data, sizeof(data_copy)); // Duplicate data as strtok_r will modify it. // Loop through the data string, splitting on ' ' seperators. for (char *str = strtok_r(data_copy, " ,", &str_ptr); str && i < 6; str = strtok_r(nullptr, " ,", &str_ptr), i++) { Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index -1].tilt_config[i] = ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[i][XdrvMailbox.index -1] = atoi(str); } // avoid negative runtime ShutterSettings.shutter_tilt_config[2][XdrvMailbox.index - 1] = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[2] = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[2] >= 0 ? Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[2] : 127; ShutterInit(); } char setting_chr[30] = "0"; snprintf_P(setting_chr, sizeof(setting_chr), PSTR("%d %d %d %d %d"), Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[0], Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[1],Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[2],Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[3],Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[4]); ResponseCmndIdxChar(setting_chr); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("SHT: TiltConfig %d, min: %d, max %d, runtime %d, close_pos: %d, open_pos: %d"), XdrvMailbox.index , Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[0], Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[1], Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[2], Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[3], Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_config[4] ); } } void CmndShutterTiltIncDec(void) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Change in: payload %s (%d), payload %d, idx %d, src %d"), XdrvMailbox.data , XdrvMailbox.data_len, XdrvMailbox.payload , XdrvMailbox.index, TasmotaGlobal.last_source ); if ((XdrvMailbox.index > 0) && (XdrvMailbox.index <= TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present) && XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { XdrvMailbox.payload = Shutter[XdrvMailbox.index - 1].tilt_target_pos + XdrvMailbox.payload; CmndShutterSetTilt(); } else { ResponseCmndIdxNumber(XdrvMailbox.payload); } } void CmndShutterToggle(void) { ShutterToggle(false); } void CmndShutterToggleDir(void) { ShutterToggle(true); } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv27(uint32_t function) { bool result = false; if (Settings->flag3.shutter_mode) { // SetOption80 - Enable shutter support uint8_t counter = XdrvMailbox.index == 0 ? 1 : XdrvMailbox.index; uint8_t counterend = XdrvMailbox.index == 0 ? TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present : XdrvMailbox.index; int32_t rescue_payload = XdrvMailbox.payload; uint32_t rescue_data_len = XdrvMailbox.data_len; char stemp1[10]; power_t save_powermatrix; switch (function) { case FUNC_RESTORE_SETTINGS: result = ShutterSettingsRestore(); break; case FUNC_SAVE_SETTINGS: ShutterSettingsSave(); break; case FUNC_PRE_INIT: ShutterSettingsLoad(0); ShutterInit(); break; case FUNC_RESET_SETTINGS: ShutterSettingsLoad(1); break; case FUNC_EVERY_50_MSECOND: ShutterUpdatePosition(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: //case FUNC_EVERY_250_MSECOND: ShutterReportPosition(false, MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: for (uint8_t i = counter; i <= counterend; i++) { XdrvMailbox.index = i; XdrvMailbox.payload = rescue_payload; XdrvMailbox.data_len = rescue_data_len; result = DecodeCommand(kShutterCommands, ShutterCommand); } break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TasmotaGlobal.shutters_present; i++) { ResponseAppend_P(","); uint8_t position = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[i].real_position, i); uint8_t target = ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[i].target_position, i); ResponseAppend_P(JSON_SHUTTER_POS, i + 1, (ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 1) ? 100 - position : position, Shutter[i].direction,(ShutterSettings.shutter_options[i] & 1) ? 100 - target : target, Shutter[i].tilt_real_pos ); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ if ((0 == TasmotaGlobal.tele_period) && (0 == i)) { DomoticzSensor(DZ_SHUTTER, ShutterRealToPercentPosition(Shutter[i].real_position, i)); } #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ } break; case FUNC_SET_POWER: // extract the number of the relay that was switched and save for later in Update Position. ShutterGlobal.RelayCurrentMask = XdrvMailbox.index ^ ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask; ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay = ShutterGetRelayNoFromBitfield(XdrvMailbox.index ^ ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask); //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: FUNC_SET_POWER Relaymask %d SwitchedRelay:%d by %s, payload %d, powermask %d"), ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask, ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay,GetTextIndexed(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), TasmotaGlobal.last_source, kCommandSource),XdrvMailbox.payload, TasmotaGlobal.power); save_powermatrix = TasmotaGlobal.power; // can be changed in ShutterRelayChanged if (!ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay) { ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change = 1; //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("INVALID REQUEST")); } else { ShutterRelayChanged(); ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask = XdrvMailbox.index; // may be changed and now revert TasmotaGlobal.power = save_powermatrix; } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: FUNC_SET_POWER end. powermask %d"), TasmotaGlobal.power); break; case FUNC_SET_DEVICE_POWER: //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: FUNC_SET_DEVICE_POWER Skipping:%d, Source %s"), ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change,GetTextIndexed(stemp1, sizeof(stemp1), XdrvMailbox.payload, kCommandSource)); if (ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change ) { //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: Skip relay change %d"), i+1); result = true; ShutterGlobal.skip_relay_change = 0; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: Skipping switch off relay %d"), ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay); //ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(i+1, 0, SRC_SHUTTER); // should not required anymore. check for bugs if (ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay) ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask = TasmotaGlobal.power ^= 1<<(ShutterGlobal.LastChangedRelay-1); } //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR("SHT: FUNC_SET_DEVICE_POWER end. powermask %ld, current rel: %ld"), TasmotaGlobal.power, ShutterGlobal.RelayOldMask); break; case FUNC_BUTTON_MULTI_PRESSED: if (XdrvMailbox.index < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2 && ShutterSettings.shutter_button[XdrvMailbox.index].enabled) { result = ShutterButtonHandlerMulti(); } break; case FUNC_BUTTON_PRESSED: if (XdrvMailbox.index < MAX_SHUTTERS_ESP32*2 && ShutterSettings.shutter_button[XdrvMailbox.index].enabled) { if (!Settings->flag3.mqtt_buttons) Settings->flag3.mqtt_buttons = 1; // ensure to detach buttons from relay to let the shutter controll the relay ShutterButtonHandler(); result = false; } break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: ShutterShow(); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif //USE_SHUTTER #ifdef SHUTTER_UNITTEST void CmndShutterUnitTest(void) { int16_t input_percent[10] = {-5,0,10,26,35,55,80,99,100,105}; int16_t output_percent[10] = {0,0,10,26,35,55,80,99,100,100}; uint32_t result_percent[2][2][10] = {{{0,0,24000,62400,84000,132000,192000,237600,240000,240000}, {0,0,360000,936000,1260000,1980000,2880000,3564000,3600000,3600000}}, {{0,0,76296,100000,113333,174299,205795,237983,240000,240000}, {0,0,1144444,1500000,1700000,2614488,3086929,3569748,3600000,3600000}}}; uint32_t result = 0; char svalue[50]; // Command and number parameter ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][0] = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i<2 ; i++){ snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME "%d %d"), 1, 12); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); ShutterInit(); for (uint8_t j=0; j<2 ; j++){ for (uint8_t k=0; k<10 ; k++){ result += (result_percent[i][j][k] == ShutterPercentToRealPosition(input_percent[k] , 0) ? 0 : 1); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterPercentToRealPosition error %d: %d <-> %d"),result, ShutterPercentToRealPosition(input_percent[k] , 0), result_percent[i][j][k]); } snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME "%d %d"), 1, 180); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); } snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLIBRATION "%d %s"), 1, "15 83 105 185 210"); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); } if (!result){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterPercentToRealPosition: PASS")); } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterPercentToRealPosition: FAIL")); } ShutterSettings.shuttercoeff[0][0] = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i<2 ; i++){ snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME "%d %d"), 1, 12); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); ShutterInit(); for (uint8_t j=0; j<2 ; j++){ for (uint8_t k=0; k<10 ; k++){ result += (output_percent[k] == ShutterRealToPercentPosition(result_percent[i][j][k] , 0) ? 0 : 1); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterRealToPercentPosition error %d: %d <-> %d"),result, ShutterRealToPercentPosition(result_percent[i][j][k] , 0), output_percent[k]); } snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_OPENTIME "%d %d"), 1, 180); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); } snprintf_P(svalue, sizeof(svalue), PSTR(D_PRFX_SHUTTER D_CMND_SHUTTER_CLIBRATION "%d %s"), 1, "15 83 105 185 210"); ExecuteCommand(svalue, SRC_SHUTTER); } if (!result){ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterRealToPercentPosition: PASS")); } else { AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SHT: ShutterRealToPercentPosition: FAIL")); } } #else void CmndShutterUnitTest(void) {} #endif // SHUTTER_UNITTEST #endif // ESP32