irutils Namespace Reference

Namespace for covering common functions & procedures for advancd protocol handlers. More...


String addLabeledString (const String value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated "label: value" pair suitable for Humans. More...
String addBoolToString (const bool value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated flag suitable for Humans. e.g. "Power: On". More...
String addIntToString (const uint16_t value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated labeled Integer suitable for Humans. e.g. "Foo: 23". More...
String modelToStr (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model)
 Generate the model string for a given Protocol/Model pair. More...
String addModelToString (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of human output for a given protocol model number. e.g. "Model: JKE". More...
String addTempToString (const uint16_t degrees, const bool celsius, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25C". More...
String addTempFloatToString (const float degrees, const bool celsius, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25.5C". More...
String addModeToString (const uint8_t mode, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t cool, const uint8_t heat, const uint8_t dry, const uint8_t fan)
 Create a String of human output for the given operating mode. e.g. "Mode: 1 (Cool)". More...
String addDayToString (const uint8_t day_of_week, const int8_t offset, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of the 3-letter day of the week from a numerical day of the week. e.g. "Day: 1 (Mon)". More...
String addFanToString (const uint8_t speed, const uint8_t high, const uint8_t low, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t quiet, const uint8_t medium, const uint8_t maximum)
 Create a String of human output for the given fan speed. e.g. "Fan: 0 (Auto)". More...
String addSwingHToString (const uint8_t position, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t maxleft, const uint8_t left, const uint8_t middle, const uint8_t right, const uint8_t maxright, const uint8_t off, const uint8_t leftright, const uint8_t rightleft, const uint8_t threed, const uint8_t wide)
 Create a String of human output for the given horizontal swing setting. e.g. "Swing(H): 0 (Auto)". More...
String addSwingVToString (const uint8_t position, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t highest, const uint8_t high, const uint8_t uppermiddle, const uint8_t middle, const uint8_t lowermiddle, const uint8_t low, const uint8_t lowest, const uint8_t off, const uint8_t swing, const uint8_t breeze, const uint8_t circulate)
 Create a String of human output for the given vertical swing setting. e.g. "Swing(V): 0 (Auto)". More...
String htmlEscape (const String unescaped)
 Escape any special HTML (unsafe) characters in a string. e.g. anti-XSS. More...
String msToString (uint32_t const msecs)
 Convert a nr. of milliSeconds into a Human-readable string. e.g. "1 Day 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds". More...
String minsToString (const uint16_t mins)
 Convert a nr. of minutes into a 24h clock format Human-readable string. e.g. "23:59". More...
uint8_t sumNibbles (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init)
 Sum all the nibbles together in a series of bytes. More...
uint8_t sumNibbles (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t count, const uint8_t init, const bool nibbleonly)
 Sum all the nibbles together in an integer. More...
uint8_t bcdToUint8 (const uint8_t bcd)
 Convert a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD) into an Integer. More...
uint8_t uint8ToBcd (const uint8_t integer)
 Convert an Integer into a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD). More...
bool getBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const uint8_t size)
 Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer. More...
bool getBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position)
 Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer. More...
uint64_t setBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on, const uint8_t size)
 Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
uint8_t setBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void setBit (uint8_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void setBit (uint32_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void setBit (uint64_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void setBits (uint8_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint8_t data)
 Alter an uint8_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits. More...
void setBits (uint32_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint32_t data)
 Alter an uint32_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits. More...
void setBits (uint64_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint64_t data)
 Alter an uint64_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits. More...
uint8_t * invertBytePairs (uint8_t *ptr, const uint16_t length)
 Create byte pairs where the second byte of the pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
bool checkInvertedBytePairs (const uint8_t *const ptr, const uint16_t length)
 Check an array to see if every second byte of a pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
uint8_t lowLevelSanityCheck (void)
 Perform a low level bit manipulation sanity check for the given cpu architecture and the compiler operation. Calls to this should return 0 if everything is as expected, anything else means the library won't work as expected. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for covering common functions & procedures for advancd protocol handlers.

Function Documentation

◆ addBoolToString()

String irutils::addBoolToString ( const bool  value,
const String  label,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String with a colon separated flag suitable for Humans. e.g. "Power: On".

