from tkinter import Tk import unishox # get text from clipboard expecting something like that: # const char HTTP_SCRIPT_WIFI[] PROGMEM = # "function c(l){" // comments # "eb('s1').value=l.innerText||l.textContent;" // comments # "eb('p1').focus();" // comments # // comments # "}"; text = Tk().clipboard_get() # print(text) # parsing and cleaning text_list = text.splitlines() text = '' #just reuse the string const_name = '' #default if no name will be found line_number = 0 for line in text_list: pos = line.find("const char") # print(pos, line) if pos > -1: line_list = line.rsplit(" ") for el in line_list: if el.find('[]') > -1: const_name = el[:-2] #extract the "const char" variable name line_list.pop(line_number) else: # remove line comments line_el = line.rsplit("//") # print('Splitted line list by //' % line_el) # print(line_el[0]) text = text + line_el[0] line_number = line_number +1 # print const_name # print text #remove unwanted quotation marks qm = [] pos =0 last_char = "" for char in text: if char == "\"": if last_char != "\\": qm.append(pos) #find all quotation marks without preceding backslash last_char = char pos = pos + 1 # print(qm) lastel = 0 input = "" for pos in qm: sub = text[lastel+1:pos:] if not sub.isspace() and pos-lastel > 1: # print(lastel, pos) input = input + sub #only copy substrings that are not whitespace # print(text[lastel+1:pos:]) lastel = pos print("####### Parsing intput:") print("Const char name: ",const_name) print('####### Cleaned input:') print(input) #construct output (taken from shadinger) input = input.replace("\\t", "\t") input = input.replace("\\n", "\n") input = input.replace("\\r", "\r") input = input.replace("\\f", "\f") input = input.replace("\\b", "\b") input = input.replace("\\\"", u"\u0022") in_bytes = bytearray(input, 'utf-8') in_len = len(in_bytes) out_bytes = bytearray(in_len * 2) UNISHOX = unishox.Unishox() out_len = UNISHOX.compress(in_bytes, len(in_bytes), out_bytes, len(out_bytes)) print("####### Compression result:") print("Compressed from {i} to {o}, -{p:.1f}%".format(i=in_len, o=out_len, p=(100-out_len/in_len*100))) out_bytes = out_bytes[:out_len] # truncate to right size #PROGMEM is growing in steps 0,8,24,40,56,... bytes of data resulting in size of 0,16,32,48,64,... bytes for in_real in range(8,in_len+16,16): if in_real>=in_len: print("Old real PROGMEM-size:",in_real+8,"(unused bytes:",in_real-in_len,")") break for out_real in range(8,out_len+16,16): if out_real>=out_len: print("New real PROGMEM-size:",out_real+8,"(unused bytes:",out_real-out_len,")") break print("the optimal case would be raw bytes + 8, real difference: ", in_real - out_real, "bytes") # def chunked(my_list, n): return [my_list[i * n:(i + 1) * n] for i in range((len(my_list) + n - 1) // n )] # split in chunks of 20 characters chunks = chunked(out_bytes, 20) lines_raw = [ "\"\\x" + "\\x".join( [ '{:02X}'.format(b) for b in chunk ] ) + "\"" for chunk in chunks ] line_complete = "const char " + const_name + "_COMPRESSED" +"[] PROGMEM = " + ("\n" + " "*29).join(lines_raw) + ";" lines = "const size_t " + const_name +"_SIZE = {size};\n{lines}".format(size=in_len, lines=line_complete) print('####### Final output:') print(lines) definition = "#define " + const_name + " Decompress(" + const_name + "_COMPRESSED" + "," + const_name +"_SIZE" + ").c_str()" print(definition) # maybe add export to clipboard for later ...