/** * @file example.ino * @author Felix Galindo * @date June 2017 * @brief Example using HPMA115S0 sensor library on a Feather 32u4 * @license MIT */ #include #include //Create an instance of software serial SoftwareSerial hpmaSerial(10, 11); // Feather TX, Feather RX //Create an instance of the hpma115S0 library HPMA115S0 hpma115S0(hpmaSerial); void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); hpmaSerial.begin(9600); delay(5000); Serial.println("Starting..."); hpma115S0.Init(); hpma115S0.StartParticleMeasurement(); } void loop() { unsigned int pm2_5, pm10; if (hpma115S0.ReadParticleMeasurement(&pm2_5, &pm10)) { Serial.println("PM 2.5: " + String(pm2_5) + " ug/m3" ); Serial.println("PM 10: " + String(pm10) + " ug/m3" ); } delay(1000); }