[in]valueThe value to come after the label.
[in]labelThe label to precede the value.
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addDayToString()

String irutils::addDayToString ( const uint8_t  day_of_week,
const int8_t  offset,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String of the 3-letter day of the week from a numerical day of the week. e.g. "Day: 1 (Mon)".

[in]day_of_weekA numerical version of the sequential day of the week. e.g. Saturday = 7 etc.
[in]offsetDays to offset by. e.g. For different day starting the week.
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addFanToString()

String irutils::addFanToString ( const uint8_t  speed,
const uint8_t  high,
const uint8_t  low,
const uint8_t  automatic,
const uint8_t  quiet,
const uint8_t  medium,
const uint8_t  maximum 

Create a String of human output for the given fan speed. e.g. "Fan: 0 (Auto)".

[in]speedThe numeric speed of the fan to display.
[in]highThe numeric value for High speed.
[in]lowThe numeric value for Low speed.
[in]automaticThe numeric value for Auto speed.
[in]quietThe numeric value for Quiet speed.
[in]mediumThe numeric value for Medium speed.
[in]maximumThe numeric value for Highest speed. (if > high)
The resulting String.

◆ addIntToString()

String irutils::addIntToString ( const uint16_t  value,
const String  label,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String with a colon separated labeled Integer suitable for Humans. e.g. "Foo: 23".

[in]valueThe value to come after the label.
[in]labelThe label to precede the value.
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addLabeledString()

String irutils::addLabeledString ( const String  value,
const String  label,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String with a colon separated "label: value" pair suitable for Humans.

[in]valueThe value to come after the label.
[in]labelThe label to precede the value.
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addModelToString()

String irutils::addModelToString ( const decode_type_t  protocol,
const int16_t  model,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String of human output for a given protocol model number. e.g. "Model: JKE".

[in]protocolThe IR protocol.
[in]modelThe model number for that protocol.
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addModeToString()

String irutils::addModeToString ( const uint8_t  mode,
const uint8_t  automatic,
const uint8_t  cool,
const uint8_t  heat,
const uint8_t  dry,
const uint8_t  fan 

Create a String of human output for the given operating mode. e.g. "Mode: 1 (Cool)".

[in]modeThe operating mode to display.
[in]automaticThe numeric value for Auto mode.
[in]coolThe numeric value for Cool mode.
[in]heatThe numeric value for Heat mode.
[in]dryThe numeric value for Dry mode.
[in]fanThe numeric value for Fan mode.
The resulting String.

◆ addSwingHToString()

String irutils::addSwingHToString ( const uint8_t  position,
const uint8_t  automatic,
const uint8_t  maxleft,
const uint8_t  left,
const uint8_t  middle,
const uint8_t  right,
const uint8_t  maxright,
const uint8_t  off,
const uint8_t  leftright,
const uint8_t  rightleft,
const uint8_t  threed,
const uint8_t  wide 

Create a String of human output for the given horizontal swing setting. e.g. "Swing(H): 0 (Auto)".

[in]positionThe numeric position of the swing to display.
[in]automaticThe numeric value for Auto position.
[in]maxleftThe numeric value for most left position.
[in]leftThe numeric value for Left position.
[in]middleThe numeric value for Middle position.
[in]rightThe numeric value for Right position.
[in]maxrightThe numeric value for most right position.
[in]offThe numeric value for Off position.
[in]leftrightThe numeric value for "left right" position.
[in]rightleftThe numeric value for "right left" position.
[in]threedThe numeric value for 3D setting.
[in]wideThe numeric value for Wide position.
The resulting String.

◆ addSwingVToString()

String irutils::addSwingVToString ( const uint8_t  position,
const uint8_t  automatic,
const uint8_t  highest,
const uint8_t  high,
const uint8_t  uppermiddle,
const uint8_t  middle,
const uint8_t  lowermiddle,
const uint8_t  low,
const uint8_t  lowest,
const uint8_t  off,
const uint8_t  swing,
const uint8_t  breeze,
const uint8_t  circulate 

Create a String of human output for the given vertical swing setting. e.g. "Swing(V): 0 (Auto)".

