/* xdrv_84_esp32_core2.ino - ESP32 m5stack core2 support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Gerhard Mutz and Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* remaining work: i2s microphone as loudness sensor rtc better sync */ #ifdef ESP32 #ifdef USE_M5STACK_CORE2 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define XDRV_84 84 struct CORE2_globs { AXP192 Axp; MPU6886 Mpu; BM8563_RTC Rtc; bool ready; bool tset; int32_t shutdownseconds; uint8_t wakeup_hour; uint8_t wakeup_minute; uint8_t shutdowndelay; } core2_globs; struct CORE2_ADC { float vbus_v; float batt_v; float vbus_c; float batt_c; float temp; int16_t x; int16_t y; int16_t z; } core2_adc; // cause SC card is needed by scripter void CORE2_Module_Init(void) { // m5stack uses pin 38 not selectable in tasmota SPI.setFrequency(40000000); SPI.begin(18, 38, 23, -1); // establish power chip on wire1 SDA 21, SCL 22 core2_globs.Axp.begin(); I2cSetActiveFound(AXP_ADDR, "AXP192"); core2_globs.Axp.SetAdcState(true); // motor voltage core2_globs.Axp.SetLDOVoltage(3,2000); core2_globs.Mpu.Init(); I2cSetActiveFound(MPU6886_ADDRESS, "MPU6886"); core2_globs.Rtc.begin(); I2cSetActiveFound(RTC_ADRESS, "RTC"); core2_globs.ready = true; } void CORE2_Init(void) { if (Rtc.utc_time < START_VALID_TIME) { // set rtc from chip Rtc.utc_time = Get_utc(); TIME_T tmpTime; TasmotaGlobal.ntp_force_sync = true; //force to sync with ntp BreakTime(Rtc.utc_time, tmpTime); Rtc.daylight_saving_time = RuleToTime(Settings.tflag[1], RtcTime.year); Rtc.standard_time = RuleToTime(Settings.tflag[0], RtcTime.year); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Set time from BM8563 to RTC (" D_UTC_TIME ") %s, (" D_DST_TIME ") %s, (" D_STD_TIME ") %s"), GetDateAndTime(DT_UTC).c_str(), GetDateAndTime(DT_DST).c_str(), GetDateAndTime(DT_STD).c_str()); if (Rtc.local_time < START_VALID_TIME) { // 2016-01-01 TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.time_init = 1; } else { TasmotaGlobal.rules_flag.time_set = 1; } } } void CORE2_audio_power(bool power) { core2_globs.Axp.SetSpkEnable(power); } #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER const char HTTP_CORE2[] PROGMEM = "{s}VBUS Voltage" "{m}%s V" "{e}" "{s}VBUS Current" "{m}%s mA" "{e}" "{s}BATT Voltage" "{m}%s V" "{e}" "{s}BATT Current" "{m}%s mA" "{e}" "{s}Chip Temperature" "{m}%s C" "{e}"; #ifdef USE_MPU6886 const char HTTP_CORE2_MPU[] PROGMEM = "{s}MPU x" "{m}%d mg" "{e}" "{s}MPU y" "{m}%d mg" "{e}" "{s}MPU z" "{m}%d mg" "{e}"; #endif // USE_MPU6886 #endif // USE_WEBSERVER void CORE2_loop(uint32_t flg) { } void CORE2_WebShow(uint32_t json) { char vstring[32]; char bvstring[32]; char cstring[32]; char bcstring[32]; char tstring[32]; dtostrfd(core2_adc.vbus_v, 3, vstring); dtostrfd(core2_adc.batt_v, 3, bvstring); dtostrfd(core2_adc.vbus_c, 1, cstring); dtostrfd(core2_adc.batt_c, 1, bcstring); dtostrfd(core2_adc.temp, 2, tstring); if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"CORE2\":{\"VBV\":%s,\"BV\":%s,\"VBC\":%s,\"BC\":%s,\"CT\":%s"), vstring, cstring, bvstring, bcstring, tstring); #ifdef USE_MPU6886 ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"MPUX\":%d,\"MPUY\":%d,\"MPUZ\":%d"), core2_adc.x, core2_adc.y, core2_adc.z); #endif ResponseJsonEnd(); } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_CORE2, vstring, cstring, bvstring, bcstring, tstring); #ifdef USE_MPU6886 WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_CORE2_MPU, core2_adc.x, core2_adc.y, core2_adc.z); #endif // USE_MPU6886 } } const char CORE2_Commands[] PROGMEM = "CORE2|" "SHUTDOWN"; void (* const CORE2_Command[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CORE2_Shutdown}; void CORE2_Shutdown(void) { char *mp = strchr(XdrvMailbox.data, ':'); if (mp) { core2_globs.wakeup_hour = atoi(XdrvMailbox.data); core2_globs.wakeup_minute = atoi(mp+1); core2_globs.shutdownseconds = -1; core2_globs.shutdowndelay = 10; char tbuff[16]; sprintf(tbuff,"%02.2d:%02.2d", core2_globs.wakeup_hour, core2_globs.wakeup_minute ); ResponseCmndChar(tbuff); } else { if (XdrvMailbox.payload >= 30) { core2_globs.shutdownseconds = XdrvMailbox.payload; core2_globs.shutdowndelay = 10; } ResponseCmndNumber(XdrvMailbox.payload); } } void CORE2_DoShutdown(void) { SettingsSaveAll(); RtcSettingsSave(); core2_globs.Rtc.clearIRQ(); if (core2_globs.shutdownseconds > 0) { core2_globs.Rtc.SetAlarmIRQ(core2_globs.shutdownseconds); } else { RTC_TimeTypeDef wut; wut.Hours = core2_globs.wakeup_hour; wut.Minutes = core2_globs.wakeup_minute; core2_globs.Rtc.SetAlarmIRQ(wut); } delay(10); core2_globs.Axp.PowerOff(); } extern uint8_t tbstate[3]; // c2ps(a b) float core2_setaxppin(uint32_t sel, uint32_t val) { switch (sel) { case 0: core2_globs.Axp.SetLed(val); break; case 1: core2_globs.Axp.SetLDOEnable(3, val); break; case 2: if (val<1 || val>3) val = 1; return tbstate[val - 1] & 1; break; case 3: switch (val) { case 0: return core2_globs.Axp.isACIN(); break; case 1: return core2_globs.Axp.isCharging(); break; case 2: return core2_globs.Axp.isVBUS(); break; case 3: return core2_globs.Axp.AXPInState(); break; } break; default: GetRtc(); break; } return 0; } void core2_disp_pwr(uint8_t on) { core2_globs.Axp.SetDCDC3(on); } // display dimmer ranges from 0-15 // very little effect void core2_disp_dim(uint8_t dim) { uint16_t voltage = 2200; voltage += ((uint32_t)dim*1200)/15; core2_globs.Axp.SetLcdVoltage(voltage); // core2_globs.Axp.ScreenBreath(dim); } void GetRtc(void) { RTC_TimeTypeDef RTCtime; core2_globs.Rtc.GetTime(&RTCtime); RtcTime.hour = RTCtime.Hours; RtcTime.minute = RTCtime.Minutes; RtcTime.second = RTCtime.Seconds; RTC_DateTypeDef RTCdate; core2_globs.Rtc.GetDate(&RTCdate); RtcTime.day_of_week = RTCdate.WeekDay; RtcTime.month = RTCdate.Month; RtcTime.day_of_month = RTCdate.Date; RtcTime.year = RTCdate.Year; AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("RTC: %02d:%02d:%02d"), RTCtime.Hours, RTCtime.Minutes, RTCtime.Seconds); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("RTC: %02d.%02d.%04d"), RTCdate.Date, RTCdate.Month, RTCdate.Year); } void Set_utc(uint32_t epoch_time) { TIME_T tm; BreakTime(epoch_time, tm); RTC_TimeTypeDef RTCtime; RTCtime.Hours = tm.hour; RTCtime.Minutes = tm.minute; RTCtime.Seconds = tm.second; core2_globs.Rtc.SetTime(&RTCtime); RTC_DateTypeDef RTCdate; RTCdate.WeekDay = tm.day_of_week; RTCdate.Month = tm.month; RTCdate.Date = tm.day_of_month; RTCdate.Year = tm.year + 1970; core2_globs.Rtc.SetDate(&RTCdate); } uint32_t Get_utc(void) { RTC_TimeTypeDef RTCtime; // 1. read has errors ??? core2_globs.Rtc.GetTime(&RTCtime); core2_globs.Rtc.GetTime(&RTCtime); RTC_DateTypeDef RTCdate; core2_globs.Rtc.GetDate(&RTCdate); TIME_T tm; tm.second = RTCtime.Seconds; tm.minute = RTCtime.Minutes; tm.hour = RTCtime.Hours; tm.day_of_week = RTCdate.WeekDay; tm.day_of_month = RTCdate.Date; tm.month = RTCdate.Month; tm.year =RTCdate.Year - 1970; return MakeTime(tm); } void CORE2_EverySecond(void) { if (core2_globs.ready) { CORE2_GetADC(); if (Rtc.utc_time > START_VALID_TIME && core2_globs.tset==false && abs(Rtc.utc_time - Get_utc()) > 3) { Set_utc(Rtc.utc_time); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Write Time TO BM8563 from NTP (" D_UTC_TIME ") %s, (" D_DST_TIME ") %s, (" D_STD_TIME ") %s"), GetDateAndTime(DT_UTC).c_str(), GetDateAndTime(DT_DST).c_str(), GetDateAndTime(DT_STD).c_str()); core2_globs.tset = true; } if (core2_globs.shutdowndelay) { core2_globs.shutdowndelay--; if (!core2_globs.shutdowndelay) { CORE2_DoShutdown(); } } } } void CORE2_GetADC(void) { core2_adc.vbus_v = core2_globs.Axp.GetVBusVoltage(); core2_adc.batt_v = core2_globs.Axp.GetBatVoltage(); core2_adc.vbus_c = core2_globs.Axp.GetVinCurrent(); core2_adc.batt_c = core2_globs.Axp.GetBatCurrent(); core2_adc.temp = core2_globs.Axp.GetTempInAXP192(); #ifdef USE_MPU6886 float x; float y; float z; core2_globs.Mpu.getAccelData(&x, &y, &z); core2_adc.x=x*1000; core2_adc.y=y*1000; core2_adc.z=z*1000; #endif // USE_MPU6886 } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xdrv84(uint8_t function) { bool result = false; switch (function) { case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER CORE2_WebShow(0); #endif break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: CORE2_WebShow(1); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DecodeCommand(CORE2_Commands, CORE2_Command); break; case FUNC_MODULE_INIT: CORE2_Module_Init(); break; case FUNC_INIT: CORE2_Init(); break; case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: CORE2_EverySecond(); break; case FUNC_LOOP: CORE2_loop(1); break; } return result; } #endif // USE_M5STACK_CORE2 #endif // ESP32