/* xsns_42_scd30.ino - SCD30 CO2 sensor support for Tasmota Copyright (C) 2021 Frogmore42 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef USE_I2C #ifdef USE_SCD30 /*********************************************************************************************\ * SCD30 NDIR CO2 Temperature and Humidity sensor \*********************************************************************************************/ #define XSNS_42 42 #define XI2C_29 29 // See I2CDEVICES.md //#define SCD30_DEBUG #define SCD30_ADDRESS 0x61 #define SCD30_MAX_MISSED_READS 3 #define SCD30_STATE_NO_ERROR 0 #define SCD30_STATE_ERROR_DATA_CRC 1 #define SCD30_STATE_ERROR_READ_MEAS 2 #define SCD30_STATE_ERROR_SOFT_RESET 3 #define SCD30_STATE_ERROR_I2C_RESET 4 #define SCD30_STATE_ERROR_UNKNOWN 5 const char kScd30Commands[] PROGMEM = "Scd30|" // Prefix "Alt|Auto|Cal|FW|Int|Pres|TOff"; void (*const kScd30Command[])(void) PROGMEM = { &CmndScd30Altitude, &CmndScd30AutoMode, &CmndScd30Calibrate, &CmndScd30Firmware, &CmndScd30Interval, &CmndScd30Pressure, &CmndScd30TempOffset }; /********************************************************************************************/ #include FrogmoreScd30 scd30; struct { float humidity = 0.0f; float temperature = 0.0f; int error_state = SCD30_STATE_NO_ERROR; int loop_count = 0; int data_not_available_count = 0; int good_measure_count = 0; int reset_count = 0; int error_count = 0; int co2_zero_count = 0; int i2c_reset_count = 0; uint16_t interval; uint16_t co2 = 0; uint16_t co2e_avg = 0; bool init_once; bool found = false; bool data_valid = false; } Scd30; void Scd30Detect(void) { if (!I2cSetDevice(SCD30_ADDRESS)) { return; } scd30.begin(); uint8_t major = 0; uint8_t minor = 0; if (scd30.getFirmwareVersion(&major, &minor)) { return; } if (scd30.getMeasurementInterval(&Scd30.interval)) { return; } if (scd30.beginMeasuring()) { return; } I2cSetActiveFound(SCD30_ADDRESS, "SCD30"); Scd30.found = true; // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("SCD: FW v%d.%d"), major, minor); } // gets data from the sensor every 3 seconds or so to give the sensor time to gather new data void Scd30Update(void) { Scd30.loop_count++; if (Scd30.loop_count > (Scd30.interval - 1)) { uint32_t error = 0; switch (Scd30.error_state) { case SCD30_STATE_NO_ERROR: { error = scd30.readMeasurement(&Scd30.co2, &Scd30.co2e_avg, &Scd30.temperature, &Scd30.humidity); switch (error) { case ERROR_SCD30_NO_ERROR: Scd30.loop_count = 0; Scd30.data_valid = true; Scd30.good_measure_count++; #ifdef USE_LIGHT LightSetSignal(CO2_LOW, CO2_HIGH, Scd30.co2); #endif // USE_LIGHT break; case ERROR_SCD30_NO_DATA: Scd30.data_not_available_count++; break; case ERROR_SCD30_CRC_ERROR: Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_DATA_CRC; Scd30.error_count++; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: CRC error, CRC error: %ld, CO2 zero: %ld, good: %ld, no data: %ld, sc30_reset: %ld, i2c_reset: %ld"), Scd30.error_count, Scd30.co2_zero_count, Scd30.good_measure_count, Scd30.data_not_available_count, Scd30.reset_count, Scd30.i2c_reset_count); #endif break; case ERROR_SCD30_CO2_ZERO: Scd30.co2_zero_count++; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: CO2 zero, CRC error: %ld, CO2 zero: %ld, good: %ld, no data: %ld, sc30_reset: %ld, i2c_reset: %ld"), Scd30.error_count, Scd30.co2_zero_count, Scd30.good_measure_count, Scd30.data_not_available_count, Scd30.reset_count, Scd30.i2c_reset_count); #endif break; default: { Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_READ_MEAS; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: Update: ReadMeasurement error: 0x%lX, counter: %ld"), error, Scd30.loop_count); #endif return; } break; } } break; case SCD30_STATE_ERROR_DATA_CRC: { //Scd30.data_valid = false; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: in error state: %d, good: %ld, no data: %ld, sc30 reset: %ld, i2c reset: %ld"), Scd30.error_state, Scd30.good_measure_count, Scd30.data_not_available_count, Scd30.reset_count, Scd30.i2c_reset_count); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: got CRC error, try again, counter: %ld"), Scd30.loop_count); #endif Scd30.error_state = ERROR_SCD30_NO_ERROR; } break; case SCD30_STATE_ERROR_READ_MEAS: { //Scd30.data_valid = false; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: in error state: %d, good: %ld, no data: %ld, sc30 reset: %ld, i2c reset: %ld"), Scd30.error_state, Scd30.good_measure_count, Scd30.data_not_available_count, Scd30.reset_count, Scd30.i2c_reset_count); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: not answering, sending soft reset, counter: %ld"), Scd30.loop_count); #endif Scd30.reset_count++; error = scd30.softReset(); if (error) { #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: resetting got error: 0x%lX"), error); #endif error >>= 8; if (error == 4) { Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_SOFT_RESET; } else { Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } } else { Scd30.error_state = ERROR_SCD30_NO_ERROR; } } break; case SCD30_STATE_ERROR_SOFT_RESET: { //Scd30.data_valid = false; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: in error state: %d, good: %ld, no data: %ld, sc30 reset: %ld, i2c reset: %ld"), Scd30.error_state, Scd30.good_measure_count, Scd30.data_not_available_count, Scd30.reset_count, Scd30.i2c_reset_count); AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: clearing i2c bus")); #endif Scd30.i2c_reset_count++; error = scd30.clearI2CBus(); if (error) { Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_I2C_RESET; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: error clearing i2c bus: 0x%lX"), error); #endif } else { Scd30.error_state = ERROR_SCD30_NO_ERROR; } } break; default: { //Scd30.data_valid = false; #ifdef SCD30_DEBUG AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("SCD30: unknown error state: 0x%lX"), Scd30.error_state); #endif Scd30.error_state = SCD30_STATE_ERROR_SOFT_RESET; // try again } } if (Scd30.loop_count > (SCD30_MAX_MISSED_READS * Scd30.interval)) { Scd30.data_valid = false; } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Command Scd30 \*********************************************************************************************/ void CmndScd30Altitude(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; scd30.setAltitudeCompensation(value); } else { scd30.getAltitudeCompensation(&value); } ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; void CmndScd30AutoMode(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; scd30.setCalibrationType(value); } else { scd30.getCalibrationType(&value); } ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; void CmndScd30Calibrate(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; scd30.setForcedRecalibrationFactor(value); } else { scd30.getForcedRecalibrationFactor(&value); } ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; void CmndScd30Firmware(void) { uint8_t major = 0; uint8_t minor = 0; int error = scd30.getFirmwareVersion(&major, &minor); if (!error) { float firmware = major + ((float)minor / 100); ResponseCmndFloat(firmware, 2); } }; void CmndScd30Interval(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; int error = scd30.setMeasurementInterval(value); if (!error) { Scd30.interval = value; } } scd30.getMeasurementInterval(&value); ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; void CmndScd30Pressure(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; scd30.setAmbientPressure(value); } else { scd30.getAmbientPressure(&value); } ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; void CmndScd30TempOffset(void) { uint16_t value = 0; if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) { value = XdrvMailbox.payload; scd30.setTemperatureOffset(value); } else { scd30.getTemperatureOffset(&value); } ResponseCmndNumber(value); }; /********************************************************************************************/ void Scd30Show(bool json) { if (Scd30.data_valid) { float t = ConvertTemp(Scd30.temperature); float h = ConvertHumidity(Scd30.humidity); if (json) { ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"SCD30\":{\"" D_JSON_CO2 "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_ECO2 "\":%d,"), Scd30.co2, Scd30.co2e_avg); ResponseAppendTHD(t, h); ResponseJsonEnd(); #ifdef USE_DOMOTICZ if (0 == TasmotaGlobal.tele_period) { DomoticzSensor(DZ_AIRQUALITY, Scd30.co2); DomoticzTempHumPressureSensor(t, h); } #endif // USE_DOMOTICZ #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER } else { WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_CO2EAVG, "SCD30", Scd30.co2e_avg); WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_SNS_CO2, "SCD30", Scd30.co2); WSContentSend_THD("SCD30", t, h); #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } } /*********************************************************************************************\ * Interface \*********************************************************************************************/ bool Xsns42(uint32_t function) { if (!I2cEnabled(XI2C_29)) { return false; } bool result = false; // https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/15438 and datasheet (The boot-up time is < 2 s.) /* if (FUNC_INIT == function) { Scd30Detect(); } */ if (!Scd30.init_once && (FUNC_EVERY_SECOND == function) && (TasmotaGlobal.uptime > 3)) { Scd30.init_once = true; Scd30Detect(); } else if (Scd30.found) { switch (function) { case FUNC_EVERY_SECOND: Scd30Update(); break; case FUNC_COMMAND: result = DecodeCommand(kScd30Commands, kScd30Command); break; case FUNC_JSON_APPEND: Scd30Show(1); break; #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER case FUNC_WEB_SENSOR: Scd30Show(0); break; #endif // USE_WEBSERVER } } return result; } #endif // USE_SCD30 #endif // USE_I2C