[in]positionThe numeric position of the swing to display.
[in]automaticThe numeric value for Auto position.
[in]highestThe numeric value for Highest position.
[in]highThe numeric value for High position.
[in]uppermiddleThe numeric value for Upper Middle position.
[in]middleThe numeric value for Middle position.
[in]lowermiddleThe numeric value for Lower Middle position.
[in]lowThe numeric value for Low position.
[in]lowestThe numeric value for Low position.
[in]offThe numeric value for Off position.
[in]swingThe numeric value for Swing setting.
[in]breezeThe numeric value for Breeze setting.
[in]circulateThe numeric value for Circulate setting.
The resulting String.

◆ addTempFloatToString()

String irutils::addTempFloatToString ( const float  degrees,
const bool  celsius,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25.5C".

[in]degreesThe temperature in degrees.
[in]celsiusIs the temp Celsius or Fahrenheit. true is C, false is F
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ addTempToString()

String irutils::addTempToString ( const uint16_t  degrees,
const bool  celsius,
const bool  precomma 

Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25C".

[in]degreesThe temperature in degrees.
[in]celsiusIs the temp Celsius or Fahrenheit. true is C, false is F
[in]precommaShould the output string start with ", " or not?
The resulting String.

◆ bcdToUint8()

uint8_t irutils::bcdToUint8 ( const uint8_t  bcd)

Convert a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD) into an Integer.

[in]bcdThe BCD value.
A normal Integer value.

◆ checkInvertedBytePairs()

bool irutils::checkInvertedBytePairs ( const uint8_t *const  ptr,
const uint16_t  length 

Check an array to see if every second byte of a pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair.

[in]ptrA pointer to the start of array to check.
[in]lengthThe byte size of the array.
A length of <= 1 will always return true.
true, if every second byte is inverted. Otherwise false.

◆ getBit() [1/2]

bool irutils::getBit ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const uint8_t  size 

Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer.

[in]dataValue to be examined.
[in]positionNr. of the Nth bit to be examined. 0 is the LSB.
[in]sizeNr. of bits in data.
The bit's value.

◆ getBit() [2/2]

bool irutils::getBit ( const uint8_t  data,
const uint8_t  position 

Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer.

[in]dataValue to be examined.
[in]positionNr. of the Nth bit to be examined. 0 is the LSB.
The bit's value.

◆ htmlEscape()

String irutils::htmlEscape ( const String  unescaped)

Escape any special HTML (unsafe) characters in a string. e.g. anti-XSS.

[in]unescapedA String containing text to make HTML safe.
A string that is HTML safe.

◆ invertBytePairs()

uint8_t * irutils::invertBytePairs ( uint8_t *  ptr,
const uint16_t  length 

Create byte pairs where the second byte of the pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair.

[in,out]ptrA pointer to the start of array to modify.
[in]lengthThe byte size of the array.
A length of <= 1 will do nothing.
A ptr to the modified array.

◆ lowLevelSanityCheck()

uint8_t irutils::lowLevelSanityCheck ( void  )

Perform a low level bit manipulation sanity check for the given cpu architecture and the compiler operation. Calls to this should return 0 if everything is as expected, anything else means the library won't work as expected.

A bit mask value of potential issues. 0: (e.g. 0b00000000) Everything appears okay. 0th bit set: (0b1) Unexpected bit field/packing encountered. Try a different compiler. 1st bit set: (0b10) Unexpected Endianness. Try a different compiler flag or use a CPU different architecture. e.g. A result of 3 (0b11) would mean both a bit field and an Endianness issue has been found.

◆ minsToString()

String irutils::minsToString ( const uint16_t  mins)

Convert a nr. of minutes into a 24h clock format Human-readable string. e.g. "23:59".

[in]minsNr. of Minutes.
A human readable string.

◆ modelToStr()

String irutils::modelToStr ( const decode_type_t  protocol,
const int16_t  model 

Generate the model string for a given Protocol/Model pair.

[in]protocolThe IR protocol.
[in]modelThe model number for that protocol.
The resulting String.

◆ msToString()

String irutils::msToString ( uint32_t const  msecs)

Convert a nr. of milliSeconds into a Human-readable string. e.g. "1 Day 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds".

[in]msecsNr. of milliSeconds (ms).
A human readable string.

◆ setBit() [1/5]

uint64_t irutils::setBit ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const bool  on,
const uint8_t  size 

Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed.

[in]dataValue to be changed.
[in]positionNr. of the bit to be changed. 0 is the LSB.
[in]onValue to set the position'th bit to.
[in]sizeNr. of bits in data.
A suitably modified integer.

◆ setBit() [2/5]

uint8_t irutils::setBit ( const uint8_t  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const bool  on 

Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed.

[in]dataValue to be changed.
[in]positionNr. of the bit to be changed. 0 is the LSB.
[in]onValue to set the position'th bit to.
A suitably modified integer.

◆ setBit() [3/5]

void irutils::setBit ( uint32_t *const  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const bool  on 

Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed.

[in,out]dataA pointer to the 32-bit integer to be changed.
[in]positionNr. of the bit to be changed. 0 is the LSB.
[in]onValue to set the position'th bit to.

◆ setBit() [4/5]

void irutils::setBit ( uint64_t *const  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const bool  on 

Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed.

[in,out]dataA pointer to the 64-bit integer to be changed.
[in]positionNr. of the bit to be changed. 0 is the LSB.
[in]onValue to set the position'th bit to.

◆ setBit() [5/5]

void irutils::setBit ( uint8_t *const  data,
const uint8_t  position,
const bool  on 

Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed.

[in,out]dataA pointer to the 8-bit integer to be changed.
[in]positionNr. of the bit to be changed. 0 is the LSB.
[in]onValue to set the position'th bit to.

◆ setBits() [1/3]

void irutils::setBits ( uint32_t *const  dst,
const uint8_t  offset,
const uint8_t  nbits,
const uint32_t  data 

Alter an uint32_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits.

[in,out]dstA pointer to the value to be changed.
[in]offsetNr. of bits from the Least Significant Bit to be ignored
[in]nbitsNr of bits of data to be placed into the destination.
[in]dataThe value to be placed.

◆ setBits() [2/3]

void irutils::setBits ( uint64_t *const  dst,
const uint8_t  offset,
const uint8_t  nbits,
const uint64_t  data 

Alter an uint64_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits.

[in,out]dstA pointer to the value to be changed.
[in]offsetNr. of bits from the Least Significant Bit to be ignored
[in]nbitsNr of bits of data to be placed into the destination.
[in]dataThe value to be placed.

◆ setBits() [3/3]

void irutils::setBits ( uint8_t *const  dst,
const uint8_t  offset,
const uint8_t  nbits,
const uint8_t  data 

Alter an uint8_t value by overwriting an arbitrary given number of bits.

[in,out]dstA pointer to the value to be changed.
[in]offsetNr. of bits from the Least Significant Bit to be ignored
[in]nbitsNr of bits of data to be placed into the destination.
[in]dataThe value to be placed.

◆ sumNibbles() [1/2]

uint8_t irutils::sumNibbles ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint8_t  count,
const uint8_t  init,
const bool  nibbleonly 

Sum all the nibbles together in an integer.

[in]dataThe integer to be summed.
[in]countThe number of nibbles to sum. Starts from LSB. Max of 16.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
[in]nibbleonlytrue, the result is 4 bits. false, it's 8 bits.
The 4/8-bit calculated result of all the nibbles and init value.

◆ sumNibbles() [2/2]

uint8_t irutils::sumNibbles ( const uint8_t *const  start,
const uint16_t  length,
const uint8_t  init 

Sum all the nibbles together in a series of bytes.

[in]startA ptr to the start of the byte array to calculate over.
[in]lengthHow many bytes to use in the calculation.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
The 8-bit calculated result of all the bytes and init value.

◆ uint8ToBcd()

uint8_t irutils::uint8ToBcd ( const uint8_t  integer)

Convert an Integer into a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD).

[in]integerThe number to convert.
An 8-bit BCD value.